Newer version of SV Delos - AMEL 55 at the Southampton Boat Show 2017

The stunning new Amel 55 is a luxurious blue water cruiser. These yachts are made to tackle oceans in comfort which can be seen in the youtube channel SV Delos. (Link to Sailing SV Delos below) This video isn't a review of any kind, it is just us giving you guys a little tour of the new Amel 55. It also isn't a speculation on the plans of "Sailing SV Delos" the youtube channel. Although you can feel free to discuss in the comments below, what you think Brian, Brady & Kaz are going to do or what you would like to see them do regarding Delos. Since we put this video out(19th Sept 2017) Sailing SV Delos have released(22nd Sept 2017)an in-depth tour of the 55 and a Amel factory tour. Go check it out. (link below) Hopefully you enjoyed this video, if you did please give us a thumbs up or even better still, hit the SUBSCRIBE button, you could even press the bell icon to get notified of new videos. Thanks for your support, it really means a lot to us. Gav, Hannah, Liam & Kyle x Please SUBSCRIBE it helps us wanting to keep the content coming. JOIN US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦ Keep up to date with the very latest information on our facebook page. πŸ“Έ See our latest pictures and mini videos on our instagram page. _______________________________________________________ SUPPORT US & OUR FUTURE CONTENT: β˜•οΈ For the price of a small coffee you could help with the creation of content and we have some great giveaways for those that support us. ____________________________________________________________________ THE EQUIPMENT WE USE: πŸ“Ή Canon 550D πŸ“· GoPro Hero 3 (Black Edition) 🚁 DJI Mavic Drone πŸ“± iPhone 7 plus ________________________________________________________________ FOR EDITING: πŸ–₯ Apple Mac πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’» Final Cut Pro x ____________________________________________________________________ LINKS: Amel 55 SV Delos youtube channel SV Delos Patreon page SV Delos Amel factory tour

Newer version of SV Delos - AMEL 55 at the Southampton Boat Show 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 79

Reviews 7 years ago 97,124 views

The stunning new Amel 55 is a luxurious blue water cruiser. These yachts are made to tackle oceans in comfort which can be seen in the youtube channel SV Delos. (Link to Sailing SV Delos below) This video isn't a review of any kind, it is just us giving you guys a little tour of the new Amel 55. It also isn't a speculation on the plans of "Sailing SV Delos" the youtube channel. Although you can feel free to discuss in the comments below, what you think Brian, Brady & Kaz are going to do or what you would like to see them do regarding Delos. Since we put this video out(19th Sept 2017) Sailing SV Delos have released(22nd Sept 2017)an in-depth tour of the 55 and a Amel factory tour. Go check it out. (link below) Hopefully you enjoyed this video, if you did please give us a thumbs up or even better still, hit the SUBSCRIBE button, you could even press the bell icon to get notified of new videos. Thanks for your support, it really means a lot to us. Gav, Hannah, Liam & Kyle x Please SUBSCRIBE it helps us wanting to keep the content coming. JOIN US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦ Keep up to date with the very latest information on our facebook page. πŸ“Έ See our latest pictures and mini videos on our instagram page. _______________________________________________________ SUPPORT US & OUR FUTURE CONTENT: β˜•οΈ For the price of a small coffee you could help with the creation of content and we have some great giveaways for those that support us. ____________________________________________________________________ THE EQUIPMENT WE USE: πŸ“Ή Canon 550D πŸ“· GoPro Hero 3 (Black Edition) 🚁 DJI Mavic Drone πŸ“± iPhone 7 plus ________________________________________________________________ FOR EDITING: πŸ–₯ Apple Mac πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’» Final Cut Pro x ____________________________________________________________________ LINKS: Amel 55 SV Delos youtube channel SV Delos Patreon page SV Delos Amel factory tour

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Most popular comments
for Newer version of SV Delos - AMEL 55 at the Southampton Boat Show 2017

