SUPER FAST Mini RC Boat - Recoil 17" Self-Righting
Reviews 9 years ago 57,291 views
Link to the Recoil Boat on Amazon: Larger Battery: More info on my site - You might also like my review on this less expensive rc boat - The Recoil by Proboat is a fast, well built, no fuss, rc boat that comes ready to run. Just add 4 AA batteries to the transmitter, charge the boat battery, and you’re ready to go. The speed and performance is insane for this small of a boat thanks to its brushless 2950Kv marine motor. I don’t have a radar gun, but it’s advertised at 25 mph plus and it handles itself at high speeds very well. All of the components inside and outside this boat are high quality. The haul is a sturdy plastic, not as nice looking as a fiberglass body but I feel like plastic is more durable. I've had fiberglass boats in the past that end up cracking and rotting. I'm not against fiberglass, I prefer it on larger boats! I've had a smaller cheap fiberglass boat and I ran into a lot of problems. What makes the Recoil haul so special is its ability to quickly turn itself right side up. As you’ll see in the video this boat is really hard to flip. If your boat does end up upside down, there’s so much torque in the motor that just a tap on the throttle will spin your boat over. It’s pretty water tight, the most I've ever had leak in was about 2 table spoons and that’s because I was running it in rough water and the boat did a couple dolphin dives. If it hits a wave just right you’ll see it dive down about a foot and float back the surface right side up, it’s pretty entertaining to watch. On the outside you have a good size aluminum rudder which is going to give you excellent turning. Usually you’ll see your water intake either in your rudder or on a pipe that sticks down here but on the recoil it’s actually located underneath the boat. It’s nice because it shortens the distance the water has to travel to get to your motor and speed control. The tabs and fins are going to make the Recoil super stable. You usually only see these on more expensive models and they make a huge difference in performance. You have two sharp stainless fins that will help keep your boat going nice and straight. They are adjustable but it’s recommended that you keep them pointed down at a 45 degree angle. Next you have you tabs which are going to help keep your boat from tilting and adjust how high or low you want your nose pointing. The battery is installed on the left side so my left tab is bent down a little more than my right tab to help counter than weight and keep my boat level. If you’re running in choppy water, you might want to angle them up more to keep the nose up. The inside components is what really makes the recoil stand out. There are some similar models out there but they lack some of the quality components that you get with this boat like the marine radio, motor, and ESC. I go over these more on my website. The first thing you want to do when you’re done running boat is to turn it off, unplug your battery, and dry it out inside. Make sure to leave the top off to let any moisture out. Using the included boat stand will help protect you from getting cut by the propeller! It’s easy to bump the throttle so avoid resting the boat on your leg! The last thing I want to go over is the battery life. If you have the throttle full open the whole time you’ll only get around 4 minutes of run time. I like to run it at around half speed which it still fast and your battery will last twice as long. There’s also a spare 2100 mAh battery that you can buy for $20 and that will give you a few extra minutes of run time. Just make sure to let your boat cool down before tossing another battery in there. Same goes with your lipo battery, let it cool down for around 45 minutes before charging it. If you want to see more pictures and read more about the recoil I added a link to my website below. Thank you for watching! Make sure to subscribe to keep up to date with my future reviews! If you have any questions about this boat, please leave them in the comments below and I’ll do my best to get back to you! Watch more reviews: Subscribe to my channel!
10. comment for SUPER FAST Mini RC Boat - Recoil 17" Self-Righting
I wouldn't go higher because the boat already sits low in the water. If you have it full open with no stopping you'll get 4 minutes which is short but considering how insanely fast this boat is, isn't terrible. I cruse at about 70% power and the battery will last around 6 minutes.
Trying to decide between the Recoil 17 and the Barbwire 17....??
20. comment for SUPER FAST Mini RC Boat - Recoil 17" Self-Righting
Even after to rinsing out the bearing block seized up on us
30. comment for SUPER FAST Mini RC Boat - Recoil 17" Self-Righting