Silent 55 | First Look | Motor Boat & Yachting
Reviews 6 years ago 23,471 views
Our video walkthrough of the Silent 55 all-electric catamaran at the 2018 Cannes Boat Show ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to YBWTV's YouTube page now - ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Like us on Facebook here - ►Follow us on Twitter here - ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)
There are also some attempts being made to create sails with convert the suns energy into electricity. "Solar Sails.
10. comment for Silent 55 | First Look | Motor Boat & Yachting
Often, particularly on smaller hard-top boats (around 30-35 feet), you'll find that you have excellent view to the front, but when you look directly to starboard all you can see in gelcoat because the side window line is already down to shoulder height or bellow beside the drivers seat. I flat out refuse to spend 6 digits or more on a boat that requires me too lean down and forwards in order to see 90 degrees to starboard! Another common design flaw is that you have a large front window, but the top of it is so low and far ahead compared to the actual helm station that even moderate waves makes you loose sight of the horizon, requiring you to open the roof and sit on the bolster to see where you are going. Having to open the roof to see where you are going in bad weather kinda defeats the purpose of buying the hard top in stead of the open boat in the first place...