MRMR - 6 years ago
The Delos crew will never stop traveling the world. It is in their blood to search and to discover. It is their curiosity to move forward just to see and to learn. For me it is not a matter of what boat they do this on but what they seek to learn. I do love the Amel because it is such a sturdy boat but in the end I do not follow them because of what they are on but because of who they are. To many people went after La Vagabond because they said they sold out. Guess what fools. Get on a boat that is worn out and that will cost thousands just to stay sea worthy. Also there is the safety factor. It is not about the boat but it's about the experience and it's about learning. It's about becoming the best person you can be and living the life that was given to you.
Paul Pence
Paul Pence - 5 years ago
La Vaga is now the Lenny channel, Delos banked for 10 years, knocked up his old lady and took off,,, so we'll see. Im here for the boat, not their personal drama!!!
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 6 years ago
That is so true, very well said!
For us it too is about watching Brian and crew and not necessarily the boat, 70% of their videos is them exploring cultures and not even being on a boat.
apradogt - 5 years ago
Ed Maguire
Ed Maguire - 6 years ago
Well, I like it!
Paul Pence
Paul Pence - 5 years ago
I like it a lot!
MrAli171 - 6 years ago
Delos is a lovely boat but it’s the crew who make the heart and soul of here
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 6 years ago
Couldn't agree more
Wayne Carrigg
Wayne Carrigg - 6 years ago
I wish it was uglier and cheaper, then i could afford one.
Paul Pence
Paul Pence - 5 years ago
I have about treefiddy...
Radley2612 - 6 years ago
If Delos crew were to to take another boat it should be bigger with a bigger galley.... more beer/people
Star Light
Star Light - 6 years ago
@Sailing SV Compromise Delos carries more crew than this Amel 55
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 6 years ago
The thing is they love their boat, she's part of the family.
But yeh you are right a bigger boat for more crew & beers could be a good call.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 6 years ago
The lifting keel does open up so much more cruising grounds.
Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 6 years ago
Amel finally figured out that you need a head on each side. The old 53 was impossible to sit on a toilet jerking over to the starboard. You had to brace yourself against the door and then try to crap without squeezing your buttocks. It was a nutty oversight that went on for more than a decade! At sea you can be on a single tack for DAYS.
Dennis woods
Dennis woods - 6 years ago
Robert Lee not true, I own a SM 2000 and it came equipped with a chock that locked into the floor grid and is completely adjustable : using the heads is completely stable.
William Baynes
William Baynes - 6 years ago
A deal for Delos from Amel? You must be joking mate! Amel is French!
Philippe Venet
Philippe Venet - 6 years ago
And i must admit we are bad dealers :(

10. comment for Newer version of SV Delos - AMEL 55 at the Southampton Boat Show 2017

Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 6 years ago
Radley2612 - 6 years ago
Y take the stars out of Hollywood ?
Hello hello hello !!!!
Hello hello hello !!!! - 6 years ago
It's seems much bigger than Delos!
Dennis woods
Dennis woods - 6 years ago
It is , much wider aft and higher !
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 6 years ago
It may be because we used the wide angle GoPro Philip.
William Baynes
William Baynes - 6 years ago
Fabulous interior on the new yachts!
Lucky Goose
Lucky Goose - 6 years ago
Delos is almost finished its circumnavigation. They will finish it with the Super Maramu. Then once finished they will go back to their day jobs and never sail again.
Kevin FanDelos
Kevin FanDelos - 7 years ago
Delos IS the crew & the crew is Delos

I think a catamarans might very well be the next Delos, if they can find one that'll haul their food, 1000+ beers, wine, & the still without compromising performance.

The crew has prodded much enquiry around catamarans over the years so I think ANY boat builder could make Delos an offer on a new cat/boat to tap into the totally bitchin journey of these gorgeous ppl. Amel would foolish not to be at the forefront of the opportunity of making an offer though.

I think Brion has strong opinions against trading ANY control of Delos journey/story for sponsorship - any boat builder with a deal would have to be onboard with that. As a fan, my question is would Delos do a La Vagabond type deal? I don't care if they do/don't btw, they can do what they want, it's their journey/story they're sharing with us - I would love them no less!

Also, they've recently replaced the rigging, installed new tech, a new genny! They without doubt (an extra part of their appeal) have strong geek kung fu to tackle any task to keep Delos at sea...

