Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

I review the rare LEGO pirates of the Caribbean polybag sets from 2011, Jack Sparrow's Boat. It's Captain Jack Sparrow, sav'ay. -- My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/just2goodEurobricks My Twitter: https://twitter.com/j2gEurobricks My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just2goodeurobricks LEGO Review #541 --- COMMENT RULES: 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). This is annoying and usually has NOTHING to do with the video. Also no "I'M EARLY" jokes. Those, again, have nothing to do with the video and are rarely constructive. Or comment spam, like "Legend has it nobody can like this comment!" 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. Keep everything PG-rated, not even PG-13. 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). 5) Treat others with respect. I'll remove any comments that break these rules. This is NOT because I'm an advocate for censorship, but rather because I like this to be a family friendly channel. If it's super bad, you'll be banned. Thanks, and that's all!

Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Reviews 8 years ago 66,827 views

I review the rare LEGO pirates of the Caribbean polybag sets from 2011, Jack Sparrow's Boat. It's Captain Jack Sparrow, sav'ay. -- My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/just2goodEurobricks My Twitter: https://twitter.com/j2gEurobricks My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just2goodeurobricks LEGO Review #541 --- COMMENT RULES: 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). This is annoying and usually has NOTHING to do with the video. Also no "I'M EARLY" jokes. Those, again, have nothing to do with the video and are rarely constructive. Or comment spam, like "Legend has it nobody can like this comment!" 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. Keep everything PG-rated, not even PG-13. 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). 5) Treat others with respect. I'll remove any comments that break these rules. This is NOT because I'm an advocate for censorship, but rather because I like this to be a family friendly channel. If it's super bad, you'll be banned. Thanks, and that's all!

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Most popular comments
for Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

bow shooting
bow shooting - 5 years ago
Where did you get that set
Swagg3r _Souls
Swagg3r _Souls - 6 years ago
Please do a review on the fountain of youth!
Mr. 02e
Mr. 02e - 6 years ago
I want to buy it,but where?
RedHunter33 - 6 years ago
Jessica Caceres
Jessica Caceres - 6 years ago
I love pirates
zak Johnson
zak Johnson - 7 years ago
Pirates of the carribean is under appreciated I think
AWM LEGO films
AWM LEGO films - 7 years ago
This Jack Sparrow is missing some of the red and white for his sash printing on his legs, you got a special figure! :)
MegaMan Studios
MegaMan Studios - 6 years ago
It comes in another set three other sets
Robert Brookes
Robert Brookes - 7 years ago
Aww, I used to have this, I think it was a exclusive with the Sun newspaper. I got rid of alot of lego a while ago, but I kept nearly all mini figures. So luckily I still have captain Jack with cutlass and rum!
X.A Xcalibur387
X.A Xcalibur387 - 7 years ago
how much money is for the set?

10. comment for Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

Savage Raptor
Savage Raptor - 7 years ago
can u take the hat off his head
Ethan Albert
Ethan Albert - 8 years ago
I have the one with the black pearl with Davy Jones's ship and a jack sparry with a skelloton face with the girl he got drunk with
LegoRanger18 - 8 years ago
Nice Review
Mikey J Productions
Mikey J Productions - 8 years ago
I wouldn't call him a "rare" minifig. Less common? Sure. But rare is a little misleading, you can buy him for a couple of dollars.
ImPactReplayz Gaming
ImPactReplayz Gaming - 8 years ago
I got that free from a newspaper code and I got 2 of them
Undi3sss - 8 years ago
This would make for a great Lego Dimensions set XD
Samon - 8 years ago
the jack sparrow with the hair is also in the Black Pearl
MegaMan Studios
MegaMan Studios - 6 years ago
Yeah obviously
Peter Terra The Hindu Communist
Peter Terra The Hindu Communist - 8 years ago
what rare, i have one and 3 off my friends have it to!
JakeG1000 - 8 years ago
Tamás Szüts
Tamás Szüts - 8 years ago
How many cost it?

