NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

Best review of the newest portable power cleaner. Stronger than a hose, easier and more portable than a power washer - WG640 high pressure 20v soap dispenser foam cannon portable power washer

NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet sentiment_very_dissatisfied 193

Reviews 7 years ago 207,689 views

Best review of the newest portable power cleaner. Stronger than a hose, easier and more portable than a power washer - WG640 high pressure 20v soap dispenser foam cannon portable power washer

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Most popular comments
for NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

Troy Elliott
Troy Elliott - 5 years ago
GIVE ME ANSWERS PLEASE...Ok I definitely jumped to fast into buying my single 20v battery version couple weeks ago. Plus I bought it only a week after seeing advertisement on tv. But on Canada tv no advertisement about the single battery 40v nor dual 20v. So why in Canada are we getting advertisenent about the 2017 model not the 2018 single 40v and 2019 dual 20v. I feel cheated and fooled. Tonight I find out there is as in this video same machine but 40v battery and also a dual 20v battery version. I have the receipt but no box threw it out did not think I would be having to return or exchange it since it worked. Machine is mint. Used twice not a scratch. More run time would be nice. Do I need more pressure ??? I don't know. If it does well enough to wash salt of come this winter good. If it washes off green from my siding great. And you said in this video the 40v won't work on my 20v. That seriously bites. Worx think about that fix.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
Hey Troy - deep breath. So here is the deal - I really like the original version (the 1 you own) - this is what I would do if I were you. Keep it and buy a 20v 4Ah battery. The sell them on Ebay for about $20. You will have about 45 min of run time between them. Stay tune for a hack of this model to increase power.
Brian Clutter
Brian Clutter - 5 years ago
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
I don't think they are killing the 40v battery. Maybe the 40v hydroshot?
Bobsyouruncle Wilson
Bobsyouruncle Wilson - 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure you're not suppose to run them dry, even for a few seconds.... and where's the versus as in "20v vs 40v"?
I didn't see any comparison
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
Good point - I have 4 Hyrdoshot videos of all models - check them out for a comparison
peter gold
peter gold - 5 years ago
if the 20 volt is 320 psi what psi do you get from the 40 volt
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
I use this to clean my dirty boots almost every week - I LOVE IT
peter gold
peter gold - 5 years ago
thanks very much im a caretaker i can see a lot of uses for this tool around the tower blocks
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
The 40v is the same pressure but they have a new 2*20 that is aroud 450psi
Bob A
Bob A - 5 years ago
Fruit!?! We are not like a bunch of blithering idiots dude. WTF!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
Don't worry Bob - no fruit was hurt in the making of this video - all CGI work
Bob A
Bob A - 5 years ago
The screw in the surf board was far from 'sparkling clean' This guy is working for the company no doubt to hype these tools. C'mon dude, have a bit more honesty in your pres! Cheesh!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
@Some One Hey - Bob got it right - make it rain....Worx
Some One
Some One - 5 years ago
Kite Army savage comment. nice
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
Are you listening Worx - this guy thinks I should be paid by you - Thanks Bob
Khumoyun Turgunov
Khumoyun Turgunov - 5 years ago
Perfect for motorcycle wash
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
Lots of people use them to clean motocross bikes
g. lee
g. lee - 5 years ago
How long is the hose that comes with it?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
it's long - I think about 25 feet
Rowdy Harris
Rowdy Harris - 5 years ago
I dont know if this is a cell phone, but I need some advice. I am trying to decide on a Sun Joe washer or a Worx Hydroshot. I am going to use it to clean houses and done car about the pressure nearly as much as the reach. I like the Worx's portability more and that you can hook it to a garden hose, but want to make sure it can reach the top of a second story roof, roughly 30 foot. Can you help me out? What is the difference in power/reach between the 40v, 2x20v and the 20v?

10. comment for NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

Terry Taylor
Terry Taylor - 5 years ago
They sell a 40V that uses 2 20v batteries.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
Cool - I did an early spring review of that model
mega0876 - 5 years ago
Another Internet idiot
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago
come on mom - not cool
willy Jilly
willy Jilly - 5 years ago
$50 on clearance from Walmart. Cleaning a intake manifold with it right now. Works like a champ. Tried it no nozzle at first that didn't work out so well...
Kite Army
Kite Army - 5 years ago me 1 too
suherman gunawan
suherman gunawan - 6 years ago
is there a backup battery for worx hydroshot 2018 40v 2ah bro?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
The new model has 2 batteries -see my video
Justin Best
Justin Best - 6 years ago
Is this a sponsored video?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
This is one of my favorite tools - I just released a new video of the latest model - I think it gives a pretty good overview
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Nope - I just like it
Jay J
Jay J - 6 years ago
With the 2liter setup, do you think we could add some soap for washing a vehicle?
99SVTBolt - 6 years ago
Perfect if you’re in a car show and need to clean your car at the show.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
They sell a soap dispenser nozzle. That should work
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think a new Hydroshot is coming out soon - MORE POWER - I would wait a few weeks for it.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
wonder who is right? maybe that is from flat dead
truth_seeker321 Barrington Newman
truth_seeker321 Barrington Newman - 6 years ago
Should i use a specfic link to buy this so you can get paid?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
what the heck?
truth_seeker321 Barrington Newman
truth_seeker321 Barrington Newman - 6 years ago
No problem already did and im about to buy it now. Thanks for the heck too
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Thanks for asking - super cool of you - just throw me a like and we are all GOOD
Louis Y
Louis Y - 6 years ago
Happy new year!!! you got to do one of this comparison...
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Hey mate - already got this ordered. Happy new year to you too!

