The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21

This video is about The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21 In this episode, Noel takes the Sampler in 5 different surfboards all made in different constructions with the exact same dimensions. Salas talks about these boards and what makes them so different and how they feel under his feet. The industry standard construction is Polyurethane with Polyester resin (PU/PE), and the whole review is based on feel in comparison to what most surfers are accustomed to the PU/PE. Board number 1 is the PU/PE, and Salas talks about flex, feel and cost. Noel has been riding this type of construction since he was 9 years old. When he rides other board types, he naturally compares them to the PU/PE. The cost of the PU/PE is $695.00, which is not cheap by any means, and the longevity of its life can be relatively short from a surfer's perspective. The PU/PE is not Eco friendly and, because of this, many different companies are coming up with alternative constructions that are more compatible with planet earth. Board 2 is what the surf world calls EPS, and this is a Expanded Polystyrene foam that is glassed with an Epoxy resin. Expanded foam is a open cell foam that is susceptible to taking in water if the glass is cracked, and the surfer does not fix it right away. This foam type is very light and more durable than PU/PE and can be a bit difficult to work with for shapers. The cost for this type of foam and epoxy resin is a bit more expensive because of this difficulty. The cost of Noel's EPS board in this review is $820.00, which is $125.00 more compared to the PU/PE. Board 3, the Flexbar, is much like the EPS (board 2) because it uses the same Expanded Polystyrene foam core and Epoxy resin but has a completely different application for performance purposes. There are 2 pieces of Expanded Polystyrene foam that sandwich a thin layer of high-density foam throughout the entire board. The top piece of foam has the deck routed out to place in a hand-shaped high-density bar for the board's strength and to control the flex characteristics of the board. The cost on the Flexbar is $885.00, which is $190.00 more than a PU/PE. Board 4 is called XTR, and it's an Extruded Polystyrene foam core with an Epoxy resin. This foam core is a closed-cell foam, which will not let water penetrate into the core and will give this board a longer life. There are many benefits to this type of foam and it's worth it's weight in value for the surfer who is looking for a board with great flex characteristics and durability. The cost for this board is $815.00, and it's one of Noel's favorites. Board 5 is called Varial foam, which is a proprietary formula and can be glassed with either Epoxy or Polyester resin. Noel had this one done with Epoxy resin to compare with the other models. Salas said he struggled with the Epoxy resin finish because of its stiff flex characteristics. The cost of this board came in at $1,000.00, and Noel recommends to the surf community to go with the Polyester resin for better flex at a cost of $880.00. Noel did a review on the Varial foam core with Polyester resin as he is a big fan of this combination. Enjoy the whole review as Noel goes into detail on each construction. For custom orders on each board type read below. Flexbar, PU/PE and the EPS go to XTR: go to Varial:

The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Reviews 8 years ago 13,580 views

This video is about The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21 In this episode, Noel takes the Sampler in 5 different surfboards all made in different constructions with the exact same dimensions. Salas talks about these boards and what makes them so different and how they feel under his feet. The industry standard construction is Polyurethane with Polyester resin (PU/PE), and the whole review is based on feel in comparison to what most surfers are accustomed to the PU/PE. Board number 1 is the PU/PE, and Salas talks about flex, feel and cost. Noel has been riding this type of construction since he was 9 years old. When he rides other board types, he naturally compares them to the PU/PE. The cost of the PU/PE is $695.00, which is not cheap by any means, and the longevity of its life can be relatively short from a surfer's perspective. The PU/PE is not Eco friendly and, because of this, many different companies are coming up with alternative constructions that are more compatible with planet earth. Board 2 is what the surf world calls EPS, and this is a Expanded Polystyrene foam that is glassed with an Epoxy resin. Expanded foam is a open cell foam that is susceptible to taking in water if the glass is cracked, and the surfer does not fix it right away. This foam type is very light and more durable than PU/PE and can be a bit difficult to work with for shapers. The cost for this type of foam and epoxy resin is a bit more expensive because of this difficulty. The cost of Noel's EPS board in this review is $820.00, which is $125.00 more compared to the PU/PE. Board 3, the Flexbar, is much like the EPS (board 2) because it uses the same Expanded Polystyrene foam core and Epoxy resin but has a completely different application for performance purposes. There are 2 pieces of Expanded Polystyrene foam that sandwich a thin layer of high-density foam throughout the entire board. The top piece of foam has the deck routed out to place in a hand-shaped high-density bar for the board's strength and to control the flex characteristics of the board. The cost on the Flexbar is $885.00, which is $190.00 more than a PU/PE. Board 4 is called XTR, and it's an Extruded Polystyrene foam core with an Epoxy resin. This foam core is a closed-cell foam, which will not let water penetrate into the core and will give this board a longer life. There are many benefits to this type of foam and it's worth it's weight in value for the surfer who is looking for a board with great flex characteristics and durability. The cost for this board is $815.00, and it's one of Noel's favorites. Board 5 is called Varial foam, which is a proprietary formula and can be glassed with either Epoxy or Polyester resin. Noel had this one done with Epoxy resin to compare with the other models. Salas said he struggled with the Epoxy resin finish because of its stiff flex characteristics. The cost of this board came in at $1,000.00, and Noel recommends to the surf community to go with the Polyester resin for better flex at a cost of $880.00. Noel did a review on the Varial foam core with Polyester resin as he is a big fan of this combination. Enjoy the whole review as Noel goes into detail on each construction. For custom orders on each board type read below. Flexbar, PU/PE and the EPS go to XTR: go to Varial:

