ONEAN CARVER Unboxing. Electric Jet board unbiased review + my settings and tips

In this video: + Onean Carver Unboxing, first impressions + My unbiased review PROs and CONs + What I like about it, what I hate about it + My settings and tips. Maximum Power, Syncronization etc. + What else you might need to enjoy it and stay safe. + My silly jokes (free) About me: Hi guys, I am Mike, the video guy and I welcome all Jet Surfing Pioneers to my new video channel: Jet Surfing Nation: Make Your Waves. The new exciting sport is forming and together we can be on the edge of the new next generation surfing technology to test electric jet boards! I test Onean Carver, Radinn, Lampuga, JetSurf, WaterWolf, Water Rebels, FlyBoard, Flowrider, WakeBoard, KiteBoard and artificial surf lake Snowdonia Surf and much more! Disclaimer: I am just a jet surfing fan and enthusiast, I DO NOT SELL the boards and I am not affiliated to them or any other products I review here unless I specify directly. I make money by selling my own products (unrelated to surfing) on Amazon (You can see what I do on my other channel called Sells Like Hot Cakes). I am NOT a professional surfer, first time I saw the ocean when I was 29 so don't judge me strictly. All I want to do is have fun and bring the smile on your face (hopefully) with my silly jokes and videos. =========================== Enjoying my videos? Join me on my mission to spread the word about this exciting new sport of Jet surfing My main blog with news and updates about jet surfing and artificial waves Surfing Nation: Make Your Waves The new exciting sport is evolving and together, we can be on the edge of the new next generation surfing technology to test electric jet boards Follow Mike on social media:

ONEAN CARVER Unboxing. Electric Jet board unbiased review + my settings and tips sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Reviews 7 years ago 21,962 views

In this video: + Onean Carver Unboxing, first impressions + My unbiased review PROs and CONs + What I like about it, what I hate about it + My settings and tips. Maximum Power, Syncronization etc. + What else you might need to enjoy it and stay safe. + My silly jokes (free) About me: Hi guys, I am Mike, the video guy and I welcome all Jet Surfing Pioneers to my new video channel: Jet Surfing Nation: Make Your Waves. The new exciting sport is forming and together we can be on the edge of the new next generation surfing technology to test electric jet boards! I test Onean Carver, Radinn, Lampuga, JetSurf, WaterWolf, Water Rebels, FlyBoard, Flowrider, WakeBoard, KiteBoard and artificial surf lake Snowdonia Surf and much more! Disclaimer: I am just a jet surfing fan and enthusiast, I DO NOT SELL the boards and I am not affiliated to them or any other products I review here unless I specify directly. I make money by selling my own products (unrelated to surfing) on Amazon (You can see what I do on my other channel called Sells Like Hot Cakes). I am NOT a professional surfer, first time I saw the ocean when I was 29 so don't judge me strictly. All I want to do is have fun and bring the smile on your face (hopefully) with my silly jokes and videos. =========================== Enjoying my videos? Join me on my mission to spread the word about this exciting new sport of Jet surfing My main blog with news and updates about jet surfing and artificial waves Surfing Nation: Make Your Waves The new exciting sport is evolving and together, we can be on the edge of the new next generation surfing technology to test electric jet boards Follow Mike on social media:

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Most popular comments
for ONEAN CARVER Unboxing. Electric Jet board unbiased review + my settings and tips

Leah SpillanCe
Leah SpillanCe - 5 years ago
This is on Alvaro solers la cintura playlist
Yves Stocky
Yves Stocky - 5 years ago
Thx for the video. Is it still the cheapest board?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 5 years ago
Reach to check prices
Onean fire battery Warning
Onean fire battery Warning - 6 years ago
The onean carver battery explode in my house !!!
Mike McCarthy
Mike McCarthy - 6 years ago
Nice and informative - Thanks for your efforts
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 6 years ago
thanks Mike! Please check also new Carver X video!
Solomon Paul
Solomon Paul - 6 years ago
Right here
mều và redhoold lê
mều và redhoold lê - 6 years ago
I'm want to buy
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 6 years ago
reach Wayne from Jet board limited
factory carbon
factory carbon - 6 years ago
electric jetboard hull manfacture,jetsurf hull quality fine price,wechat id: wildsparrowhawk
MJam Man
MJam Man - 6 years ago
Anyone know the weight of the battery? The weight of the board with and without the battery? Can I carry the board easily without the battery installed?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 6 years ago
I dont remember exact numbers but it's approximately 20kg board and 15kg each battery. total 35kg

