SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

Some ideas take root and grow faster than the weeds. SV Seeker is one of those ideas that started from a chance conversation about building a boat and getting it to the ocean via the Arkansas river. That was about 12 years ago and the though of sailing a boat I built across the oceans was something that scared me. ...and it made me feel alive. And it still does. What's the point of living if you don't LIVE. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Blog: Store:

SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 215

Reviews 8 years ago 632,648 views

Some ideas take root and grow faster than the weeds. SV Seeker is one of those ideas that started from a chance conversation about building a boat and getting it to the ocean via the Arkansas river. That was about 12 years ago and the though of sailing a boat I built across the oceans was something that scared me. ...and it made me feel alive. And it still does. What's the point of living if you don't LIVE. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Blog: Store:

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Most popular comments
for SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

darkstar18498 - 6 years ago
I have to ask. How could you afford to put so much time and money into this????
7700Purplexity - 5 years ago
The question still has not been answered. The money required for this project is WAAAY beyond the means of the average American. If you would rather not answer, just say so ... it's understandable.
bozzaa - 5 years ago
bozzaa - 5 years ago
Dude. That's a little harsh. If you got a common sense thinking brain and ambition, money IS easy to make in most of the western world, especially the US. Poverty has more to do with geographic locations and Govt's holding people down. Being born in a shitty country, etc. And even then, with some brains and ambition you can move somewhere else if you REALLY want. The kind of talk your spewing is what I hear from the common drunks, drug addicts and shit bums here in the US. In other words, people with NO AMBITION and/or NO BRAINS.
Randy Fields
Randy Fields - 6 years ago
xl you must be one of the “poor”
Manuel Gavilan
Manuel Gavilan - 6 years ago
Dominik Scofield
Dominik Scofield - 6 years ago
@SV Seeker thank you for replying, i appreciate your insight on what you have said, I do believe i now know how to accelerate my plans and make something happening.
I am not afraid to fail and i am not afraid of hard work.
The new year has struck and it feels as a perfect time to start, right now today.
peace and love,
and maybe 1 day i can show up and help finish some painting on the seeker.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
​@Dominik Scofield Howdy. I agree with Scott's commentary above. If you really have a dream then money is not the issue. Make it happen without the money do whatever you have to do to make the money, or some of both. If your waiting for someone to wave a magic wand, then you do not have a dream. That is a wish. And if you have poor people around you then move and change your friends. You will know poor people because they will never think about next year, it's always the next pay check. They will choose which bills to pay, not choose cut the internet, cable, eating out, the bar, or thousand other things. And the poor will never achieve any dream, because they either don't have one or they constantly use the excuse that they don't have enough money. Dreams take a lot of sacrifice and hard work doing a lot of things that no one else is willing to do. Most will never even dare to dream. Making excuses is just too easy. The other option it to get bitter and angry like "x3" above. Don't do that. if you fail, fail with some pride. Don't pout like an infant. Life is short, you are going to die. And you may die before you obtain your dream, so find happiness in working toward your dream. I started my career digging ditches, and I'll obtain my dream even if I have to go back to digging ditches. Nothing short of death will stop me. And I rather enjoy digging ditches. :)
Dominik Scofield
Dominik Scofield - 6 years ago
@SV Seeker Hey, i was just curious what would mean by "money is something poor people worry about", at 26 years old ive been very happy with my life and adventures ive completed, money has never been something i worried about because i was taught at a young age to save and how to spend wisely.
Im motivated by your vision and plan to create my own dreams.
But "money" has been the 1 thing that holds myself, friends and wife back from living the dream we actually want, rather than doing the daily rat race.
a reply would be amazing as i love the message your trying to send.
peace and love
Direct Pressure
Direct Pressure - 6 years ago
@xl What a miserable, jealous & envious person you must be. You employ the argument of a weak minded loser in life, the ad hominem. Your post speaks volumes to your self pity & lack of effort. This dude is living his dream & your pissed. He isn't to blame for your pathetic lot in life.
Stop whining about what other people have & use that energy to improve your life you jealous dick!
Scott Nemeth
Scott Nemeth - 6 years ago
xl calm down a little bit, sv seeker isn’t trying to a prick and has a very good point, anyone can make decent money in the USA but you just need to have the will to move and seek out the jobs, the inspiration and help from others to find them, and the courage to take the leap to do some tough jobs and put the time in.

I was an engineer for a honda foundry job in ohio and the floor workers would work 7 days a week 12hrs a day and make $30,000 just working 3 months... tough work but it’s there, I’ve known workers at gm making $80,000-$100,000 without a college degree just putting hard work and time in.

Is it easy, hell no, but their are plenty of jobs out there like this making it possible..... I also get it seems nearly impossible for single parents or the less fortunate but it’s still possible even without having to work everyday. In stead of complaining about it, go do some job research online at your local library.... If you have time to complain about it or time to watch these YouTube videos than you have time to do research that could change your life.... again, it’s not easy but it’s definitely possible and the only person holding yourself back is yourself.

I personally am truly inspired by these people and instead of going to the bar spending money on drinks, they are spending time together as one powerfully inspired family working together and having fun doing it. Also Imagine 4 or 5 families splitting the cost to build a $100,000 ship possible in parts and steel.... that’s less then what your average person spends on a car.

You don’t have to be a millionaire to do incredible things. As references, check out Mr Moneystache.... There are opportunities for everyone even if Companies like GM seem to be corrupt and uncaring about the life blood pf their companies.... it requires some courage and determination to find them and yes, life can be tough and unforgiving but it only takes a few strong determined people to help change that with a few creative ideas and the drive to follow that through.

Elon Musk came from africa with just enough money to get to the US with only a backpack and a mind filled with ideas and an unwavering drive to never give up... he came from a broken family with a terrible childhood and an abusive father and now his family are his workers which he had to pump over $50,000,000 back into over time to keep the company going through rough times were the banks din’t want to support him in order keep his company going and workers working instead of making layoffs after delays well working out issues that his company and workers helped overcome and create a successful company. His ideas have helped create jobs for 10,000 workers at Tesla and around 4,000 at SpaceX.

That’s all from a man who came to the US with just a book bag of clothing to his name... So back to my point which is just as important for myself as anyone else... We are the only thing holding are selves back from greatness and we cannot be afraid to fail.

But on the flip side I have just as much respect for those family’s that forgo a dream to be there for their children trying or completely caught up working two jobs to make a living and provide food for their families.... and I feel like we should help inspire and those other find those jobs that will allow a single parent to be able to work one job which will also pay for educations if you’re a good worker to help you make more money in the future allowing you to make more money and work 1 job allowing more time for you, family, and time to start making dreams a reality.

In the time I took writing this, I could have used YouTube to start refreshing and learning how to program in C+ programming or how to create a mobile app for a good idea I had like comparing different health care insurance costs to make companies more competitive and start lowering costs if it gets popular enough or compare costs of surgeries between different hospitals to ensure people don’t get ripped off and stuck paying extremely high costs compared to another hospital that could save a person from spending years to pay off an unfortunate event when they work hard just to survive.

I could have gone to many of the free educational sites like KhanAcademy to refresh on my electrical circuits classes or math classes like algebra because I forgot the chain rule or calculus... or pay a little bit of money like $24 to learn and get a certificate that I can put on my resume from apps like Brilliant for learning about one my interests in Augmented Reality.... which they have tons of different classes covering most fields from accounting, many different fields in programming , IT, finance, mathematics, science, engineering ext.

We just need to inspire and help those around us in are communities to help the timid find the courage to make the leap and provide great support to help each other keep a positive mindset and not to get discouraged by people selfishly putting others down which I’ve even seen this in interviews from arrangement management personnel conducting interviews. You ask those people what skills they’d require you to have and use the Internet to obtain those skills and prove to those kind of people what you know and to have them give you a task to prove you know your stuff. Yes some will still require a degree but others only care about what skills you have and can you make them money bc if you can prove you can make them money and do what’s required, then most likely you just got that job especially showing you determination to overcome hurdles without making excuses.
Thijs Netherlands
Thijs Netherlands - 6 years ago
@SV Seeker you're a huge inspiration, greets from The Netherlands❤
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
How could you afford not to? It's more educational and cheaper than college and after 6 years of college you sure as hell don't have a 40 ton motorsailer and a crew of friends ready to travel the world. I'll let you in on a secret. Everybody is going to die. Not everybody will have Lived before they die. And money is something poor people worry about. People who are not poor know that it's easy to make money. Living a life of courage and strength is the challenge.
Pierre Russell
Pierre Russell - 5 years ago
Well, I am very impressed with the concentration of reckless people working on this project, surprisingly, nobody got killed so far!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 5 years ago
Not really a surprise. When you tell people that you are not here to make them safe and they are fully responsible for their own safety; you frighten away the worst type and focus the best type. Hence just a few band-aids. Not even one stitch.
Wim Van Bogaert
Wim Van Bogaert - 5 years ago
Nice video's, nice work
Nigel Marston
Nigel Marston - 5 years ago
Greetings from England.

I love everything about this. The grand design. The community assistance. Engaging the children. The engineering skills. It's utterly brilliant. One of the best things on YouTube.
mm California
mm California - 5 years ago
You skipped over the divorce part. Was that a joke or did you go through a divorce?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 5 years ago
Yes, we are happily un-married.
mm California
mm California - 5 years ago
This guy is a neighbor from hell.

Just like me, always building something.
boboala1 - 5 years ago
Well, I'm proud of ya Doug! I know your type: you'd rather be right than President! I been following SVS for 5 years. Missed last year because YT no longer posted your vids in my Rec list...kinda forgot about ya...along with a lot of other channels that I guess got the advertising void 'silent treatment.' (I see right thru YT's Thumbs Down algorithm - I started the awareness of this in YT so people wouldn't get despondent or pissy...if Jesus & Allah came back as a tall, dark & handsome tag team they'd still get the down thumbs! Word!) Anyway, I'd love to pick your brain with questions like tonnage & how many knots you'll make with the bus diesel, but I know you ain't got time for specs, so I'll just say 'Keep on keeping on!' I like to think you've rounded 3rd & are headed (soon!?) for home! ;-)
Dangar Marine
Dangar Marine - 5 years ago
You've got so many skills and have made so many wonderful things. I'm in awe!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 5 years ago
I'm just a determined hack, but I've been enjoying your videos. Keep up the great work.
Patrick Stapleton
Patrick Stapleton - 5 years ago
Just a crazy idea, but it would be great to have links to each video associated with each edit. There are some pieces I would love to see the detail on, but not sure which video they relate to :)

10. comment for SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

Big Bad Wolf's Three Little Pigs
Big Bad Wolf's Three Little Pigs - 6 years ago
New subscriber, don't know how I've missed your channel but thankfully I've got some time on my hands recovering from an ankle surgery to take it all in!
This channel should be recommended in schools to show kids that they have the potential to build their dreams and make an honest living.
Александр Астафьев
Александр Астафьев - 6 years ago
Фантастическое упорство. У вас интересная жизнь.
Marshall Diaz
Marshall Diaz - 6 years ago
The sadest part...
Lucas Delfino
Lucas Delfino - 6 years ago
To put it simply. This journey is deeply inspiring. Dare to dream! I wish you all the best of luck!
Jimmy .L
Jimmy .L - 6 years ago
So when are you sinking....i mean launching the uss rustolium ?
Tincholimonada - 6 years ago
Awesome insane!!
antonio13642 - 6 years ago
Wait, how did this just now pop up on my feed. This is incredible. How the faaa... whaaaat! Creative imagination and unwavering dedication to overcome bumps & this is genius. It's freaking art! Amazed!
loud fast
loud fast - 6 years ago
further!!!! my love and respect, way to go!
Jasik Loving
Jasik Loving - 6 years ago
What do your neighbors think about this
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
They love it. Only people on the internet have an issue with it.
Jasik Loving
Jasik Loving - 6 years ago
You almost died several times be careful but great build love this video.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Hardly. It’s just scary if you have no experience with it.