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Most popular comments
for The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21

Sebastian Jimenez
Sebastian Jimenez - 6 years ago
Relly good review!
momentum - 6 years ago
Ok i got a question mate. I see you do it too. When youre surfing, going into turns and finishing turns, you briefly look straight down at your board. Actual head and eye movement to look down at the nose of your board just after turns, before you bottom turn again.
Taylor knox and tom curren do it and i always wondered exactly what the theory is of doing that look down before and after turns? Some kind of reset before turning again?
Love to know cause it looks sick too! I live in bali. Driving to sumbawa next week for a few months. Ima start trying to copy that head movement.
momentum - 6 years ago
@Surf n Show Reviews thanks for the answer! Wanted to know for so long.
Would love to see a video of you breaking down your own style and technique in detail. Thats some really smooth clean surfing.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
momentum Great question.... looking down is a technique I use to start and finish a maneuver. For instance... in a bottom turn it looks like I am looking at my board, but I am really focused on going all the way into the flats of the wave so I can drive off the bottom and pick a spot in the pocket I want hit or carve. Looking down to finish my turns helps me put everything I have into that turn with power. Wherever your head goes the body and board follows. Looking where you want to go with purpose is the start too excellent technique. It also helps me with my timing in the pocket and positioning on each wave.

All growing up I studied Curren, Slater, and Taylor Knox. If you want excellent technique then study surfers with excellent technique. Watch them surf over and over and your body will start to surf similar and mimic what it sees.
Ronny439 - 6 years ago
How does a flexbar go with PU foam compared to Epoxy?

Cheers mate.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Ronny439 The Flexbar Tech has good flex and is very smooth in the water. The smooth feeling on the Flexbar is due to the High density foam Flexbar that absorbs most of the vibration that a EPS foam usually has.
Brent Rucker
Brent Rucker - 6 years ago
Hi Noel, I love your show and I watch it a lot. I’ve been watching your videos on different constructions and I have to agree with you that Channel Islands’ Flexbar is a more smooth ride then the Spine-Tek, so I want to order my new board in Flexbar. I’m 175 lbs and I like a board from 28-28.5 liters in PU. In your video you show the weights of the boards and it looks like Flexbar and PU weigh the same. However, I know that Flexbar is EPS and that it has more buoyancy than PU. If I want a Flexbar to be within 28-28.5 liters in PU, what volume do you think I should get in Flexbar? Thanks Noel
Brent Rucker
Brent Rucker - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for the great advice Noel! Keep up the great work on your site and videos. Really good to see you trying so many different brands and boards. I’m thinking about trying the Pyzel Ghost (maybe in their tech Electralite) after seeing your review :)
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Brent Rucker Stoked you like our show. I would order your Flexbar close to the same DIMS as a custom PU. Maybe just take off 1/2 liter or so. I try not to get to technical on liters..., unless 28 liters is on the high side for your volume. If this board is going to be a Groveler then your good with 28 liters... if this is a performance board then go 27.5 or close to 28.
Sam Birchenough
Sam Birchenough - 6 years ago
Would love to hear your thoughts on the lib tech & helium construction boards.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 6 years ago
Sam Birchenough I did review the Gamma in Helium. Check it out... the construction is next level in flex, feel, and durability.
rickta07 - 7 years ago
Great Review Noel! How would you compare the size wise/responsive wise the 5'7 Sampler to the custom 5'6 Sampler you initially reviewed a while back? Have you tried the Sampler in Spine-Tek?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
rickta07 I like the Stock FIanS 5’7 better. Feels more like a performance board being a little narrower.

