SUPERBrand Fling Review no.45 | Compare Surfboards

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! An old school fish updated for the new school, the SUPERBrand Fling is a modernised version of the old school twin keel fish designs. This is the SUPERBrand Fling surfboard review at Benny's Boardroom. Enjoy! The Superbrand Fling was a 2013 SIMA Surfboard of the Year Nominee! -------------- + See the Full Review with Full Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Ride Pluses/Minuses, Comparisons to Similar Models and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

SUPERBrand Fling Review no.45 | Compare Surfboards sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Reviews 11 years ago 20,419 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! An old school fish updated for the new school, the SUPERBrand Fling is a modernised version of the old school twin keel fish designs. This is the SUPERBrand Fling surfboard review at Benny's Boardroom. Enjoy! The Superbrand Fling was a 2013 SIMA Surfboard of the Year Nominee! -------------- + See the Full Review with Full Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Ride Pluses/Minuses, Comparisons to Similar Models and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for SUPERBrand Fling Review no.45 | Compare Surfboards

Dylan Eynon
Dylan Eynon - 6 years ago
Those fins - Seaworthy Quads are as mentioned fantastico
roamer seed
roamer seed - 7 years ago
I am 5’11 and 190 lbs, experienced surfer. most boards I ride are 5,10 and around 33-35 liters. Would you recommend the 5’6 or 5’8? I think the 5’6 has 32.9 liters. Would rather the 5’6 but don’t want to hinder the ease of catching waves easily.
HighRollaaaaaaaaaaaa - 6 years ago
Hey you have same height/weight as me. What size fling did you go with?
Nick Klein
Nick Klein - 7 years ago
Interesting board, how does this compare to the lost puddle jumper?
Looking for my next board to progress on east coast swells
Dante Sellas
Dante Sellas - 8 years ago
you can shred on this thing make sure you get it small enough though
HighRollaaaaaaaaaaaa - 6 years ago
Hey bro Im 5'11" 190 what size SuperFlex should I get in order to make sure its small enough? - 8 years ago
Next time Dante!
Waxfoot - 8 years ago
I love my Fling so much, amazing little board. Think you should definitely have gone a fair bit shorter. I find that I'm riding mine actually in less volume than my shortboard. It turns on a dime even with quads.
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 6 years ago
what dims and what's your size? - 8 years ago
+supercow79 Not a bad call! Next time!
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
Benny, how would you compare the Fling and the Lost Puddle Jumper ?
HighRollaaaaaaaaaaaa - 5 years ago
Steve Versace Torrey has been waiting for 4 years.
Steve Versace
Steve Versace - 6 years ago
still waiting for reply :-(
Daniel Neihana
Daniel Neihana - 6 years ago
Torrey B this a good question
Shawn Chadwick
Shawn Chadwick - 10 years ago
Hi Benny, 

Excellent review.  I've been riding my fling for almost four months now, and wouldn't want to ride any other board for your average waist -head high days.  However,  I personally feel that the fling can't handle anything too punchy or bigger than head high.
I love the cruisey feel of the fling, and am looking for a similar board that can handle a punchy chest - overhead high wave.  Do you have any recommendations for a board that has a similar feel but maybe a step up from the fling?

Thank you!

Jack Schreuder
Jack Schreuder - 7 years ago
hypto krypto hayden shapes
Jack Nash
Jack Nash - 10 years ago
In the video what size board is he showing? Cheers - 10 years ago
@Jack Nash Hey Jack, that is my board in the video - it's a 6'0.Cheers,Benny
Jack Nash
Jack Nash - 10 years ago Yeah iv looked at the dimensions but want to know what size board is in the video? 5.6? Cheers - 10 years ago
Hi Jack, the dims I ride as well as the full standard dimensions and volumes for a given model are always included in the full review at (Superbrand Fling review is here:  ).

This is a standard Fling at 6'0 x 22 x 3 @ 44.5L's!

Hope this helps you and thanks for watching the show!

Ben Petraglia
Ben Petraglia - 10 years ago
Hey Benny,

Quick q for ya:

I am 5'8 - 160/165lbs - Athletic - Proficient surfer - Usually riding Retro style boards (Fish, egg, Log, Mini simmons, etc etc) 

So I recently surfed a friends Hypto Krypto at 5'6 - 19 3/4  - 2 1/2 - 29.83.  Had a blast, felt really solid on Small Stuff and still stable as the swell built approaching Head high + a foot. 

Anyway the opportunity has come up for me to score a Fling for super cheap from a buddy, and I wanted to get one with similar volume to the Hypto I road.  Looking at the Fling volume it appears 5'4 - 20 - 2 1/2 - 29.7 is closest I can get.  So my question is, will chopping that extra 2 inches (5'6 Hypto to 5'4 Fling) hinder my ability to surf in a little steeper shoulder to head conditions in the same style I did on the hypto?  Or does the fling offer more stability with volume at shorter length? 