20. comment for SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 6 years ago
Thats impressive!. I like the dudes attitude the most. Reminds me of a U S Navy Chief I once knew.
Evo K
Evo K - 6 years ago
I know a bunch of Colombians who will be interested in your skills...
312saxon - 6 years ago
Well did it actually float ?
Peter Darlow
Peter Darlow - 6 years ago
Talk about driven, wish I had half the motivation of you guys. Awesome job.
Delta 3D Argentina
Delta 3D Argentina - 6 years ago
Lovely work!!! may good winds be with you..
rock ok
rock ok - 6 years ago
really amazing it remind me of the first ever submarine that you guys build..
mathisox - 6 years ago
Wow, you sure got your priorities straight. Never thought I'd watch a >20min vid without skipping once. Insane Work.
Carlos1944 - 6 years ago
20:14 ???
David Asselin
David Asselin - 6 years ago
Way to go Bud looking fuckingawesome I can't believe I watch the whole video in 5°c weather

30. comment for SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

Ragnar Lothbrok
Ragnar Lothbrok - 6 years ago
7 more years till it's in the water?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
manfred baier
manfred baier - 6 years ago
sorry to say that I miss Aden a lot. How is he doing nowadays? And where is your son ? Maybe questions hard to answere for you . They have such a role- model in you !!! And your ex- wife? Is she working as a physiotherapist, as she planned ? She was part of a huge amont of your work ( also the submarines ) and then just decided to leave ?
FlatFifties - 6 years ago
No boys, dogs, cats, chickens, or volunteers were killed in the making of this video. It's a miracle!
epicdeuce - 6 years ago
i found all of this very stressful
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”  ― Helen Keller
B P - 6 years ago
Holy shit. I bet this guy could solve global warming in something like 3 hours.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Ha! I have 30 tons of processed metal in my front yard. Not a good start.
acecharlie229 - 6 years ago
My god your a fuckin legend
acecharlie229 - 6 years ago
I beleive it, this is why i chose to go to school for cnc machining/programming and welding, to be able to do things like this
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
No. I have awesome crew.
robert mcghie
robert mcghie - 6 years ago
i am lost for words AMAZING stuff
Fix or Fab
Fix or Fab - 6 years ago
You got divorced!? Why!? If I may ask.
Great build tho!!
Fix or Fab
Fix or Fab - 6 years ago
@SV Seeker ok good. it's awesome you took the time to reply to mine and others comments!! keep on keeping on!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
@Fix or Fab Hell no. No need to be sorry. It's was painful at the time but I love the change.
Fix or Fab
Fix or Fab - 6 years ago
@SV Seeker sorry man
love the ship tho!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Yes, I got a divorce because one day I pulled my head out of my ass. She's happy, I'm happy, the world is a wonderful place when we stop letting society dictate our lives.
spunkmeyer k
spunkmeyer k - 6 years ago
I can't believe you lived through all that.
Tristan MacRae
Tristan MacRae - 6 years ago
too many times you should have been badly hurt or even killed but got lucky i want to see this boat completed and i don't think that will happen with you dead please try to not die
Triggerhappy Ranch
Triggerhappy Ranch - 6 years ago
Wow. Congratulati :)
Trevor Whyatt
Trevor Whyatt - 6 years ago
Dam. Seeing it like this shows how far you have come. Great work.
richard robb
richard robb - 6 years ago
Longitudinal stringers inside a steel boat. Indra, a gold plated 60' ketch at the Lake Pontchartrain yacht harbor in the 50's and 60's was built of welded steel, all compound curves. Condensation collected along each stringer, and rusted the boat into strips.
Chigobwyn Quorev
Chigobwyn Quorev - 6 years ago
Your ex-wife needs hearing protection, eye protection, and gloves just to left her blouse and expose her boobs?!
SV Seeker is a much harder boat protect than I imagined!
William Burdon
William Burdon - 6 years ago
What a massive undertaking for a small group of people with regular lives. Amazing .
I watch all the great people on You Tube overcome mountains, and make great things out of junk and scraps, and then you see all the waste and destruction by "Experts". Makes you wonder what the real plan is.
Ranjit - 6 years ago
Anybody know any other channels as kool as this.?
Ranjit - 6 years ago
This should of been a 2 hour video with explanation. Would love to c that. Cheers from chestermere.
John Cooper
John Cooper - 6 years ago
My favorite Youtube channel in the whole wide world. SV Seeker is truly great achievement and an inspiration to us all. Just hope I can come on a working holiday one day soon to meet you guys ;-)
Jake Belk
Jake Belk - 6 years ago
If you have ever made anything, 20:05 is for you. Keep pushing that rock up the hill....
J Settle
J Settle - 6 years ago
Vey Nice!

50. comment for SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

E Cannon
E Cannon - 6 years ago
Much respect sir!
James Kuno
James Kuno - 6 years ago
Amazing work!
Mixu - 6 years ago
Who is that kid on the video? I think he is not your child? Just asking?
Dax arms
Dax arms - 6 years ago
So what's the name of your Shipyard anyway? Have a great day
Dax arms
Dax arms - 6 years ago
Well if they make other vessels for other people who ordered them I can see the money coming in to afford that easily
Dax arms
Dax arms - 6 years ago
Yeah you guys open the shipyard in your front garden taking any orders from new vessels?
Dax arms
Dax arms - 6 years ago
It looks like you guys just opened up a shipyard in your front garden and you're taking orders for new vessels no matter what the configuration is hey if the city doesn't complain about you building ships in your front yard then go for it have a great day
coba Manuele
coba Manuele - 6 years ago
Has this boat been 7yrs in the making and is that how long the youtube channels been going 4?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Kraken Life
Kraken Life - 6 years ago
Man, you are not building a ship, but post-apocalyptic ark. It is so awesome how you make things from scratch. :)
cadcam - 6 years ago
cadcam - 6 years ago
Be mindful of your thoughts. your life will follow them.
OzzyAC - 6 years ago
Nat - 6 years ago
Wow You are very talented … wow ..
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Not really. Determination is often mistaken for talent. But I have a lot of talented people working with me.
Santacrab - 6 years ago
andrew allen
andrew allen - 6 years ago
A true American lunatic! Well done sir! An admirable achievement :)
Разрушитель Совковых Легенд
Разрушитель Совковых Легенд - 6 years ago
you are genius hard-worker man
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Yeah. more hard worker. I take the good ideas from other folks.
Alex Morris
Alex Morris - 6 years ago
Trial, error, repeat
chomama77 - 6 years ago
So when does Noah start collecting the animals?
Tommy Chileti
Tommy Chileti - 6 years ago
william III
william III - 6 years ago
Your neighbors will be very happy when your boat is finished.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Actually they enjoy the build and showing it to their friends. You might consider what kind of neighbor you would be.
blankchck - 6 years ago
How are you still alive?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
The better question is why do so many choose to exist but not Live.
ArmchairWarrior - 6 years ago
just pay for one of those massive helicopters they use in logging, drop it in the ocean, ploop
Heberson Haase Pinheiro
Heberson Haase Pinheiro - 6 years ago
You are amazing! You are Amazing!!
Vladimir Krabo
Vladimir Krabo - 6 years ago
Я думаю что этот человек может построить сам космический корабль.
leroysmith1214 - 6 years ago
a little accident prone are we?
Duncan Geldenhuys
Duncan Geldenhuys - 6 years ago
25:09 made me lol
get some
get some - 6 years ago
How mickey mouse, lucky no one was killed
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Yes, it was a fantastic adventure. I have never felt more alive. And I will share a secret with you. You are going to die. Yes, it's true. You are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it. So try and live before you die.
Game on Presents
Game on Presents - 6 years ago
Love the bloopers
motooiler motooiler
motooiler motooiler - 6 years ago
Long time subscriber here - this got me hooked up even more. You're utterly crazy and true inspiration :D Best of luck from Poland.
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 6 years ago
Who are you? You have the skill and resources of a thousand men.
Shrek Head
Shrek Head - 6 years ago
Really inspiring. I'd like to build my own boat one day.
Angelo estoya
Angelo estoya - 6 years ago
"Ah, none of that"
Derek H
Derek H - 6 years ago
Nice flash from your Mrs. .lol
ferrelx - 6 years ago
i honed my skills that i make my living at now in the oil patches of west Texas,where you were miles from nowhere and you HAD to make a repair no matter was hard dangerous work and hot boy... nothing like grabbing a wrench and getting 2nd degree just took me back 30 years to my youth sir,where i was clobbered,crushed,burned,dropped,gouged,cut,stuck,stabbed,set on fire and regularly took showers in both gasoline and diesel and i was 20 years old..i gotta say your one tough cob :)
MON383 - 6 years ago
WOW, I've missed so much, I need to go back and catch up. You'd not long built your furnace when I last checked in.
David Crabtree
David Crabtree - 6 years ago
Ive been watching for awhile now. And today was the first time i have drove from the westside over to the northside to see the Seeker. Very impressive. Big project. I want to be there when you move it to te port. Rain was just starting today when I came by.
1962 buick
1962 buick - 6 years ago
Thomas Russell
Thomas Russell - 6 years ago
What do you reckon the displacement is going to be?
Thomas Russell
Thomas Russell - 6 years ago
SV Seeker yeah, I thought with it being a steel construction it would be more. Sounds like the shape is quite dialed in for its mass.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
30 tons unloaded.
Nicholas Phillips
Nicholas Phillips - 6 years ago
Just watched your weather/ rust sealant 1 year test and when I saw the boat in the background I thought it was something you were restoring.
All I have to say is wow and will you adopt me lol
David W.
David W. - 6 years ago
Lol a quick flash
Phil Waters
Phil Waters - 6 years ago
Love it... Carry on , I'll meet you at the pass... xxx ;-)
FreshCoffeeParts - 6 years ago
Just absolutely amazing!!!

Totally awesome work there !!!

