Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting

Editor Hugo conducts the most extreme test that Motor Boat & Yachting has ever done. Taking on 5m rollers off the tip of southern Ireland in a fully armed military assault craft. Read the full report in the February 2016 issue of the magazine. Filmed and edited by Lester McCarthy - Subscribe - Follow us - Facebook - Digital editions - Interactive edition (iPad only) -

Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting sentiment_very_dissatisfied 56

Reviews 9 years ago 309,930 views

Editor Hugo conducts the most extreme test that Motor Boat & Yachting has ever done. Taking on 5m rollers off the tip of southern Ireland in a fully armed military assault craft. Read the full report in the February 2016 issue of the magazine. Filmed and edited by Lester McCarthy - Subscribe - Follow us - Facebook - Digital editions - Interactive edition (iPad only) -

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Most popular comments
for Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting

Narra Andika
Narra Andika - 5 years ago
Please do capsize test with alive human inside. Like Eling luxury yacht have done in Nederland.
thequickredfoxjumps overthelazybrowndog
thequickredfoxjumps overthelazybrowndog - 5 years ago
Ok..i have a question,that i stopped in the first minute to ask about...the wipers,what are they? My car wipers, i doubt would survive such amounts of water hitting them..Im just amazed by them...could you tell me what brand holds up in this extremely harsh conditions?
Tom Kitchen
Tom Kitchen - 5 years ago
Is there a head onboard?
Arvind Toolooa
Arvind Toolooa - 5 years ago
If there's only four seats, that's useless.
Jim D
Jim D - 6 years ago
Needs outriggers and rod holders
Romain Sandt
Romain Sandt - 6 years ago
11:31 lost the radar... The boat was "almost" absoloutly fine.
Ray Randall
Ray Randall - 6 years ago
I want to buy one.
ToxicityGaming - 6 years ago
This boat is sick
LMSILVIA - 6 years ago
Pleased to say those aren't real rifles??? What a wuss...

10. comment for Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting

Spacegoat92 - 6 years ago
I'd love one of these to go play with some Somali pirates....
Michael O'Donoghue
Michael O'Donoghue - 6 years ago
Good job the Radar Array was Cabled on and wasn't lost completely.
Treva Peres
Treva Peres - 6 years ago
What an awesome boat! I will buy one one day!
Ron Morris
Ron Morris - 6 years ago
That is sweet.
Anthony  Smethurst
Anthony Smethurst - 6 years ago
That things as stealthy to radar as a skyscraper
stacjeff - 6 years ago
If I had the money, I would definitely buy a yacht from the company that builds this boat!!!!
I could see living on this in the islands vs buying a home and I would feel confident going to and from the USA mainland in this vessel.
stacjeff - 6 years ago
Will you please STFU!!!!!!
Sedonascape - 6 years ago
Piece of shit, try up side down....these suckers just try to sell junks.
JB GTO - 6 years ago
Referring to the guns, "I'm pleased to say these arent actually the real deal"? Are YOU really that much of a pussy?????
JB GTO - 6 years ago
Is this one as good as THUNDER CHILD???
Spacegoat92 - 6 years ago
That's the Thunderchild's baby brother...

20. comment for Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting

oh damn its that guy
oh damn its that guy - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for telling us about this boat, the engines are very powerful and it has such a long range, oh wait a second you did not talk about any of those things. Sorry but no sale.
qmmo - 6 years ago
Bullet proof glass, kevlar armour plated superstructure, grp hull! Ah to be safe, sure it is, sure it is . . . . . . .
phatsmitty - 6 years ago
Motors sound delicious @ 8:30 - 8:45 or so.... twin Cat c9 mentioned @9:45 ish
Nicholas Spencer
Nicholas Spencer - 6 years ago
So they blacked out a Boston whaler
henry williams
henry williams - 6 years ago
can a person get one of these for search and rescue
yitzhill - 6 years ago
yeah. all you need is a 20 meter wave and it will sink.
Universal Kombat
Universal Kombat - 7 years ago
"I'm pleased to say there aren't actually the real deal" ??? Why ??? lol
ALB437 - 7 years ago
Could now be completed with "Combat 90" equipment
desolate surfer
desolate surfer - 7 years ago
Our Coast Gard should have a bunch of these.
blackullah - 7 years ago
if I could afford it id buy 1!

