Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! The most commonly asked questions here & at are about Surfboard Volume: How to get it right. Make sure you subscribe and never miss a video: MORE SURFBOARD SIZING HINTS & TIPS: This video aims to dispel some myths about surfboard volume and surfboard sizing while also suggest a guide to help you nail your surfboard volume 'sweet spot'. I hope you find this helpful! Hit 'Like' if you like this and share it with others who will find it useful, leave a comment with any questions and, of course, subscribe for more surfing and surfboard love! This is Surfboard Volume: What it is. What it isn't. How to get it right. All the best, Benny -------------- To watch other Surfboards videos, Click here: Connect with us on G+: Like us on Facebook: Like us on Instagram: Tweet us your favourite videos on: Visit Our Website: + See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards sentiment_very_dissatisfied 59

Reviews 8 years ago 185,941 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! The most commonly asked questions here & at are about Surfboard Volume: How to get it right. Make sure you subscribe and never miss a video: MORE SURFBOARD SIZING HINTS & TIPS: This video aims to dispel some myths about surfboard volume and surfboard sizing while also suggest a guide to help you nail your surfboard volume 'sweet spot'. I hope you find this helpful! Hit 'Like' if you like this and share it with others who will find it useful, leave a comment with any questions and, of course, subscribe for more surfing and surfboard love! This is Surfboard Volume: What it is. What it isn't. How to get it right. All the best, Benny -------------- To watch other Surfboards videos, Click here: Connect with us on G+: Like us on Facebook: Like us on Instagram: Tweet us your favourite videos on: Visit Our Website: + See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see? Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards

rick clendenin
rick clendenin - 5 years ago
Are you in America? I wanted to punch you in the face with my 195 lbs. of fuck off. Liters? Kilos? Commie . No not helpful unless you're in another country. Can't help I'm on the standard system. I'm American. Should I rewatch this video with a chart and try to do math and smoke bong hits simultaneously? Fuck your day.
Discharge Summary
Discharge Summary - 5 years ago
The Badger
kevreef - 6 years ago
Damn you would be such an amazing salesman - 6 years ago
Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing!
The BenSman
The BenSman - 6 years ago
VERY helpful bro! Thank u, I’m currently 105 kilos
Alexander Zgura
Alexander Zgura - 6 years ago
Here’s a question how do you calculate volume on board that doesn’t list it but has all its dems on it? - 6 years ago
Great question - can anyone help?
aerwsrf - 6 years ago
I like that you talked about foil. I had a board that was almost a liter less than my recommended volume but the board had a deep single concave throughout which gave the board lift and speed. I was able to ride it without any prob. - 6 years ago
Cool, thanks for watching!
Geoff Felsing
Geoff Felsing - 6 years ago
Turn up your audio when recording
surfcrs - 6 years ago
Love your reviews! Keep them coming.....anything to help save on these $900 "experiments" which never really end. - 6 years ago
But the experiments are usually so fun :) - 6 years ago
Yes, because the standard system makes sense :)

