Silent 55 | First Look | Motor Boat & Yachting

Our video walkthrough of the Silent 55 all-electric catamaran at the 2018 Cannes Boat Show ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to YBWTV's YouTube page now - ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Like us on Facebook here - ►Follow us on Twitter here - ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)

Silent 55 | First Look | Motor Boat & Yachting sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reviews 6 years ago 23,471 views

Our video walkthrough of the Silent 55 all-electric catamaran at the 2018 Cannes Boat Show ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to YBWTV's YouTube page now - ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Like us on Facebook here - ►Follow us on Twitter here - ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)

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Most popular comments
for Silent 55 | First Look | Motor Boat & Yachting

Warhawk Adventures etc.
Warhawk Adventures etc. - 5 years ago
Great Yacht. We build one in the USA very similar. It launches today in Tampa.
thequickredfoxjumps overthelazybrowndog
thequickredfoxjumps overthelazybrowndog - 6 years ago
Think I would just order torqueedo motors,solar/wind generator kit from eBay,batteries from Wal-Mart, and a good Honda generator.... Convert an old junk cat or motor yacht and off I'd go for under $20,000.00........ Pretty boat though....lots of good ideas,that the hillbilly back yard dyi guy could do...
Mum Blic
Mum Blic - 6 years ago
Not a word about solar or battery capacity and nothing about power consumption motor ??
Вадим Степанов
Вадим Степанов - 6 years ago
Nuclear powered engine would be better)
Jetasin - 6 years ago
I’d love to see the sky sail on one of the 55’s
tominator3 - 6 years ago
Added to wish list
jctevere - 6 years ago
Curious why are all the new electric catamarans built without sails? It seems like it would be a great way to go even faster while recovering electric from solar or using it to power-sail?
Warhawk Adventures etc.
Warhawk Adventures etc. - 6 years ago
No. The best application of an electric motor is pairing with solar array and maybe wind turbine. A sail cost way more and you need to know how to use it. The more power you generate while underway the faster you can go at unlimited range. Battery banks store energy.
Michael Hulme
Michael Hulme - 6 years ago
There are some now being offered with boat. However this isn't necessarily a product targeting those who know how to sail. And you can also imagine how the sails themselves, present a bit of a hindrance in casting shadows on this more conventional configuration of solar panels present on this boat.

There are also some attempts being made to create sails with convert the suns energy into electricity. "Solar Sails.
Frank - 6 years ago
i'll take 2
Zarih Sundberg
Zarih Sundberg - 6 years ago
Range? Does it charge as you go, if it's sunshine?
BrainStem Recruiter
BrainStem Recruiter - 6 years ago
Range is unlimited. It can run on solar alone on sunny days (at up to 5 knots). The diesel generator can charge the batteries or directly power the electric motors.
Antal M
Antal M - 6 years ago
According to their site, about 100 miles per day on a 55.

10. comment for Silent 55 | First Look | Motor Boat & Yachting

MIAthe305 - 6 years ago
Aaaaand my new favorite catamaran... imagine if everything on the fly bridge was carbon fiber and the interior had teak
Rainer Zufall
Rainer Zufall - 6 years ago
"Above" if you rate it for killing as many animals as possible, that is true. Aside from that unless a yacht costs several million euros you are still talking about potential buyers that earned their money at least in a halfway legal way such as me. And for us there actually is a difference between spending maybe 700K or 1300K.
MIAthe305 - 6 years ago
Rainer Zufall it would be like expensive, but I’m sure compared the the rest of the yacht the increase is marginal. But worth every penny cuz when you’re balling at this level it’s all about the details, and CF and Teak are just undoubtably above the ‘regular’ material
Rainer Zufall
Rainer Zufall - 6 years ago
It would probably not change a thing regarding you being able to afford it. If you ever get the money, consider a more ecofriendly type of wood.
abadplanner1 - 6 years ago
Ikea style interior at best and shit view from helm. Tiny squashed guest cabin beds. Look at Fountain Pajot 44. Fuck it, next....
Sean Wilkes
Sean Wilkes - 6 years ago
"marginally compromised" is being very generous
Kenneth André Hansen
Kenneth André Hansen - 6 years ago
@BLAMBERRY I'm not suggesting any agency that does not currently exist, I suggest going back to using the certification organizations used before the introduction of the CE-fiasco.
BLAMBERRY - 6 years ago
@Kenneth André Hansen "imaginary organisation" = whatever the agency you propose that does not currently exist.
Kenneth André Hansen
Kenneth André Hansen - 6 years ago
@BLAMBERRY Who the hell has said that you can´t make your own decisions about what to buy? Certainly not me! My claim is simply that having the manufacturer certify their own product is a way worse idea than having someone else who don´t have an economic stake in selling the product doing the certification. And that makes me an idiot? And what do you even mean by "imaginary organisation"?
BLAMBERRY - 6 years ago
@Kenneth André Hansen "certified by independent organisations" what a stupid statement. Let me make my own decisions on what I would like to purchase. I don't need extra fees or costs because you want some imaginary organization to regulate my life or porperty. idiot!
Rainer Zufall
Rainer Zufall - 6 years ago
I think the Dashews have really great windows on their boats. Since I saw them, everything else just seems to be insufficient. They are big, almost seamless and angled the right way which keeps the sun out where it belongs.
Kenneth André Hansen
Kenneth André Hansen - 6 years ago
This is almost becoming a bit of a pet peeve of mine. There's more than a few new boats out there where the view from the helm station is "marginally compromised" at best. I usually don't mind when the manufacturers make compromises to practicality for the sake of design aesthetics (I can live with minor annoyances for the sake of looks), but when they compromise safety for the sake of aesthetics, they should find themselves a new job.
Often, particularly on smaller hard-top boats (around 30-35 feet), you'll find that you have excellent view to the front, but when you look directly to starboard all you can see in gelcoat because the side window line is already down to shoulder height or bellow beside the drivers seat. I flat out refuse to spend 6 digits or more on a boat that requires me too lean down and forwards in order to see 90 degrees to starboard! Another common design flaw is that you have a large front window, but the top of it is so low and far ahead compared to the actual helm station that even moderate waves makes you loose sight of the horizon, requiring you to open the roof and sit on the bolster to see where you are going. Having to open the roof to see where you are going in bad weather kinda defeats the purpose of buying the hard top in stead of the open boat in the first place...
Rainer Zufall
Rainer Zufall - 6 years ago
Lol, those windows indeed are ridiculous. What were they thinking? That's the usual view out of a cabin of a sail boat!!
Kenneth André Hansen
Kenneth André Hansen - 6 years ago
More like "marginally existing"... Even the slightest bit of head-on waves and you'll loose sight of the horizon half the time. This is why boats should be certified by independent organisations rather than "self-certifying" and just putting on a CE-stamp.

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