30. comment for Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting

03 Ten
03 Ten - 7 years ago
payton manning was that u driving??
FUNKY GIBBON - 7 years ago
Lol Mat I was just going to write the same thing. What a shit camera crew to not edit that out lmao. Sales for this boat have now gone down lmmfao
The Truth
The Truth - 7 years ago
I may be stupid for doing this but if you gave me the choice between a massive yacht and this boat I would take the yacht sell it and then buy this boat.
David Gutierrez
David Gutierrez - 7 years ago
why would you say you are "pleased that these aren't the real deal." ? they are just guns...
badman masude
badman masude - 5 years ago
Howard Fortyfive uk, its illegal
LMSILVIA - 6 years ago
@JB GTO The kind that would jump in the air like a scared cat if he sees a gun on the floor...
JB GTO - 6 years ago
Hes a huge major pussy.
Howard Fortyfive
Howard Fortyfive - 6 years ago
Like as not he's hoping the guns don't bust out of their brackets and hose him down in a hail of gunfire.
Henk Prinsloo
Henk Prinsloo - 7 years ago
A modern-day Nautilus. The (left-hand) driver seat can be called the Captain Nemo Seat. Now for the real test. Three months on the Somali coast.
Dermot Murphy
Dermot Murphy - 7 years ago
How much would a typical version cost? What range do the tanks give you, top speed in good condition?
smhero - 8 years ago
if only luxury yachts were built this strong, I'd buy one to live on.
Renata Garcia
Renata Garcia - 8 years ago
Qual valor de um lancha dessas
PelenTan - 8 years ago
Yeah... but where are the rod holders?
Spacegoat92 - 6 years ago
Completely useless isn't it??
Bob Bomatic
Bob Bomatic - 8 years ago
Mat Du Port.........that was HYSTERICAL!
Michael Redmond
Michael Redmond - 8 years ago
1:00 it's coming back into the harbour and there's no radar
James haury
James haury - 8 years ago
included in the price.
Silas Willoughby
Silas Willoughby - 8 years ago
Last time I took my drone over water I went out and chased a bunch of boats, I didn't notice till afterwards that there was a whale in my video lol, check out my latest video. That's and amazing boat btw
Fred Hollands
Fred Hollands - 8 years ago
I could have fun with that boat.
thameswater - 8 years ago
Twin Stuart & Turners mmmmm great.
mike William
mike William - 8 years ago
Drinking game- Everytime Assclown said "Solid" or "WHoa".
gerard haubert
gerard haubert - 8 years ago
Are there any plans for a non-stealth, unarmed commercial version?
Nesta M
Nesta M - 5 years ago
The problem with that is some government seeing you as an enemy and attacking you.
Universal Kombat
Universal Kombat - 7 years ago
If you're a communist, you don't deserve to ever be rich.
Kirk Tolliver
Kirk Tolliver - 7 years ago
gerard haubert
RuckaReuploading - 8 years ago
If I were rich, I'd buy a commercial version.
Splitter S
Splitter S - 8 years ago
OK got the engines... cat c9 engine
Splitter S
Splitter S - 8 years ago
what engine is in that thing? scania or volvo penta.....
TheArtilleryMan - 8 years ago
Twin C9 cat's
tayb5oh4 - 8 years ago
The driver just wants you to stop talking. You're just rambling on..and on. You repeated the same facts over five times.