20. comment for NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

Netarded Riggas
Netarded Riggas - 6 years ago
Can you use a 20V battery for the 40V version?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no - its unfortunate. Hold tight, new model coming soon. MORE POWER
Josh Peterson
Josh Peterson - 6 years ago
How long does the batteries last?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I would guess about 1/2 hour. I have never run mine flat in a single use.
François Sok
François Sok - 6 years ago
Hi! I would like to Know How many power /speed it has? ONLY 2 H/l with or without the lance the same ?
Or 4 speed (2 without thé lance and 2 other DIFFÉRENT with the lance so 4 speed )
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Good question - in reality it is only 2 speeds. The speed without the lance is worthless.
joao zito
joao zito - 6 years ago
Bom dia esta máquina é fabricada nos Estados unidos ou na China?
Lostdeed - 6 years ago
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no help with that one
Frank G
Frank G - 6 years ago
I have the 20 volt version. It stinks that Worx didn’t make it so the batteries could be interchangeable.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
They do sell a 29v 4ah. This should give you longer run times
C Dee
C Dee - 6 years ago
Wanted to say thanks for your video. I bought and used my 40v today based on your recommendations. It is a help around my small ranch and not a replacement for a gas powered unit- but I didn't expect it to be. It is great for what it is and will be a benefit in the years to come. Especially being able to use warm water in a bottle to clean when our Yorkie thinks its too cold to pee on the grass and instead goes on the porch. This unit is great to clean that mess up and plenty of others! I really like being able to use warm water! Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
That is such a nice comment. I think if you learn how this tool works you will be happy with it. Sounds like you did your research. Do you have the 2 liter bottle adapter. I leave mine in the garage with water in it ready to go. Real nice now being that all my hoses are winterized.
lovethepirk - 6 years ago
Dude lmfao, I'm an avid kiter and hydrofoiler and I'm trying to figure this thing out and ran across your ass haha, thanks bro.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Do you own it? If so I can give you a little hack - email me
Raven Longman
Raven Longman - 6 years ago
Can't find where with v40, please help.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
try amazon
Howard Sorenson
Howard Sorenson - 6 years ago
The worx hydroshot comes in 2 colours. Orange and Green. Which is better?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I have never seen the green. However if you can find it in purple that is the best!
ann ellis
ann ellis - 6 years ago
Hi do you think it would clean a head stone Tia
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Absolutely...bring a bucket of water with you. Should clean it up in short order

30. comment for NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

jonny5777 - 6 years ago
Brilliant review mate just what I was looking for
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Simon R
Simon R - 6 years ago
Seems like you never had a real power washer. And is it really fun destroying food ?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
feed that to my pet chimp
Simon R
Simon R - 6 years ago
Banana ?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no food was hurt during the making of this video
Toni Hill
Toni Hill - 6 years ago
Thanks so much! Very helpful!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
That is nice to hear!
_Riot - 6 years ago
It also makes one heck of a water gun.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
got some comments of people using it for that
Austin Roof Preservation
Austin Roof Preservation - 6 years ago
I have a couple questions: How long do you think it would last running bleach thru it. Have you tried running chemicals? Also, I would probably add 20 more feet of hose. With 40 feet of hose, and a bucket on the ground, would it be powerful enough to suck up liquid to someone standing on a roof for applying chemical, not washing?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
2x20 review coming in late winter - can't wait to check it out!
Anthony Garrett
Anthony Garrett - 6 years ago
Just get the soap dispenser and you don't have to worry about any of that also the only real difference between 20v and 40v is runtime in most cases because every tool has a different power draw also there is a 2x20v model coming out in 2019 which makes it 40v
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I'm with you - I bet if you flush them pretty good they might last
Austin Roof Preservation
Austin Roof Preservation - 6 years ago
Thanks. I'm considering the 40V because of the added length and height I need. As for chemicals, I don't care if it breaks after several uses. I know they don't have the necessary seals for that. We would rinse them after every use and buy more. They're not too expensive.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I hesitate to reccomend using this with chemicals. That being said I'm certain that it would have enough power to draw water about 20 feet high (i think)
Chan Ernest
Chan Ernest - 6 years ago
where to buy?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Doron Pascal
Doron Pascal - 6 years ago
#Worx #powershare battery compatibility program is due to country!
us batteries are different from uk etc.
there are multiple versions of powershare batteries which are not compatible one to another!
rhovanion1 - 6 years ago
Has anyone tried to connect the hose to a bathroom sink faucet?
rhovanion1 - 6 years ago
Thank You !
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
They sell hose adapters for bathroom sinks - you just replace the faucet aerator
GRIGOR_ karagozian
GRIGOR_ karagozian - 6 years ago
What happened to 56volts trimer batery?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Worx makes a 20v and 40v not a 56v
Ross Mennie
Ross Mennie - 6 years ago
You wouldn't believe how many times I've needed a water jet to slice up a banana.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no more messy kitchen tools :)
Lucas Ethan
Lucas Ethan - 6 years ago
Good choice for truck drivers
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Nice and handy - good point
Jason Odermatt
Jason Odermatt - 6 years ago
You said a water hose gives an additional 300 some power PSI on top of what it's already got some 600 PSI?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Most house run at between 45-60psi - the hydroshot powers water to about 320psi
Ct Bt
Ct Bt - 6 years ago
Great idea.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
thanks mate..pretty good tool too
johnny bagwell
johnny bagwell - 6 years ago
I've tried this product too, it's very good
Shaun Manning
Shaun Manning - 6 years ago
Very rarely am I so disappointed in a product. I recently purchased one w/ a 40v battery; honestly, it can't even remove the bird mess off my car!! I was literally about to throw it away when the suction wasn't pulling water. I realized that the adapter was not tight and causing a loss of suction. The idea of using this in remote places was appealing don't set your expectations high.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
This thing has exceeded my expectations. Did you use it with the extension - has to be on to get full power?
Nikko Matiz
Nikko Matiz - 6 years ago
Have you used the HYDROSHOT TURBO NOZZLE (ITEM WA4037)? Does it add more power? Thanks for the vid btw!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
The turbo nozzles have a ball inside that rotates around. It cleans a larger area than a straight nozzle but it does not increase pressure. I think these are good for cleaning siding and larger areas. For detail work and areas that you need really strong power go for the straight nozzle.
Annett Nickol
Annett Nickol - 6 years ago
Fruit Ninja? Mit Essen spielt man nicht. :o|
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
John Smitherson
John Smitherson - 6 years ago
Coupon: WX12WA17RN. It won't last long.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Thanks for that
John Smitherson
John Smitherson - 6 years ago
Got it from here. I actually threw in a couple of codes and got one that worked.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Nice of you to share non the less
John Smitherson
John Smitherson - 6 years ago
Damn ...I got $21 off on my order. They post new codes all the time. Search for the site name then promo code.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
it's already expired :)
John Smitherson
John Smitherson - 6 years ago
I cannot seem to find the extra battery for this 40v? They have a 40v on the site but the model for this Hydroshot is not listed under that battery..WTF?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Check out this video - explains the amps/volts thing -
Matt Skea
Matt Skea - 6 years ago
Finally a more convenient way to slice bananas.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
A true first world epidemic....solved

