Roberts "Star Chip' Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 60
Reviews 6 years ago 9,464 views
No obligation, but if you want to support the Site and keep the reviews coming you can donate here. In this episode I review the Star Chip by Roberts Surfboards. Roberts shapes me two stock 5’5” boards. One board is PU/Poly and the other board is a special EPS construction he calls RFT TDD. Both boards go great in 2-5’ surf using the large Futures Roberts Generation Thruster fin set up. The Star Chip model is fast and surfs very well in the pocket as a Thruster and I highly recommend this board for intermediate to advanced surfers. I also rode both boards with a new fin set up that Roberts calls a Twonzer. He sent me a set of medium and large to see what worked best for me. After testing both fin sizes the large worked best for me as the depth of the fins helped stabilize the board and offered more traction in my turns. Board DIMS: 5’5” x 19 1/8 x 2 3/16 Liters 25.86 My Height: 5’9” My Weight: 160lbs
10. comment for Roberts "Star Chip' Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 60
20. comment for Roberts "Star Chip' Surfboard Review by Noel Salas Ep. 60
Also, for those of you thinking of getting a Roberts, I've seen Roberts surfing all the local breaks in Ventura, and he is a wonderful guy, works with a lot of great surfers, and will give you his personal time, and loves talking design and Froths over good waves. I highly recommend speaking with him, or ordering a board. And no I don't work or ride for him. by far one of the best surfer/shapers who rips for his age/size. He also makes really great Big guy shortboards. Noah Keep up the amazing reviews. Thanks for all your hard work.
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