Or as we say in Canada ' Beauty eh !!'
Robert Lennihan
Robert Lennihan - 6 years ago
Wow I’m dumbfounded at the amount of work and skill you have there. Idd hate to be ur back jus looking at that welding yoga hurts
johnny brandon
johnny brandon - 6 years ago
you have faired well it seems from all the little to possible big mishaps (the boat crushing you) good job. l like your style.
Trevor Harris
Trevor Harris - 6 years ago
Actually shit my pants when that jack gave out.
sunandh2o - 6 years ago
You are amaizing
ЛенФэтбайк - 6 years ago
it's very cool !!!
Виталик, Грузоперевозки Киев, Киевская область.
Виталик, Грузоперевозки Киев, Киевская область. - 6 years ago
Моё Уважение Вам! Проделали огромную роботу. Красота))
Nicholas Ovel
Nicholas Ovel - 6 years ago
This is amazing! Proof and understanding of what my grandfather ALWAYS preached at the end of the day... "no matter what, if you don't love what you do... Don't do it!" You make this look fun and easy but no shows the "shit" side of building something like this. The science, math, and knowledge needed is insane on its own, but constructing knowledge as well.... Only love could keep someone going! You're a role model man!
Jason Davis
Jason Davis - 6 years ago guys are all Amazing......the details and the discovery as you go are incredible to watch:) Cheers from Canada!

100. comment for SV Seeker in Review - 7 years in 27 minutes

ivantine pollon
ivantine pollon - 6 years ago
AWork of art with some roosters in the head
Norman McGill
Norman McGill - 6 years ago
What a great video. Good friends having a good time producing something very useful. Love it, love the critters and above all love the dogs. They are so cool and always right where the action is. Great job all of you. Hope to see the boat in the water soon.
Homefront - 6 years ago
I love mag-drills
Homefront - 6 years ago
George chaney
George chaney - 6 years ago
You guys almost look like professionals
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
We just need uniforms.
anthony marasco
anthony marasco - 6 years ago
Live and live well.... God speed . love To help . looks like if anything needs to be on u tube this is it.
Blake Dorr
Blake Dorr - 6 years ago
I'm really hoping your name is Noah.
N S - 6 years ago
Probably the most wonderful video I ever seen on YouTube. Truly inspirational.
Hector.Carlo242 - 6 years ago
devendra karwadkar
devendra karwadkar - 6 years ago
This guy is a genius..
Adam Frisoli
Adam Frisoli - 6 years ago
And yet I can barely get myself to take out the trash.
Andy Wanzer
Andy Wanzer - 6 years ago
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
... where the wind comes sweeping down the plain. Where the wav-in wheat can sure smell sweet. When the wind comes right behind the rain..
Liam O'Brien
Liam O'Brien - 6 years ago
Nathaniel Heidemann
Nathaniel Heidemann - 6 years ago
theyre pouring lead into the hull?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Yes, it is excellent ballast for a sailboat.
Tom Tomsen
Tom Tomsen - 6 years ago
I admire your energy.
Eto Hige Gamer Culture
Eto Hige Gamer Culture - 6 years ago
wow...just WOW
Glen Peacock
Glen Peacock - 6 years ago
New to your channel from chucke2009 looking forward to watching all videos.
lomoDaniel - 6 years ago
New subscriber. I am thoroughly impressed. Plan on watching your entire channel. This is a great intro video for noobs like myself. If I ever lost my job I'd come down to Oklahoma to give you a hand. Better than going to university. Thank you for making YouTube interesting.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Glad you are enjoying it.
Jason Creech
Jason Creech - 6 years ago
What a incredible journey. You friends and family make a great team. I look forward to seeing more of your progress. Good luck and be safe.
Alex Longpré
Alex Longpré - 6 years ago
This is just mind boggling! I stumbled upon one of your waste oil/propane burner videos, trough an other guy, bulding his own furnace (vintage machinery), while I was researching for a way to convert my rocket mass heater to burn waste oil.

One thing let to an other and I just finished watching this. I'm just typeless and in awe. I had to suscribe and I'll be watching this from the begining instead of lame TV shows. This is real life right here, real reality TV as it should be. Thanks for the inspiration and all the dreams it will generate. Keep it up and may Neptune himself safely guide this vessel and all your crew/family where ever you wish.

Cheers from Canada

SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Thank you Alex. We appreciate the kind words.
Sandro Leandro
Sandro Leandro - 6 years ago
Esse cara e um herói fazer um serviço desse praticamente sozinho com ajuda da Mulher dele vc ta de parabéns
Peanut 67
Peanut 67 - 6 years ago
Ok, I'm blaming ChuckE2009 for hooked on his vids, ran around saying"hurdeedur", then saw Stephen Cox, got hooked on his vids, went out and fixed stuff, then one of your vids popped up with his. Been watching trying to catch up since Thursday. I now have a beard, and my dog had pups, my eyes are bleeding. Seriously, Doug, you are a true Craftsman and an inspiration!! Can't wait to see it in the water!!
Mateus Vianna
Mateus Vianna - 6 years ago
I think this is the most... Surreal/Mind blowing/Ichigo ichie/épatant I don't know, some language must have a word for it... video I've ever watched on youtube. Amazing! Thank you sir! I'll give it all as well!
69Phuket - 6 years ago
Camel Lairds in a backyard....Amazing!!! ;O
(Chukee2009 & Steve Cox brought me here)
betzer19 - 6 years ago
Holy crap. now thats a work load. will never complain again about work. amazing job. great video all the best from denmark
that guy
that guy - 6 years ago
My dad used to tell me always get worried when the engineers get bored
Mateo Montalbano
Mateo Montalbano - 6 years ago
25:10 "Miley Cyrus... she used to be Hanna Montana?? HAHAHAHAHH
STURGOD BLADES & SMITHING Inc. - 6 years ago
Wish I could have helped on that....looks like fun to it's my kinda crazy too
Bad Goy
Bad Goy - 6 years ago
loooool what realm of insanity have i stumbled across? I love it !
Tengiz Adamashvili
Tengiz Adamashvili - 6 years ago
she divorced you???
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 6 years ago
Yes. Some things that you don't want turn out to be the best thing you ever got.
Augusto oct
Augusto oct - 7 years ago
Excellent, what an impressive team!
Florida Outdoors
Florida Outdoors - 7 years ago
TheOldManEric - 7 years ago
Apart from spacecraft, is there anything you don't build? How in heavens name have you packed so many skills into one life time! The fact that there is so much of you in that boat really makes her special.
TheOldManEric - 7 years ago
Love it..... Your having wayyyyyy toooooo much fun!
TheGreenmeeny - 7 years ago
joe GasKill
joe GasKill - 7 years ago
WOW,,Can't believe no one has DIED with all the close calls you guys have had!! And the flasher,,WOW again!! Great job though!
Charlye Brown
Charlye Brown - 7 years ago
My hero
Ismael ll Pastoriza
Ismael ll Pastoriza - 7 years ago
This is amazing Wow
Ashton Gardner
Ashton Gardner - 7 years ago
No metal was damaged or hurt in the making of this video
Jef Damen
Jef Damen - 7 years ago
Wow u have lot's of lives it seems...
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
I have only one. The point is to enjoy it. We will all die.
Shambles1980TRealOne - 7 years ago
thumbs up for 5:04
Andrew Denker
Andrew Denker - 7 years ago
Words cannot describe how awesome this is to see!!! It is so great for all of these wonderful people to work together to make something so COOL!!!!!
Hellsong89 - 7 years ago
And they say i'm work place hazard XD
Dark Star
Dark Star - 7 years ago
Sooo much lead and placed inside the riggers that are more like anchor slash ballast. This boat could not capsize if you tried. Usually its along the keel but to send the weight so far from the usual balance point its like those eagle toys that balance on your finger. Weighted with lead at the front swept wings to level the whole things centre of balance.
Dark Star
Dark Star - 7 years ago
19.45 mmmmm! yeah ah huh! Ahahahahaa funny.
Dark Star
Dark Star - 7 years ago
Ahaha probably bad taste humour but now i see why you got the little fella around. Theres always a spot too small that perfect for a little one. Fetching lost tools etc. Making dual hull ships back in titanic building days the boys would be between the sheets of steel while red hot steel rivets were jammed into a hole from the outside and smashed flat by blokes outside while the boys held the steel in place on the inside which was red hot. Roughly 2000 degrees. Some boys have been found decades later still trapped between the layers. Pls look after your boy. He is worth more then your entire build.
Dark Star
Dark Star - 7 years ago
That locking door mechanism is hardcore. Im more impressed by that then anything else and your solo metal working skills blows me away. A huge boat from scratch. It looks like steel though? Either im wrong or you have a way to protect it from the sea long term.
Markidjani Zekan
Markidjani Zekan - 7 years ago
is miracle no one has died!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Naa, it only look dangerous to someone who is not familiar with this kind of work.
Ryan Schmaltz
Ryan Schmaltz - 7 years ago
How many ppl did you kill. Fml
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Zero. And nothing that a band-aid or tweezers could not fix. So what is there to be afraid of? You are going to die no matter what. But are you going to LIVE?
Crip Skillz
Crip Skillz - 7 years ago
Wow man fukn wow, your fukin awesome this is so cool wow!
Zk AY - 7 years ago
When you hear folks say "what does it mean to be American?"
Send them a link to this video
Rehan Niazi
Rehan Niazi - 7 years ago
how much more time needed to finish this boat ?
Harry Bloom
Harry Bloom - 7 years ago
Aluminium and steel???? Not good!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Aluminium and steel. Totally good when done right. And it's done right all the time.
Daniel Soto
Daniel Soto - 7 years ago
It was great
Dirty scant
Dirty scant - 7 years ago
very very cool.bad ass.
JimsEquipmentShed - 7 years ago
6:38 Ho-lee-shit!
Bingo Hall
Bingo Hall - 6 years ago
JimsEquipmentShed Surprised they all are alive and have all theur parts?
Sad-is- Dick
Sad-is- Dick - 7 years ago
Needs more hearing protection but otherwise great
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Yes Mother
KLNDK - 7 years ago
No fucking clue how you know to do all this things
KLNDK - 7 years ago
Holy shit
Ben V
Ben V - 7 years ago
13 minutes @ 2x :)
Carl Holm
Carl Holm - 7 years ago
This is nothing short of gobsmacking. Building something that emmensive and still being so careful and meticulous. Amazing! But your neighbors gotta be the most accepting people on the planet?
Oleg Kazakov
Oleg Kazakov - 7 years ago
Это лучший домашний проэкт который я видел !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oleg Kazakov
Oleg Kazakov - 7 years ago
dnA 1
dnA 1 - 7 years ago
Malays built this in three years ...
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Beautiful boat.
id104335409 - 7 years ago
Hey neighbor, what'you doin?
A ship.
...uummm, OK.
pangrac1 - 7 years ago
Even not safe for watching. You are insane suicidal commando hardly working to win the Darwing price! Jeebus.
pangrac1 - 7 years ago
You're welcome.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Thanks Mom
pangrac1 - 7 years ago
Good luck, you will need it.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Living in fear, is not living at all.
Latinos Unidos
Latinos Unidos - 7 years ago
Beautiful family involvement. May God Bless you all that participated in this project. People like you are the ones that makes real impact and inspire millions of people to try to do things they dream on. Thank you for sharing your work. PS be safer next time, LOL.
Majestic Mark
Majestic Mark - 7 years ago
Don't try this at home.... Oh shit wait. Too Late.... Try this at home!!!
Accel Well
Accel Well - 7 years ago
Hands down the best thing on YouTube this man is crazy smart
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Thanks but I simply steal good ideas from others. Tenacity is my strong point. :)
The Last Smith
The Last Smith - 7 years ago
I actually helped with this when I was 16 a group of me and friends went out and helped my freind cut out the penis I think haha
cj c
cj c - 7 years ago
This is fucking awesome
Shawn Eliason
Shawn Eliason - 7 years ago
Wow... Cool shit.. I thought ive done a lot in the last 5 yrs! love the titty flash ! Shes a good sport..
Comedy Ray
Comedy Ray - 7 years ago
So how many people died during this construction?
Comedy Ray
Comedy Ray - 7 years ago
Sail on!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Two mama's boys were crushed because they thought their mama's were going to keep them safe. The rest preform as responsible adults.
greg h
greg h - 7 years ago
you need a submarine to retrieve your boat trailers LOL. Those kids are going to have some awesome childhood memories to relive later in life.
Dan G
Dan G - 6 years ago
Right! So what was your childhood like? Oh nothing special I just helped build a ship
GuitarraLisboa1977 - 7 years ago
Men like you... Make the world go forward
Reza O'Line
Reza O'Line - 7 years ago
in the last 7 years.. i did nothing..
Hard Truth
Hard Truth - 7 years ago
I don’t know how the hell I haven’t found you before now. I’ve worked in shipbuilding design for many year and what you have accomplished in your backyard much less anywhere is nothing short of AMAZING! WOW! WOW! WOW! Definitely subbed and going back though all of the videos.
Henry Morgan
Henry Morgan - 7 years ago
Just unreal!
Peter Ballin
Peter Ballin - 7 years ago
Great editing! Really fun watch....
Rv4 Guy
Rv4 Guy - 7 years ago
Grandson will grow up to be very smart if he survives. Natural selection! The OSHA nazis must have heart attacks when they watch this!
Super Dave
Super Dave - 7 years ago
Oh, I bet OSHA would love you! (you're a miracle, thanks)
Super Dave
Super Dave - 7 years ago
An amazing feat of engineering work, especially for one person! With all the money and time spent on this project, how do you support yourself and pay the bills? Just curious.......
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
It started as a one person show but it has grown so much that I rarely work alone.
Khorsathedark - 7 years ago
Totally awesome video, my first time here. I am guessing that your neighbors hate you though.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Welcome, and no, my neighbors are no issues at all. We would do anything for our neighbors, and they know that. I wish more neighborhoods were like this.
I'm that Guy
I'm that Guy - 7 years ago
Love the Lil
Kid . Welding already
Titus Tiger
Titus Tiger - 7 years ago
Piterus123 - 7 years ago
Man! You are great!!!
Bobby Smith
Bobby Smith - 7 years ago
There is something wrong with this man.
Wayne Grant
Wayne Grant - 7 years ago
So...I'm guessing you had an erector set as a kid...ha
Amazing skills...looking for the launch
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Yes, but lots of the parts were missing and broken by the time it make it to me. I spent a lot of time in the swamp.
antzontoast - 7 years ago
Big thanks!! Been a great journey so far for you all and us couch surfer commentators. Therefore will only leave one comment - someone should of made that dog a prosthetic?
Sam Bishop
Sam Bishop - 7 years ago
How do you afford all this?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
loopiewho - 7 years ago
Just watched this again it's fantastic i still love every single moment of this adventure
DarlaJean - 7 years ago
You guys are genius. Good clean fun it’s what life is about.. What’s next?
Edward Gold
Edward Gold - 7 years ago
An OSHA agent would shit if they saw this video. Please be carefull.
Sean Fraser
Sean Fraser - 7 years ago
holy smokes, that is amazing you built that boat by hand
Sailing Celtic
Sailing Celtic - 7 years ago
Come forward that man and take a bow
Luca C
Luca C - 7 years ago
You are crazy, really.... :-)
Al Morrison
Al Morrison - 7 years ago
You, sir, are what I always wanted to be, except I didn't have the brains, nor the wherewithal, nor the gumption. My hat is off to you!
Thomas Koehler
Thomas Koehler - 7 years ago
a wonderful crazy, and learning a thousand skills -- I like it, I understand it
NC Yak Angler
NC Yak Angler - 7 years ago
these people represent what the Heart of America truley is.
Craig Thomas
Craig Thomas - 7 years ago
I caught on the this build years ago and every once in a while I bump into it again. Very amazed by the progress, engineering and drive of this man and his friends.
Paul Skillhoarder
Paul Skillhoarder - 7 years ago
ban jomi
ban jomi - 7 years ago
Incomprehensible .....
Michael Ball
Michael Ball - 7 years ago
I have never EVER seen more potential for death, dismemberment, and permanent injuries than this video. Or more little children at risk. Encore!
marsh pipe
marsh pipe - 7 years ago
I wouldn't work for them if they paid me double ...bloody dangerous loons ...and kids should never be near a workplace ...talented idiots .
Sailing Dutchman
Sailing Dutchman - 7 years ago
SV Seeker I feel like i can call you brother after time stamp 6:33, did you clean the brown stain or did you just tosses them draws..
Aluizio Gomes de Assis Aluizioga
Aluizio Gomes de Assis Aluizioga - 7 years ago
I would really like to be your neighbor to follow this project. congratulations, Aluizio - Brazil
Ed C
Ed C - 7 years ago
amazing. loved watching the dedication and commitment.
Bill McQueen
Bill McQueen - 7 years ago
Ultra inspired, what a education that boy is getting, priceless. I too have learned a great deal, Thanks for sharing.
Traveling Through Time
Traveling Through Time - 7 years ago
This is how America was built - teamwork, community, and perseverance.