50. comment for Safehaven Marine Barracuda review - Motor Boat & Yachting

Salamoon - 8 years ago
Wilson Peralta
Wilson Peralta - 8 years ago
Norsafe munin S1200 is better.
Bob Cookston
Bob Cookston - 8 years ago
who wants Jeremy Clarkson to review this?
argyris lygnos
argyris lygnos - 8 years ago
Bob Cookston
Splitter S
Splitter S - 8 years ago
now that would be funny to watch.....POWER!!!!!!! lol.....
Jack Griffin
Jack Griffin - 8 years ago
What engine(s) does it have and hp
Soldier53flyer - 8 years ago
You broke the radar off! Nice job!!! LOL
Learn To Love Yourself
Learn To Love Yourself - 8 years ago
All I can say is, you have massive balls going out in the ocean in those conditions, I'd rather die than do that.
Andreas Giannikas
Andreas Giannikas - 8 years ago
at 11:32 they lost the radar ???!!!!!
Lord Eli
Lord Eli - 8 years ago
pretty bad ass, lets see the civilian version now, better keep the rising canon though, gonna need that for those sea monster and such rot
Adrien Rassat
Adrien Rassat - 8 years ago
U have to see the trailer the manufacturer made for the boat - its like a fucking Toy R Us commercial for an RC toy - it's so stupid. IDK who in their right minds thought they could sell this junk to any military with such a trailer... thought a "terms and conditions - battery not included" voice was gonna sound at the end of the trailer. And didn't the radar just fall off??? So much for a "stealthy war boat". I have just lost faith in humanity...
Jerry Lentz
Jerry Lentz - 8 years ago
Never mind. I just watched a video where its self-righting capability was tested. Very impressive!
Jerry Lentz
Jerry Lentz - 8 years ago
I have just one major question. Is it self-righting? Can you roll it like the old Coast Guard 44-footers?
dave alders
dave alders - 8 years ago
+Wilson Peralta It self rights completely on its own, the crane was only to flip thhe boat in order to see if it would self right. The crane didn't help it re-right itself.
Wilson Peralta
Wilson Peralta - 8 years ago
I saw another video - with the help of a crane it would self-right.
Edward Ionescu
Edward Ionescu - 8 years ago
Anwarul karim
Anwarul karim - 8 years ago
This one is just for military use, right?
Sandals - 8 years ago
The water is green because us irish people like to dye it green
kd8poi - 8 years ago
I mean, its cool an everything - except for the radar falling off- but who needs a stealth boat with a gun platform? The only private owners who'd want one are drug dealers - or maybe a billionaire with an island that needs security.
CG Mason
CG Mason - 8 years ago
+kd8poi Coast Guard response boats also have a brig and are roll safe
kd8poi - 8 years ago
USCG builds its own.
R W - 8 years ago
+USCG Mason :D
CG Mason
CG Mason - 8 years ago
or anyone who loves guns
Jon G
Jon G - 8 years ago
Seriously how long could anyone stand that motion with the snap at the bottom? I can practically hear vertebrae being crushed.
BEARsigp229 - 8 years ago
Coolest boat of all time!
Marcelo F. Rossi
Marcelo F. Rossi - 9 years ago
Só faltou prender direito a antena do radar que saiu voando na última onda.
zahar adam
zahar adam - 9 years ago
gonna buy this oneday
Marcel Boeltjes
Marcel Boeltjes - 9 years ago
what an ugly vessel......ugly but impressive
mark duncan
mark duncan - 8 years ago
+Marcel Boeltjes 'Ugly' Oh Yes!!! Agree!! What a vessel to go out on in 'less than a sunny day!!!
ZagorComments - 9 years ago
So glad you stared to use professional recording equipment. No more noise while somebody is talking.
Piet Janssen
Piet Janssen - 9 years ago
Iets voor Monique van Hout. She love it !
clusterguard - 9 years ago
puertoricanboy100 - 9 years ago
Can I buy this and where?
TheSamoht67 - 8 years ago
+ybwtv obviously you need a geography lesson, built in Youghal on the south coast of Ireland