50. comment for NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

Yo Adrian!!!!
Yo Adrian!!!! - 6 years ago
Can u use a 40 volt battery on the 20 volt hydroshot? Or does even fit on 20 volt hydroshot? I just got the 20 volt and want to get another battery but if 40 volt battery works I’ll get it instead. Thank you so much on video!!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
They sell 20v 4ah batteries - these double your run time. I agree these things are great - I use mine at least once a week.
Yo Adrian!!!!
Yo Adrian!!!! - 6 years ago
Kite Army Thank u. I just get a 20 volt battery then. One battery isn’t enough. Lol. I use today to spot free rinse my truck and it works great.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Not without some modifications. They might have an adapter on ebay...but truthfully I did not notice the power difference between the 40v and 20v
Rashid AL-
Rashid AL- - 6 years ago
I am looking for portable/cordless washer to help me cleaning Air condition units above my roof.
As I am living in dusty area I need to clean the cooling unit frequently.

Honestly I doubt this will work.

IF any one know more powerful washer machine please share with me.

Thanks though for the review.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I have a video coming that will show how much power this thing has - I'm always surprised at the performance of this thing
Donald Duck Entenhausen
Donald Duck Entenhausen - 6 years ago
000 power. Ziro Power.
Alan Wong
Alan Wong - 6 years ago
Whats it like when you use mains water? Whats the pressure like? And do you need some kind of special adapter?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no special water adapter - a regular hose fitting.
Sam Sonic
Sam Sonic - 6 years ago
Powerful enough to do household cleaning from patio furniture,siding,walkways etc and the portability is a major plus..I have a Karcher and the power is great but the time to hook it up and the HOSE, I hate those stiff hose, you already have the water hose to deal with. The portability is awesome and can be used in the wintertime, try doing your bathroom tiles in the wintertime with a gas or even electric pressure washer hahaha good luck. Oh and getting rid of those sidewalk weeds is a breeze using this. Thanks for sharing
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I use it to clean my kids shoes when they a muddy - OMG. They sparkle like new.
Bob Errtu
Bob Errtu - 6 years ago
I have one. 40v. I live in a condo and dont have access to a spicket or hose. Use it to clean my patio and car.
Delta November
Delta November - 5 years ago
Bob Errtu Is it any use for cleaning bird shit off a patio?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
it's perfect for people who do not have outside access to a hose. How do you like it?
BoomslangFlyHi - 6 years ago
When you cut the banana I subscribed for a lifetime.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Imagine how many subs I would have if I had of cut the cheese :)
Jeanne Smith
Jeanne Smith - 6 years ago
I was impressed with the clear and fact to the matter video. You answered questions about everything I would ask salesman. Thank you. I hate to go inside the store and have someone come and ask if I need help. That's because I'm small and petite, But I like to use the most powerful tools.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Glad you found my review useful
Happy Lyfe
Happy Lyfe - 6 years ago
Can U Attach a FOAM CANNON?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Yes they sell a foam cannon - I did a review of it.
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
The noise the tool makes does NOTHING to increase the water pressure or volume. Holding a banana to the end of the nozzle doesn't prove anything. That small pump is only useful in pumping out of a bucket with low pressure and doesn't increase the psi of your homes water pressure. I wish I could find an honest review and if someone bought it but wasn't satisfied they would say so.
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Austin Roof Preservation Is that what inverts do when they're menstrual? Please austin you don't have an Adams Apple either. Poor he/she
Austin Roof Preservation
Austin Roof Preservation - 6 years ago
Dude, lighten up. Take a Midol and change your pad. I bet you cant cut a banana with a pump up sprayer either.
DJR5280 - 6 years ago
@Bent Water Is English your first language?
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@DJR5280 I'm talking about a hand pump spray bottle. You can peel a very ripe banana ( like the one in this video) and hold it horizontal and the dam thing will brake apart under it's on weight. This seem very important to you strangely. I don't think a normal human would even give it much thought but an invert like the "guy" in this video would? Tell you want I"ll make a deal with you. Have the owner of this site make a video comparing "himself" with male human anatomy and that he in fact does have an Adams Apple and I'm make the banana video that y'all so desperately long for. All you banana questions will be answered then you can find some other meaningful thing to do. Deal? I don't communicate with inverts so don't waste your time with a long reply. In a month from today I will check back and if the video is there I'll make your banana movie.
DJR5280 - 6 years ago
@Bent Water Are you talking about a pressurized spray bottle that you pump and build pressure or a normal spray bottle with a squeeze trigger and liquid comes out?
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@DJR5280 How hard do you think a ripe banana is? You do what a banana is don't you?
DJR5280 - 6 years ago
@Bent Water Cut a banana with a hand operated spray bottle? Are you out of your mind?
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army Today is the day. Yes it is today you finally answer those two questions you been so avoiding. Funny how I'm accusing you of being an invert and your YouTube name is Kite Army with the purple and gold. Back when I was younger I hear people on television referring to gay people as kites but they weren't really gay just opposite of what they portray like yourself.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
No doubt...all of life's questions will be answered tomorrow :)
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army I hope you'll have the strength to answer my two questions after a good nights sleep. They still remain unanswered.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Time to go to bed...Hugs and Kisses Ben
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army I just realized you did it again avoiding my 2 questions. Paging Adam! Paging Mr Adam's Apple. The sound of silence.
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army Why are you dodging my 2 questions? They are very simple and human anatomy isn't something I made up. You scared of telling the truth? According to human anatomy men do have Adam's Apple's yet you lack one. Also according to human anatomy men have a bony ridge above the eyes their eyes but again you fall short. I bet you one of your coveted pressure washers that if you were to invite your wife or girlfriend on one of your videos the traits you lack "she'll" possess. I can guarantee "her" jaw will be square ( male trait) and if you and your bride stood side by side her arms would be longer, eyes further apart and definitely her head would be much bigger. This is neat. Your peddling Chinese goods and I'm proving to you your opposite of what you portray. You should be one way yet your another. Neat!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I see what you are getting at Ben....yes it is true that aliens are here on earth. This thread is all the proof I need.