The Spinetek feels good... but I have only tried it on the OG Flyer so far.
Jack Schreuder
Jack Schreuder - 7 years ago
id be super keen to see you try a firewire board to see how you like a more eco-friendly flex pattern and how it stacks up against industry standards in particular LFT helium and FST constructions
Felix Lux
Felix Lux - 7 years ago
This is the single most helpful review of yours. Was always wondering about the alternative CI constructions, as CI PU durability is the only real downfall in my experience as a lower level traveling surfer.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
So stoked this review helped you out. There is much to know about surfboards and I am learning more every day. Cheers!!!
daniel vb
daniel vb - 7 years ago
Hi Noel, can you tell me the name of the song in the beginning? Great video as aways.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
daniel vb My uncle recorded that for the show. Sorry you cannot buy it.

10. comment for The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21

Alexander Crosby
Alexander Crosby - 7 years ago
great review! i am curious though about saying that poly flexes more? my understanding is that epoxy resin is about 75% more flexible than PU? when discussing this i think you need to talk about the amount of glass and the density of the foam which probably impacts the flex more than anything. i maybe totally wrong and ultimately whatever you feel is what matters!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Alexander Crosby I think epoxy resin may be more flexible like you mentioned but I was talking about how it feels under my feet. Sorry for the confusion. In the end it's really about the foam and resins working together. Cheers
Gabriel Sales
Gabriel Sales - 7 years ago
Hi Noel, great review !! Just wondering, did you weight those boards after waxing, placing pad and fins or before ?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Gabriel Sales Glad you like the show. I weighed each board with only the traction pad with NO WAX or FINS.
Torrey B
Torrey B - 7 years ago
Noel, do you notice the flexbar crushing and cracking at all? I've got a B&W in FlexBar, and the glass is cracking pretty badly under my foot. I've had it for maybe 6 months.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
I usually stay the same volume and use the extra flotation I get from the EPS to my advantage because I am usually surfing small waves when I am riding my Flexbar.
Torrey B
Torrey B - 7 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews Thanks, I'll do that. One more question, would you ideally size your flexbar at a lesser volume than your poly boards?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Torrey B No, I have no cracks and the Flexbar is not crushed either. You might want to contact the Folks at CI and see what they say. I have had mine for over a year now and no problems like that at all.
Deforest L. Cooper
Deforest L. Cooper - 7 years ago
Great review!! That flexbar looks really really good on you! The clips were sick and your review was very very good. I really liked all the points you talked about! Great review Noel! Yeww!
Deforest L. Cooper
Deforest L. Cooper - 7 years ago
Awesome! Yeah, those two constructions looked really good on you. I'm a big fan of XTR. I really really like the flex on their DD blue stringer (without carbon). Im interested in trying the XTR stringerless (all white). Thanks again for the review. I really really enjoyed it! Yew!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 7 years ago
Deforest L. Cooper So stoked you liked the review. The Flexbar and XTR constructions are so good!!! The Varial foam is legit too with Poly Resin. Cheers!!!
Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
Hey Noel, love the show I just subscribed. I have a question, I have a 6'2 sampler that I like but I feel that it is too long. I am a bigger guy weighing around 220 lbs. Its a predicament that I'm always in trying to get a board that is snappy but has the right volume. Would it make sense to order a custom and go shorter and thicker for the sampler. I wasn't sure if it would take away from what the board is intended to do. I surf San Diego and Carlsbad. Thanks
Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews nice I'm going to check it out tonight. that board looks interesting.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Ryan Lochrane I just posted the new Biscuit Bonzer review and talked about the very thing your asking for. Cheers!!!
Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews nice I'm definitely going to look into picking one up. thanks for taking the time to talk to me and share some knowledge. When you give your next reviews could you throw some dims advice for us big guys, I feel the industry doesn't take us into account quite often. looking forward to seeing the new videos.

Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews nice I'm definitely going to look into picking one up. thanks for taking the time to talk to me and share some knowledge. When you give your next reviews could you throw some dims advice for us big guys, I feel the industry doesn't take us into account quite often. looking forward to seeing the new videos.

Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Totally different..... the Pod Mod is a small wave board and the WR is a high performance short board. The WR has too much rocker in it to be a small wave board. You need to check one out...... I would not ride the WR in waves under 3ft with a quiver like yours unless it is super hollow.
Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
Surf n Show Reviews that looks like that might be a great board for me. do you think it will ride different than the pod mod?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
I totally get it with you at 5'10. You should get your hands on a 6'0" Weirdo Ripper.... I love the WR and the DIMS are 6'0" x 20 3/4 x 2 5/8 Vol 36.3. The WR is perfect for what you are looking for. Tons of hidden volume with a good amount of rocker in a short little package. I put the WR in the Short Board performance board category and you will love it...... Go feel one up at Surf Ride and tell me what you think.
Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
Im 5'10 so I'm just stocky. I would say I'm alittle above intermediate for skill, just pumping down the line doing off the lips, nothing too crazy but trying to push to the next level. I checked out the B&W like you suggested but i was reluctant with the 6'4 due to it being 6 inches taller than me, I am worried that the added length will take hinder the performance. Im trying to stay in the 6'0 range, I have a 6'1 rocket 9 and a 5'10 pod mod I just picked up, both are running great, you are spot on the the 36 liters.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
I think DIMS are the end all but knowing your liters is really key to dial in you DIMS. How tall are you and what is your skill level?
I was thinking if your small wave board is good at 37 Liters then maybe go with roughly 36 Liters on your standard short board. With that being said you will need to go custom.... I would choose a board like the B&W or Peregrine because of the full rails. How about something like this 6'4 x 20 x 2 5/8 Volume 36.4?
Ryan Lochrane
Ryan Lochrane - 8 years ago
thanks for the reply, Ive been surfing ponto a lot lately. I took your advice on using the CI AMT's for the rocket 9, really changed that board for the better. Do you have any advice for bigger guys like me selecting performance boards, usually the stock dims always land me in the 6'2 range for volume but the length kills the performance. Is volume the end all be all due to my weight?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Stoked to hear you like the show and thanks for subscribing. It sounds like you should go custom for sure. You can go shorter, wider, and thicker with the Sampler and it wont mess up the performance. My first Sampler review was on a custom 5'6 that was a bit wider and shorter than the stock 5'7 DIMS that I ride now. I really liked it too but the stock DIMS felt better to me. I hope this helps and I love surfing San Diego and I lived in Carlsbad for 5 years or so. Love Ponto.....
Surfer Yoda
Surfer Yoda - 8 years ago
So on the Flex Bar, what did you use for paint? It came out pretty cool and looks like the color was clear enough to keep the logos? I was just curious for a board I have that still works great, but leaves little to be desired in appearance. BTW, love the reviews. I'm a huge Bonzer fan and was stoked you got to review the Shelter.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Surfer Yoda Stoked you like the show. The paint I used is by Rust-Oleum Fluorescent Yellow. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot. Make sure you also use a clear coat with a matte finish to seal the paint. I would put two clear coats too. Cheers!
UniqueStranger - 8 years ago
The varial foam has terrific properties. It is durable and has good flex. However, I discovered from a friend, who is a shaper, that it is very toxic when working with it. A shaper got sick while working with varial foam.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
UniqueStranger I heard that it can put out nauseous fumes and that shapers need to wear a mask. Thanks for your comment.
gulfsurfco - 8 years ago
Great reviews Noel! Sub'd.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
gulfsurfco Thanks!!!! I hope it helps surfers on their next surfboard purchase.
Collin McMenamin
Collin McMenamin - 8 years ago
Such a cool review! I'm currently riding Varial and love it, I only weigh 135 and with single layer 6oz glassing on my shortboard. After four months I only have one tiny dime-sized pressure ding, while my normal Poly boards glassed team light would be pretty dented by now. I might have to try XTR or Flexbar next though, thanks Noel!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Collin McMenamin Stoked you liked this review and that you posted that about your Varial board. This is what I want to hear. You will love the XTR and Flexbar. Cheers!!!!
Rad-Dad - 8 years ago
Another well-produced video with quality info on construction. Watching the Trace #'s, you were flying on the pink eps/epoxy board - review #2. Props for riding a 5'7" in the Sampler shape!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Thanks for the props on this review. Lot's of work but I really enjoyed riding each model and learning along the way. Yea that EPS felt really good and it was super fast too. Thanks for your attention to detail on the Trace GPS numbers. Cheers!!!!