10. comment for Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards

Brandon Smisek
Brandon Smisek - 6 years ago
I think you make perfect sense but I am a SoCal native. when you use metric measurements it makes no sense. kiloes and liters. I am 150 lbs. is that 3.7 stone? - 6 years ago
Most of the world uses liters Brandon!
Jersey Devil
Jersey Devil - 6 years ago
I’m 5 foot 9 inches and 270. Ut athletic believe it or not, which is right for me?
Paula Lord
Paula Lord - 5 years ago
My husband is your size 245lbs and 5'9 he surfs well, on small days he rides a 9'0x23x3 on bigger days he rides a retro keel fish 6'8x23x31/4 both his boards have alot of foam under the chest, and a nice wide tail, he plays rugby and is very athletic.. try out a bunch of boards to see what works for you, my husband's are both custom made!
Gavin Alexander
Gavin Alexander - 6 years ago
That’s a solid lump! Can you surf or are you just starting out?
Al - 7 years ago
I want to buy a new board but I don't know the sizes I should get I have rode as little as 5'6 and as big as a 7ft guess u could call it a mini gun... My best boards all round were round the 6'2 or 3 but the little ones I have road feel way easier to kick around... N none of my boards have volume. Can someone suggest a good volume n size that will be buoyant but not to buoyant for a guy that is 5ft10 or 11 and weighin between 60 and 75kg
mugzy384 - 7 years ago
Very helpful!! - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for watching!
Que Dableyou
Que Dableyou - 7 years ago
your voice is really monotonous
this worries me big time because my employees often tell me I'm monotonous too
I never really believed them until this video
I think it's not a lack of expressiveness, it's just that you make the same note the entire time you speak
It's actually interesting, I'll try to work on this myself
Andre Cris
Andre Cris - 7 years ago
Hi Ben !! first of all, i LOVE your videos..thanks a lot! One of the most accurate surfboards review channel ever.
I have tricky question wich could turn into a suggestion for your reviews.
Everything starts from a concepts that it is not often mentioned in reviews: THE LENGTH OF THE BOARD COMPARED TO THE STANCE OF THE SURFER (Distance between feet, when the back foot is over the pad and the front foot is in a confortable but stable central position).
Beacause you have so much knowledge and skills in explaining boards, i'll ask you: How can we understand if the distribution of the volume of a board (based on the shape) is good for our stance? Expecially if we need volume...
Example: I love the LOST ROUND NOSE, but i need volume (consider me as a average fitness guy and average surf skils - 80Kg 176cm) ... there's no point to buy a RNF 6'4 or 6'6 right? this is intuitive but which is the limit??
I thought 6'0 was ok and i bought it. This board helped me a lot in restarting surfing after an ingiury but, was probably too long, in fact the main volume distribution was just after my front foot (towards the nose). I felt unconfortable cause i was pulling the tail too much into the water avoiding the wave to push me properly.
What did I do? I sold it and i bought the same lost RNF but 5'7. It was perfect!! my body was just above the board with a perfect distribution. I have a strong skateboarding background so how can you immagine i felt good with such a short board. Then, the opposite problem, years later i gained weight and i struggled with the volume! it was not enough anymore.
What's the point of all of this long and boring story?
I know it sound i stupid point but. what can i do in this case?
How can I understand that the volume distribution is correct compare to my natural stance?
should i just change shape?
If i go to the manufacturer websites this concept it's hard or impossible to find.
Can you help me?
maybe at the end of the review you can say for instace "this board should be 2 or 3 inches shorter than you to have a great stance to volume distribution based on knees to over head waves" or "this board is shaped to be 3/4 inches longher than you" (something like this...i gues would be a CRUCIAL information for the odience expecially if they are far from a surfshop you can just buy online without even touch the board)

keep ong going you're helping us a lot!
A P - 7 years ago
I see expert shortboard surfers where I live break out foamboards sometimes. In my personal opinion 20 easy fun waves are better than 3 hard fought waves.
Buddy Jones
Buddy Jones - 7 years ago
There is a huge factor is surfboard technology that a lot of people do not understand. Weight is one of the most important factors in surfboard performance. Almost every pro I have talked to knows their weight down to the ounce. "Displacement" is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies. "Displacement in water" is the occupation by a submerged body of volume that would otherwise be occupied by a fluid. For surfboards, volume is not displacement, volume + plan shape + weight = Displacement in water. A 44 liter surfboard can weight 5 lbs or 10 lbs depending on density or weight of material used in construction. Once you learn the plan shape you like i.e. Sci-Fi, volume you like and the right weight, you will be able to pick the best boards for you. Shape+Volume+Weight= Sick ride!
ptolemy horan
ptolemy horan - 7 years ago
ater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFTplease do a review on the firewire slater designs sci fi LFT
Dima Vostrikov
Dima Vostrikov - 7 years ago
Best explaination