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army what's insulting is some THING who's total existence is a lie questioning a once deceived humans integrity. I match perfectly with male human anatomy.
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army no your integrity insult did. I would say it takes a lot of nerves but I know what I'm dealing with. There are still two questions remaining unanswered. Your so interested about what bothered me now let's focus on what your avoiding. I am a human male I have an Adam's Apple and a bony ridge above my eyes that is just 2 of many male traits according to human anatomy. Now why don't you have those to traits?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
You're right Brent....this is way more than I bargained for. I see that smiley faces really get under your skin :)
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army Keep it light ? After realizing I've been brainwashed by the educational system and entertainment industry having someone affiliated with the entertainment industry question my integrity isn't keeping it light ad you know exactly what I'm talking about. The other questions I ask you that still remain unanswered wasn't ask until you threw out your little insult smiley face. I'm one of the few that actually know what they're looking at. God gave me eyes and I now see with them and don't simply let someone in a black box them me what I'm seeing. Just like my YouTube name BENTWATER because you can't bend water but the invert beast in charge have regular humans believing they live on a spinning ball of water when something as simple as the spin cycle of a washing machine says otherwise. I do enjoy my fun comments because there will be normal humans that see them. Some will say I'm crazy but when they simply THINK they will see who crazy and who's not. Bet you didn't bargain for someone that isn't blinded by invert beast and their lies when you made your comment.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Sorry Brent - just trying to keep it light. Keep the fun comments coming :)
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army Are you a man. Would you like to be compared to human anatomy? Where's your Adam's Apple? What about the bony ridge that should be above your eyes? Do you really want to question someone's integrity?
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
@Kite Army My YouTube name is bentwater not brent and it would be very easy to cut a banana with a spray bottle but do you think I would actually waste my time making a video in hopes you would be a man of integrity smiley face? Watching "reviews" on YouTube is nothing more than a television commercial just in a different format and normal humans would be shocked if they knew what they were really seeing on those commercials. I didn't realize what I was looking at until I looked into human anatomy. Researching human anatomy for only a short time will open the eyes of normal humans and let them see what they're really looking at.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no way would Brent cheat - he is a man of integrity :)
DukeOfChirk - 6 years ago
Kite Army you’re screwed if he uses a REALLY ripe banana! ;-)
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Free hydroshot if you can cut a banana with a spray bottle - video required!
Bent Water
Bent Water - 6 years ago
Kite Army no the small pump is battery operated. I could take my hand pump spray bottle and cut a banana. I'm just looking for an honest review fortunately just seeing it being used say it all. Not trying to be mean just giving my opinion.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I thought this was powered by noise and bad
Mevs Fer
Mevs Fer - 6 years ago
U just earned a subscriber , keep up the good work straight to point cheers mi amigo
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Glad to have you!
Mevs Fer
Mevs Fer - 6 years ago
Dude thanks for video i almost returned but after ur video im loving it cheers
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think lots of people make that mistake - me included.
cydonianman - 6 years ago
Oh dude I can clean my tiles in my tub and shower? I didnt think of that. I get tired of scrubbing that shit.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
it's so satisfying too
delbomb3131 - 6 years ago
So I'm a truck driver and this seems like it would be perfect for my windows and rims at a truck stop
Polie - 6 years ago
Same here, thinking it would be perfect.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
It works great on rims - easy to store while on the road
Jus Badd
Jus Badd - 6 years ago
Which is better 40 volt with 2amp or the other 20volt battery with 4 amps NOT the 20volt with 2 amps
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I understand that a new model is coming out soon - that is going to have more power than both of these. Might be worth the wait
Matt Loftus
Matt Loftus - 6 years ago
I did my house siding with did its job can be done just more time consuming..4 days to complete 20v battery only
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Hats of to you - that sounds like a lot of effort. Thanks for the comment
Victor Sinclair
Victor Sinclair - 6 years ago
Thumbnail promised a comparison, actual video: cuts banana and doesn't really do the comparison. Still left wondering how long does it last in comparison to the older one?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Me too
Noconz0727 MC
Noconz0727 MC - 6 years ago
Upping the voltage gives you less run time
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think they wanted to have a tool for folks who already were on the 40v platform.
Robert - 6 years ago
@Kite Army if you say the power is the same between the 2 models then works has messed around with different motors and speed controllers. The basic rule is amps is the fuel tank size and volts is the bhp. But if they have restricted the 40v model to run the same power as the 20v its battery will last longer. It's just silly to do this because to handle higher voltage the electronics cost way more where just increasing the amps on the battery is cheaper.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I didn't understand the logic - but that didn't mean that it was not true. Yeah this is such a great tool, not sure why other companies are not trying to make one for themselves.
170324341a - 6 years ago
Don't listen to that guy. Increased voltage means you can do more work with the same amount of current or the same amount of work more easily. So, the 40v model of the hydroshot doesn't give you more power, because it's restricted, but it will do the same amount of work that the 20v Hydroshot does with less current, which means you should get a longer run time. I'm thinking of buying the Worx. I just wish Dewalt made something like this because I've 3 20v 5AH batteries and a bunch of their tools in my collection.
Jus Badd
Jus Badd - 6 years ago
There is also a 20volt with 4 amps, or a 40 volt with 2amps which do you think would be better
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
So I did not notice any performance increase from the 20v to 40v. Could that mean longer run times. If understand the math correctly it should.
Noconz0727 MC
Noconz0727 MC - 6 years ago
Yes. Increase in voltage increases power. P=VI (Power=Voltage*Current). So the 40V tool will have more power than the 20V.