20. comment for Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

Finley Mills
Finley Mills - 8 years ago
RARE?!!! In the UK I managed to get five of these, they came free with like a 20p newspaper haha
FalcorTheFuckDragon - 8 years ago
This was rare??? I had like five of these
squidsonmars - 8 years ago
That moment when you realise you have a box of 15 of these from when they were free.
Steinzeit - 8 years ago
Captain Jack Sparrow :-) cool figure
Freek Mol
Freek Mol - 8 years ago
I still have this
Crash teh virus Now
Crash teh virus Now - 8 years ago
Why you tell me but I can't wait
Shawn Henry
Shawn Henry - 8 years ago
cool set
Future World
Future World - 8 years ago
pretty sweet
C Mart
C Mart - 8 years ago
i got it when i was little
IronStrongLion Julian Carlson
IronStrongLion Julian Carlson - 8 years ago
This little set would work well as a dimensions fun pack
That one Guy
That one Guy - 8 years ago
Julian carlson yup

30. comment for Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

Brick Monkey Video
Brick Monkey Video - 8 years ago
Lunaatic Productions
Lunaatic Productions - 8 years ago
looks a lot like Golum's boat from the hobbit...
Fikinbricks - 8 years ago
You had me at polybag
Vikram - 8 years ago
30301: Jack Sparrow's Little Raft Thing
gronk patrol
gronk patrol - 8 years ago
I just found these on reddit.com/r/Lego, two new images for sets from the Lego Batman Movie, Penguin's Arctic Roller, https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/5ff8zt/70911_the_penguins_arctic_roller/ , and Scarecrow Special Delivery https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/5fh4aa/all_hail_the_batman_70910_scarecrow_special/
Peter Terra The Hindu Communist
Peter Terra The Hindu Communist - 8 years ago
gronk patrol pingwings car looks awfull
Donald and Douglas fan 10
Donald and Douglas fan 10 - 8 years ago
And very good review but I've never been a pirate fan so I didn't know this even existed!!!!
Donald and Douglas fan 10
Donald and Douglas fan 10 - 8 years ago
Wait.... your channel pic is the bug from toy story 3 !! I just noticed!!
THOMAS CARTER - 8 years ago
Are u gonna do ur thoughts on that penguin car set for the lego batman movie
pinhead - 8 years ago
Carter Van Unen *they're
david 12345678
david 12345678 - 8 years ago
Subscribe to me
Madd opl Toy Reviews Channel and films
Madd opl Toy Reviews Channel and films - 8 years ago
Okay set.
bullfrog reviews
bullfrog reviews - 8 years ago
hey I just realised there to some channels that you should unsubscribe to 1 Beyond the brick and to a brick vault and The Brick Show if you like that you should definitely go check them out all good LEGO channels so I just thought I might mention them well then see you again
MeijinKawaguchi - 8 years ago
Tricorn hat. That is the name of the triangle hat
Lightning 10
Lightning 10 - 8 years ago
did the penguin limo set image came out
bullfrog reviews
bullfrog reviews - 8 years ago
can't wait to the video dude hope it's something special see ya PS great video and I just really want to get one of these for a while but I can't find one anywhere not even on eBay
carl de caux
carl de caux - 8 years ago
I have this
Mama Aida
Mama Aida - 8 years ago
want it
ItsJamieDodgr - 8 years ago
I read the description and I see that I can't spoil movies that came out within the last month, dr strange was before that.