Also, 24:08, lol
Makyrie - 7 years ago
You’ve done a lot more than most would have been able to do, and a whole lot more than some. Don’t beat yourself up. Every little thing you do. Every day you try. Makes it that much closer to your dream. Keep on keepin on. Slow wins the race and all that shiet......But it’s true.
Model RC
Model RC - 7 years ago
How long is It and why did you dump that metal in it and lastly can you make a longer version
Ox - 7 years ago
I am so envious of your energetic, non crippled ass that I couldn't help but give a like. Truly. Fucking. Amazing.
Todd Kesler
Todd Kesler - 7 years ago
I was just Oklahoma.. I should have come by for a visit.
Eleventeen Machine
Eleventeen Machine - 7 years ago
I never realized that you started from scratch! I just assumed you bought an old boat and were rebuilding it. My hat's off to you!
Hellu Bjarg
Hellu Bjarg - 7 years ago
not a boat its a fucking ship
GuardedDig2 - 7 years ago
joe GasKill
joe GasKill - 7 years ago
GuardedDig2 yeah how bout that!!
Pablo ble
Pablo ble - 7 years ago
now everything looks so easy.
Ron Watkins
Ron Watkins - 7 years ago
Pretty amazing
Adam Hájek
Adam Hájek - 7 years ago
Now remember kids: Grinder and paint will make you the welder you ain't.
Pau Ayelo
Pau Ayelo - 7 years ago
phuc ewe
phuc ewe - 7 years ago
Seeker Safety Record
Days since the last accident: 0
StrangerDangerInABlackFordRanger - 7 years ago
did no one complain about either noise or having a big boat growing near them?
Delmus Ingle
Delmus Ingle - 7 years ago
This is amazing,,, The number of engineering technologies that had to be learned in order to build this is numerous.
All done by a few people working together. I am in awe !!
TheDavidp82 - 7 years ago
That grandkid is being raised right. You are living a life I, and any sane human, would envy. Thank you for 27 minutes of happiness and I can't tell you what it did for my mood watching this. (P.S.- I wouldn't insure your build site for a billion dollars. But I loved every minute of it!)
Jubin Kb
Jubin Kb - 7 years ago
i wish i could be part of this ....good job
Hayden Allen
Hayden Allen - 7 years ago
Holy shit! Here I was thinking you had bought an old ship as salvage! Little did I know you had built the whole damn thing! From one Tulsan to another! Cheers!
mixalis markou
mixalis markou - 7 years ago
my hero...the most beautifull video i have seen.thank you!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Glad you like it
Erik Lewis
Erik Lewis - 7 years ago
My favorite video yet. Keep on keepin on, Doug.
Bob Down
Bob Down - 7 years ago
2013.. Old fart moves at the speed of light
Bob Down
Bob Down - 7 years ago
It's amazing how fast you can move in those OH SHIT!!!! moments.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
That is how you build big things and make it to the old fart stage of life.
Mauro Baraldi
Mauro Baraldi - 7 years ago
siete davvero grandi ...complimenti
BluMidget Gaming
BluMidget Gaming - 7 years ago
where the fk is he getting all of this silver or what ever that liquid metal is from
BluMidget Gaming
BluMidget Gaming - 7 years ago
SV Seeker oh kool how is the boat now
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Lead from car wheel weights. Most definitely not silver. :)
jim brown
jim brown - 7 years ago
i thought i was a hero with a 16ft fiberglass re-build..... very cool.
Tim Roberts
Tim Roberts - 7 years ago
Alum frame on a steel hull .…… that won't last long.…… no evidence of insulation
Michael Osmon
Michael Osmon - 7 years ago
Amazing. Very awesome
ɿɒɔƨO Ɔ
ɿɒɔƨO Ɔ - 7 years ago
All the family is involved that is Awesome
guuuuustaf - 7 years ago
I just realised I have been following this project from the start. Man time goes by. I just want to see it finished NOOW. Keep up the good job!
Zone Television
Zone Television - 7 years ago
Imagine if the government worked this efficiently
Liam Winter
Liam Winter - 7 years ago
Why not use cement as an alternative to lead?
some dude
some dude - 7 years ago wasting my life
Mauro Baraldi
Mauro Baraldi - 7 years ago
siete davvero grandi complimenti
Gen Maximus
Gen Maximus - 7 years ago
I really want to see the un-edited film at 5:04 because at 5:05, I see some nice scenery! The scenery looks very happy.
Lake View
Lake View - 7 years ago
i have a fear of boats this video made it worse even tough i liked watching it i would not be able to go inside or on top of that boat but i loved the video
Wayne Ashby
Wayne Ashby - 7 years ago
SV Seeker,
Oh, I like that saying! I hope you have that on one of your wood squares.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
You really should watch. We are all about over coming fear. You are going to die. But are you going to LIVE?
Lake View
Lake View - 7 years ago
if it was made of wood id would be able to go inside just thinking about it being made of steel or what ever it is made off spokes me but i gusse since your putting in all this effort it must work C:
Ross Eion Tought
Ross Eion Tought - 7 years ago
When I watched the individual videos, I never saw or, don't recall seeing the kid mucking around in among the work of steel ship building.., this time I think it is the recipe for all disasters.., though you would probably not admit it, let me tell you from experience; I know many adults who have wound up seriously injured, let alone a child.
joe GasKill
joe GasKill - 7 years ago
Says the guy who's son hasn't died while a build of this caliber is going on,,,yet!!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Experience is gained from exposure. Those without exposure will fear everything and wonder why those with exposure do not. The worst of them will assume the experienced individuals need their help in obtaining under achievement.
WELL RAN - 7 years ago
Modern days Noah..
jfan4reva - 7 years ago
26 minutes? No way I'm going to watch all that....
Hey, where'd the last half hour go????
Thanks for the (entire) video.
mechanical king
mechanical king - 7 years ago
is it just me or is not a single piece of film in this video complete
Tim Turner
Tim Turner - 7 years ago
WOW, just wow, you guys are totally awesome........... big ups to you all from New Zealand, let me know when you're headed this way :-)
kerry krishna
kerry krishna - 7 years ago
SV, All through this vid, all I see over and over is Family, more Family and love for each other. You all really are so lucky! The word AWESOME was invented for this project.
Kenneth Connors
Kenneth Connors - 7 years ago
James Fenton
James Fenton - 7 years ago
Accident prone, but doing okay. As long as you don't get crushed, it's all good.
Horace Wick
Horace Wick - 7 years ago
what an inspiration!
Keith Avery
Keith Avery - 7 years ago
Very, very impressive. This is why I love YouTube. I can find videos like this one with no fake drama, silly music, or manufactured storylines. Just real cool people, doing really cool stuff. Thanks for sharing.
OpenGL4ever - 6 years ago
@Keith Avery
I couldn't describe it better. You pretty nailed it.
bruno ricard
bruno ricard - 7 years ago
Keith Avery Zo
Andy Mac
Andy Mac - 7 years ago
The Metal Butcher
The Metal Butcher - 7 years ago
I have a lot of catching up to do.
MY VIDEOS - 7 years ago
Enrique - 7 years ago
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 7 years ago
Once you've seen one pair, you want to see them all.
Marty Handley
Marty Handley - 7 years ago
This is soooo coool. Love it
Captain Cobb
Captain Cobb - 7 years ago
BumHaven - 7 years ago
Such good stuff, although every time someone bangs their head I think, "Hard Hat".
Tom B
Tom B - 7 years ago
This has to be one of the most AMAZING videos I've ever seen on YouTube. Talk about renewing hope in humanity...
Hoang Cong Thanh
Hoang Cong Thanh - 7 years ago
Really impressed by your video! Talent, patience, team work, passion, inspiration, relax, happiness and of course financial strength - you guys do not sit idle but create a wonderful ship to fulfill your dreams! Thanks a lot for share!
Mark Mulkey
Mark Mulkey - 7 years ago
just fucking amazing.....i am truly without words
derius norris
derius norris - 7 years ago
what does one say... wow...
Filiberto Barrera
Filiberto Barrera - 7 years ago
What an adventure.Can't wait for the maiden Voyage
sindibaad - 7 years ago
this is very very very good
Michael McCurley
Michael McCurley - 7 years ago
You folks are having way too much fun... :)
d. cypher
d. cypher - 7 years ago
first let me offer you a tetanus shot... second, congratulations on being, in my opinion, the opposite of lazy and incompetent. this is easily one of the most amazing things i've ever seen. wish you were my neighbor... i love making stufff, and love sailboats... but never done anything this challenging. simply awesome, sir!
gary lockhart
gary lockhart - 7 years ago
Which grade certified steel did you use for the hull?
Shadrack Nelson
Shadrack Nelson - 7 years ago
Oh my word I counted four times were you could've been crushed it is amazing how much you can achieve when you put your mind to something
SV Amandolin
SV Amandolin - 7 years ago
Jack Sparrow and MCGyver had a baby. His name? SV Seeker.
Dragonskinstudio - 7 years ago
A massive amount or heart went in to this ..cheers
bexpi - 7 years ago
I don't always subscribe, but when I do, it's some good shit
This is incredible
Gunes Basar TAMER
Gunes Basar TAMER - 7 years ago
6:36 :)))
Tony Thomas
Tony Thomas - 7 years ago
You are one crazy SOB. Amazing ability.
7.62 full metal
7.62 full metal - 7 years ago
Is this Einstiens workshop?
Garrett Brown
Garrett Brown - 7 years ago
Would love to come visit sometime. Possibly spin some wrenches or lay down some weld beads. I live in central Texas. Hope to hear back from you SV seeker. This is an awesome project.
GunPilot - 8 years ago
Awesome incredible. You inspire! Keep (all) safe in the home stretch.
brandy sigmon
brandy sigmon - 8 years ago
That was a jarfly
steeelo - 8 years ago
health and safety would have a field day at your workshop hahah
RoboTekno - 8 years ago
Thanks for making this video. For some reason I was unsubscribed from you for like 2 years and now I'm mostly caught up. The boat is looking epic; keep it up :-)
IronicallyVague - 8 years ago
Argonaut, Kewl...