My 60V circular saw has noticeably more power than my boss's 18V circular saw. But it also has less run time. Which just means I switch batteries out more often.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Very good explanation - so how do you think that plays into watts (power). You would expect that if increase the current you also increase the watts.
Noconz0727 MC
Noconz0727 MC - 6 years ago
It's Ohm's law. Voltage and current are directly proportional. If you double the voltage you also double the current (assuming resistance stays constant). If the batteries are the same size, the 40V would have half the run time.

A good example of this is DeWalt's Flexvolt batteries. They work for both 60V and 20V tools. A 6.0ah battery (on a 20V tool) is only a 2.0ah battery on a 60V tool.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Huh....I did not have that experience
Will 2-B
Will 2-B - 6 years ago
AvE just did a video on the internals of this product that's a pretty cool video as well.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
thanks...I will check it out
Nugenrules - 6 years ago
haha propaganda
Richard Wraith
Richard Wraith - 6 years ago
Move voltage does NOT equal more runtime! Ergh, wish people would know what they were talking about!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Cool channel by the way - love RC stuff
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Please enlighten us old wise one
Tristen Lam
Tristen Lam - 6 years ago
So I can’t just buy a 40v battery for the one I have now? The 20v isn’t powerful enough but I still love this thing lol
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Nope...I would suggest that you hold out for a month - If you need more power
Michael boyd
Michael boyd - 6 years ago
I bought this thing end up returning it it's not quite powerful enough and the battery is only last for maybe 20 minutes
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Stay tuned...more interesting products coming down the pike.
ad1kurniawan - 6 years ago
For how long it runs with each hi n lo position? Where can i get this gadget in Australia? Cheers
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think works sells in australia. Runs for about 30 min in hi - don't know the length of time in lo
djexclusivee - 6 years ago
Battery only last 20 mins wth
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I got about 30min of run time
David B.
David B. - 6 years ago
What do feel is the run time of the battery of the 20V vs the 40V if you were using it out of a bucket?? That is how I would use it - wash my car and lawn mower Thanks Dave
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Thanks for the correction
B L - 6 years ago
Kite Army wrong, it's an hour
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
nope I think the 40v is a 2ah battery - run time should be about 1/2 hour
David B.
David B. - 6 years ago
so the 40Volt would be an hour - double than?? I just bought it and couldn't see any where where they give run times before battery needs recharging Thanks for quick reply
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I get about 30min of run time out of the 20v with a 4ah battery - more than enough
Dude S
Dude S - 6 years ago
I don't understand how people use that thing; I bought one (20V) and returned it after 20 minutes.
Use a garden hose with a small nozzle (like the Little Big Shot Super Nozzle from Home Depot) and you are better off.
B L - 6 years ago
Adi Satzinger you don't know how to read product descriptions do you?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I have no reason to say this other than it is my truth - this is one of my favorite tools and I don't think that a week has passed that I have not used it. I guess it is my fault if I could not clearly communicate this in my video...
L337 - 6 years ago
U know what? funny thing is worx is a chinese company and the new 40v version is not available there.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Larry Hannum
Larry Hannum - 6 years ago
B L - 6 years ago
L337 Everything we buy in America is fucking Chinese, what's your point?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I bet that's not unusual
Damayla Phoenix
Damayla Phoenix - 6 years ago
that would make a awesome water gun
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
For some really lucky kid
Haymaker ubettalookout
Haymaker ubettalookout - 6 years ago
Get u a preasure washer people.. leave this shit alone
B L - 6 years ago
dee long Nobody cares little wang long
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
right...don't touch or eat the poo
Mr Persevere
Mr Persevere - 6 years ago
Would this be any good for a bicycling cleaning there might be up to 50 washes per week? Thanks
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think this would be perfect...portable, light, and gentle enough not to damage bikes.
in2food - 6 years ago
