Overblue 44 | Motor Boat & Yachting

And now for something completely different... Nick Burnham heads to Slovenia to put this brand new Italian concept through its paces. Filmed, edited and presented by: http://nickburnham.co.uk/ Subscribe - http://www.mby.com/syt1 Follow us - http://www.twitter.com/mbytimeinc Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/motorboatandy... Digital editions - http://www.mby.com/digital-editions Interactive edition (iPad only) - http://www.mby.com/dig

Overblue 44 | Motor Boat & Yachting sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Reviews 8 years ago 73,388 views

And now for something completely different... Nick Burnham heads to Slovenia to put this brand new Italian concept through its paces. Filmed, edited and presented by: http://nickburnham.co.uk/ Subscribe - http://www.mby.com/syt1 Follow us - http://www.twitter.com/mbytimeinc Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/motorboatandy... Digital editions - http://www.mby.com/digital-editions Interactive edition (iPad only) - http://www.mby.com/dig

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Most popular comments
for Overblue 44 | Motor Boat & Yachting

Narra Andika
Narra Andika - 5 years ago
I think it could capsized easily. am i wrong?
Ho cares
Ho cares - 5 years ago
How much?
Surplus Sean
Surplus Sean - 6 years ago
Very functional and very ugly
Fabio Di Giorgio
Fabio Di Giorgio - 6 years ago
degamegang - 6 years ago
Is this for sea ?
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 6 years ago
Because the houseboats created decades ago are Something completely different than this.... lol
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 6 years ago
What, it is a catamaran, and houseboats aren't?? Houseboats don't go to sea because this will tip over and sink, just like this one will.
mixalis zafiropoulos
mixalis zafiropoulos - 6 years ago
Until you find the waves !!
yitzhill - 6 years ago
Question: If the center of gravity is low, what happens if it overturns in a large wave at sea? will it return to upright position? Can I buy the plans for this boat?
Pervy_Sage - 7 years ago
Now that's my dream to live out on the sea of jetty!!

10. comment for Overblue 44 | Motor Boat & Yachting

Clint Whatley
Clint Whatley - 7 years ago
Gabriel Emanuelli
Gabriel Emanuelli - 7 years ago
I actually have many ideal places that comes to mind where this could be the perfect 2nd. Home for week end escapes!!! La Parguera in Puerto Rico one of them!
Franz Schillinger
Franz Schillinger - 8 years ago
This fantastic OVERBLUE 44 "NEXT LEVEL" is available for SEA TRIALS and CHARTER in Marina Mandalina (D-Marin) Sibenik, Croatia. SEA TRIAL REQUESTS and BOOKINGS as well as INFORMATION about CHARTER INVESTMENT office@masteryachting.com, www.masteryachting.com
Thomas Autengruber
Thomas Autengruber - 8 years ago
Why is it registered in Austria if it's designed by an Italian and stationed in Slovenia?

And btw, what he must have meant to design was a catamaran...lots of room, seaworthy, efficient
Emerson White
Emerson White - 8 years ago
Either you need a new sound guy, or they need to put some acoustical treatments in the "boat" because it sounds like you're giving the tour from the inside of a coffee can.
Jacki Sears
Jacki Sears - 8 years ago
Great job on the Video Mr. Burnum, however didn't hear the $PRICE$ Which is probably most important. ;-)
roger white
roger white - 8 years ago
she is like a girl with a sexy body but has an ugly face
timexironman100m - 8 years ago
Front opening boat....hearld of free enterprise springs to mind...you will discover...that manufactuer will state front should not be opened while in forward motion.....put human on board....i can see a few swampings there should be a locking device to prevent front opening when in forward motion..bit like that porche car that would not start unless occupant put on seat belt.
Bob Cookston
Bob Cookston - 8 years ago
thing wouldn't be able to handle a 4 foot wave...
SeikiBrian - 6 years ago
Not true. I think it's ugly, but it does have a CE Class B rating, which means "A vessel built to navigate on offshore waters (200 miles and less) and to sustain up to Force 8 conditions and waves up to 4 meters (13 feet)." (Force 8 on the Beaufort Scale equals a gale, with winds up to 40 knots.)
Crucco82 - 8 years ago
How many hp It has?