From what I understand Simon Lake was fond of taking reporters under the sea to demonstrate his new Dive Chamber invention?

First he would submerge to the ocean floor and throw open the hatch while the roaring hiss of air was equalizing the chamber and scare the absolute living crap out of the News People

If you could find the Argonaut II there's no doubt in my mind there will still be claw marks in the solid steel walls of the dive chamber
David Annett
David Annett - 8 years ago
WOW! This is beyoooond cool! I am just in AWE
Lyle Payne
Lyle Payne - 8 years ago
You are a genius
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Only in that I have a lot of genius people working with me.
Tiberiu Nicolae
Tiberiu Nicolae - 8 years ago
The guy falling :D Love the humor
Frank - 8 years ago
Crackpot Central! How have I been missing this? =)
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
small footprint
small footprint - 8 years ago
I'm so glad there are lots of different kinds of people in this world. Awesome!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
SwaVy Tv
SwaVy Tv - 8 years ago
12:01 The most important message on this video. Thanks for showing your skills.
Spaghettios - 8 years ago
What's pouring lead into the hull for?
GameRage Dad
GameRage Dad - 8 years ago
When are you going to be finished?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
In truth, it's a boat. The work will never be finished. But we'll put it in the water when it's ready. Not likely this year.
Wm Cottrell
Wm Cottrell - 8 years ago
You really are like a super badass.
cr m
cr m - 8 years ago
You're mad I say, simply mad. But inspired, genius, determined and motivated.
Robert Rishel
Robert Rishel - 8 years ago
Okie Family
Okie Family - 8 years ago
I live in Shawnee OK. How can I help and donate my time. I'm a diesel mechanic, welder, hydraulic technician, carpenter and just all around love boats.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Howdy See our Welcome page for more information:
Keep on rollin
Keep on rollin - 8 years ago
Richfilms111 - 8 years ago
man, what a ride! u are my kind of crazy... God bless
blues boon docker
blues boon docker - 8 years ago
6:37 man you got a move on then..GREAT VIDEO !!
Dural Metalurg
Dural Metalurg - 8 years ago
Before this video I thought that such huge projects are possible only on big dockyards where thousands people are working. That's really amazing.
Willow - 8 years ago
Favorite parts is the german shepherd always going in hahaha. Where and what is this boat going to be used for?? Your casting and engineering is very impressive, especially that prop. Wish i had some of your tools/toys.
Zen Zstephen Valdeez
Zen Zstephen Valdeez - 8 years ago
i just came up on this channel by s#&t welders say and im just amazed at how these people accualy made a freaking boat
j vdbogaard
j vdbogaard - 8 years ago
#HowToGetYourselfKilled101 haha how is it even possible going from a few sheets of metal to such a large ship! respect
Toby Blauwasser
Toby Blauwasser - 8 years ago
Awesome!!!!!!! WIsh I had half of your skills!!! Best wishes from Colorado, Toby
formerly 987946216430
formerly 987946216430 - 8 years ago
That's the second time watching this, and it still doesn't seem like it was actually 27 minutes long!
Deborah Dunn
Deborah Dunn - 8 years ago
As a builder of over 30 years, I must say I am very impressed by your family as well as friends dedication to the project you have undertaken. Without a doubt, you represent the best of what America is all about. Hard work and ingenuity. God Bless
mario gamez jr.
mario gamez jr. - 8 years ago
Thank you !
Peter Hladky
Peter Hladky - 8 years ago
All I can say is WOW!
Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 8 years ago
+SV Seeker I love what you're doing! So far in my career as a mariner I've worked on many different ships from tug boats to 900ft tankers and i gotta say this is one of the craziest boats I've ever seen. Just make sure you are taking some serious precautions with the welds (like ultrasound them) especially on key structual place like the hull plating, longitudinal frames ect. I cant believe you made your own controllable pitch propeller, might want to make sure that is 100% balanced by a third party or you could have major vibration issues that could lead to some damage and a uncomfortable ride. But keep it up this is awesome!
chum drum
chum drum - 8 years ago
First i was like, i´ll stay with the computer this afternoon....
After this vid.. I gonna get my fat ass out to the garage!!!
Life is to short for lacyness! (is that a word?)
Great work on the boat! keep it coming!
wrangler Dave
wrangler Dave - 8 years ago
holy crap dude your building your own yacht.. well i hope shes stable and dont flip as soon as you launch her when she is finished? .. plus how are you going to move her to the water?... and are you going to do sea trials?...
MK-TOOLS - 8 years ago
Wow .... just .... i mean .... WOW ! Grüßes aus Deutschland ^^
Chris Hanford
Chris Hanford - 8 years ago
Inspirational, what would our world be like without guys like you?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Most likely just more cat videos on YouTube
cliff jamerson
cliff jamerson - 8 years ago
This video makes me proud to be an American pursuit of happiness !
Practical Outdoorist
Practical Outdoorist - 8 years ago
WOW !! You fabricated an AWESOME boat !! Well Done!!
Lil Doggy
Lil Doggy - 8 years ago
This reaffirms that a person can do anything with determination and some good sense. I counted atleast 10 times when near death or near maiming happened lol Wow what an adventure, and you havent even had it in the water yet.
Hamid A
Hamid A - 8 years ago
Thanks God you do not manufacture a boat every year, you would be killed long time ago.
Stephen Geraghty
Stephen Geraghty - 8 years ago
only wanted to watch about about diesel engine, wow from the UK ended up here Great job.Come to Bristol and see our steel SS GREAT BRITAIN.
Chaser McChaser
Chaser McChaser - 8 years ago
Doug, when is the little kid coming back?
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Maybe when he runs away. :)
Ccrashh1 - 8 years ago
What a great job!!! Where did you pick all those skills?? I couldn't be more impressed!
SOVEREIGNDesigns - 8 years ago
let me zoom in on your three legged dog ~ lol
Soulflayerr - 8 years ago
I just discovered your channel. You're incredible.
The spirit you embody is proof that the American spirit is still alive and that the ambition to achieve greatness is only limited by our willingness to dare. Thank you for documenting this.
Fox Mulder
Fox Mulder - 8 years ago
Hire yourself 4 mexican laborers, you'll be done in 6 months.
peter amberley
peter amberley - 8 years ago
how much have you spent so far ?
peter amberley
peter amberley - 8 years ago
amazing video and amazing people. health and safety obviously hasnt come to your town yet :) smelting that lead in the hull must have been good for you . but nice get up and go attitude
Sean Boldick
Sean Boldick - 8 years ago
What is being dumped out of the cement mixer looking tub inside? And why?
DFX2KX - 8 years ago
Yeah, waves can tip sailboats over as well, (particularly sailboats with centerboards, which are retractable keels. they're top-heavy when those are up), but it's usually the wind.

