NITRO Boats: Z21 Walk Around Review with Kevin VanDam

Kevin VanDam reviews the 2016 NITRO Z21 next-generation performance fishing boat.

NITRO Boats: Z21 Walk Around Review with Kevin VanDam sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Reviews 9 years ago 209,992 views

Kevin VanDam reviews the 2016 NITRO Z21 next-generation performance fishing boat.

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Most popular comments
for NITRO Boats: Z21 Walk Around Review with Kevin VanDam

northerniltree - 5 years ago
24 lunker bass gave this video a down vote.
Red Flame
Red Flame - 5 years ago
I don’t know about a nitro because the price is cheap
Earl Garcia
Earl Garcia - 6 years ago
Kevin looks like a manager at Discount Auto Parts from Bremen Indiana.
hulkhuggett - 6 years ago
Can someone please tell me what the facination Is with bass boats? Is it bc of the speed? Or what???
I LOVE boats! My current boat is a tracker 17ft deep v. I owned a bass boat, I recently went out on my friend's 2018 Nitro, and I just truly don't see the value of one. There is no room like a deep v, the seating is very limited, there is no protection, like the walls on a deep v and they sit so low I get water in my beer when we're moving fast. I'm not bashing on bass boats, I just really don't know why, or what it is, that everyone likes so much about bass boats. Can someone please explain?
- Cheers!
G webster
G webster - 6 years ago
It's basically a biggest dick competition.
hulkhuggett - 6 years ago
@Miller Murdaugh haha! I figured it had to do with speed. I still think the deep V's are more comfortable. I had a bass boat and drinking beer wasn't nearly as fun in it. Thanks for the reply.
Miller Murdaugh
Miller Murdaugh - 6 years ago
hulkhuggett as a tournament angler, having a fast boat is very important, not only that but the storage that they have and the fishability of the boat really is designed for tournaments. Not only that but you look badass in a bass boat lol
Changsoo Hahm
Changsoo Hahm - 6 years ago
Good for professionals.. not so much for regular guys..
Andy Lam
Andy Lam - 7 years ago
I got hard watching this video
D Sully
D Sully - 7 years ago
Nitro has came along way in the last few years, I love the layout personally. And for the price can’t really go wrong.
alex korn
alex korn - 5 years ago
And the complaints are coming back about poor quality design.
alex korn
alex korn - 7 years ago
Why is nitro just now making a quality boat?
Musical Gear
Musical Gear - 7 years ago
...I would give my left testicle for this boat. All bass boats are close to the same these days. And yeah, the rangers are silly over priced. Of course theyre all over priced but rangers have always been the top priced. I love the fact that Nitro is keeping the prices down. And I love the fact that the number one Bass fisherman to ever live has used the Nitro boats exclusively. Kinda tells us all least if you want to hear it.
alex korn
alex korn - 7 years ago
James Brady they may be cheaper but thats because they are cheaply made. It will start to fall apart in a year.

