Slater Designs Omni (Firewire) Surfboard Review
Reviews 7 years ago 14,214 views
Follow me on Instagram: @malcolmlhill My first attempt at a surfboard review! I've had this board around 9 months. I surf a few times a week and this board has been my go to for most sessions. Feel free to leave questions/suggestions in the comments section below.
I'm 6'2, 79kg and 35yrs old. Been surfing a year but surf every day and really want to progress.
I tried this board in a 5'8 / 32L that a friend owned. Surprisingly I could catch a few waves on it and it felt stable to paddle - I thought i'd really struggle given my level
I liked it a lot so am thinking about getting one as my next board to grow into.
Would a 5'9, or 5'10 be suitable do you think?
In FCS2 the large performers go really well when its under head high, they're foiled so they have a lot of natural speed and acceleration. Accelerators are ok when its bigger, but lately I've been using the Gorilla fins large template, they are great for all conditions. They have a bit more flex in the tip which just make top turns and carves more exciting somehow.
Depends on how you like to surf I guess. I'm a big heavy guy and I like doing big, drawn out turns, so I like a wide base for drive and a lot of rake (in futures I like a jordy template and have ridden a bunch of AM1s in FCS1). But if you are better than me and can surf vertically and attack the lip something more upright with more pivot like a John John or a Reactor would probably be the go. Performers/Accelerators are literally the same template (Performers are foiled) and will handle most conditions just fine, even in the neo glass, but I like my gorilla's more.
It's best to build up a fin quiver and then try out different fins on different boards in different conditions.
I'm sure the omni will surf well with all of the major options, and if you like a quad they usually go well with a round tail. All I can say is it surfs really well as a thruster, literally the best board I have ever owned. So smooth, so fast, paddles in so early. Just makes me a better surfer.
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