The counter-balance of the keel or centerboard means that, since the wind can't push the boat sideways, it pushes it forward instead. Also, the air passing over the sails as the boat moves along generates extra sideways pull (and a bit of extra thrust) because the sails act like an aircraft wing (racing catamarans sometimes have a solid airfoil instead of sails even). So a mono-hull with the weight of a keel as counterbalance can get a bit of thrust from sails even if the wind is coming at them, rather then from behind. old square rigged ships like the Viking longboats couldn't sail into the wind at all.
mud maniac
mud maniac - 8 years ago
I was thinking it was to help with tipping from big waves. I never thought about the sails tipping it over but that makes more sense than waves tipping it.interesting thanx for the info
DFX2KX - 8 years ago
and your assumption on that would be correct, Mud. The sails will try and push the boat over while she's underway, the lead counteracts this. It's called 'heeling', and some boats do that more then others, or need more weight then others.
mud maniac
mud maniac - 8 years ago
its molting lead being dumped in the keels I don't know shit about boats but I'm going to guess its to help keep it standing upright when in the water
charlesgotya - 8 years ago
8:27 what is it that she said please if you can understand what she says
NTexRob - 8 years ago
How in the hell am I just now finding out about this?!?! I am so pissed that I haven't watched it come together and made the trip to see it/ help a few times. I am only four hours from him. I will pay him and this vessel a visit soon.
loopiewho - 8 years ago
Fraser Woodworks
Fraser Woodworks - 8 years ago
Great Project!!! Having a blast watching the progress!!! Looking forward to the Launch! NO FEAR!!
Schooner Lily
Schooner Lily - 8 years ago
Living the dream
ChrisCSunshine Sunshine
ChrisCSunshine Sunshine - 8 years ago
Totally the most amazing group effort I have seen possibly ever. Epic job.Congratulations so far hope there is more would love to see her launched.
TAK Ism.
TAK Ism. - 8 years ago
wow , great work you guys .
Adam Maszynotwór
Adam Maszynotwór - 8 years ago
szacunek :)
mco zpda
mco zpda - 8 years ago
You remind me of my uncle ..he's engineer ,and always towards proyects for us when we were kids ....... and amused us and projects ..................... cheers ..
Dustin Bean
Dustin Bean - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see this one launch. I will no doubt be there.
Carat - 8 years ago
Vraiment dingue bravo a tous
boganindustries - 8 years ago
Doug is awesome!!!
NYNCMIKE - 8 years ago
I just found this project, I started watching you weld aluminum. figured out it was a project from scratch to build an entire boat,,first thoughts,,were holy shit then I began watching other videos and then found this one. How impressive the undertaking and how impressive to see all these folks come together an work on this project. My hat is off to you, your family and every one else involved. How cool, I am hooked on watching these videos, it is 2:44 AM and I cannot stop watching them. What a great group of people.
SilverBird - 8 years ago
3:14- more scared than he's been in his entire life!

*Edit: 6:35 definitely one-upped it haha
David Rinpe
David Rinpe - 8 years ago
Le jour ou les américains comprendront qu ils sont bien meilleurs lorsqu ils construisent que lorsqu ils détruisent.... superbe réalisation
David Rinpe
David Rinpe - 8 years ago
héhé, nice french, was a sweet joke :) love for us people, for us country, but not for republic sorry :) we ve get the same in france, they alls work for bank.... :) you did an amazing work, i gave your video to an engineer friend to show him that he can build a small plane in his garden lol... If one day you travel atlantic tell me, i ll offert you the champagne :)
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Bien sûr, la capacité de la France à déconstruire explosive choses sauvé notre pays une fois notre abiltily fait la même chose pour la France. Vive la République des Etats Unitied, et de l'amour en direct la République de France.
Sam Tweed
Sam Tweed - 8 years ago
awesome...... i have loved to see the progress of this keep on keepin on
sp10sn - 8 years ago
my favorite moment, as you're cutting, "ballpark"
sp10sn - 8 years ago
second to the boobs, of course
Ernests Auzins
Ernests Auzins - 8 years ago
It is a miracle you haven't killed your self :D
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Credit it to Mother Teresa.
Boss223 - 8 years ago
Love your work man been watching you since the beginning!
Deutschland Airsoft
Deutschland Airsoft - 8 years ago
Just for Fun
Just for Fun - 8 years ago
You are all crazy!!! I love you hahaha, amazing project!! Keep up!
Rexczi - 8 years ago
very cool video very sastisfying. keep it up!!
I may have short circuted
I may have short circuted - 8 years ago
24:10 now thats funny right there
I may have short circuted
I may have short circuted - 8 years ago
what a great family
Nathan Hamler
Nathan Hamler - 8 years ago
What was the massive molten metal pour at 20:31 directly into the bottom of the boat?? Sorry I'm new here lol
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Right. Each batch. Over 10 tons total so far.
Rexczi - 8 years ago
+SV Seeker one thousand? i thought every pour was one thousand pounds of lead..
Nathan Hamler
Nathan Hamler - 8 years ago
+SV Seeker that's awesome! I heard jimmy Diresta mention your channel. Said you were putting people to work who said they could help...I'd love to come out there, I think my wife would have something to say about it though! Keep it up man. Looks great!
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
About one thousand pounds of lead. It lowers the center of gravity of the boat without having to use deep keels that would increase the draft. The low CG offsets the force on the sails.
Greg Altenhofel
Greg Altenhofel - 8 years ago
Honestly when I saw the title I thought, well I'll just skip through this since I've seen all of it already. But, I sat right through it all. Nice to have seen Kay again and her flashing. That is always nice for a Spanish Town Mardi Gras guy here in Baton Rouge. Was reminded we hadn't seen the little guy in a while. Was also nice to come back after helping friends with the flood. We were spared by just a few feet from the front door. Many were not. Keep up the good work and I'll catch up with the rest of your posted videos.
zatranslate - 8 years ago
Не знал, что он развелся
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
He did and both are better off for it. :)
Evgeniy Blinov
Evgeniy Blinov - 8 years ago
Молодец мужик.
joelyboyblue - 8 years ago
Incredible Epic you've finished her
rocky31186 - 8 years ago
I have been watching from the beginning. Amazing to see how far you have come. If I had the money I would love to come see it in person. Cant wait to see further progress
Scott Maschino
Scott Maschino - 8 years ago
You have some great projects. I have noticed how loud it is inside the hull of the boat. You have a lot of sanding and cleaning to do on the inside before you can paint or epoxy her. Have you thought of just laying some tires around on the inside ribs to help deaden the sound? It should at least help knock out the ringing some.
Georges MILLION - 8 years ago
Bonsoir mon ami .
Depuis le début je suis ton projet .
J'aimais bien ta compagne du début et le petit garçon !
Problèmes ?
Good evening my friend .
From the beginning I 'm your project.
I liked your companion early and the little boy !
Problems ?
TheFritz423 - 8 years ago
You are a badass!  Doing all the stuff men want to do but don't.
RoboCNC Frees- & Graveerwerk
RoboCNC Frees- & Graveerwerk - 8 years ago
Cool stuff to see back... been here from the start of the seeker build, but still see new things.. you build subs ! have to go through the video list i see :)
Jay Ford
Jay Ford - 8 years ago
I've watched this one three times, love it. Been a  big fan for about 4 years.
MDF RESCUER - 8 years ago
Very impresive.
shakermix - 8 years ago
Ciao SV Seeker... Fantastico ;-) :-)
joshua meyers
joshua meyers - 8 years ago
Keep kicking ass at life! I love your channel.
paulo roberto
paulo roberto - 8 years ago
boa noite acompanho seus videos voce e muito bom no que faz
Camaro Rick
Camaro Rick - 8 years ago
The Lead pour was my favorite
Duck McDuckington
Duck McDuckington - 8 years ago
lol 5:02
C.T. Wellington
C.T. Wellington - 8 years ago
this must have been fun to edit
TheRoyalCoconut - 8 years ago
This is amazing.
James Wright
James Wright - 8 years ago
been with you since you welded the hull into shape. then got involved emotionally when you slowed the fall of the hammer with your head.keep on keepin on my friend.
Donny Krane
Donny Krane - 8 years ago
truly remarkable and amazing. job well done! i cant wait to see the lunch Doug. i have watched and learned from every one of your vids on this channel!
shinobi dragon 12
shinobi dragon 12 - 8 years ago
hay do you have a name for it
shinobi dragon 12
shinobi dragon 12 - 8 years ago
Meening Ninja
shinobi dragon 12
shinobi dragon 12 - 8 years ago
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
sumofl - 8 years ago
I don't understand how somebody could thumbs down this video... you're an inspiration, thank you for sharing your life with us for the past few years
hapsnurker dewoud
hapsnurker dewoud - 8 years ago
I just finished watching all the movies.
I saw you unbuild a boat.
launched a submarine and unbuilt it etc.
and now the summary of everything in the right direction.
I hope you finish building your dream!
keep it up!
ihmesekoilua - 8 years ago
jebus tapdancing kreist on a pogo stick. what the hell have I done with my life by comparison?
Henry Koester
Henry Koester - 8 years ago
TimmyTechTV - 8 years ago
1:25 - I had never seen this. Why strong tow chains are important. ;) Wont lie, had a good laugh.
TimmyTechTV - 8 years ago
Also amazing how much progress you made once people started volunteering. It takes a village to build a boat.
Shaun Sim
Shaun Sim - 8 years ago
Iv watched every episode & loved every moment.
MCBatty80 - 8 years ago
I cant believe it's been six years since starting to watch the channel. Can't wait for her to see the sea and sail over the horizon.
I have enjoyed every one of your videos and would love to drop by one day to see her for real, though by the time I can, she might already be running in fair winds and a following sea.
NomolosUK - 8 years ago
That is an impressive project look forward to seeing it on the water ;)
mikkosha - 8 years ago
I always enjoy watching your videos and seeing the progress on your boat :)

