Sunseeker Manhattan 52 review | Motor Boat & Yachting
Reviews 8 years ago 103,114 views
Easily one of the most anticipated boats of the year, Jack Haines takes the new Sunseeker Manhattan 52 from the factory Poole to the Southampton Boat Show to get beneath the skin of the yard's latest creation. Filmed by Richard Langdon: Follow us - Facebook - Digital editions - Interactive edition (iPad only) -
Then you will need a bigger boat mate..
Then buy a fuckin bigger boat
10. comment for Sunseeker Manhattan 52 review | Motor Boat & Yachting
The princess equivalent is far better looking. In my opinion anyway!!
Calm down every one have his own opinion
Just becuse you liked the boat does not mean every one does or should!
You don't have to be thatch offinsive I didn't like the yacht too...
But I still appreciate the fact they did their best on it!