STAB In the Dark Winner, DHD Surfboards DX1 Review no.139 | Compare Surfboards
Reviews 9 years ago 25,815 views
Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! The surfboard review you've been waiting for, this is Julian Wilson's STAB In the Dark Winner, DHD Surfboards DX1 Review! Eleven 'Magic Boards', Julian Wilson as judge, logos stripped away, thrusters only... Full Write Up: You've heard the premise of the awesome Stab in the Dark contest, now Compare Surfboards takes the DHD DX1 into the water for experience by the common man (Julian Wilson is no mere mortal...). Make no mistake, this is a true high performance shape for a high performance surfer in good, powerful waves. With the right skilled surfer + good wave combo, the DX1 is capable of great things. Hope you enjoy this review of the 2015 STAB In the Dark Winner, DHD Surfboards DX1. All the best, Benny -------------- + See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny
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10. comment for STAB In the Dark Winner, DHD Surfboards DX1 Review no.139 | Compare Surfboards
I ride the dx1 JF in 5'10 aswell and love it!
Would you by any chance be willing to share how you make that spray on your boards? Is it poscas or something? Would be sick with a tutorial or something hahah!
Keep up the good work
Best regards Benjamin