Nordhavn 76 from Motor Boat & Yachting
Reviews 10 years ago 351,162 views
In our latest Custom Yacht video, Dave Marsh explores the cavernous Nordhavn 76. Read the full report in the December 2014 issue of the magazine. Motor Boat & Yachting boat reports sponsored by Subscribe - Follow us - Facebook - Digital editions - Interactive edition (iPad only) -
Single Seagull is my power option. Had the option of twin but relatively narrow transom width swayed us to the single option.
I’d say visibility is probably better on Moorhen (nothing much to obstruct ones view at all). I’d surmise that nautical miles per gallon is not in Moorhens favour. Sad but realistic.
Not yet had the opportunity(or time availability ) to cross an ocean as many owners aspire to do, but for cruising on the Scottish coast Moorhen is just Sublime.
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