10. comment for NITRO Boats: Z21 Walk Around Review with Kevin VanDam

Bassslayer118 - 7 years ago
If your a true bass fisherman you know nitro is at the low low end of the spectrum, built with cheap plastic parts, thin carpet, terrible seats and bad design.
alex korn
alex korn - 7 years ago
I had to replace my seats in my 2014 z8 3 times already. They use really cheap material for the boats.
Musical Gear
Musical Gear - 7 years ago
Yeah right, thats why the most legendary fisherman to ever live has used Nitro boats for 20 years. Oh, of course he couldnt use any other one and have a new one each year for free and get paid to use it...right. I love people who have this mentality...especially on tournament day. I know, right now, where there are two, 20+ year old Nitros that are still on the water 3-5 times a week. And still have the same engines, etc. But I wonder why anyone would buy such cheap garbage. Keep on paying for those labels pal, ....lolol
WEVA111 - 8 years ago
$58,000 :(
Rolly - 8 years ago
Day box for the 2018 model
dehan van der merwe
dehan van der merwe - 8 years ago
i forgot to ask do you sell nitro boats in South-Africa because i life in South-Africa and it wil cost me a lot of money to get it from USA to South-Africa so it wil be cheaper if you sell them here
TheBassAcademy - 8 years ago
I also am a pro bass fisherman and am also sponsered by NITRO and I fish FLW and bassmaster I fish right next to KVD and I will be honest with you guys I fished out of skeeters,Tritons and rangers but NITRO is by far a more superior boat than any of the others I have metioned. They really take the angeler into consideration when building these boats and every aspect of it. I really enjoy fishing from my NITRO Z21. And would recommend you go out and take a look at these quality boats you will not be dissapointed...
alex korn
alex korn - 7 years ago
TheBassAcademy these boats fall apart very easily. Biggest pieces of shit i ever sat in.
Musical Gear
Musical Gear - 7 years ago
If it was still 1975 I would be fishing right beside you but this wonderful sport which was started by working class guys has become the rich mans game. I fish and have for 20+ years. I have won countless contests and tournaments but with the prices of equipment I stand no chance of competing in the top levels of the sport. I have the tackle, the reels, rods, etc. But I cant afford the boat I would need to compete. I have even offered half of my winnings just to use a boat during the tournaments. But I pray to God in Heaven that I get the chance to compete with the FLW tour guys soon. People trash talking about this boat have no concept. I would give a kidney for this boat, AND a testicle.
slowfaller - 8 years ago
Hoping to get a Nitro boat tomorrow...a 1995 one but I'm pumped!
urbina - 8 years ago
the only reason you run nitro is because they give them you...
Don Baine
Don Baine - 6 years ago
urbina don't be a hater. That guy could have any boat he wants. They would all pay him well to run their boats. You get the dummy award today.
Musical Gear
Musical Gear - 7 years ago
Yeah of course no other boat company would give the most legendary bass fisherman to ever live a boat. Moronic comment urbina. He could not only get a free boat every year from any bass boat builder but also get paid to use it. He uses Nitro, he has always used Nitro, because he likes nitro. He has had offers from all of those high dollar companies but he stuck with what he likes and the company who stood behind him for 20 years. Its called LOYALTY, HONOR, and INTEGRITY. Theres barely any difference in the bass boats of our modern time. Even the Bass Trackers are awesome these days.
Tyler neis
Tyler neis - 8 years ago
does the removable third sit come with the boat or is that an extra cost?
dehan van der merwe
dehan van der merwe - 8 years ago
how match is it for the nitro z21 with power pole and gps and fish finder and dept fimder on front of the much is the boat then
dehan van der merwe
dehan van der merwe - 8 years ago
TheBassAcademy - 8 years ago
you are looking at about 55k for the set up you're talking about. That comes in the NITRO Pro packages available in the Z19,Z20 and the Z21.
matt jusczyk
matt jusczyk - 8 years ago
The tritons r way better
alex korn
alex korn - 7 years ago
matt jusczyk anything is better
Tattoos by Brad Conner
Tattoos by Brad Conner - 8 years ago
Nitro should do a cut-away video. i would like to see if it sinks. skeeter and ranger both cut huge holes in the hull and the still float

20. comment for NITRO Boats: Z21 Walk Around Review with Kevin VanDam

ubb4me - 8 years ago
This boat and a truck +80k. I guess I can sleep in the boat. It does have padded deck carpeting. I make $150k a year and cant afford this thing.
dehan van der merwe
dehan van der merwe - 8 years ago
i cant wait till i have alot of money to buy the boat i love it lots of space on the boat and lots an storage place s
moneyman89065 - 8 years ago
Mind says yes. Bank says no. One day...
The Outdoorsman
The Outdoorsman - 9 years ago
Wish I could aford that or have someone sponsor it I would fish wherever they asked like if rapala sponsored me I'm a great fisherman
Buddy Long
Buddy Long - 9 years ago
freaking awesome!
barbwirepupp - 9 years ago
You wear slack to fish? Really? . . .
Alinda Johnson
Alinda Johnson - 8 years ago
lance roe
lance roe - 9 years ago
Ranger knock off thank johnny gelcoat sucks and go knock on the sides no foum mine cracked in 18 places back to ranger boats member kid is paid well to run sh.t
ChopperRead - 9 years ago
the Ranger z521c is still a much nicer boat!
ddm62571 - 7 years ago
ChopperRead umm not really, at least not $20,000 nicer. Rangers are way over priced!
Dane Harker
Dane Harker - 8 years ago
ChopperRead yeah but this boat is around 20,000 dollars cheaper.
Blake Tilley
Blake Tilley - 8 years ago
Bassmaster1 bassmaster1
Bassmaster1 bassmaster1 - 9 years ago
does the z18 have all the stuff that the z21 has and is just shorter than the z21
Kevin - 9 years ago
The Nitro 21 and Triton 21/22 seem to have the exact same design all throughout. Looks like Nitro caught up.