20. comment for Overblue 44 | Motor Boat & Yachting

IEATU95 - 8 years ago
Great for the northern european waterways and channels. I can understand that one would probably not sea fare on this.
joseph ricciardi
joseph ricciardi - 8 years ago
i'm sorry but that is the ugliest boat i have ever seen. plus it looks like it only has one helm that is out in the open so you have no protection in bad weather
Jack Megaro
Jack Megaro - 8 years ago
It's just a small PONTOON HOUSE BOAT that cost $470,000!
Kurt H
Kurt H - 6 years ago
$850,000 here in nz
cornskid - 8 years ago
If only I had the money...I'd buy something else.
Hector St-Jacques
Hector St-Jacques - 8 years ago
This is nothing more more than a houseboat on pontoons, badly designed pontoons at that. This is nothing more than a newer version of the ugly Three Buoys Houseboats. I would like to see you handle that in a tight harbour in a windy condition. This is reminds me of the auto industry, call anything but a mini van and in this case it's call it anything but a Houseboat.
Paul Adkins
Paul Adkins - 8 years ago
Did you see the spec sheet? It includes a "generator," but no word on what size. The layout in the master head includes a bidet. All in all, after visiting the Overblue web site I have more questions than when I started. Should I see this boat at a show, I will certainly visit, but I have a great many doubts.
Paul Adkins
Paul Adkins - 8 years ago
Sure, I went to your web site and saw what you had. It specifies a generator of some sort and size. Further, it does not reassure an American that the boat is fitted out for US electricity (110v v 220 and with US-style plugs). Did I miss something on your site?
keithy George
keithy George - 8 years ago
Looks cheap
Sombody - 8 years ago
that hull isnt designed very well... so much splashing especially onto the front hatch that coudve been opened... Although i dont know very much about the hull type so yea....
Brad Hollister
Brad Hollister - 8 years ago
And, as far as cruising open ocean, I don't think so!
Sombody - 8 years ago
@Overblue Yachts
Cool! i actually quite like that longer hull design over this one... makes the portion look much more appealing! Great work!
Sombody - 8 years ago
+Overblue Yachts but could've had deflectors on the hull to help deflect water maybe? I don't know... I'm a civil engineer not a engineer for boats...
hughc178 - 8 years ago
A floating portakabin - whatever next - how ugly! Looks very top-heavy - and how do you access the front quarters to throw mooring ropes ashore?
Hesham Shenawy
Hesham Shenawy - 8 years ago
Practical but UGLY , Sooo Ugly

30. comment for Overblue 44 | Motor Boat & Yachting

Ian Goodnow
Ian Goodnow - 8 years ago
That looks like a houseboat .
A Slade
A Slade - 8 years ago
one of the ugliest boats Ive ever seen... however practicality for either european waterways or the american great loop!?!?!?
BigBadLoneWolf - 7 years ago
Fugly boat
siloPIRATE - 8 years ago
I agree. It's aesthetically challenged
Byron Walter
Byron Walter - 8 years ago
You got that right. It is aesthetically challenged. I wonder how easy is it to access the mechanical bits.
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders - 8 years ago
Thats just a houseboat...
Fussinated - 8 years ago
@Rok Babarovič  
"Hi Gentlemen,
We would be happy to explain the concept of Overblue Yachts to you over emails. The concept and engineering behind these yachts would explain and answer most of your points above and i am sure you would be pleasantly surprised"

I said;

'This oddity is a mixture of a pantoon and a houseboat and a catamaran and it can't function as well as any of them.'

