Pyzel Ghost Surfboard Review

REAL Watersports co-founder Trip Forman reviews the Pyzel Ghost surfboard. See the full written review at:

Pyzel Ghost Surfboard Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Reviews 7 years ago 21,782 views

REAL Watersports co-founder Trip Forman reviews the Pyzel Ghost surfboard. See the full written review at:

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Most popular comments
for Pyzel Ghost Surfboard Review

redh - 5 years ago
Hey there, nice breakdown. Could you point out the difference between the Shortcut and the Ghost more, like when you would buy either one or makes the Ghost the Shortcut completely obsolete?
Agustín Cabanillas
Agustín Cabanillas - 6 years ago
Hi! What fin set up did you use? Thruster or Quad? Thanks!
Christopher Eaves
Christopher Eaves - 6 years ago
Hey Trip,
Looking into either the ghost or phantom as an all around winter shortboard in nj and was wondering which would be the better fit? Have a pigdog that tube rides great but doesn't really turn and a black box 2 that's amazing but is harder to paddle with all he winter gear. The reviews are great especially since you're from similar style waves and climate. Thanks!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
Christopher, the Ghost is meant to surf similar waves in style to the Pig Dog Pro. The Phantom will be looser but will have less top end range, probably a perfect fit for your current quiver. Pyzel also has a new model called The Shadow which is a short board adaption of the Ghost which rips, they are still being released but we could put in a custom order for you. Check out the Shadow and see what you think, hit us up at with any questions!
JAck Downer
JAck Downer - 6 years ago
gday mate, great info.. if you were surfing punchy beach breaks 2-5ft most of the time and had to choose between this and a lost round up which would you go for? i hear u say u really liked the round up??
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
Jack, for medium sized waves in the 2-5 foot range the Lost Round Up would be more versatile. The Ghost would really come into play at the upper end of those waves and then into a little bit larger surf.
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 6 years ago
How does this compare to the Super Pig Dog?
Harry Sidgwick
Harry Sidgwick - 6 years ago
How would you say the ghost compares to the 74 by pyzel
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
The 74 is high performance short board with higher nose rocker, a squash tail, and more even foam distribution while the Ghost is a big wave focused step up with the mid point and much of it's volume pushed forward, underneath one's chest. The 74 carries more speed and is more maneuverable while the Ghost is a superior paddler and more stable at high speeds, the narrower rounded pin tail also offers more control in the tube. Both are sick boards, the Ghost is easier to surf while the 74 is more twitchy and requires one to be more accustomed to performance short boards. Cheers - Ashlon
Gil Behar
Gil Behar - 6 years ago
How do you compare this board vs quiver killer?
Are the range of surf it’s the same?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
The Quiver Killer has lower rocker, more full rails, a wider tail, and more volume for more speed in weak surf but less stability at high speeds or performance when the surf is truly on. The Ghost is tuned for powerful surf while the Quiver works in just about anything but does not handle big waves as well as the Ghost
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 6 years ago
From what size you d take this board out ? 4 foot at least ?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
A 34L step up makes sense for you, check out the 6'3 Ghost
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 6 years ago
REAL Watersports hey mate! Thks for the reply. I am 184 pounds! Usually my shortboard are at 31.5 to 32L !
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
Hey Mathieu, How much do you weigh? Extra volume starts to come into play in the double overhead range while most people ride lower volume short boards in more "prime playful surf" IE shoulder high to a few foot overhead where. As for how much extra volume, usually 1 to 2 liters is all you need but I would like to know your weight just to make sure we don't oversize it. Cheers - Ashlon
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 6 years ago
Nice. Volume wise for up to double over head (I wouldn't surf beyond that anyway) what volume should you aim for to ride in indo ? I ride the Pyzalien for example in 6'0 (31.3L). Sometimes I hear you need to beef it up for bigger days (But starting from what size?) and sometimes we hear you can even get a bit lower volume as the waves has a lot of push and extra volume is not required . Confusing
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
It really depends on the power, if its 3' faces but poweful it would work but it really shines in head high to double overhead surf.
Harry Sidgwick
Harry Sidgwick - 6 years ago
How would you recommend sizing the ghost compared to your height I’m 5,11 and 74kgs and ride a 5,8 shortboard at 28L
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 6 years ago
A 5'11 would be perfect for you.