He goes to Narnia
ARandomVideoGameCollector - 8 years ago
Just2good if you could please respond to me that would be great. You have inspired me to start buying things on ebay, i have bought alot of legos of of ebay because you inspired me to do it. Thanks for inspiring me and congrats on 100,000 subscribers you deserve it.(Also loved your reviews)
Wpp98 - 8 years ago

50. comment for Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

Luke Sky8
Luke Sky8 - 8 years ago
I had two of this set when I was younger but I broke it :0
Dan - 8 years ago
i used to have 1 of these
CNFunnyJon - 8 years ago
There are rules. O.O Noooooooooooooo!!! Well at least nothing about purple hate, death to purple!
LEGO Metaworld
LEGO Metaworld - 8 years ago
I did not know this even existed up until now! Great video!
MegaMan Studios
MegaMan Studios - 6 years ago
The thing is in three other sets how did you not know it exsists
Oh yeah boy
Oh yeah boy - 8 years ago
The boat is called a dingy
Jack skinner
Jack skinner - 8 years ago
Just2good could you do a review on the Pirates of the Caribbean magnets please
Toast Hatter
Toast Hatter - 8 years ago
It's pronounced Ca-Re-Bea-an, not Crib-ee-an
MegaMan Studios
MegaMan Studios - 6 years ago
he has a different accent
jaymella thomas
jaymella thomas - 8 years ago
Toast Hatter I say it the right way.
smeel pee baldi nose fat
smeel pee baldi nose fat - 8 years ago
That's just an American thing.
Sonic Electro
Sonic Electro - 8 years ago
That boat really needs some oars but it's still very cute! I remember getting it through a weekly newspaper promotion thing 5 years ago.

Also, just2good is the one of the best Lego reviewers ever! To whoever hears this message, will you tell him that, please?
Lil Tire Pump
Lil Tire Pump - 8 years ago
Who else got this with the Newspaper. Darn I regret breaking it.
Samo Krivosik
Samo Krivosik - 8 years ago
I think those legs are misprinted (because there's missing paint on that piece of cloth).
Jalley - 8 years ago
you said Caribbean wrong
illogical cookie
illogical cookie - 8 years ago
Is this worth anything, I'm pretty sure I have two of these from when it was relesed
Joseph Simpson
Joseph Simpson - 8 years ago
It's CarriBEan, not CarIbbean.
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
Pirates of the Caribbean is literally the only theme I have all the sets for.
ScaryBountyHunter101 - 8 years ago
I love it but i cry because of something else
Autonomous Meme
Autonomous Meme - 8 years ago
I had this polybag! Remember getting it from a news paper advertising
Diego Munoz
Diego Munoz - 8 years ago
thumbs up
greer nelson
greer nelson - 8 years ago
Why is the rum gone? Like if you've seen that remix.
jaymella thomas
jaymella thomas - 8 years ago
greer nelson yeah.
Autonomous Meme
Autonomous Meme - 8 years ago
attention seeking begger no
John Whittle
John Whittle - 8 years ago
+just2good why do Americans say Caribbean weird??
The Indifferent Individual
The Indifferent Individual - 8 years ago
Wait, this is rare!? Darn, now I regret taking mine apart!
MegaMan Studios
MegaMan Studios - 6 years ago
It comes in a couple other sets dude
Nyzma Kumala
Nyzma Kumala - 8 years ago
it's not that rare I bought it for 12 bucks yesterday
DeadArtist - 8 years ago
Taste and decency I used to have TWO deadpool minifigs, and I gave ONE away and LOST the other. (Facepalms) if OLNY I'd known how much they'd be worth
DeadArtist - 8 years ago
Taste and decency you wanna know what I regret...
Autonomous Meme
Autonomous Meme - 8 years ago
DrFries - 8 years ago
who else thinks that just2good should do about 3 polybags in polybag videos i mean reviews are great but i think it would be better that video has more stuff when it is a rly small set
Poipole49 - 8 years ago
I want LEGO Cars to come back!
Sorry, Just2Good. I never really liked Toy Story. I'm more of a Cars guy. Yes, I LOVED Cars 2.
fire ball
fire ball - 8 years ago
Amazing Figures and Bricks
Amazing Figures and Bricks - 8 years ago
Can't wait for Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales!!
greer nelson
greer nelson - 8 years ago
Amazing figures and bricks can't wait for the cinemasins video for that movie!
Amazing Figures and Bricks
Amazing Figures and Bricks - 8 years ago
Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate's Life's for me!!!
Amazing Figures and Bricks
Amazing Figures and Bricks - 8 years ago
Lol XD
ItsJamieDodgr - 8 years ago
Bring me that horizon...