My experience with worx products is that they work fine but the battery dies in about a year, and the replacement costs close to as much as an entire new unit.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Amazon all day every day
Ryan Gehrke
Ryan Gehrke - 6 years ago
Ebay or Amazon my friend
B L - 6 years ago
Cry more?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
That could be true. I have had my hydroshot for a year without a problem. Lets see..
Chris 101
Chris 101 - 6 years ago
No sign of this in UK sadly, wont buy the 20v version as I want more power
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I thought so too....
Stu Moseley
Stu Moseley - 6 years ago
Thought it would have been more powerful being twice the voltage. Bigger ah battery would make it last longer.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I have the 20v and 40v and cant tell a difference in power = only run time.
Stu Moseley
Stu Moseley - 6 years ago
I almost brought the 20 and stumbled across the 40. Contacted sales who have no idea of availability in the UK. I'll wait and see what happens
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think with the success of the hydroshot your going to see more like products.
ToddB987 - 6 years ago
Got this coming next week very excited. Can I put window cleaning concentrate directly in bucket?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Perfect....just in time for the nice weather. Did you get the 20v or 40V. I would avoid puting cleaner solution in the water - it could damage the pump. They have a nozzle that is meant for this purpose. Here's the video:
thespig13 - 6 years ago
For that money, get a actual powerwasher
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
and that's not all - it slices and dices
KenDroid66 - 6 years ago
@Kite Army And nanner slicer.
KenDroid66 - 6 years ago
LOL. That's like going in an e-bike thread and saying 'just get a motor cycle'. Duh. We're talking battery powered stuff here. Cord cutters!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I couldn't have said it better - thanks mate
Ryan Gehrke
Ryan Gehrke - 6 years ago
It has it's place, I have the 20v and love it. For small cleaning projects it's great. There's no power cord running here, and then the water source hose and wand hose running there. Just grab a battery and get a small project done w/o dragging out the larger pressure washer. Great for boating, docks, and quick rinse of the camper.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
That's so good that you got the bottle attachment - lots of people are having issues sourcing.
Hardcore For All
Hardcore For All - 6 years ago
I got the unit 40v and bottle attachment for $132, the portability is definitely worth considering. I will also use this a lot washing the cars
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Let me see if I can explain - A power washer is like a jackhammer and a hydroshot is like a scapel. Different tools - different applications. That's the best I can do.
shmutube - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for doing this review! I was wondering what the difference was between the 20 volt and 40 volt models
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
surprisingly I have not. It just seems to add longer run time - although I never had a run time problem with the 20v either.
shmutube - 6 years ago
Kite Army - have you found a notable increase in gpm or psi?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
no worries mate...glad you found it helpful.
Shamsul Haque
Shamsul Haque - 6 years ago
i would like to buy 1, please let me know the address to buy for me.
the cat
the cat - 6 years ago
Can we use that as a car dryer?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think this answers your question:
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee - 6 years ago
Put a small magnet on the main unit to access full power with the short wand. Look at the long wand and you'll see the small round magnet. Just stick one in the same place.
Some One
Some One - 5 years ago
Thomas Lee what does a magnet possibly do to improve water flow?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I will have to try that
D Jaquith
D Jaquith - 6 years ago
That pealed banana is convincing me this is a piece of crap and a finger powered squirt gun would be better! It needs 300% or more PSI, at least 800 PSI, enough to clean a tub or shower.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Sounds like you take good car of your wheels :)
D Jaquith
D Jaquith - 6 years ago
Kite Army
If I were doing mobile detailing then I'd either have a trailer or a van with at least a 100 gallon tank with a 12V or gas low pressure, pressure washer. Water is a key lubricant and there's a high correlation with low water (water conservation) and micro-scratches.

Frankly I never use a pressure washer to wash a car, I prefer a hose and sprayer. Unless my car were caked with mud or salt, but I live in salt and I'm not off-roading my vehicles.

