Pyzel Padillac Review with Jon Pyzel

Jon Pyzel joins Trip Forman in the REAL Boardloft to talk about the Pyzel Padillac - where the name came from, what it works best in, and more! Get your Padillac here:

Pyzel Padillac Review with Jon Pyzel sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Reviews 5 years ago 7,247 views

Jon Pyzel joins Trip Forman in the REAL Boardloft to talk about the Pyzel Padillac - where the name came from, what it works best in, and more! Get your Padillac here:

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Most popular comments
for Pyzel Padillac Review with Jon Pyzel

FishE - 5 years ago
10:08 "its got some girth and weigh to it"
tony beatbutcher
tony beatbutcher - 5 years ago
When I got a first 9'5 gun and tested it in 3m swell, I was scared like f#ck cause it felt like a toothpick, like yr sitting on a ball, paddling in was not possible, there was only volume in the middle. Later I made my self a 9'6 gun wider nose, more volume, a world of difference.
Hawk Eye
Hawk Eye - 5 years ago
Doesn't it feel big? hahaha Great review. Thanks!
upsidedahead - 5 years ago
That's a thing of beauty. Don't think I need one for surfing, but I'd appreciate it as an art piece for sure ( big waves nearly killed me. I'm done. Got kids now)
TheMozzaok - 5 years ago
What a crock, I came up with?? Yeah sure you did. The plan shape of that board is identical to one Wayne Lynch shaped for himself to surf in France in 1979, but he gave it to me, because the one I had ordered wasn't glassed yet, and I was flying out a couple of days later. Mine was shorter, a 6'9", but almost identical in every other respect. It was a very good board, for clean over head to double, but 12 to 15 was getting a bit much for it. In it's day, 40 years ago, it was da bomb, but modern shapers are making much better shapes now. Don't get me wrong, it is a classic shape, so it goes, and goes well, it is just nothing new or special as these guys seem to be making out.
haha - 5 years ago
@Jon Pyzel There are no winners or logical outcomes in the Youtube comment section...
TheMozzaok - 5 years ago
@Jon Pyzel That's cool Jon, I certainly didn't want to imply that you don't make great shapes, I think your modern shortboards are beautiful and smart. I am getting old and grumpy and less diplomatic than I should be, so I may have over reacted to your "I came up with" phrase. Of course with so many years of great surfers making boards it is only natural that homage styles will appear. Wayne's boards were popular with all we south coast surfers because he shaped them to suit our waves. We have some juice off that southern ocean, albeit way too bloody cold juice. Sorry if I offended you, if anything it was maybe the surprise of seeing my old favourite shape from 40 years ago reborn.
Josh Hoffman
Josh Hoffman - 5 years ago
@Jon Pyzel They are possibly just jealous that it will never be necessary for them to ride any board that requires waves that size. The lifestyle you live is so rad. I have the upmost respect for your innovation pertaining to the progression of surfboard shaping. Cheers!
Jon Pyzel
Jon Pyzel - 5 years ago
@peter smith Jeez man, pretty rough on me for a guy you've never met!! I actually know my way around a planner pretty well if you are interested in getting handshape from me.
Jon Pyzel
Jon Pyzel - 5 years ago
Hi - I can't help but reply to this. If you watch this whole video (and I am not saying you should), you will hear me say that it's pretty much got a classic older outline, but the fact remains that I came up with the outline myself, regardless of what came before it. Also, just a fun fact, I have a video on my phone that Wayne Lynch sent me from a factory because he was checking out a Padillac and was super stoked on it. That was a pretty special moment for me! My point is that almost all surfboards have some resemblance to others, but that does not mean that the shaper has copied someone else's idea.
TheMozzaok - 5 years ago
@REAL Watersports You are no doubt right about that, I love his modern shapes, and have great respect for his skills, but that "blue" board, (my 6'9" was translucent sky blue, and I used to just call boards on their colour. My Brown board being the exception, thanks to my friends that just got called the shit stick,lol, my first heavy concave shaped by Des, a kiwi who surfed it in the 74 Bells comp) Point was, I loved my blue board so much, I new every millimetre of it, and as such when I saw it's mirror image in this video I was quite surprised. I am too old and fat to ever need a big wave board again, but my views on what they currently use is not a positive one. The trouble is you do not want to be out in 20 plus experimenting too much, so they pretty much ride the same or sadly worse boards now than we did 40 years ago.
REAL Watersports
REAL Watersports - 5 years ago
That's such an epic story, that 6'9" was probably sick in France! Wayne Lynch inspired a lot of people. John Pyzel was definitely inspired by boards of that era but added some unique design tweaks to make the Padillac uniquely Pyzel.
peter smith
peter smith - 5 years ago
He maybe a master of the design on computer cnc machine. that's why he talks like that. plus johnjohn is his rider
Shasta Dragon
Shasta Dragon - 5 years ago
What board would you recommend for a pitching beach break when it's 6-7ft? I'm looking for a winter step up board for this winter at El Porto in Los Angeles.
Weaving Lines
Weaving Lines - 5 years ago
Shasta Dragon 6’4, depends on you personally
cr 95
cr 95 - 5 years ago
You haven't met the guy who needs and 11 foot board? Have you talked to Owl Chapman?
Hugo Grossert
Hugo Grossert - 5 years ago
Belharra in france, when its giant you go with 11’ or more...
James Davison
James Davison - 5 years ago
OBSF - damn right, but I Really like the lefts

10. comment for Pyzel Padillac Review with Jon Pyzel

bellpaleale - 5 years ago
6:54 so don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.
frankymacf - 5 years ago
Really enjoyed this vid with John...even though I will never need this board!
D F - 5 years ago
Tail looks sick on that board.

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