Nobby Barnes
Nobby Barnes - 5 years ago
@Robert Lee what a load of bullshit
Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 6 years ago
I would never make a passage on a boat that has a door on the bottom. I saw a cat go over in a violent microburst that also knocked us down. We came up. The righting moment of a cat is non existent. Good way to die. Also if you get hull(s) to in a storm. Over you go and you don’t come up and guarantee not everyone lives.
Harold Hofmann
Harold Hofmann - 7 years ago
Did YOU hear the introduction? The new Delos 2.0 ! It’s a done deal!!!!!!!!!
Radley2612 - 6 years ago
Sailing SV CompromiseΒ  You did say the new Trident class 65 right
Bigwu - 6 years ago
I saw brians check list for delo 2.0 and an amel 55 really didnt really fit the requirements.but who is to say. Brian knows. I my self dont see the justification for the expense. But thats just me .
Chris Wellstead
Chris Wellstead - 7 years ago
Maybe they will do SV DELOS a deal!
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
Possibly Chris
bowwave paul
bowwave paul - 7 years ago
Delos better splash the cash and buy it.
N. ABBOUD - 7 years ago
It's for the sv Delos to let all world know about amel boats how practical it is and yet not even a thanks writing from the head quarters of the company publicly to them
Jeff C.
Jeff C. - 7 years ago
A settee at sea is pretty much useless,Β  not often a crew of 6 eats together only used for entertaining other yachts.Β  Things that matter are PLENTYΒ of stowage space and maintenance access for mechanical items.
nocoolname32 - 7 years ago
well i hope you spoke with the company and told them this before they go out of business!!!!!!!

20. comment for Newer version of SV Delos - AMEL 55 at the Southampton Boat Show 2017

805gregg - 7 years ago
Old school boat, needs an additional hull to be comfortable
BushLizard2 - 7 years ago
It's just a ghost ship .... without the Delos crew onboard.
Yacht46 - 7 years ago
Agree. Just a boat.
Clint Whatley
Clint Whatley - 7 years ago
They should give the Delos crew a new boat
Cherry Blossom Forge
Cherry Blossom Forge - 7 years ago
Love the way they designate 48' boats as 55's.....
Cherry Blossom Forge
Cherry Blossom Forge - 7 years ago
Ya, I know, but come on. At least put the LOA and LAW in the same sentence.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
You are right 6r4metroman
6r4metroman - 7 years ago
Its a 56.9 as all boats are measured, not at the waterline which is 48.9....
Step Razor Productions
Step Razor Productions - 6 years ago
I stopped watching La Vagabond after the new boat. Not to mention the drama. Delos better to stick to their boat and keep fixing it and making it better.
Clint Whatley
Clint Whatley - 7 years ago
Noone AnybodyKnows weirdo
psycleen - 7 years ago
schooner or later
jcalas - 7 years ago
I don't ketch the joke ;)
Montreal StreetCars
Montreal StreetCars - 7 years ago
If I had the money. I would personally buy and give this boat to the Delos tribe... However I would want to travel with them for a few months. :)
ScottDLR - 7 years ago
I am also a big fan of the crew from the beginning (still miss the old crew) but Delos makes nearly $400K a year off Youtube alone.
They can afford to buy their own boat.
DANW7504 - 7 years ago
The Delos Sailboat is not getting any younger. The crew sail at times at its limits and beyond and have proven the vessel and crew - worthy. How many blue water sailboats have been driven so hard and have so many documented miles. They've been great advertising for alternative sailing life stiles.
No one is getting younger knees give out, backs hurt, and a Catamaran looks better year after year. If Amel wants to keep Delos going as the best, single hull SV- U tube Channel, it should consider trying to keep Delos on a single hull......
Bigwu - 6 years ago
@Grim Reaper i was thinking the same about lavagabond. How a change in hull design could change thier content to the extent that they would lose viewers. I dont know.i just think the guys brian and brady and of course ever changing crew are the secrete to delos success. Lots of personality. Kirin does a hell of a job prepping the video's very professional.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
I think Brian is a very grounded guy, he said before that he isn't interested in things for free, yes you can buy them a beer or help out through Patreon but that is just us giving them a pat on the back to say thank you for the awesome content they share with us all.
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 7 years ago
I really hope DELOS dosen't get given a new boat...look what happened to "la vag"...they went from the top to the bottom after given a million dollar boat....their content was NEVER the same & they changed as people....
Derek Auret
Derek Auret - 7 years ago
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
Derek Auret I can’t see them doing that though can you?
Derek Auret
Derek Auret - 7 years ago
if they sail a cat I stop watching
William Bremner
William Bremner - 7 years ago
The "new SV Delos"?! That's a pretty big claim, especially when the actual crew of SV Delos haven't officially stated anything to solidly confirm or deny that rumour yet.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
William Bremner We meant it’s a new SV Delos in the fact it’s a new version of the boat they already have