I drop my cars off at a detailer for an annual polish/wax, carpet/seat cleaning and deep clay cleaning.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
that's the thing...see I use the hydroshot for cleaning that you would not consider using a pressure washer for. It's absolutely not a pressure washer replacement - I guess it's a new category of tool. In my opinion.
D Jaquith
D Jaquith - 6 years ago
Kite Army
Right tools. I live in Florida, I own a house with a pool and a 200' paver driveway .. so I hope you're joking. Otherwise you must be renting. Even using a 4 GPM gas pressure washer with a surface cleaner wipes out an afternoon cleaning just my driveway. I only use a crap 1.2 GPM electric around the pool deck and covered Lanai (no gas fumes). I take my car through an unlimited membership soft cloth car wash, a pressure washer can't clean a car .. you need a cloth or good sponge .. a pressure washer can deliver soap, spray off loose surface debris and rinse.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I sold my gas power washer and bought an electric about a year ago. Since I got the hydroshot that has not seen the light of day. I just used it today to clean my kids shoes. The convenience of the hydroshot is hard to beat. BTW i use the water bottle adapter a lot.
D Jaquith
D Jaquith - 6 years ago
Kite Army
I'm learning towards the Sun Joe SPX6000C-XR iON Cordless Pressure Washer | 1160 PSI | 40V |

It's not going to replace my gas powered or even my 120V AC electric power washers. I'm looking for something 100% portable and something not insane to clean a stand-up shower inside my house.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I totally agree - if you look closely the banana is spoiled
Felipe Cordero
Felipe Cordero - 6 years ago
you did nothing in comparing them first and last time come to this channel
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
you won't be able to resist
Steve Salem
Steve Salem - 6 years ago
This thing doesn’t seem to be available anywhere. Worx doesn’t even show it on there site.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Only people who don’t own hydroshots hate on them.
Steve Salem
Steve Salem - 6 years ago
I got mine about a week ago and used it for the first time today. It worked better then expected. I filled a 7 gallon water jug and used only about half the water to wash my car. And battery was still at 2/3. So it’s very efficient on the water. What didn’t work to well for me was the soap dispenser. I used Mr Pink undiluted on the end of the long wand and got very little suds. Maybe I need to use it on the short wand.
PhantomZero - 6 years ago
Steve Salem it's available at lowes
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
They have been selling like crazy - I think they are struggling to keep up with the demand
Christopher Engell
Christopher Engell - 6 years ago
Yes please do a side by side of the 20 & 40 Volt unit. FYI also if attach a small magnet to the end of the short stock Hydroshot and use the short head unit it will put the Hydroshot into turbo more without the extra long extension.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
sure - head-to-head coming soon
Marko ASDA Driver
Marko ASDA Driver - 6 years ago
Works are low end tools. Don't waste your money.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Most of their tools are not for commercials use BUT the Hydroshot is one awesome tool for around the home
Ryan Christensen
Ryan Christensen - 6 years ago
Great :-( I had just bought the 20v version 2 weeks ago dangit! Please do a comparison 20v vs 40v and runtime comparison as well. I did buy a 20v 4 amp hr battery for my hydroshot but I haven't had a chance to use it yet. Subscribed!
Pro1er - 6 years ago
Andrew, I have the 20V but since I don't have any other Worx tools I had thought about getting the 40V and selling the 20V. Why did you decide to keep the 20V over the 40V?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I would go with the 56v stuff too...The 40v is too light for the blower.
Ryan Christensen
Ryan Christensen - 6 years ago
Kite Army yeah I might be returning it since I haven't unboxed it yet. I can get the 56v combo off eBay with a 20% coupon for $240 direct from worx in Charlotte nc.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I just saw the display at Walmart. I'm going to include Works tools in a big head-to-head in the next few weeks
Ryan Christensen
Ryan Christensen - 6 years ago
Kite Army yeah I'm planning on keeping the 20v since I bought the 1500 lumen worklight which probably won't accept the 40v battery. Although I just bought the 40v trimmer/blower combo from walmart for $149. But there is a 56v version out there as well! Ugh these several versions are too many to choose from worx!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Welcome to the Army - More hydroshot videos are on the way. BTW, I kept my 20v and gave away the 40, so don't feel bad.
Spencer Chiu
Spencer Chiu - 6 years ago
So, did you try it by using hot water, cos I think if it works with hot water, it will be more easy to clean grease in the kitchen. Thanks
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I have used it with hot problem
g metz
g metz - 6 years ago
Pressure washer you mean power washer uses heat.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Oh....I see those terms being used interchangeably (possibly incorrectly)
jpntjp1 - 6 years ago
I prefer the Sunjoe SPX600 over the Worx any day...
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I'm not sure the vest will flatter your body type :)
jpntjp1 - 6 years ago
Kite Army send me 2... also send me one of those vests you wear.. they look so comfy cozy
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Hey mate!! Is that you Jimmy? Oh well, I was going to send you one.....
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I have never tried the Sun Joe powerwasher...I believe they are really for different uses
xXG.L.HXx - 6 years ago
I'd say to ANYONE looking to buy a Hydro Shot, go to the Worx ebay store and buy the refurb 20v model and save huge money and still have full factory warranty. You can get the 20v regular package for $49.99 shipped or the delux package for $79.99 yet you'll pay less when you use an ebay coupon which is pumped out regularly. The psi difference between the 20v and the 40v is approx 10psi more, it won't make a difference. I modded my 20v Hydro Shot to use my 18v milwaukee batteries so I have no worries in that area. Hydro Shot is a fantastic tool and you'll use it more than you think.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
No doubt...this is just the beginning!
xXG.L.HXx - 6 years ago
Kite Army Yes, I almost bought the 40v model until I saw it's only a 15psi difference plus I found the refurb units. One day these untis will have brushless motors and will be even better.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Great suggestions - also the 40v model is out now:
Tony W
Tony W - 6 years ago
You should try the Sun Joe portable battery operated pressure washer.
Jay Mendez
Jay Mendez - 6 years ago
too bulky.
Jim Keane
Jim Keane - 6 years ago
carsutube l
carsutube - 6 years ago
Problem with the sunjoe is the motor won’t stop running when you let go of the trigger. Many people have defective units. It’s an obvious issue with this unit. They would be better off spending money designing the unit base to be bigger and better. People can use their own 5 gallon bucket.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Your right! Just ordered. Although I really believe it serves a different purpose than the Hydroshot - will see soon :)