And I still think this oddity is this.
Fussinated - 8 years ago
["No one said that anyone said such a thing. It is the mindset indicated behind the reasoning and frail comparison you made with a houseboat." There was someone who said that....it was you in your comment above]
You already lost the track of the conversation. Now follow carefully;
I did not say that you said that this thing is superior because it was made by Europeans. However, I said that this is not superior because it was made by Europeans, because I know the mindset and YOU DON’T NEED TO SAY IT.
["Mediterranean Sea is not a calm sea just because it is smaller and away from tropical storms." That's why the boat is built for CE category B]
That's not quite relevant. Category B or not it is not much different than a houseboat. 
["LOL! I did not do such a thing. I actually stated the fact that a trawler is INCOMPARABLY better than this oddity." And i'd say that this way of thinking is just plainly wrong because you don't factor in what ways to use different boat types in]
Then I should say that you don’t know what you are talking about.
["You can do that with a houseboat as well, then. What is your opposition to the idea that this is a houseboat which is common in the US and not a new idea at all?" Because the mediterranean is not a calm sea just because it is smaller and away from tropical storms and most normal built houseboats are not meant for cruising open waters/offshore. (At least the ones i see in europe are not meant for such things)]
Again don’t lose track of the conversation. Ocean going houseboats are built in the US as well. However they are still houseboats.
["Why not? If you can do it around the world you can do it anywhere. Beyond that trawlers do come in different sizes and shapes and prices, of course." That's true. But smaller trawlers have of course smaller space to live aboard while you're on holiday for example]
Not really a similar size trawler catamaran may have either equal or a little bit smallar space with this oddity.
["You are aware that there is a concept as “live aboard” right." You are aware that this is not true, right? Just look up the boat on the net and the builders homepage and you will see it is for now mostly used as charter boat in the Mediterranean]
LOL! If you don’t understand what is said please ask questions. You completely misunderstood what I said. There are trawlers designed to “live aboard.” Those trawlers are more accommodating than regular boats and they can function fully as a trawler as well without losing their open ocean functionality.  
["A Journey Cat, a 47 foot catamaran has more than 658 NM range @ 16 knots. And it can accommodate two couples with ensuite layout in two state rooms. And it can handle rough seas way better than this oddity." That may be true. But a used Journey Cat 47 costs more than double of a new overblue 44. So you should maybe factor that in as well]
No I should not because that’s the whole idea. Instead paying this oddity and waste money on it for limited capability, you can pay a little more and get a true ocean going boat that will accommodate people no less efficiently than this.
[Of course boats that are double the price should fare better in various ways than their lower priced counterparts]
Of course, but it’s not only that. Most trawler cats are built with luxury in mind. If you can find a good builder and build a trawler cat with similar materials as this oddity, you may end surprisingly similar boat with this thing pricewise, as well.
["If you think a little you don’t live alone in this world and there are other people who really know what they are talking about and they can explain what they say in a meaningful and logical way even though it refutes what you claim, :)."
Sorry, but when people say things that you don’t like, assuming that they don’t know what they are talking about is the perfect American arrogance]
And, of course, calling someone who is European (at least not originally from the US) but lives in the US without even having a clue is the ultimate ignorance.
[If you think a little you don’t live alone in this world and there are other people who really know what they are talking about and they can explain what they say in a meaningful and logical way even though it refutes what you claim, ;)]
LOL! And for that the person who is speaking logical and meaningful should be able to support his claims with factual information. I am the one who refuted your claims by giving accessible information in support of my claims. In return you are the one who is making assertions, by which you accused me doing so.
So again, if you think a little (which looks like becoming clear that it may be a feat in itself for you) you don’t live in this world alone. There are other people who really know what they are talking about (After all, you can't even keep track of the conversation properly on who said what) and they “still” can explain what they say in meaningful and logical ways.
Also, if you claim that you refuted something, you should be clear in your arguments. There are ocean going houseboats built in the US that actually goes real oceans (Bravada Yachts), , not Mediterranean Sea, as well as the presence of the trawler cats enough to refute your claim that this is not a houseboat or a special oddity that can’t be classified as houseboat. Explain to me how did you refute what I said so far? :).
Rok Babarovič
Rok Babarovič - 8 years ago
Hi Gentlemen,
We would be happy to explain the concept of Overblue Yachts to you over emails. The concept and engineering behind these yachts would explain and answer most of your points above and i am sure you would be pleasantly surprised.
Scitch87 - 8 years ago
"No one said that anyone said such a thing. It is the mindset indicated behind the reasoning and frail comparison you made with a houseboat." There was someone who said that....it was you in your comment above.

"Mediterranean Sea is not a calm sea just because it is smaller and away from tropical storms." That's why the boat is built for CE category B.

"LOL! I did not do such a thing. I actually stated the fact that a trawler is INCOMPARABLY better than this oddity." And i'd say that this way of thinking is just plainly wrong because you don't factor in what ways to use different boat types in.