30. comment for Newer version of SV Delos - AMEL 55 at the Southampton Boat Show 2017

spacekimono - 7 years ago
I'd buy one if I ever bought a boat... I really hope Delos get upgraded!!! They've been great advertising already.. I cold stop worrying about mold in the boat and their health lol
A. Oliver
A. Oliver - 7 years ago
I had never heard of an Amel before SV Delos...I hope the company is giving them some's only right.
Thomas D Harrell
Thomas D Harrell - 7 years ago
I never heard of Amel before SV Delos. You guys owe em a boat.
Abe Swells
Abe Swells - 7 years ago
Grim Reaper And what else would Amel gain from such a deal that they don't already have?
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 7 years ago
sigh....what about the skiff? Why hasnt that company given DELOS a new skiff then? What about the cameras they use? Where is CANON stepping in & gifting them free cameras? Or how about a moonshine sponsor? Delos loves their booze! To gift DELOS a FREE NEW BOAT would change DELOS forever...look what happened to "LA VAG"
Fesh Fesh Sailing
Fesh Fesh Sailing - 7 years ago
Thomas D Harrell, You haven't heard of them doesn't mean they were not already famous or did not enjoy the recognition of all the serious world cruisers.
Have you heard of Oyster, or Halberg Rassy, or Alubat who makes the Aluminium built Ovni, ect....
fedvet1 - 7 years ago
The builder of LA Vagabond gave them a new boat so why not work out a deal with Amel for sv-delos?
Mum Blic
Mum Blic - 7 years ago
Glad to see that some here corrected the nonsense of others.
So many living in there fantasy world! not understanding how the real world works!
mark paweena
mark paweena - 7 years ago
Outremer didnt give them a boat. They got a deal and assistance with finance.
Fesh Fesh Sailing
Fesh Fesh Sailing - 7 years ago
Timothy Rawson, Abour SLV videos, when reading the comments section became more interesting than watching the videos themselves, I knew it was time for me to set sails and move on.
Timothy Rawson
Timothy Rawson - 7 years ago
The cat the la vaga got is not free they are paying for it through your contributions on patron just like Delos pays for most everything the same way now I agree that la vaga has let it go to their head with that deal but it’s to be expected with any kind of great deal like that ... but again they have to pay for that boat they even said it in one of their episodes when announcing the deal they are using the revenue they get from patrons like you to pay for it
Abe Swells
Abe Swells - 7 years ago
Grim Reaper that's a damn good point.
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 7 years ago
because LA VAG is garbage now...they believe they DESERVE everything for free now! That free boat change LA VAG for the you wanna see Delos get ruined too?
Abe Swells
Abe Swells - 7 years ago
fedvet1 , Because Amel doesn't need to built their reputation as much as Outremer. in fact, I would say many builder envy Amel's reputation, except perhaps Oyster.
apparently, Most of you guys don't realize it that when it comes to ocean crossing boats, Amel is one of the top references.
kd4ysi - 7 years ago
I’ll believe it when the crew tells us it’s so
Michael Kerr
Michael Kerr - 7 years ago
Delos- the Amel 53 Super Maramu has more character.
Why have you subscribed?
Why have you subscribed? - 7 years ago
Michael Kerr hmm I'm sure back in 2001 or whenever Delos was first launched she would have appeared to lack character with that boat show smell about her.
qakk2000 - 7 years ago
i heard its a go most def hope so they deserve it
Bob Down
Bob Down - 7 years ago
Brian is Delos and Delos is Brian. I think it would have to be an amazingly good deal for Brian just to walk away from Delos
Bob Down
Bob Down - 7 years ago
I'm thinking more along the lines of Delos going back to Amel for total refit and overhaul.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
They have certainly put Amel on the map
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 7 years ago
A lot of rumors flying around and with Brady, Brian, Karin, and Kurel visiting, it might happen. I've heard several rumor about the current boat, and another about SV Delos 2 directly from Delos, and yet nothing specifically from Brian, Brady, or Kazza. So, what do you know ?
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 7 years ago
Yes, I've seen that video and the Ft Lauderdale vid. ... A lot in flux. Karin's embarrassing look, when a package was mentioned, And that was quite a while ago but in recent vids, no photos of Karin. Hum. And yes, the mention of SV 2 and other things. Brian once added a large TriMarin to the mix , spelling might be wrong. But, little concrete direct from SV Delos.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
We heard them mention a possible Delos 2 on their Q&A videos and they are visiting the Amel factory and test sailing the new Amel 55 in their next video, apart from that we don’t know.
Heinrich Dudelstrom
Heinrich Dudelstrom - 7 years ago
sv compromise lmao
Billy boy
Billy boy - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful boat. I hope Amel knows that S/V delos put them on the map for buyers.
Cheers for the vid.
Brian Decaire
Brian Decaire - 7 years ago
William LaFon jvjyvjyvjyvjy
Abe Swells
Abe Swells - 7 years ago
William LaFon, no offense really, But when someone is about to spend 1 millions $ on a boat, he mind is already set.
Billy boy
Billy boy - 7 years ago
Abe Houbzi , I was meaning Delos has put more perspective buyers leaning towards Amel is all.
michael ferrins
michael ferrins - 7 years ago
La Vagabond worked out a deal, why couldn't Delos?
glennimmortal - 7 years ago
Abe Houbzi that's what I was thinking the rich wouldn't be sitting around watching YouTube dreaming of sailing away.
Abe Swells
Abe Swells - 7 years ago
William LaFon, Delos put Amel on the map? Sorry mate, go and redo your research.