I am looking to snag this board for a road trip from Oregon to OC next month.  Looking for it to handle anywhere I surf on the trip (Point, Rock Reef, Beach) conditions probably will be ranging from flat-head high. 

Let me know what you think.

Ben Petraglia
Ben Petraglia - 10 years ago Helped a ton, thanks buddy. - 10 years ago
@Ben Petraglia Hey Ben, tough question. Pound for pound, I don't think the Fling will 'offer more stability' at a shorter length vs. the Hypto simply because it's shorter/wider/fatter. It's probably closer to your mini simmons in feel.I hope this helps!

10. comment for SUPERBrand Fling Review no.45 | Compare Surfboards

berniedmj m
berniedmj m - 10 years ago
Because of the brand name, the average joe & the RV is getting too much hype. A lot of people don't know about or care about super branded surfboards because it's not a house whole name. Although this board is slowly leaking out but this board is a cross between the average joe & the RV. It's funny how I know this is because I went to several surf shops in SoCal San Diego & inquired about the joe & the RV. Most of them directed me to this fling. - 10 years ago
Hey berniedmj m, glad you found the Fling - it is an awesome board! 
Herminio C. Mercado
Herminio C. Mercado - 10 years ago
Hi Benny, Good review.  I need some help with sizing for the Fling.  I'm 52 yrs old, 160 lbs, experienced surfer (since 12 yrs old) and surf in NorCAL and always use a 4-3 wetsuit.  Considering all those factors, which size would you recommend? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Caesar - 10 years ago
Hi there H. Caesar M.,

This article ( is a good starting point for determining size/volume.

For grovelers, I always prefer to have a little bit too much versus not enough volume given these boards are intended for the smallest end of the wave range. Therefore, I would go for the 5’8!

All the best,
Xavier Molina
Xavier Molina - 10 years ago
This very well might be my next board. Looks like a good Florida mushy/groveler everyday board. Very few times a year we get waves the require a true high performance board. @ 160-165lbs a 5'4" x 20" x 2.5" May do the trick! - 10 years ago
Hi Xavier, the SUPERBrand Fling will certainly get you through mushy/small days! But the design allows you to surf slightly larger waves, too.  Had a great session on my Fling at head high.

Please let me know how you go with the Fling if you get one Xavier.

All the best,
S Lempert
S Lempert - 10 years ago
Great Review Benny. How about a review on the Rusty Hustler which is a different board with venturi bottom and looks like a fast versatile board. would ove to hear your opinion on the Hustler.
txs - 10 years ago
@Paige Grow Cool beans Paige!
Paige Grow
Paige Grow - 10 years ago
I have hustler SICK board. - 10 years ago
Hi S Lempert, thanks for your cool feedback!  I looked hard at buying a Hustler last time I was in the US - it's a great shape.

I'll see if I can get hold of one in Oz!

All the best,
oopiknarf - 11 years ago
Nice review! Just an idea but I think it would be cool to throw in some footage of you riding the board at the end of the video. - 11 years ago
It's a great idea to have footage of someone (not necessarily a pro) riding the boards as part of the review, thanks Oopiknarf!

Stay tuned...

Brian Luna
Brian Luna - 11 years ago
Great review Ben!
What are the dimensions of this particular Fling? I was considering ordering one around 5'0-ish. Good to see those Seaworthys in this board, I use them in all of my wide-tailed grovelers and plan on using them when I get one of these.
I've noticed a lot of your boards with FCS-2 or Futures boxes, do you have a preference or favorite between the two? Keep em' coming. - 10 years ago
@Brian Luna Interesting about the depths, thanks Brian.  If you don't mind, I'll pass your feedback on to the good people at Futures.  I am sure they'll be interested to hear this.

All the best,
Brian Luna
Brian Luna - 11 years ago I have a blend of FCS and Futures in my quiver but I have more boards with Futures boxes and find myself putting them in boards I shape for myself or order for myself more often. These fins just feel as though they create more drive due to the solid/stiffer base compared to a twin-tab FCS (and they don't collect any seaweed). The only issue I have with them is the box depth difference, with the front boxes being deeper than the rear. The 1/2" rear boxes reduce the possible fin combinations. As a result I order all of my boards with full depth 3/4" boxes all the way around so I can experiment with every Futures fin I have. Instead of being stuck with QD trailers or trailers that come with a Futures quad set, I can experiment with smaller templates such as the F4 and use the front fins (3/4" base) in the rear boxes and use them as a slightly larger trailer. 

I have been curious about the FCS2 and the uniformity, convenience, and potential fin combinations may be enough for me to give them a try in a new board very soon. Thanks for the info, Cheers! - 11 years ago
Cheers Brian, much appreciated!  This is a standard 6'0 x 22 x 3 Fling.  I'm 110kg's so I almost always go for the biggest beast I can find - especially for small wave boards.

RE: fins, tough call. I have been enjoying the ease of swapping fins with the FCS2 setup but I have always really liked the feel of Futures and the Seaworthys definitely do the trick in the Fling! 

What fin setup do you prefer?

All the best,

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