20. comment for The "Surfboard Construction" review with Noel Salas Ep.21

dexterpolyester - 8 years ago
Noel this was really great! So much info I've tried to piece together elsewhere, this did it I'll be coming back to this many many times. Thanks!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
So glad to hear that it helped you out. This is the exact reason I started this You Tube channel. Cheers!!!
dizzeepetee - 8 years ago
Noel, I was interested in what you had to say about XTR construction. Having tested all these constructions, did the XTR have the same level of chatter as a normal EPS, through bumps or chop on the wave face? I've never enjoyed EPS because of all the chatter, but XTR being a closed cell EPS foam, it sounds like it could be more dense and absorb shocks better. Also, how does the weight of the XTR compare to a standard EPS board? Thanks
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
dizzeepetee I didn't notice a to much chatter on the XTR but I also didn't surf it to much in choppy surf. It was a pretty smooth ride and I think the XTR is super innovative. You can get the weight super light on the XTR and still have great strength but it was a little heavier than the EPS. I am sure XTR can make a super light one though. I recommend going XTR on your small wave board for sure and you won't to worry about chatter.
Brent Rucker
Brent Rucker - 8 years ago
Hi Noel, I love your show. I'm 175lbs and I surf the steep, hollow, and powerful waves of Ocean Beach in San Francisco from chest to overhead+/double. I need a durable board that won't snap on heavy surf, but will also flex and not chatter/skim out with speed on turns. What kind of construction do you recommend for these conditions? Thank you
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Brent Rucker My pleasure!!' Talk to your local glass shop or the folks that shape your boards about S Cloth glass for your PU boards. It's a little bit heavier but stronger too. When your surfing big strong waves like OB you can use the weight. Cheers!!!
Brent Rucker
Brent Rucker - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for the great advice. Yes, the epoxy have too much chatter for the waves that I surf. A thicker glass on a PU or a Flexbar sounds great. Thanks again
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Brent Rucker That's a tough one.... the Epoxy core boards have a bit of chatter with high speed. I would probably go with a PU with a bit stronger glass job or try the Flexbar. I have not tried it in super hollow waves like S Fran but it might be worth a try. The Flexbar has the high density foam sheet in the middle and flex bar seems to take out the chatter. One of the smoothest rides ever for me and they have the 1 year warranty on breaks n buckles. Peace of mind with the warranty. I hope this helps. Cheers!!!
Seth H
Seth H - 8 years ago
You look the best on the flex bar!
But what board FEELS the best?
What boards are you riding?
Thanks man!
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Andrew H Chers thanks for your comment.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Seth H The Flexbar feels the best.

I am riding different boards daily. My next review will be on the Biscuit Bonzer and I am also working on a mini step up quiver for CA. That will have 7 different boards all with a round tail.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Seth H I love that Flexbar. The construction is special and it is so smooth. No chatter either. I highly recommend the Flexbar and XTR.
KayneHunter - 8 years ago
im getting a new board, its like the sampler, should I get a a 3 oz. glass job or a 4 oz. ?
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
KayneHunter Good call!
KayneHunter - 8 years ago
Alrighty thanks, i think im gonna go with 4 oz. just because its a custom and if i like, it it will last long
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
KayneHunter I love Polyester. The lighter glass will give better flex but it won't last as long. It's really about what's more important to you.
KayneHunter - 8 years ago
nah, polyester
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
KayneHunter It all depends how light and durable you want the board to be. What construction are doing it in? Epoxy?
Torrey B
Torrey B - 8 years ago
Awesome. Seemed that the standard EPS and the Flexbar boards went the review -- I want to see you on a vacuum bag carbon board someday ! Check out justinternes on insta
Torrey B
Torrey B - 8 years ago
Surf Show and Tell Reviews Justin just glasses the boards -- does a top job.
Surf n Show Reviews
Surf n Show Reviews - 8 years ago
Torrey B Thanks glad you liked it. I will check that board your talking about too.

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