10. comment for Pyzel Ghost Surfboard Review

hayezblaze - 7 years ago
is that a stock shape or custom shape? What is your weight Trip?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
It is a custom, 6'3 pumped up to ~39L for Trip's 215lb weight.
giannis moschos
giannis moschos - 7 years ago
Hi,I would like to buy a pyzel normal shortboard is around 30 to 31 liters.Should I take the 6,1 or 6,2?I m 180 tall and 84 kilos!
I really love your reviews...very helpful!
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hello Giannis, The Ghost rides well at your performance volume but if you want to glide easier into big waves adding a liter would help. The stock 6'1 is only .4 above your usual board, that would be a good call.
Dishonestneill - 7 years ago
Awesome review, thank you. Im contemplating the 6'1 Ghost in PU. I normally ride either a 6'6x19.5x2.5 semigun single fin (which I love) or a 5'10 Weirdo Ripper so figured the 6'1 Ghost was about right for me for more critical waves. Id appreciate your thoughts on my choice (unfortunately no one has a demo board for me to try) Cheers :)
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
The Ghost is an excellent board, I'm sure you'll be stoked when you get yours.
William Russell
William Russell - 7 years ago
Hey Chip. I completely over sized this board and I’m hoping the right fins will save me. What are your thoughts? I got the 6’3 with future. I’m 6’, 170 and 47 Year’s old.
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hey William, Thank you for commenting. The John John 2's size medium would be a good set to loosen the board up a bit while still providing good control when the surf is pumping
Jarrod Walker
Jarrod Walker - 7 years ago
Hi Trip.
I'm thinking of getting a ghost. Currently I have the Short Cut 6'2, 36L. I'm 6 foot and 94kg. I like the shortcut and use it as my step up but it feels quite big. It goes really well in double over head waves. If I get a 6'0 ghost will my short cut be retired. Thanks. Jarrod
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Hey Jarrod, Thanks for writing in. The 6'0 Ghost is much lower in volume than your Short Cut and would probably be very hard to surf, especially in big waves where you need more paddle power. The smallest I recommend going would be a 6'3 at 34.5L. The lower volume will help in really hollow surf where you have to drop in under the lip but if you like the paddle power of your 6'2 Short Cut you'll want to go with the 6'4 Ghost.
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 7 years ago
What's your option on regional licensed sharper's, shaping on behalf of Pyzel? I'm in England & the Pyzels are shaped (or used to be shaped) by a sharper called Nigel Simmons who's own line of boards are really good. Some times I feel that some boards feel different if they don't come out of the actual factory, for instance the Chilli's we used to get in England where nothing like the Chilli's from Australia.
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Thanks for your comment, please write with your address and desired size for an accurate shipping quote.
101unz - 7 years ago
REAL Watersports how much for pyzel ghost to Auckland, New Zealand?
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
What board are you looking for? We can get a shipping quote with your address easily and board request. If you are interested in more board information we also have great comments sections for each board we carry, You can read the comments on the Ghost here: or if you need a shipping quote, shoot us an email alternatively you can also reach us on the phone (252) 987-6000. We're always stoked to talk about boards and can ship anywhere in the world.
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 7 years ago
Thanks for the detailed reply. Like you say it takes a good partnership to nail it correctly & I think we've had a few mishaps this side in the past, but now overall production across the brands seems solid. The CI & Lost boards we get here are shaped in the Basque country by Olatu which are great and now Chilli have moved to the Shapeland factory in Portugal which are also great. I never thought about ordering from you guys, it would make sense as your boards are almost the same in dollars as what we pay in pounds. A lost Carbon wrap here in 2 weeks time is £725:( Heavy! I am a bit worried I'd get stung on import tax though, Are government love to get us on that, you literally have to pay the post man at the door this BS tax in cash over wise no post.

Love your reviews I've never been so clued up on board models etc

Feels like a different culture now, before you would walk into the Surf shop and not have to much of an idea about the different models & put boards under your arm to try & get that magic feel. Now days you can do your research online & pretty much know what board your after before you leave the house. Or at least have it down to 2 or 3. It's cool man we all love surf boards so it's nice to get schooled by you guys on new models from the comfort of your own home. Thanks
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
That’s a great question and one definitely worth diving into. All the major surf brands, and even some of the smaller boutique labels, license out board manufacturing companies in different countries to make their boards.

Just like at home, under their own roof, the foreign licensee starts with the shaper’s computer file to cut the blank. This does 90+% of the work, and that design file is the same as the file used in the shaper’s own factory.

The next step is to “finish shape” the board. This is the last 10% of the equation which involves cleaning off the cut lines, tuning the rails and getting the blank ready for glassing.

In order to make sure the licensees are finishing the board to spec, the original shaper, in this case Jon Pyzel, travels to their factory and trains each of the shapers to do this finish work exactly as he wants it done for each model. This same process often happens under the shapers home roof if they have additional shapers helping them keep up with order volume at peak times.

They key to ensuring that same magic quality and performance worldwide is creating and delivering a “magic” computer design file, and then choosing the right company to work with, that employs talented shapers who are then properly trained by the master shaper himself. When it comes to any of these companies, in order to guarantee success over the long haul, they will partner with well established businesses, who often have their own label, as well as contracts with other shapers to do this same work.

Under their own roof at home, and also overseas in foreign countries, these additional shapers, often called “ghost shapers”, also produce magic boards. In fact, it’s not uncommon for team riders to build a relationship with a ghost shaper and request them for their finish shapes.

But just like with the original shaper, once in a while, you get a “dud” board that doesn’t live up to expectations. This can happen to anyone, either the original shaper or any of the ghost shapers, and can be caused by a myriad of things outside the actual shape, and outside the shapers control, including the blank, stringer, fiberglass, lamination, amount of resin left in the board, the sander, etc.

The bottom line is how important it is to follow the above steps to make sure at least the shape is correct, and this is why shapers like Jon Pyzel travel so much and put in the proper prep time to get the foreign country factories and shapers up to speed. So the shorter version of this answer is YES, Pyzel is doing all the above homework to make good boards available to more surfers.

FYI in the event you need a Pyzel, we do ship surfboards to England all the time. You can browse our Pyzel inventory here:

Thanks again for the great question. Hopefully this sheds some light on the entire equation.
pooponacat - 7 years ago
trip how tall are you
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 7 years ago
Trip Forman is 6'2
surfvocals - 7 years ago
Great looking Board would love to try one!

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