and some really bad eggs
Brick Lover 225
Brick Lover 225 - 8 years ago
Good review. Will you ever do a top 10 most wanted lego sets of all time video?
frigmen br
frigmen br - 8 years ago
PacChumpGamerRandomness - 8 years ago
Good vid
Slayerbricks 1
Slayerbricks 1 - 8 years ago
Very good polybag review
JIBLO_ - 8 years ago
i have alot of nostalgia for this
Antony ______
Antony ______ - 8 years ago
I love this Polly Bag i do wish i had it. In the UK they literally never sell polley bags and when they do we get them a year late near where i live.
MegaMan Studios
MegaMan Studios - 6 years ago
The minifig comes in queen annes revenge whitecap bay this poly bag and London escape
Daniel MacAskill
Daniel MacAskill - 8 years ago
Lego Iron Fist Beyond 2099 AJS they used to give them away in the sun and the daily telegraph like 3 times a year for a week at a time. lego has only just terminated it's contract with the newspaper.
Swimmingchicken - 8 years ago
Hibah Mudassar
Hibah Mudassar - 8 years ago
if you can see this comment just2good replie plz
Hibah Mudassar
Hibah Mudassar - 8 years ago
on ebay there are loads of polybags including others for 3.99 but i think its a scam
Graphic Bricks
Graphic Bricks - 8 years ago
I have this set but without the original polybag, does that make it rare? I got it for dirt cheap as well
Goldenageflash - 8 years ago
Hey Just2good will you be reviewing another fabuland set on throwback Thursday or a different one, keep up the good work and I really enjoy your videos
JD Studios
JD Studios - 8 years ago
Believe it or not I actually have three of this set for some reason my parents just kept getting this polybag from the paper
The nostalgic nerd
The nostalgic nerd - 8 years ago
I have this
PacChumpGamerRandomness - 8 years ago
I made a conspiracy video about just2good
greer nelson
greer nelson - 8 years ago
Yes you did. And your basing the evidence on his sig fig looking like a bug.
Hibah Mudassar
Hibah Mudassar - 8 years ago
i saw this today what and you reviewed it
p.s keep up the good work
also lego city undercover is coming to new platforms
X27xreaper X27x
X27xreaper X27x - 8 years ago
hibah mudassar how
just2good - 8 years ago
I heard it is! Cool to hear.
charlie clarkson
charlie clarkson - 8 years ago
I didn't know this was rare and I also didn't realise I HAVE IT
Collin Boothe
Collin Boothe - 8 years ago
I know u probily won't respond, but a while ago I advertised my channel and I wanted to apologize, I did not read the description, please except my apology:)
just2good - 8 years ago
Apology accepted!
Carlos Barajas
Carlos Barajas - 8 years ago
Also I like the minifigure and boat
cudithe_ kidcreator
cudithe_ kidcreator - 8 years ago
ok I really can't wait
LGR [LegoGR]
LGR [LegoGR] - 8 years ago
Did you review this in honor of the new Pirates of The Caribbean movie coming out or did you just want to? Great review though!
LGR [LegoGR]
LGR [LegoGR] - 8 years ago
Maybe, why do you ask Dylan?
LGR [LegoGR]
LGR [LegoGR] - 8 years ago
Oh sweet that's awesome. I don't have it, but I like the fact that it is rare. Great video once again just2good! Still trying to think what your special video will be tomorrow. Lol.
Dylan Singh
Dylan Singh - 8 years ago
Lego Ghost Rider Are you at every vid??
just2good - 8 years ago
The movie doesn't come out for a few months - so I just wanted to. :)
Jay - 8 years ago
I had this. Just thought I'd let you know.