20. comment for Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards

SECTOR 7 - 7 years ago
I can't hear the volume..
Sheridan Litangan
Sheridan Litangan - 6 years ago
hahahahaha.... actually when people are asking a shaper about volume thing on a board... i just laugh at them... hahahahaha just make fun of them always... anyway coz i do make surfboards too... DIN TOKONG LITANGAN is my fb account..
Joshua Barros
Joshua Barros - 7 years ago
If I'm 5'5 130 lb what size shortboard should I get I'm a intermediate surfer
Kendall Altman
Kendall Altman - 6 years ago
@Gavin Alexander lol buggin
Gavin Alexander
Gavin Alexander - 6 years ago
Joshua Barros a McDonalds chip would suit you quite well I reckon
Na Na
Na Na - 7 years ago
Chris VanDusen Way too early to worry about it man- a long board is fine. Just go and have fun learning the basics on a boat :) When you're catching clean unbroken waves again and again and your falling off like only 2 in 10 I'd say go and talk to a local shaper with a good rep.They'll craft you something that will take you to solid intermediate. I don't understand these FireWire recommendations for people who are fortunate enough to have local shapers and are anything but advanced surfers. It's not like they are any cheaper than a full custom board tailored to you. Crazy.
vladimir jozic
vladimir jozic - 7 years ago
thing is growing up as a kid s we didn't care about length width thickness we got our single finns and we where stoked to go out surfing forget all the science enjoy surfing - 6 years ago
There's a lot of merit in that Vladimir. But boards are expensive to it's useful to have some gauge that you're buying one that you'll enjoy!
CARLOS RIVERA - 7 years ago
hola puedes poner subtítulos español, porfavor un saludo desde México
Chad Sugden
Chad Sugden - 7 years ago
there was no link in the corner at 1:13. for that ????
Hotwire - 7 years ago
In 30 years, when you're old and stiff, will all this still apply? There could be more to this than you know.
CJ Jackson
CJ Jackson - 7 years ago
Thanks for repping for the big guys! What would you say is your go to everday shortboard for average knee to chest/shoulder surf?
SomeUrbanNinja - 8 years ago
I'm 5'10, about 190-200 pounds... What would be a good size surfboard for me? A Longboard option and a Short Board option would be nice.
Minuteman Hi
Minuteman Hi - 5 years ago
Chris VanDusen it depends. Are the waves ur gonna catch barreling, steep waves or are they slow, peeling waves? A shortboard would be used on barreling waves while a longboard would be used on slow peeling breaks such as malibu, San onofre, and noosa.
Chris VanDusen
Chris VanDusen - 7 years ago
SomeUrbanNinja I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm also wondering that. I usually surf 2-5foot waves. Long seems easier to ride but the shorter boards seem easier to get out through the waves...
Mat R
Mat R - 8 years ago
Hey ! great post. Quick question, what impact there is for 2 different board but with similar volumes ? I ride a 6'5, 20, 2 3/4 35L but i m looking at the rocket V3 6’0″ 20.25'' 2.56″ 34.60L. What do i lose and gain in that case ? Or should i get both for different surf conditions ? I m a bit lost ! Thanks !!