missingremote - 8 years ago
+puertoricanboy100 Yes & also you buy me a Barracuda too. thanks
Motor Boat & Yachting
Motor Boat & Yachting - 9 years ago
+puertoricanboy100 They're built to order in West Ireland >
RICHARD DAMROW - 9 years ago
Frank: straight-man of the year?
Gareth Rogers
Gareth Rogers - 9 years ago
Who is going to buy/put an order in for these?
DL Fendel
DL Fendel - 9 years ago
Stingrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Stingray!
Dav123xyz - 9 years ago
where there "are" big standing waves mate not where there is big standing waves.
John Doe
John Doe - 9 years ago
You can buy these in Texas.
Spacegoat92 - 6 years ago
I wish i lived in Texas...
CG Mason
CG Mason - 8 years ago
what can't you buy here?... legally
roger white
roger white - 9 years ago
seems pretty quiet, would make it great for rescue
Andy Casbo
Andy Casbo - 9 years ago
Rock solid boat , make a rock solid radar as well
1 yachtcarpenter
1 yachtcarpenter - 9 years ago
cole hankins
cole hankins - 9 years ago
how many terrorists have all the other stealth boats caught?
Fatso Currywurst
Fatso Currywurst - 8 years ago
abut 68ISIS Trollops by now,we pick them up in Cherbourg for 2000 $ a Head and ship them over to Weymouth,or Pile of Sheit,no Questions arsekt...
dshchurov - 9 years ago
Someday I personally get to know how to spread a left channel to right and let you know. Unbelievable, but this happens with you time by time. Hoe can you sleep with this? ;)
Mat Du Port
Mat Du Port - 9 years ago
So is that normal for the radar to fall off or is that an optional extra ?
JB GTO - 6 years ago
@Motor Boat & Yachting Poor Frank was driving listening to this wanker thinking, couldnt they have sent someone with some balls instead if this mangina to ride with us??? What about the gun comment? Does that duchebag think the guns will come alive and attack him?? Freaking MARY!!!
Thomas Laux
Thomas Laux - 7 years ago
How much? Can you buy this in civilian with the radar defence system?
FUNKY GIBBON - 7 years ago
Mat Du Port "ditto"
polygamous1 Sozou
polygamous1 Sozou - 7 years ago
he was right the boat Was absolutely fine yes doing that speed in them waves most other boats would have probably broken in pieces a really an amazing boat
Jarkko Aitti
Jarkko Aitti - 8 years ago
and at 11:32 he says "the boat itself is absolutely fine" while showing some cap (or perhaps that radar) hanging loose
chris4tz - 8 years ago
Lol i was just about to comment 11mins 30 secs
Save the Rhino
Save the Rhino - 8 years ago
Don't you know. It was suppose to fall off :D
Motor Boat & Yachting
Motor Boat & Yachting - 9 years ago
+Mat Du Port That's why they test the boats in these conditions, to rectify things like that!
Nautical PappyStu
Nautical PappyStu - 9 years ago
It would have been nice to hear about her mechanical systems, engine, steering, etc...
Tom Kitchen
Tom Kitchen - 5 years ago
Perhaps it's secret squirrel stuff.
Sedonascape - 6 years ago
They have no ideas....
MrMislav - 9 years ago
More solid version of something like Botnia Targa 44?
Volvo IPS?
Brian Halim
Brian Halim - 9 years ago
Was that a radar at 11:32 ?
Brian Halim
Brian Halim - 9 years ago
Was that a radar at 11:32 ?
Romain Sandt
Romain Sandt - 6 years ago
it seems it got a new one...
Romain Sandt
Romain Sandt - 6 years ago
Sedonascape - 6 years ago
A piece of molded carbon fiber.....from Ebay...big of trash.
dogsitter68 - 9 years ago
self destruct sequence !
ZagorComments - 9 years ago
It sure looks like it is. You can see that it was mounted on top. Now just hanging on it's wire.
Houston Brown
Houston Brown - 9 years ago
+brianhalim Looked like it to me. LOL
jamezz34 - 9 years ago
put me on the waiting list

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