"You can do that with a houseboat as well, then. What is your opposition to the idea that this is a houseboat which is common in the US and not a new idea at all?" Because the mediterranean is not a calm sea just because it is smaller and away from tropical storms and most normal built houseboats are not meant for cruising open waters/offshore. (At least the ones i see in europe are not meant for such things)

"Why not? If you can do it around the world you can do it anywhere. Beyond that trawlers do come in different sizes and shapes and prices, of course." That's true. But smaller trawlers have of course smaller space to live aboard while you're on holiday for example.

"You are aware that there is a concept as “live aboard” right." You are aware that this is not true, right? Just look up the boat on the net and the builders homepage and you will see it is for now mostly used as charter boat in the mediterranean.

"A Journey Cat, a 47 foot catamaran has more than 658 NM range @ 16 knots. And it can accommodate two couples with ensuite layout in two state rooms. And it can handle rough seas way better than this oddity." That may be true. But a used Journey Cat 47 costs more than double of a new overblue 44. So you should maybe factor that in as well.
Of course boats that are double the price should fare better in various ways than their lower priced counterparts.

"If you think a little you don’t live alone in this world and there are other people who really know what they are talking about and they can explain what they say in a meaningful and logical way even though it refutes what you claim, :)."
Sorry, but when people say things that you don’t like, assuming that they don’t know what they are talking about is the perfect American arrogance. If you think a little you don’t live alone in this world and there are other people who really know what they are talking about and they can explain what they say in a meaningful and logical way even though it refutes what you claim, ;)
Fussinated - 8 years ago
“No one did say it's better just because europeans built it”
No one said that anyone said such a thing. It is the mindset indicated behind the reasoning and frail comparison you made with a houseboat.
“That's your assumption”
European chauvinism is not an assumption, it is a fact.
“The thing is this boat is designed for use in the mediterranean see and that's what it's good for”
Mediterranean Sea is not a calm sea just because it is smaller and away from tropical storms.
“You can get from port to port easy and in a reasonable time and still use it for staying the day in a nice bay. So it's a great boat for charter use or just to use it as a holiday cruiser to jump from port to port”
You can do that with a houseboat as well, then. What is your opposition to the idea that this is a houseboat which is common in the US and not a new idea at all?
“Comparing it with a trawler is like comparing a truck with a camper van”
LOL! I did not do such a thing. I actually stated the fact that a trawler is INCOMPARABLY better than this oddity.
“They are both good but for totally different reasons. A big trawler would be nice if you plan to stay on sea for a longer time and have to be independent. Like if you want to sail the norwegian fjords or scottish coast where you may not always have a decent port to stay overnight or refuel a trawler would be superior. But just for use in the mediterranean?”
Why not? If you can do it around the world you can do it anywhere. Beyond that trawlers do come in different sizes and shapes and prices, of course.
“Pretty sure the overblue would be a better choice for most users”
As a houseboat  … probably.
“This boat, as mentioned above, is great to stay in ports and for holiday use”
You are aware that there is a concept as “live aboard” right.
“It may not be the best looking boat but i'm sure after seeing the video that it surely is good for the above mentioned purpose”
That’s the idea, it may be good for the purpose but, it is hardly better for the purpose.
“As for the longer range:
The overblue 44 uses 22liter diesel per hour while cruising at 14 knots. That gives an estimated range of around 590miles which may not as big of a range as big trawlers but keep in mind: 14knots is a pretty good speed that some trawlers don't even reach. If you cruise at lower speeds you can surely squeeze some more miless out there”
For that you have to compare this oddity with a trawler catamaran. A Journey Cat, a 47 foot catamaran has more than 658 NM range @ 16 knots. And it can accommodate two couples with ensuite layout in two state rooms. And it can handle rough seas way better than this oddity. A 47 foot Fountaine Pajot Cumberland has around 1600 miles @ 8.5 knots with 635 L fuel tank. And it has even more space than the Journey Cat. This oddity is just a houseboat, with some tweaks not enough to makes it unique. That's all.
“Sorry but just saying "Trawlers are better" just doesn't do the trick in my opinion”
Sorry, but when people say things that you don’t like, assuming that they don’t know what they are talking about is the perfect European arrogance. If you think a little you don’t live alone in this world and there are other people who really know what they are talking about and they can explain what they say in a meaningful and logical way even though it refutes what you claim, :).
Scitch87 - 8 years ago
No one did say it's better just because europeans built it. That's your assumption. The thing is this boat is designed for use in the mediterranean see and that's what it's good for. You can get from port to port easy and in a reasonable time and still use it for staying the day in a nice bay. So it's a great boat for charter use or just to use it as a holiday cruiser to jump from port to port.

