Silent Yachts 55 | Review | Motor Boat & Yachting
Reviews 6 years ago 67,394 views
Does the solar/electric Silent Yachts 55 give a glimpse into the future of the motorboat? Jack Haines heads to Mallorca to find out Filmed by Paul Wyeth: ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to YBWTV's YouTube page now - ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Like us on Facebook here - ►Follow us on Twitter here - ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)
10. comment for Silent Yachts 55 | Review | Motor Boat & Yachting
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20. comment for Silent Yachts 55 | Review | Motor Boat & Yachting
30. comment for Silent Yachts 55 | Review | Motor Boat & Yachting
PS : Si toi aussi tu t'intéresses à la création d'entreprise, à la liberté financière ou au business en général, jette un oeil à ma chaîne, je vais y mettre tout ce que je sais, ainsi que mes résultats très prochainement :)
In theory, if you follow the sun, and only run at daytime lets say 8 hours a day, range should be unlimited on solar alone
I think to promote such a great idea you have to hit the affordable market so you can test it better.
And making it affordable in all area of the market so we can get away from all fuels
So how many days to do a Transatlantic voyage?
Too much energy is used for displacement in this boat vs. a sailboat. The balance of energy and power is not quite there in my opinion.
Using your example of cruising at 7-knots per hour implies that a full battery will last 4-hours. Therefore, the illusion of silence will have to be shattered continuously to move forward at 7-knots per hour while filling up the batteries particularly at night.
What happens near the Equator?
The panoramic windows make the nice boat into a solarium or greenhouse since they absorb sunlight from all directions. Now you have to choose whether to move forward or use your solar panels to condition your interior space with AC. This could have been partially prevented with eaves.
A partial solution to both problems would be to have a hydro generator that can generate electricity for AC and to fill up the batteries.
A better solution is a sailing boat that uses wind energy for displacement, and it uses a hydro generator to complement the solar panels for hot water, space conditioning, cooking, etc.
A more serious problem occurs when you see in your wind predict software that a storm is developing 500 miles away. With this boat you will be lucky to move more than 100 miles per day. In three days you might move 300 miles. With a sailing boat you could expect to move 500 miles in the same period of time.
Regarding your concerns about the windows, they’ve designed the roof to overhang slightly to shade the windows as well as making them all UV protected. Apparently thermal insulation has been strongly considered all throughout the boat. It’s interesting reading the material on their website. Motor boat & yachting did an excellent review that listed energy use and gains from the solar. Reportedly, on a sunny day, you will be able to go at 6 knots with the solar panels and still be charging your battery up at the same time. It’s impressive. And keep in mind there is a diesel generator that kicks in if you do run low on energy, then automatically shuts off once the battery is recharged.
Sails harvest more energy than solar panels, wind turbines, or hydro generators.
If you use the sails for propulsion, then you decrease by over 80% your need to generate energy. In this way, the energy from solar panels or hydro generators is basically replacing the energy used for house loads.
You would have to check this with either Gunboat or Torqueedo.
The main point of this are the sails.
Using the numbers above, they are capturing the equivalent of 360 kWh every 24-hours when moving forward at 6-knots per hour.
A 300 watt turbine would theoretically produce 7.2-kWh per day. In practice, this does not happen. It is usually a much smaller fraction of this.
Regarding the solar panels, they, also, do not produce full power for 8-hours since they are fixed to the roof. They are not maintaining a perpendicular angle to the sun by using a one or two axis tracker. Depending on your location this will vary quite dramatically.
Usually around the Equator you may have an average of five to six sun peak hours per day. However, near the poles this will be much lower. On average I would expect to get after efficiency losses due to wiring runs and photovoltaic cell degradation, 36-kWh for a 10-kWh of solar panels, and this is quite generous. In the winter, the output will normally be 40% to 50% of the energy generated in the summer.
Now, a better question to ask is how much power is actually required in kilowatts to maintain this vessel moving forward.
50. comment for Silent Yachts 55 | Review | Motor Boat & Yachting
Even nicer catamaran.
You have a fossil fuel generator supplying electricity to the batteries to power the electric motor for propulsion and you still say it doesn't have an engine.
So your wrong skippy!
If they angled the from windows you would get better head room in the master cabin an the vessel wouldn't look so ugly.
come to think of it , it has to be a motorboat . all be it an electric motor boat.
But boy is the concept fantastic.
What would happen with half the power in the charge?
Great concept! Just imagine yourself using it like a sailboat, with almost unlimited range and also a completely clean mindset. And no hassle with the sails ^^
All what you listed I never had any problems with!
Battery will get cheaper in the future to around the same cost as a new engine in a trawler
Photovoltaik Panels (Not solar panels) will get more efficient at a lower cost in the future.
Photovoltaik Panels are in a standard size so every Electric technician can replace them
6 knot currents I never encountered, but even when you do just speed up a bit
When you need more energy as planed you have a 100kW generator
Never had any power loss issues
How about going into the power use for a trip, give stats, like how far you traveled and how often the generator kicked in.
I know that the software could easily cope, and batteries have already proved that they don't degrade in electric cars, what about the implementation of the technology?
What I am interested in is real world energy usage, especially in conditions like you had, to see if this vessel would really work for me.
Two CAT C12’s (which would be about the size you’d need for this boat) would set you back more than that.
Your professionalism is why I am interested in what results you come to about the power train etc, I trust you to judge it to a higher standard than most YouTubers.
Thanks again for the video.
All very valid points and ones we have raised ourselves to Silent. This was a one-day press event where had a few hours to complete the test, take photos and shoot the video so we were very hurried. We hope to spend a long weekend on board in the summer to test the boat in more realistic cruising conditions.