Keep up the great work I wish you all the best for the project (^-^)b
Charles - 8 years ago
Memories, How time has flown.
Jon Kwin
Jon Kwin - 8 years ago
I too have a large complicated project that I am building, mostly alone. Not a boat or a house, steel fabrication. it will weigh around 5 tons when finished. Into my fourth year on the project, still have to work, and I'm over 60 as well. Your videos keep me positive and inspire me to keep on chugging along, doing what I can when I can. Thanks for making them, look forward to each episode.
KongeofAsia - 8 years ago
It's amazing how much you can do if you put your mind to it! Been following since I was in 8th grade, (following for roughly 6 years between this account and an old one) now I'm starting year 3 of university studying Naval Architecture thanks in part to the inspiration of you building your own vessel and also growing up around my father who is a Captain. Congrats on your progress, I can't wait to see it out the on the water!!
Richard Schmidtendorff
Richard Schmidtendorff - 8 years ago
Nice peak into the timeline, musta missed an episode or two i never saw the couple where you ran and rolled to not get crushed lol.
Mopardude - 8 years ago
Good recap didn't realize how long I have been watching! LOL Its been interesting journey can't wait to see where it goes!
Onioncasserole - 8 years ago
I missed the show on the divorce. Which one was that?
Kadri JAN
Kadri JAN - 8 years ago
Hello Sir.
I'm speaking with you from Turkiye. And I like website and effort for your dream I think :D ( sorry about my english :D ) you are working good and your ship is growing up palatially and proudly... BUT YOU WILL NOT SEE HER WHEN SHE GROW UP IF YOU STILL WORKS UNSAFE. You have to come in to line with WORK SAFETY RULES. for that little child (7:19) and your love (5:27)(5:38) :D :) actually with your friend also (24:09) :D :D :D have good work :) ;)
yves 641
yves 641 - 8 years ago
formidable travail , quel courage, et tant d'ingéniosité, bravo

yves//////////////////////// france
Cosmo Fitz
Cosmo Fitz - 8 years ago
WOW, I went back to find the first video I saw that got me hooked on your channel. It was "Origami Boat Hull Model-First Attempt" released Dec 10, 2010. I can't believe it has been almost 6 years!
Larry D Barr
Larry D Barr - 8 years ago
Neat video. I remember a lot of those scenes from way back.
baggd65 - 8 years ago
Kick ass video!
strizzo79 - 8 years ago
That's a huge job... :) Which painting cycle will you perform?
Kaoss Comkaoss
Kaoss Comkaoss - 8 years ago
and I thot teaching myself how to fly a helicopter wasn't insane little did I know
gerald estes
gerald estes - 8 years ago
thnx doug mr. jackson; salude. just one - the one syllable, starting with f...its been my experience shouting wont relieve the inability to move so best kept in reserve for only compound, dbb. compound(s) and 'paper' cuts to the bone.
kcivic99 - 8 years ago
Good vide i stall want to help you
Srđan Marković
Srđan Marković - 8 years ago
Great work!!!! Great spirit!!! I love your work.
gschnog - 8 years ago
Epic wow.
SomeGuyInSandy - 8 years ago
Been watching since I started my channel back in 2011. Thanks for the great content over the years. Stay safe!
formerly 987946216430
formerly 987946216430 - 8 years ago
Wonderful recap video. :) "She used to be Hannah Montana?!?!" too funny. Keep up all the great work! Cheers from PEI Canada, Bryan
Adam Stanley
Adam Stanley - 8 years ago
I have two pieces of your school bus... haha
Edmund Squid
Edmund Squid - 8 years ago
Love these videos Doug thanks for putting in the effort to bring us all along with you. Kinda miss Kay, hope she is doing well. I do miss watching Aiden learn how to build things.
LOJO Marine
LOJO Marine - 8 years ago
Hey Doug what kind of pontoon boat do you have I have looked all over the internet for a pontoon with those kind of logs I want to build a set of pontoon logs like the ones you have I can make it up in my mind witch is what I am going to do just wanted to see some for reference anyway Love the video's look forward to seeing the next one any info you have would be great thanks
Mike Love
Mike Love - 8 years ago
Great Video ! Makes me realize how little I have accomplished this year.outside of work... Question : How many items are needed in the tether, is it just the gel filled 4 wires and cat 5 cable I read about in the shipyard blog ? If so, make your own braiding machine from this makezine article, but out of steel or alum plates :
The Lady Jai Project
The Lady Jai Project - 8 years ago
great video Doug. Do you have launch date yet? She looks like she is getting pretty close.. ( yeah I know, long way to go) but look how far you've come!!!! When are you going to install the engine. Seems like that would be a real turning point.
Keep it up.
heliarche - 8 years ago
Ever Faithful. Remember the Mazda!!!
Joe Rogers
Joe Rogers - 8 years ago
Love It
RebelForce8 - 8 years ago
How many times of almost dying ? That shit was insanely dangerous, you almost squished the kid too. The neighbors must love you too lol..
The Wood Guy Co.
The Wood Guy Co. - 8 years ago
This is a beautiful thing
Wildman Tech
Wildman Tech - 8 years ago
Nice recap Doug. I can't wait to get there. Not sure when that will be yet, but it's on my list!
Richard Last
Richard Last - 8 years ago
Another grate video. You won't believe how much this video cheered me up, the last few days have been hell. Watching the video has given me the stranth to keep smiling and going thank you. I look forward to seeing the next installment.
William - 8 years ago
In the Dead's immortal words, "WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP IT'S BEEN!" In many ways it doesn't seem like this many years, but time flies as Seeker is nearing time to move to the water. Fair winds Seeker, and Doug thanks for sharing this great adventure.
WreckDiver99 - 8 years ago
Hard to believe I've been watching you go for nearly all of these 7 years Doug. Here's to getting your boat into the water. Just hope you make it to the Great Lakes (LOTS of research to be done here).
Prolific - 8 years ago
Excellent vid Doug. It's amazing what you have achieved. This montage was a great recap with some very humorous snippets too. Keep up the awesome work! Continuous methodical problem solving will get you everywhere.
Sons Rc
Sons Rc - 8 years ago
Holly shit has it bin that long love it mate always watch I build boat doors in GB
Robert Mardis
Robert Mardis - 8 years ago
Outstanding. The video.... and of course, SV Seeker. Excellent.
Absorber Of Light
Absorber Of Light - 8 years ago
Love it Doug, been watching since 2010.
Rich Waight
Rich Waight - 8 years ago
Amazing! Just amazing :D love from the UK <3
Moondog Gaming
Moondog Gaming - 8 years ago
I only recently got into watching your videos because I had a craving to watch videos of people melting down metal and pouring them into molds and what not and after I saw one of your dead light videos I became increasingly interested in your videos. And for the longest time I thought the boat was an old decommissioned trawler, until I saw this and I'm amazed that something like this can be done from scratch by one guy, some family, and a few friends. This is truly amazing.
Adam Hanly
Adam Hanly - 8 years ago
This is freakin brilliant.
William Harriss
William Harriss - 8 years ago
Will + Sweat + Courage + Tools = Anything you can dream ofThank you for such an awesome, inspiring channel!
acprinceiv - 8 years ago
Sir, you have SERIOUS skills! I salute you.
フレドリックフレドリック - 8 years ago
This is probably the most inspiring thing I'll see this year. Will share it like crazy. All the best from New Zealand.
woodaddict1 - 8 years ago
What happened to Grandson?
Sheldon Miller
Sheldon Miller - 8 years ago
24:08 LOL. What an incredible amount of work for such a beautiful fulfilment of a goal. Way to go. Watching that thing slip into some water is gonna be amazing.
Jesus von Nazaret
Jesus von Nazaret - 8 years ago
it's such an amazing project
alltehstuffs - 8 years ago
Hey Doug! I remixed this :D Been following for 3 or 4 years now, super excited for this video. Tried to get it down to 4 minutes and put a light spin on it. Youtube compression did hell to it though. Let me know what you think :)
ShamWerks - 8 years ago
I can't imagine how proud you must feel looking back at everything you've done so far. Thank you so much for sharing, you've got no idea how happy I feel whenever there's a new SV Seeker video!
Kinda miss Kay and the kid though - hope they're fine.

You take care Doug, again, kudos on the amazeballs work!!
MooseheadStudios - 8 years ago
this is amazing reminds me of working with grandpa so gud
keimo2007 - 8 years ago
thanks Doug! 16:00
Prolitiker - 8 years ago
Thank you for that great summay!
Shane Flanegan
Shane Flanegan - 8 years ago
I remember the Sub but didn't realise it was you guys. Whatever happened to it, did you manage to sell it or just convert it into something else. That was one of the videos that got me started following after a few of you guys who build or sail boats. Still got a bit of a love for the subs though... One day maybe... ;-}
a71landcruiser - 8 years ago
It makes me wish I'd watched from the start, but doing things prevents too much sitting - so it's a double-edged sword. I want to watch, but I can't sit still that long. Which is a long way of saying "Thank you" for this.
Rick Grime
Rick Grime - 8 years ago
I MUST see SV Seeker afloat
Bob Bruchsaler
Bob Bruchsaler - 8 years ago
It has been an incredible journey thus far!  Thank you for sharing this with the world. You inspire more than you will ever know.
banditosp - 8 years ago
SV Seeker you make a test of the dewalt flexVolt 60V grinder ? Greetings from Poland .
Matty Ice
Matty Ice - 8 years ago
Will all that rust pose a problem?
Tim Hyatt
Tim Hyatt - 8 years ago
how far she's come! lots more to go i'm sure, but there's nothing ephemeral about her...can't wait to see you get her in the water!
Jasper Russell
Jasper Russell - 8 years ago
watahyahknow - 8 years ago
good thing most of the heavy balancing stuff has been done , there where some cold sweat moments in this movie where the boat was trying to kill you
hope you realy thought out the move once the boat is done , oh and that the big rig is firmly atached to the trailer by the time you need to let the boat intoo the water .......... oh brakes dont forget the brakes