30. comment for Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards

denoruega - 8 years ago
this is gold - thanks !
Bill A
Bill A - 8 years ago
Caught me out there, an American talking about weight in kg. nice!
Andrés Ruiz
Andrés Ruiz - 6 years ago
Bill Addison that’s bad for me. Fuck kg bullshit
Darren O'Brien
Darren O'Brien - 6 years ago
I think he lives in Oz
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 7 years ago
Haha ... next will be the surf's 180cm and pumping! But strange saying my 6 foot 3 inch board is 32.5 liters and not 68.7 pints or worse 8.5 gallons!?
krusher74 - 8 years ago
The one thing hardy talked about on boards is planing area. I ride paipos and have foam and fibreglass about 25L and wood about 5L, but they have very similar planing area, the wood board is faster as it has less rocker, once planing the volume of the board has little effect compared to the planing area, it you then try to turn again a rail, the rail volume then comes into play. Also think about how fast wood alaias and how low there volume is. Volume helps you paddle around without sinking and help the board work as a displacement hull while you paddle for a wave before it become a planing hull.
Jared Angle
Jared Angle - 8 years ago
Hey I'm struggling to know what type of board I should get still. I'm 140 lb and I'm 5.10 feet tall so if I'm looking at a short board how many liters should it be? Also this board is for waves that are like 4 to 6 feet tall. If you can respond tat would be awesome, Thanks!!
H B.
H B. - 8 years ago
You're about the same dimensions as me, a little bit lighter but very similar. I think it really depends on your skill & fitness level. If you're still a beginner, I'd look for something in the 30 to 40l range. If you're pretty decent at catching waves & paddling, look for 25l-35l of volume
Jeroen Weinans
Jeroen Weinans - 8 years ago
Great vid, I enjoy your channel very much! Thanks! - 8 years ago
Cheers Jeroen, thanks for watching! - 8 years ago
Hey Ian, agreed. We don't really do longboards or SUP's here but it good to hear your take and thanks for the cool feedback!
John Manning aka Jack Manning
John Manning aka Jack Manning - 8 years ago
Does an Epoxy board have more flotation than a PU board of the same volume ? Seems that way.
Sheridan Litangan
Sheridan Litangan - 6 years ago
i also makes surfboards here in siargao island... but comparing it by the dimension of the board would be different for sure coz EPS foam floats more than the PU.. so if you have 6'0x18x2 1/4 EPS core epoxy laminated board and a 6'0x18x2 1/4 PU core polyester laminated surfboard buoyancy is different coz the EPS floats more than your PU board on the same dimensions and everything. when people ask me to make them board i normally advice them to make it thinner if they are looking for an EPS core epoxy laminated surfboards, so it will floats almost the same as the PU he/she is after. but since i am shaping it by hand it is very difficult for me to get the exact volume for every boards i shaped.. so normally i will tell clients i cant get them the volume they want. hahaha just being honest.. THIS IS ME SHAPING
krusher74 - 8 years ago
in plain physics terms , it they are both 30L and both weight the same they will float the same, if one lighter and this could be the PU , the lower weight will sink it slightly less in the water, but your mostly talking less than 10% difference. I personally this the floaty/corky fell people say they get from eps cores is the face they have more flex/spring (stringerless a lot) that PU boards, the spring make them bounce off the surface of the water, making them fell buoyant. - 8 years ago
Hi John, epoxy is less dense vs. PU so, pound for pound and all else equal, yes, epoxy should feel a touch more buoyant. Check out the comments on our post here about surfboard sizing & volume - some great discussion and insights:
Ricardo Domingos
Ricardo Domingos - 8 years ago
epoxy have just a bit more yes, i have exact same volume in 2 boards one epoxy and one PU
Mark Humphreys
Mark Humphreys - 8 years ago
Can I get a review of the 'Stacey Grizzly' please! - 8 years ago
Hey Mark! I think the Grizzle is somewhere in the very long but very distinguished board review queue, stay tuned!
timotmon - 8 years ago
I don't see the link to the round table discussion.. Maybe I'm a blind fuck.. sorry. - 8 years ago
They there, did you find it (with Andre's help)? - 8 years ago
Cheers Andre!
Andre Richard
Andre Richard - 8 years ago
Upper right after he mentions it a couple seconds.
daniel lulham
daniel lulham - 8 years ago
grate video man very helpful - 6 years ago
Cheers Daniel, thanks for the cool feedback
Mafalda34 - 8 years ago
Id love to hear you talking about the volume difference/feeling in epoxy vs PU - 8 years ago
+Mafalda34 Hey there, we've had a pretty healthy discussion about epoxy vs. PU in the comments for this post - check it out here:

Hope this helps you!

Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 8 years ago
Great explanation Ben! - 8 years ago
+Ho Stevie! Cheers Stevie, glad you found it helpful!
Gregory Wagner
Gregory Wagner - 8 years ago
Great video. Volume and proper board sizing = amount of fun so it is important. I find myself on the sizing search a lot. Some of the volume calculators seem a little ridiculous online. Some say I should be 34L some 45-50L so it's hard to tell what the answer truly is. Probably the only way is to try and get different boards cheap on craigslist to test this out once you know some basic parameters. - 8 years ago
It's my favourite Mistah!
Mistah Dannske
Mistah Dannske - 8 years ago
The lost calculator seems to work pretty good!
poolpunx - 8 years ago
exactly, thank you. it's a point of reference. something to consider when choosing the right tool for the right job. cheers. - 8 years ago
+poolpunx Cheers!
Jon Salvador
Jon Salvador - 8 years ago
Yeah saw the round table discussion and they "laughed" at volume as average folks see it, great insights mate, thanks
krusher74 - 8 years ago
it was a pity biolas just laughed and never followed up with a explanation to really cover the topic
ba1428 - 8 years ago
Great job Benny. Average surfer living in Melbourne ..if you ever want to surf a quiet mal wave and need a place to stay let me know. - 8 years ago
+ba1428 Awesome, thanks so much!
martysgarden - 8 years ago
Sweet video on volume Ben, I used to work for Sky Surfboards in Byron Bay and was a rider for many years. Never once was volume discussed. I tried many times to get my shaper to add more volume to my boards, but he always followed fashion. I wasn't a board designer, so was basically brushed aside and given boards at cost price,,,told it was best for me.
I actually broke my high femur and Geoff Mccoy lined me up with a 17.5 wide 2 inches thick board that probably had too much volume.
But, i could catch waves and still get to my feet with an injury and surf. This was when I really started to understand volume. Today, I still surf with an injury so need a little bit more volume.
Thank goodness for Firewire Nano,,I can ride a 5'9 now,,shorter board at 35 litres. I am 63 kilo,,helps me get up fast to my feet and that little bit more flotation.
Love you videos Ben,,so cool to see someone in here that is truly passionate about boards and knows his stuff.
Just Subbed and been a fan for a while.
Keep it up mate, we need people like you to help us through all the dilemma and push through what's fashionable, so we can make informative choices.
Actually after watching your videos i went to see my friend Danny Wills (Wilsy) at his Quicksilver shop to order me a Submoon,,,for small and crowded days on the points here where I live.
Happy Surfing
Marty Ware (Micro Farmer/Surfer Australia)
krusher74 - 8 years ago
17.5 by 2" is a tiny board.
Ant D
Ant D - 8 years ago
Where the volume is plays a role.  You cannot expect a 6' and a 6'8" at the same volume to perform the same.  Also body composition (surfer's bouyancy) plays a role: 100kg @ 10% body fat versus 100kg @ 25% body fat is way different.  There is no substitute for talking to your shaper.  Tell 'em what you want to get out of the board while being honest about your skill and fitness level and he'll shape something magic.  Malcolm Campbell just hit it out of the park for me recently and we never talked volume.  If you think you know more than these guys, its gonna get expensive.  Lets be honest, take the worst board in our quiver and give it to Slater for a day and he's gonna rip on it and make us all look foolish!
Roland Figueroa
Roland Figueroa - 6 years ago
You nailed it! but it's also good he gives a spin we can think about to have good replies like this
Marti Sutton
Marti Sutton - 8 years ago
Ant D
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 8 years ago
great video at 45L now,how many Litres could i drop safely?
krusher74 - 8 years ago
need to know your weight, surfing ability and power of waves/your local area.
Kristoffer Linder
Kristoffer Linder - 8 years ago
Depends totally on everything he says in the video... (And I haven't even watched it yet...)
Paul John Balderston
Paul John Balderston - 8 years ago
Do you guys think you might have a CI black and white review in the works? Would be super cool to see a comparison between the Peregrine, the Black and White, and the DFR!
Paul John Balderston
Paul John Balderston - 8 years ago awsome. - 8 years ago
+Paul John Balderston Hey Paul, we just took delivery of the B&W, stay tuned...

50. comment for Surfboard Size & Volume : How To Get It Right - Compare Surfboards

Justin Bordwell
Justin Bordwell - 8 years ago
So many didnt mention rocker, but for instance a board like the lost mini driver i feel i can paddle with my pinkys because it has such good glide. Another point is that im guessing lots of boards out there arent actually the volumes that they are claimed to be just ballparks. Board buying should be a fun journey. Buy sell trade and shape a few of your own. Dont get caught up in the hype. Dims? Vol? In the end it doesnt matter all that much. - 8 years ago
+Justin Bordwell Thanks for that Justin - good perspective...and I agree it should just be a bit of fun and surfers shouldn't over think it (board buying). But you also don't want to drop $900 on a board you can't paddle or turn!

We do touch on rocker and foil at 3:38 but, overall, the message is that volume is just one element and this can be a good starting point, especially for a surfers who haven't bought many boards!

Thanks for watching!
RomeXT0 - 8 years ago
Great vid!!!........yes volume is a good starting point but there's so much else to consider and you nailed the explanation. Getting a specific volume on boards has been due to the introduction of CMC board production.
Im going to the Telo's and Ments this August and one of my mate's thats going with me keeps saying that I need more volume. I keep telling him I don't need it and you just reinforced what i've been trying to tell him.... "that the waves are good and they should be easier to get into". My all rounder is 6'2 x 20-3/4 x 2-3/4 @ 34.9L and it works great for me in waves up to 4-5ft so my step up will be a 6'4 or 6'6" with around 38-39L . I guess i'll find out if I was wrong when I'm not catching as many waves as him but then again I don't want to ride 40-50L boards in the ments and not have the ability to turn with more control.
krusher74 - 8 years ago
The 6.4 or 6.6 will have also more planing area, it not just volume that counts.
Ant D
Ant D - 8 years ago
+RomeXT0 take the volume bro, you don't turn in the Ments anyway, just pull in and hang on.
Drew Green
Drew Green - 8 years ago
Great vid. Where's the link to the shapers round table ta
Maddy Lloyd
Maddy Lloyd - 8 years ago hi haven't been surfing for about 10 years and I want to get back into it so what's the best board to go for thanks I'm about 90kg thanks - 8 years ago
+Jason Jones Cheers Jason! There is an annotation in the video at 1:13 but here is the direct link:

Thanks for watching!