You will need a buddy or a trolley to carry the board.
Surfeurfou - 7 years ago
hello my friend, i really appreciate your answer, i would like you to say, i really appreciate your video, my comment is only to prevent people that ONEAN IS A FRAUD, DO NOT GIVE MONEY IN ADVANCE TO THEM, the answer he gave to you this is a LIE, NOT the truth my friend, this jon as NOT send anything yet and by the way i am not in maldives i am in a french island part from EUROPE called REUNION ISLAND it is very easy to send thing here by DHL, but i have paied since MAY 2017 and since then they keept saying it is ready, we will give you a quote for the shipping but NOTHING... and since one month no more answer to my emails, i have been waiting for MORE THAN 5 MONTHS this is typical from internet fraud... how to verify ? simple... ask him the shippment tracking, he will not be able to give it to you....
styx boards
styx boards - 7 years ago
Hi Surfeurfou, as discussed in another topic, do not worry, there is no fraud at all. Sending a Carver to La Réunion, is only by sea, I well know that as I have cutomers there, and I already shipped boards there. Just be a little more patient and you will even more appreciate riding your Carver !
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
First of all thank you for positive comments about my videos.
Second, don't worry Onean is NOT a fraud, they have delivered hundreds of boards but yes, they are very slow to reply and it's normal. Many of us have been waiting from 2015 and received board only this year.
Can you email me your details to so i pass it to Jon?

10. comment for ONEAN CARVER Unboxing. Electric Jet board unbiased review + my settings and tips

Surfeurfou - 7 years ago
Warning never order
on the site, this site is
fraudulent, I paid an order since May 2017, nothing received so far, they do
not stop to find excuses every time I send an email, it does not answer my
emails any more since months, they are ecrocs!
Attention ne
commandez jamais sur le site,
ce site est frauduleux, j'ai payé une commande depuis mai 2017, rien recu a ce
jour, ils n'arretent pas de trouver des excuses a chaque fois que j'envoi un
email, il ne repondent plus a mes emails depuis pluseiurs mois, ce sont des
ecrocs !
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
I asked Jon too and he said it's sorted.  "It’s a guy that ordered from the Maldives and his shipment takes longer to get there."
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Its not fraudulent but you need to have more patience. Most of us have been waiting our boards since 2017, you are just waiting since May... Reach Jon from Onean, or Jordan from he might be able to help you, seems you are from France too.
Alex N
Alex N - 7 years ago
Thanks for this really great review!!!
It helped a lot :)

I have to go to the lake today although the water is f...... cold arleady here in Austria, but I just have to!
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Thank you Alex! Glad it helped!! It;s freezing cold here in portugal too in the ocean
Michael Ogrinz
Michael Ogrinz - 7 years ago
Hi mike. Was it you emailing me under the name "strategy" referring fo an email exchange with wayne?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Yes :)
TheBeanieNation - 7 years ago
hey, can you link the store please, i am interested in purchasing this
TheBeanieNation - 7 years ago
thank you so much, i will be making the purchase as soon as i can thanks
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Michael Ogrinz
Michael Ogrinz - 7 years ago
hello mike, tx for this. Have you / will you test the Waterwolf and the Lampuga boards as well ? i am hesitating between them and the carver (beginner but 80kg so worried carver not powerfull enough)
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
If the video is important like a new review i post it very fast with no delay. If it's general fun video then timing does not matter. So i will try to post very fast when i do reviews.