100. comment for NEW 2018 WORX HYDROSHOT - Cordless 40v | Clean windows, car, furniture, boat, deck, patio, pet

heresteven - 6 years ago
hotels would love that for their cleaning staff
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
that's brilliant
Marcin T
Marcin T - 6 years ago
So it's look like I can stay with my 20v version. No reall reason to change.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
That is correct...
Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips - 6 years ago
Only difference I see between the 20 and 40 volt, is the 20 is 320 PSI. The 40 is 335.
Right now it's a $10 difference. But the 20 volt will most likely get a lower price, and go and sale.
It the 15 PSI that big of a difference?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I didn't notice a huge difference in performance - I think it's going to be run time
Lich King
Lich King - 6 years ago
2.0 ah battery though
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
yeah. they have a 4ah 20v but not sure if they have one for the 40v platform
Barry Inn
Barry Inn - 6 years ago
Nothing but a toy
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
And there is a place for it in my heart....I just love it! But you're right it is not a powerwasher!
ms3er - 6 years ago
It's absolutely NOT a reaplacement for a power washer but then let's face it, there is a place for it in the market. I use mine to waterless wash my cars in the garage. Uses a bit more water than a garden spryaer but it also does the job of soaking the car much faster and the pressure will help remove more of the dirt before wiping with the only cost being a gallon or so more water usage overall.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
All i can say is that I tried.....i really tried
gospos1 - 6 years ago
Not a toy...great tool!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Totally wromg! Tony likes his Hydrsohot too!
Tony W
Tony W - 6 years ago
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I love my toys
Ketan Joshi
Ketan Joshi - 6 years ago
How i get hydroshot in India? And what about after sale sarvics?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
mountain bike? I used this to clean before I put it in my car
Ketan Joshi
Ketan Joshi - 6 years ago
Kite Army, ok. Actually i am looking this product for my bike, i am a rider.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I think these are in short supply...give it a few weeks
Ketan Joshi
Ketan Joshi - 6 years ago
Kite Army, yes i have.. But this product not available on Amazon. In
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Do you have amazon?
Sam - 6 years ago
I absolutely love the Hydroshot. I have the 20v and it has been very useful for washing the car during winter, cleaning the shower and especially the windows around the house. Now what would be cool is if Worx made a large watertank (like 15-20liters) with a garden hose connector. Hmm.. would probably not be too difficult to macgyver something like that.
LaserFalcon - 6 years ago
Can you run hot or warm water for winter use?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Richard Utting
Richard Utting - 6 years ago
Sam i
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
With the success they are having with this model, I wouldn't rule ideas like that our.
38t4hjvg - 6 years ago
They should make a backpack reservoir ala supersoaker CPS 3000
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
I'm with you , not sure why Worx does not make a bottle to attach to this unit.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Z, this video could use some down thumbs....
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Hey Zach, I admire a man who can express themselves with emojis. Let your emoji flag fly, my buddy!
Louis Y
Louis Y - 6 years ago
My parent lives next to river with a deck. Mad amount bird droppings in some days. They used to use clean fresh water which cost them money. Since last year. They drop the hose and kept the deck clean without wasting clean water!!!
Kite Army
Kite Army - 6 years ago
Zack this may come as a surprise to you, but this video was not made specifically for you. For example, people who clean their boats or camp may use the river as a water source. Thanks for watching....
R Alb
R Alb - 7 years ago
Is there any difference at all between the two power washers 20 vs 40. I'm assuming just the run time.
Kite Army
Kite Army - 7 years ago
I did not notice BUT I need to do some testing to be sure.
Louis Y
Louis Y - 7 years ago
Damn it. Less than one year. New model. Is it more powerful? U need to do a comparing video...
B L - 6 years ago
Ryan Christensen Pretty much the same
B L - 6 years ago
Jan Jones I use hot water in my new 40V model, I don't see what the big deal is
L337 - 6 years ago
i guess it is around 10% more powerful or even less, just compare the psi
Louis Y
Louis Y - 6 years ago
definitely borderline hotwater was great in a 2 liter bottle for winter quick / light wash of your car...
Jan Jones
Jan Jones - 6 years ago
Hi.loving your videos..thanks..waiting for my hydroshot order from Amazon..cant wait....CAN YOU USE WARM WATER??..havent seen any of the adverts mentioning this...thanks again
Ryan Christensen
Ryan Christensen - 6 years ago
FCA1975 yeah I had to buy the 20v off Ebay through Worx, granted I got it for under $100.
FCA1975 - 6 years ago
Yeah, they got us good. What's more, I saw the 40V Hydroshot at Wal-Mart! Supposedly you could not get the 20V in stores at all last year. WTF
Ryan Christensen
Ryan Christensen - 6 years ago
Kite Army would the 20v 4 amp hr battery runtime be comparable to the 40v 2 amp or would it still outlast it?
Kite Army
Kite Army - 7 years ago
I know the feeling :( I did not notice a huge power difference - just run time. I will do a test sometime this summer.

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