Bermcannon - 8 years ago
On point Benny! It took me 10 boards to find my volume number, and like greg I don't move from my volume number maybe 1 liter each up or down. - 8 years ago
+bermcannon k Nice Bermcannon, it works! Interesting to hear you don't move up and down in volume like Craig. Do you consider yourself and advanced surfer?
Greg Polansky
Greg Polansky - 8 years ago
awesome vid, thanks! - 8 years ago
+Greg Polansky Cheers Greg, thanks for watching!
Scott S
Scott S - 8 years ago
Great video, I think this this was a much needed video for a lot of people. Keep up the good work! - 8 years ago
+Scott S Thanks Scott for the cool feedback, much appreciated!
Dean Coutts
Dean Coutts - 8 years ago
Great video! I have a few questions. I purchased a webber afterburner2 about 5 years ago, recently sold it due to an upgrade (yet to buy a new board due to being so confused). This board was my only go to board as an all rounder. The surf shop owner recommended a 6'0 at 28 litres. I'm a beginner/intermediate surfer at 85kg with above average fitness. being so ignorant I didn't know any better. I've recently jumped on the firewire website that's been recommended by a few people, typed in my details and they recommend 49-59 litres on weaker waves!!! Now that just sounds crazy. I did have trouble paddling out on bigger days 4-5 foot but a board with so much volume like that would mean I'd be riding a 6'6 - 6'10. What do you recommend. I'm contemplating the pod mod at 6'0 with 39 litres approx. or the 6'0 sampler with almost 35 litres. Sorry for such a long message but what are your thoughts? any board recommendations?? - 8 years ago
+bermcannon k Nice, thanks for sharing!
Bermcannon - 8 years ago
+dean c I am the same weight as you and int, I would say if your 20-30 years of age 28-30 liters is your volume. If your age 30-40 your 30-31 liters. I am close to 40 and I am at 30 liters. If I am in really good shape I can do 28 liters but I get smoked quicker. - 8 years ago
+dean c Hey Dean, yes, I find a lot of the volume calculators can be a bit off. I just ran myself in the Firewire calculator and it gives me a 50-60L range. Again, trial and error is your friend.

Check this post out, it may be helpful to you:

I like the Lost tool personally!

Roger Pye
Roger Pye - 8 years ago
I reckon you nailed it ! - 8 years ago
+Roger Pye Thanks for the cool feedback Roger!
Antonio Michael
Antonio Michael - 8 years ago
I like how the Aussie accent is slowly taking over your American Accent haha - 8 years ago
+Antonio Michael HA! It's been over 10 years now, I suppose it's bound to soften. Thanks for watching!
fishskulls76 - 8 years ago
Good video, I like the fact that the JS website put their team riders volume specs on their range of boards, OW seems to be about where I'm at. I'm smaller than Owen Wright and also way less skilled! But his volume range is similar to mine.
Sheridan Litangan
Sheridan Litangan - 6 years ago
this is why many people get disappointed when ordering boards online. hahahaha i know some people do research and searching for a board that this pro surfer use to get the exact volume this pro surfer is using but this guy i know didn't really look at the reality that he doesn't surf like that pro he is after.. hahahahaha its like when HS came to this design of hyptokrypto model.. then suddenly many surfer here in the country likes to buy it coz the review is good but didn't really looked at their skills if they can surf like craig anderson. hhahahahah its funny but its the reality. most guys only based it on reviews before buying it,, some actually got it correct but some ended up selling it coz they cant even ride it. hahahaha
fishskulls76 - 8 years ago
yeah right and Im guessing owen wright wouldn't use the Psycho Nitro too often either - 8 years ago
+fishskulls76 Hey Fishskulls, I think it's a cool idea but marking yourself against team riders can lead to heartbreak for most surfers. The rules that apply to most surfers don't apply to the pros!
Mistah Dannske
Mistah Dannske - 8 years ago
Very good vid! How can I find out the Volume of my older boards?
Warren Angel
Warren Angel - 8 years ago
There are programs online you can plug your dims into and it will spit out a volume but not always perfect. The more accurate way but also more difficult is to fill a tub big enough to hold your board with water and then submerge the board in the water and work out how much water it displaces. Need to know your maths though, something us surfers are not well known for. :)

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