30. comment for NITRO Boats: Z21 Walk Around Review with Kevin VanDam

David W. Johnson
David W. Johnson - 9 years ago
andrew fogle
andrew fogle - 9 years ago
Why does it matter what type of boat you own? As long as you're fishing your winning.
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed - 9 years ago
Rangers are consistently 20k more compared to nitro, gotta love that
ToneW - 9 years ago
WOW, CHAMPION BOATS ARE BACK !!!!! NITRO  bought the hull designs
HighAsCaptnKirk - 9 years ago
Who can afford these boats?
Caleb Godwin
Caleb Godwin - 8 years ago
you must be under a rock if you think toyota isnt quite there on their trucks. I have owned TONS of different trucks and toyota has been hands down the best of the best so far. I have owned all the majors brands and most in their diesel and gas offerings. Guess what I found myself back in a new gen tacoma. The tacos and tundras have been 2 of the US best selling trucks for years.
STEVE - 8 years ago
+zwinns What a shame to pull a boat like this with a Tundra, which is generally not considered a "real" truck....but hell, I'd drive a Tundra if they were my sponsor. I actually love toyota vans and cars, I just think they're not quite "there" with their trucks.
zwinns - 9 years ago
+HighAsCaptnKirk Add in the truck, rods and tackle :p
Garrett Howell
Garrett Howell - 9 years ago
Yea u right ha ha
chris smith
chris smith - 9 years ago
Yeah right. That's why you're at home watching a review of it on youtube and not out in it or at work paying for it.
Garrett Howell
Garrett Howell - 9 years ago
I can
chris smith
chris smith - 9 years ago
@HighAsCaptnKirk not me, but they sell.
Jake Morris
Jake Morris - 9 years ago
I noticed he switched from hummingbird to Lowrance. Boat is so bad ass. I'd do anything for one of those
Bassin W Coast
Bassin W Coast - 9 years ago
@Jake Morris
It's a demo boat. He's still with HB which is better imo
geoff - 9 years ago
The reason you like a nitro is you don't have to pay for it let's be honest here
Musical Gear
Musical Gear - 7 years ago
Dont you know that he could have ANY boat he wanted for FREE???!! He hasnt paid for a boat in 15 years. In fact, they probably pay him to use the boat. Highly obtuse remark there pal
Drive Clean Auto Detailing
Drive Clean Auto Detailing - 7 years ago
Winston Xiong they have the boat while they are anglers, they can use it any time they want. it's basically like it being theirs.
geoff - 9 years ago
@Dandyd Mason oh of course lol I'd be their biggest supporter.
Dandyd Mason
Dandyd Mason - 9 years ago
@geoff free is good !!! I would like what ever they gave me :)
socalpIII - 9 years ago
Nitro bought Ranger, the Z21 is basically a Ranger Z520 with a nitro name.
Mr. J
Mr. J - 6 years ago
Team Wagy
Team Wagy - 9 years ago
@socalpIII Ranger's older boat was actually called a Ranger Z-21, I know because I own one. They wouldn't have been able to use the name unless they bought them lol.
Luke Kitchen
Luke Kitchen - 9 years ago
Funny never saw the Fish in the livewell. 14:24
jacob douglass
jacob douglass - 9 years ago
The fish is in the left live well
Richard Griswold
Richard Griswold - 9 years ago
Nitro just stepped up there game big time ranger better watch out because here comes Nitro!!!!!!
chris smith
chris smith - 9 years ago
@Richard Griswold Yeah right. Nitro owns Ranger. They had to buy out the company in order to learn how to build a good boat! (I have a Triton so I win either way.)
OutofWORKoutdoors - 9 years ago
looks beastin....what is the top speed on this thing?
Chase Edmonston
Chase Edmonston - 7 years ago
With one console and 3/4 tank with a lot of tackle I get mine to 73.5
TheBassAcademy - 8 years ago
Top speed on the Z21 with the ProXS 250 is about 72..
Richard Griswold
Richard Griswold - 9 years ago
@OutofWORKoutdoors around 75

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