Very simple exercise for all who believe that non-sense. Take time to visit a few marinas and count how many Amels you see.

Furthermore, if you're lucky enough to be travelling to some faraway places, take time to count how many Amels you find anchored around.

what's for sure though, it's not a boat that fits in the budget of your standard youtuber.
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
Steven H. It looks the same, but I suppose most of the 55’s will do
Steven H.
Steven H. - 7 years ago
This may be the boat they took out to let Brian sail when Delos was there. Maybe that's what they meant
S/V Nimbus
S/V Nimbus - 7 years ago
IN all fairness, Amels are a well known brand, and have been for years
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 7 years ago
Oh, ok. I though for a sec you meant "sign up sheet" , foolish me .. lol
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
californiakayaker N6GRG Yes Amel had something up. I can't remember the words exactly, but it was something along the lines of "As seen on SV Delos"
Don't quote me on that!
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 7 years ago
You mean Amel had something like a sign up for Delos ? not sure what you mean.
Fr Ya
Fr Ya - 7 years ago
Sailing SV Compromise yes, i saw the photos on instagram in March when they went! Who knows if something came out of it? But considering how much these Amels cost, maybe its too much money for a YouTube advertisement..
Sailing SV Compromise
Sailing SV Compromise - 7 years ago
Fr Ya Yes we have heard them mention Delos 2.0
Did you see the last Delos video, they say in the next episode they will visit the Amel factory and sail a new Amel 55?
Fr Ya
Fr Ya - 7 years ago
hummm, they keep mentioning delos 2.0 also. I'd love to see them in a 64! With more crew!
Peter Schmidt
Peter Schmidt - 7 years ago
Beautiful yacht. Wow!

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