ege balar
ege balar - 8 years ago
just2good - 8 years ago
Stay tuned, because tomorrow at around 2-4PM EST, a very special video comes out. What can it be? ;)
apex sway
apex sway - 8 years ago
just2good Kkkkkiiiiiiiiiii
Darlene Phillips
Darlene Phillips - 8 years ago
+Darlene Phillips i mean how
Darlene Phillips
Darlene Phillips - 8 years ago
hoq did you get it
Eoin Hodgins
Eoin Hodgins - 8 years ago
New Star Wars set pictures
은갈치_TV - 8 years ago
just2good i got the jack sparrow with hat combo in a pirates of the carabiean nintendo ds case from the dollar store
Vikram - 8 years ago
just2good face reveal
TheRacersTV - 8 years ago
just2good I got beans greens potatoes tomatoes lamb ram hogs dogs
Amazing Figures and Bricks
Amazing Figures and Bricks - 8 years ago
@Brick Age Studios Hey bro!! :D
Carlos Barajas
Carlos Barajas - 8 years ago
Face reveal
Crimson_Collar_G - 8 years ago
It's probably just a list. It is near the end of the month. So it is around time for another list.
Earl - 8 years ago
just2good idk will it be on YouTube forever or only in those time period if it's at 2 or 3 I can't make it
Mama Aida
Mama Aida - 8 years ago
can u subscribe to me please I watch your videos every day
CamoClone 134
CamoClone 134 - 8 years ago
Hey amazing figs and bricks!
Legomigue Morales
Legomigue Morales - 8 years ago
Jdsing4 - 8 years ago
Insane Lego haul where you buy every set at your Toys R Us?
rachel purple ninja
rachel purple ninja - 8 years ago
I just love him i wana marry him
LEGO Metaworld
LEGO Metaworld - 8 years ago
Your face reveal?
CNFunnyJon - 8 years ago
just2good Taking off thy mask will continue after these commercials. XD
Poipole49 - 8 years ago
adde hat
Alien porn?
rachel purple ninja
rachel purple ninja - 8 years ago
rachel purple ninja
rachel purple ninja - 8 years ago
oh baby i hope you revail your face and maybe show a little something else
Carbonite Hunter
Carbonite Hunter - 8 years ago
Another giveaway ?
ZarSavage kid
ZarSavage kid - 8 years ago
face revealed
Alakazam03 - 8 years ago
just2good live stream about something?
Amazing Figures and Bricks
Amazing Figures and Bricks - 8 years ago
@RadiKalRigby Hey, Hello!! Thank you very much bro!! ;)
Poipole49 - 8 years ago
TheReginator - 8 years ago
Amazing Figures and Bricks what's up my dood I watch your videos and I love them
Amazing Figures and Bricks
Amazing Figures and Bricks - 8 years ago
Hmm... Review of the Disney Castle??
Mack Driver
Mack Driver - 8 years ago
Face Reveal? Oh, and can I please interview you?
TheReginator - 8 years ago
just2good what's up just2bro
SupremeChan - 8 years ago
Top 25 lego sets of winter?
Antony ______
Antony ______ - 8 years ago
I hope its maybe a face reveal or some awesome set news or a give away. (Im getting to excited) Lol
CamoClone 134
CamoClone 134 - 8 years ago
just2good top 25 Lego sets of winter 2017 :)
Eion Bevens
Eion Bevens - 8 years ago
just2good how much is this set worth now because I have like 5 of them still in the bag
Dylan Singh
Dylan Singh - 8 years ago
just2good FACE REVEAL!???
LGR [LegoGR]
LGR [LegoGR] - 8 years ago
just2good: Uhhhh I don't know!
Tobyatron 205
Tobyatron 205 - 8 years ago
This is cool
Nathan Studios
Nathan Studios - 8 years ago

100. comment for Rare LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow's Boat review! 30131!

ege balar
ege balar - 8 years ago

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