Lampuga was bankrupt but they are not closing and trying to find new investor, so i am going to review it as well.
Michael Ogrinz
Michael Ogrinz - 7 years ago
JetSurfing Nation ok thx a lot. Will your videos be posted still in september or does it take a lot of time to mount them? And lampuga is in trouble no financially?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
thank you.. I am going to test both Waterwolf and Lampuga in September during the trip to Germany!!! Stay tuned!
Your weight is similar to mine!
David ddd
David ddd - 7 years ago
Hi Mike ,me my Board stop after a fews minutes and the remote start to blink i need to synchronise again and again what do you think.
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
I think either remote or the antenna unit inside is broken. Please reach Onean directly, it must be under Warranty still so they can identify the issue and replace it for you. I suggest that you record a short video showing the problem to speed the things up!
A J - 7 years ago
Awesome tips. I am getting a flashing red light on my remote (the sync mode light on the little picture of a board is blinking red) and power is being reduced, any clue why this might be happening?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Maybe it's not fully charged? It never happened to me, I think best way is to reach Onean support about it!
Richard's Tech-Knowledgey
Richard's Tech-Knowledgey - 7 years ago
I was excited for this board but not anymore . the promo videos seemed to have bigger guys on them . you don't look like a big guy, no offense...
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
yes, I will have video on that as well soon! Stay tuned I try to release one video per week!
Richard's Tech-Knowledgey
Richard's Tech-Knowledgey - 7 years ago
JetSurfing Nation can't wait . Oh and in an updated onean vide they show how to gain more speed, have you tried that ?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
I'm very tall and that's why I am so heavy, it does not look like that but I'm 82-84 kgs + wetsuite (extra few kgs). That is A LOT for these boards. In the next videos I will show how the girls (50-55kg) ride on it and it's super fast and fun!
Karsten Stahl
Karsten Stahl - 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for the valuable tips. Especially the one with the magnet pin!!! I received my board today and will try it tomorrow. I hope to get good speed. I am 81 kg. May I ask your weight?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Thank you Karsten. you will not get a good speed, so it's better to manage your expectations and have fun with it, like me. You are same weight as me. With our weight 15-20km/h is the max limit we can get. However there are some tips to make it faster, follow my videos next weeks I will complete the video about carver speed tips :) And have fun with it, don't worry too much about speeds. it's a fun board, not a racing board.
David ddd
David ddd - 7 years ago
Thanks again Mike on my charger both light (green and red) are (on )and the 220v15A fuse blow!! so i send it to fix before to f;;;;;;; the battery , i hope they can find the problem? i will let you knowThanks
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Hi David, i think there is a second fuse in the package so you can replace it and try again. If nothing helps you might need to contact Jon at Onean directly for replacement

20. comment for ONEAN CARVER Unboxing. Electric Jet board unbiased review + my settings and tips

David ddd
David ddd - 7 years ago
thanks Mike for your answer ,i was talking about the light on the battery ,
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
1. when battery is out of charge and I plug it into the charger, i see both lights on the charger go RED, and on the battery itself the light bar only shows red light

2. When battery is FULL (after 2 hours of charging) one light is green , one red on the charger, and no lights on the battery. when you re-connect fully charged battery it will show ALL light bars on the battery with light (one red and 3 green)
David ddd
David ddd - 7 years ago
hi Mike on my battery only red on the right appear do you think is fully charge ??
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Hi David, I did not understand the question, when does it appear? usually if you charged for 2 hours then it's fully charged and you don't need to worry about the lights unless something is not working
E. K.
E. K. - 7 years ago
Nice review...I like the part where the DJI Phantom crosses...HaHa..Nice surrounding...where was the spot you tested it..?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Thank you EK!!! it's shot in portugal near Baleal (Peniche). Awesome place with the rocks. DJI Phantom rest in peace though, 6 meters deep but it was worth it. Footage i was able to recover :)
Johnny Dos Passos
Johnny Dos Passos - 7 years ago
Hy ! what can you tell us about the real range of this battery ? are you in about 40 minutes to surf around is it real ??
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
hi Johnny
It depends how you plan to use it.. If you are going NON stop then it will last around 20 mins but I never do this.. It might overheat the board, so it's better to stop and give the board 5 min rest (and your legs)..

Next if you are in real waves, then you never go non-stop anyways, you still sit and wait for the wave set to come, then you start riding it, then come back to the position and wait again. With this technique it's enough for a hour or so of water fun...
penny speer
penny speer - 7 years ago
Thank you. this was really helpful.
Tom Francis
Tom Francis - 7 years ago
Great review, thanks man :-)
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
Thank you Tommy!
Stella Valvis
Stella Valvis - 7 years ago
Hi Mike, I have a question for you regarding the wireless controller! how long does it need to charge on the charger and if the light is red does it mean that it is not charging ? (should I have charged it before going out to the sea?) It is completely dead no green lights light when I press the drop !
Stella Valvis
Stella Valvis - 7 years ago
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
hi Stella. I charge for an hour or two. Only red means it is not charging or fully charged I think. When also blue appears then it is charging.

It sounds like either your controller is faulty or somehow you are not charging it well ? Did you take it out of the soft cover before charging? Did you turn it around when placing on the charger?
Soenke Petersen
Soenke Petersen - 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for the review. Did you take a test ride on the Carver board before you purchased it?
JetSurfing Nation
JetSurfing Nation - 7 years ago
No i did not test BEFORE :) Only after I got it. I know there are some testing sites, you can check Wayne, he has in Spain or Jordan in France for a test ride!
mike zstrategy
mike zstrategy - 7 years ago
Go jet surf nation!!!

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