that part where you where dancing behind the lady with the walkman still had me in stitches
Answer4canceR - 8 years ago
12:20 You're happily getting divorced? I must be missing something.
Moondyne .Joe
Moondyne .Joe - 8 years ago
Amazing Doug! I have been watching since you where getting the hatches on and am constantly amazed at the wealth of Knowledge you have and also keep showing us your audience I for one have learnt a lot and in your activities gives me the confidence to give it a go, mould making for example , One day I hope we will see you Entering Fremantle Port in Western Australia looking for a mooring it would be great to shake the hand of the person who made this boat ( and in such shaking the hand of all who also helped )
I cant wait for the next YT on your adventures Doug
jamcat62 - 8 years ago
I'm pleased (and embarrassed) that you included my contributions to learning new ways to NOT do things. :)) But I'm also glad to have helped move things forward. (and back with the rope tackle) I guess I need to get my reservations on your calendar for my next visit. :D
Lucas Murtada
Lucas Murtada - 8 years ago
That's awesome!
solodare06 - 8 years ago
HOW LUCKY AM I!!!! To be alive when this happened!! Thanks for being you Doug!!!!!!
cgrant26 - 8 years ago
Oh wow! I forgot all about the little wooden sub! Hell, that's what originally brought me to your channel Doug. Really nice way to reflect on all the progress you have made. Thanks for another great video!
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 8 years ago
Hello Captain Doug. If you had stopped years ago after building your wooden submarine, you would still be a hero to me. I usually watch my YT videos at 1.5 speed. I watched this one at normal speed and smiled all the way through. thanks for making and sharing and being an inspiration to so many of us on youTube!
Trim1 - 8 years ago
Nice! Wish you the best from Spain.
Frank Maldonado
Frank Maldonado - 8 years ago
If you ever think you have bitten off to much and you just want to throw in the tool Watch this!!
The Bambi
The Bambi - 8 years ago
I hope i live to see the day she makes the ocean !
Challenging times are what make humanity thrive !
Thank you for sharing part of your journey, I feel privileged to have been able to see a small part.
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Me too. Thanks
E SinOhio
E SinOhio - 8 years ago
I can only imagine the looks on people's faces when they ask you where you got your boat.
"Where did you buy that boat?" they would say.
"I built it along with help from my friends" you'd say.
Sounds of jaws hitting the floor follow.
Batz Benzer
Batz Benzer - 8 years ago
neighbours sure loved 7 years of loud powertools lmao
Evan J
Evan J - 8 years ago
As well as a portion of your paycheck.
Batz Benzer
Batz Benzer - 8 years ago
+SV Seeker I would but the flights are too expensive
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
You should come see us, and meet the neighbors. There are lots of friendly people in the ghetto. The worst neighbors I've have had were in home owners associations. I think that is were Freedom goes to die.
Brian C
Brian C - 8 years ago
So cool!!!!!!!
Doug A
Doug A - 8 years ago
It been a fun ride Doug. Even if I am just watching from the back seat.
Elliot Lee
Elliot Lee - 8 years ago
This guy is like Noah, but is way fucking cooler
tbirdracefan - 8 years ago
I feel like I struck a gold mine when I stumbled across this channel.
Jordon Dodge
Jordon Dodge - 8 years ago
Well you sure know how to make a man feel inferior. From all the way from Australia this is fucking awesome.
T3hJones - 8 years ago
Amazing stuff. Interesting one need so much lead for something that gonna float!
Rv4 Guy
Rv4 Guy - 7 years ago
T3hJones only if you insist on having it float right side up
Kingofcool Cool
Kingofcool Cool - 8 years ago
24.10 gave me a big smile :-) again.

sv seeker keep up the good work!
JIMYS WERLD - 8 years ago
I think the energy you have to keep pushing along Doug is awesome.
Steven Stokes
Steven Stokes - 8 years ago
sv seeker I think this video was awesome and Ive been with you through at least half and I can't wait for more goog job keep it up nothing but love, sv seeker for life
Jonathan Cook
Jonathan Cook - 8 years ago
7:57 is the funiest moment!!! Im so gratefull you made this video. Must have tooken a fair bit of time to find all those golden moments! Can't belive its been 3 1/2 years since i subscribed! I gotta find those wooden sub videos!!!
dR.Ugz - 8 years ago
there were a few holy shit moments where my asshole even got puckered....
Thor Plays
Thor Plays - 8 years ago
hes geonna be kidnapped by druglords in south america real soon
Kopsu - 8 years ago
What a journey. Great stuff!
Thanh Ho Viet
Thanh Ho Viet - 8 years ago
Damn american and their disposable income and free time and unsafe hobby practice. Nice kitty and good doggo though.
Tom McLellan
Tom McLellan - 8 years ago
Epic. Looking forward to everything.
Robert Stevenson
Robert Stevenson - 8 years ago
To the Captain and Crew of the Seeker..... What a large, monumental undertaking..... Words fail me... To walk outside one day, and decide.... " I think I'll build a ship in my front yard.." And then DO IT!!! I've watched for four years or better now, sometimes waiting patiently for the next upload, sometimes just checking in on occasion.... The only words I can use are: driven, relentless, daunting, immense, heartfelt, family, ouch, and vision..... You guys have taken on the project of a lifetime... One day in the near future, you'll put her in the water....What an absolute fuck-load of work... And all the tears, skinned knuckles, shards in the eye, and most of all, above all else, the respect it took to make project happen.... It's the definition of overwhelming....I do not know any of you personally.... But I know of your struggle, I know of your vision... "let's just build a boat and put her in the water .." What you've done is amazing... The rewards for your efforts will be equally superior to anything anyone could offer across the table... Because you took the challenge and did it for your selves.... Thank you for reminding me what life's about... Why we bother to breathe...
Adam Grace
Adam Grace - 8 years ago
WOW don't rest on your laurels yet, although the bed is big you must keep the flowers fresh..Thanks for your downloads or the years.
ewauvwas - 8 years ago
what a wonderfull trip it has been! So glad you share it with us!
I am curious what the future holds!!
Johannes Franciscus Kok
Johannes Franciscus Kok - 8 years ago
I am glad you all are still alive! ;-) after seeing the whole thing!
Tyler _
Tyler _ - 8 years ago
Please get some proper PPE (dust masks).
Mark Shapner
Mark Shapner - 6 years ago
What a dumb piece of shit.
Liam Hathaway
Liam Hathaway - 6 years ago
Tyler _ I was just watching for SOMEONE to wear a mask, doesn't happen much at all.
Will Scrudato
Will Scrudato - 7 years ago
Anna Cupaiolo
Anna Cupaiolo - 7 years ago
Navi. Nella tempesta
Anna Cupaiolo
Anna Cupaiolo - 7 years ago
Shopping in storm
Anna Cupaiolo
Anna Cupaiolo - 7 years ago
Sympathetic Vybrations shopping in stor,
John Bolongo
John Bolongo - 8 years ago
Tyler _ even if this guy got some lung desease from not wearing PPE'S he would probably be inspired to build something that would fix it....
Fred Fadungy
Fred Fadungy - 8 years ago
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Yes mother. We'll be careful.
Tyler _
Tyler _ - 8 years ago
lmao, you should be ashamed of yourself letting people work on that stuff without proper PPE. The project is really cool, don't get it twisted. And I am not an osha fan boy, I just like people being safe and understanding the hazzards.
Sympathetic Vybrations
Sympathetic Vybrations - 8 years ago
+SV Seeker best response to osha fanboys yet
SV Seeker
SV Seeker - 8 years ago
Immensely saddened by that? You should unsubscribe in a hurry, before we cause you serious damage.
Tyler _
Tyler _ - 8 years ago
When I saw all of them sanding fiberglass without dust masks I was immensely  saddened.
Sympathetic Vybrations
Sympathetic Vybrations - 8 years ago
Little late for that
Adrian Higgins
Adrian Higgins - 8 years ago
sweet thanks!
Mike Zeke
Mike Zeke - 8 years ago
wow. that is a beaut. can't wait! !!
David FuXX
David FuXX - 8 years ago
It was one of Your best video....good to remember all theese years. I realy miss Your little helper. Next time when he visits You, dont forget show us how much he grew...
Marcel Timmers
Marcel Timmers - 8 years ago
Hi mate, Good to see all those who helped you over time, can't help it but thinking that Kay has been tremendously instrumental in the innitial development of this plan and build, it's a shame that we have not seen her for so long. Do you know how she is?
A K - 8 years ago
oh look back then Doug had hair. muhahahaha
martijnpc - 8 years ago
Awesome to see this all together! It proofs you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
downunderwest - 8 years ago
The hardest part of any project is the start. Been watching from day one or two, first one was suppose to sink, and hopefully this one will float! One thing for sure, your no slacker mate!. What happened to the little apprentice with the big bowie knife? How will grandpa finish the job without that help? Good luck mate, although I've seen you making your own! What a project you sure have bronze cast ones too! Regards from way down under.
Evad Repooc
Evad Repooc - 8 years ago
Great compilation. Hard to believe it's been 7 years.
Nateamus - 8 years ago
That little voice inside your head that keeps telling you "no" is there is there for many reasons. One is to teach you to ignore it when it's trying to protect you from all that comes with greatness. Keep inspiring us, brother!
David Sussens
David Sussens - 8 years ago
What a journey it has been thus far. Everyone aspires to be unique in the world, but you and your project are, in my mind, one of a kind. Thanks for sharing the experience, I have learnt a lot from you.
CENTAURE1312 - 8 years ago
Bonjour du nord de la France. Excellent. Que de travail abattu! Bonne continuation.
Vladimir Bakum
Vladimir Bakum - 8 years ago
Great fun moments. Thank you very much! I remember most moments in this video. Best wishes & regards for you and your team! :o)
Jon Anderson
Jon Anderson - 8 years ago
Adrian Bridges
Adrian Bridges - 8 years ago
Wow. amazing guys
Piazzawoodworks - 8 years ago
Where's the little kid gone
Bryce Nelson
Bryce Nelson - 8 years ago
I have managed to catch almost every video you have put up since you made the foundry out of the drum. and cant wait to see you sail in to Auckland Harbor in NZ.
tjousk - 8 years ago
Makhoe van der Vlugt
Makhoe van der Vlugt - 8 years ago
great video, except for the scantlings, especially in the bow. :p
Dozer1642 - 8 years ago
Man I wish I was closer to Tulsa.
Colin Herbert
Colin Herbert - 8 years ago
This must have taken ages to compile so just to say thanks for taking the time. I have watched all your videos and have great respect for what you are doing. Inspiring!!!
skeeterweazel - 8 years ago
That was fun.
James Bisno
James Bisno - 8 years ago
I cant tell you why, but something about the work you're doing is important.
Johnny Wilson
Johnny Wilson - 8 years ago
The laser on the chicken was cool guys just having tons of fun working on that boat
Ben roth
Ben roth - 8 years ago
loved these videos for a long time and wish that I had known about them for longer. it is awesome seeing the boat come so far.
Graham McBain
Graham McBain - 8 years ago
how many times would you say you almost died during this process?
80spodcastchannel ( : FACEBOOK DUDEJERKY ☆☆☆☆☆
80spodcastchannel ( : FACEBOOK DUDEJERKY ☆☆☆☆☆ - 8 years ago
been an awesome ride...can't wait to see it hit the water..
Kent Dutrieux
Kent Dutrieux - 8 years ago
What a great video
Wayne Robinson
Wayne Robinson - 8 years ago
And a good time was had by all. Love this adventure. This knot head could not do anything but for his good hearted wife. Every now an then he turns up with fresh wounds on his head reminds me of the two guys one said when I nod my head you hit it. What a living story the seeker has already
Woodnerd - 8 years ago
"she used to be Hannah Montana?" Classic!
redlinemotorsportts - 8 years ago
God bless your soul. I can't stand grinding for more than a minute.
redlinemotorsportts - 8 years ago
Not really the noise (because i wear protection) but more or less just sittin there taking material out. Just not a very fun task, especially when its anything other than flat position
tbirdracefan - 8 years ago
Never thought about grinding noise being annoying. But a dentist drill really twists me off. I guess I could see how that works.
Space Pilot
Space Pilot - 8 years ago
You're a great worker are a great influence on that kid, Doug!
Quasar Productions
Quasar Productions - 8 years ago
This is incredible! Awesome work, thanks for sharing your project with us. This had to have taken a TON of work just to edit, let alone create.

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