Comparing it with a trawler is like comparing a truck with a camper van. They are both good but for totally different reasons. A big trawler would be nice if you plan to stay on sea for a longer time and have to be independent. Like if you want to sail the norwegian fjords or scottish coast where you may not always have a decent port to stay overnight or refuel a trawler would be superior. But just for use in the mediterranean? Pretty sure the overblue would be a better choice for most users.
This boat, as mentioned above, is great to stay in ports and for holiday use. It may not be the best looking boat but i'm sure after seeing the video that it surely is good for the above mentioned purpose.

As for the longer range:
The overblue 44 uses 22liter diesel per hour while cruising at 14 knots. That gives an estimated range of around 590miles which may not as big of a range as big trawlers but keep in mind: 14knots is a pretty good speed that some trawlers don't even reach. If you cruise at lower speeds you can surely squeeze some more miless out there.

Sorry but just saying "Trawlers are better" just doesn't do the trick in my opinion.
Fussinated - 8 years ago
Why should a houseboat should do all those while a nice trawler can do even better with a longer range. This oddity is a mixture of a pantoon and a houseboat and a catamaran and it can't function as well as any of them. It is no better just because Europeans built it.                                                                                        Also check Bravada Yachts building ocean going houseboats from ARIZONA a state not even have a sea shore, :).                                                                            And Yes, dank meemz is right; this a houseboat.
Scitch87 - 8 years ago
A houseboat with CE category B....so it's for proper offshore use for waves with a maximum of 4 meters and up to 8 beaufort wind. That is actually really good and i doubt any "normal" houseboat can get there.
Pyrobro - 8 years ago
When did you film that video? I am in marina bernardin. Thats where you have filmed the scene at 3:06 :D
Hope my english was correkt xD
marlon alston
marlon alston - 8 years ago
@Overblue Yachts thank you, I've been searching high and low.
marlon alston
marlon alston - 8 years ago
@Rok Babarovič that's good to hear, I would love one of these boats here in Virginia.
Rok Babarovič
Rok Babarovič - 8 years ago
The boat is sold globally. They deliver to all the continents.
marlon alston
marlon alston - 8 years ago
+ybwtv is this boat only sold in Europe?
Motor Boat & Yachting
Motor Boat & Yachting - 8 years ago
This was filmed in late April.
8atlantic8 - 8 years ago
very unseaworthy
Rok Babarovič
Rok Babarovič - 8 years ago
@8atlantic8 - Overblue is a power catamaran with a very low VCG making it stable and seaworthy. Being a catamaran and having two hulls in the water also increases the resistance towards lateral winds. All explained on the website www.overblue.it
8atlantic8 - 8 years ago
+Aeron Slade Yeah it's definitely a boat for more sheltered cruising. Just the other day the wind speed was around 7-8knt and the a 56knt squall came through!
A Slade
A Slade - 8 years ago
+8atlantic8 yeah I absolutely get that point, but if you're coastal cruising, crossing the channel, skirting the north sea to the Kiel Canal or travelling from port to port along the med its pretty seaworthy. Ive traversed the west coast on a 60m with 2m draft and at times it has been horrific, if you were to have this boat around the British Isles you would seriously have to pay attention and pick your weather! probably only suitable for the thames or the shannon
8atlantic8 - 8 years ago
@Aeron Slade The sides of it are like massive sails and if that wind is coming on to the side you would be rolling around if not sailing. Especially with that fragile interior some damage could be done. I have grown up on the west coast of Scotland though so I don't really trust these kind of boats as the weather can be unpredictable to say the least
8atlantic8 - 8 years ago
The sides of it are like massive sails and if that wind is coming on to the side you would be rolling around if not sailing. Especially with that fragile interior some damage could be done. I have grown up on the west coast of Scotland though so I don't really trust these kind of boats as the weather can be unpredictable to say the least
A Slade
A Slade - 8 years ago
CE cat B... thats a pretty seaworthy boat, I dont know off by heart but I think for B it needs to be capable of riding out 40kts of wind and 4 metre swirls

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