The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode

Watch Kermode's review of The Boat That Rocked, Richard Curtis' nostalgic take on pirate radio in the 1960s

The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Reviews 15 years ago 33,920 views

Watch Kermode's review of The Boat That Rocked, Richard Curtis' nostalgic take on pirate radio in the 1960s

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Most popular comments
for The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode

Ryan McCallum
Ryan McCallum - 5 years ago
The film was amazing. The whole idea of living on a boat, the cast, the clothes, the music, the women. It's a blokes dream. It tells the whole story of that period quite well. Im not quite sure what anyone else can expect a bunch of stoners on a boat in the middle of the ocean to be doing??? It was never going to be an action based film. But I think it is one of the best British films ever made. Rock n roll baby
TheTruthiest - 5 years ago
Finally saw this. Love most of the actors in it, so I had some decent hopes it would at least be a decent time, but absolutely hated this. It had a few laughs, but not enough to make up for how awful the rest of it is.
Joe - 6 years ago
I'm convinced you critics are just attention seekers!
Joe - 6 years ago
Kermode, you're talking oot yer arse! You can't rubbish this film, there's nothing wrong with it!
Luiz Gonzalez
Luiz Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Crítica óbvia
Jilly-anne Skinner
Jilly-anne Skinner - 6 years ago
I loved this film but all I want to do now I watch it the second time is fast forward all the Twat London bits... much prefer it just being the gang on the boat
George Benwell
George Benwell - 6 years ago
It was appalling, unfunny and seemed to go out of it's way to have as many cruel jokes as it could fit in to it's bloated run time.....utter rubbish.
Billy Brooke
Billy Brooke - 6 years ago
I feel this is essentially a really good review. He's not saying this is a good film - he goes on a lot here about how the film falls apart technically. Plot points all over the place, jokes with questionable humour, erratic pacing. He does not deny any of the negative points people in the comments are making; he really is agreeing.

However, what he says that is interesting, which I found in my viewing, is that the film has heart and wit at its core, which made it fun to watch. The chemistry between the characters really sets this, as Ifans, Seymour-Hoffman and co all bounce off each other convincingly.

The film has spirit, and this is where the director point was made: it is common to Richard Curtis films to have this heart and wit. That's the point he makes; the boat that rocked is no great film, and hating it is absolutely fine. But Kermode also notes that the film can be appreciated too for its wit. This is a great review because it quite accurately realised this film is one that can be thoroughly enjoyed despite its flaws.
The Cinematic Mind
The Cinematic Mind - 6 years ago
A film that from what I remember when I saw it in 2009 was unbelievably too long and tedious.

10. comment for The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode

amy clarke
amy clarke - 7 years ago
v good
Paul Owen
Paul Owen - 7 years ago
Terrible film, appalling awful film. I hate it. And I speak as someone who quite likes Love Actually despite finding much of it toe curling
phoebephoebo .sydney
phoebephoebo .sydney - 7 years ago
Everything he says here about The Boat That Rocked is what I feel about Love Actually.

But I just didn't like TBTR- didn't make me laugh, had me bored half way through, and I went to see it wanting to like it.
bbbushhh - 8 years ago
Utter dreck....cliched, mean spirited, meandering, pointless......after 20 minutes I was hoping that they might have come up against a wayward WW2 mine and been shredded......worst movie I have seen in a long time.
MrMystery99 - 8 years ago
I hate this film so much. The most sexist film I've ever seen undoubtably, and I don't normally notice that kind of thing.
JellyLovesFaith - 8 years ago
I adored this film. It's one of those quintessential feel-good movies that make you go through a roller-coaster of emotions simply because you care a lot of about the characters and their interactions. Such a good movie and endlessly rewatchable.
Richard Philip
Richard Philip - 8 years ago
I enjoyed this too, saw it in the cinema with my ex and her mum way back when
arfurchance10 - 9 years ago
ffs Kermode, there's no wonder people don't listen to critics, Kermode the film was great, even the deleted scenes are brill and should have been left in, stop talking in shorthand, why do you have to analyse comedy? some films make some people laugh and some don't we don't need critics, I can't believe you get paid for this.
xValetinax - 8 years ago
That's the point of critics. To analyse films. If you don't find that necessary. Don't listen (or read or watch).
xValetinax - 9 years ago
The scene where they try to set up the boy to lose his virginity by him sneaking into the bed of a woman who is expecting to have sex with someone else (which is classed as Rape by Deception) was really horrible. Other than that the film was ok.
combandpaper283 - 10 years ago
I normally agree with Mark. Not on this occasion :-/

20. comment for The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode

rogerb707 - 10 years ago
the film the boat that rocked did rock a fantastic film . the british make such good films this one is a must to see funny fab music  IT ROCKED;
Ed Plays
Ed Plays - 10 years ago
Mark liked the film? He must have a lot more patience than I do.
Limubi1 - 10 years ago
See I watched this film not knowing who directed it, I thought it was a great film, really really funny.
255ad - 11 years ago
“You look suspiciously square to be a fan of this radio station” what in the name of god made Richard Curtis think an individual who could say that would be someone you’d want to be  on the side of? 
the girl in question
the girl in question - 6 years ago
well the guy was a government agent and WAS a square, so wtf is your problem
Limubi1 - 10 years ago
And yet I totally was... mainly because it's Billy Nighy and he's a really well written character.
shirley thomas
shirley thomas - 11 years ago
God, am I the only one who cant take to Fiona Phillips? She tries so hard to be clever and whitty but it don't work,cant stand people who try too hard to be clever unless it comes naturally,sorry she does my head it a bit, so this is where she went after TVAM? And who is this man who is reviewing this film? Its a good film stop picking holes in it for god sake,nothing is perfect ;)
allaboutdmagic - 11 years ago
Guest House Paradiso falls snugly into the category of guilty pleasure for many.
drummer96ish - 11 years ago
Seriously, best movie ever.
dmpcornwall - 12 years ago
My partner and I watched this film last night. I thought that the first half hour was wonderful, I loved the zippy fly on the wall style of the opening. However, it ran out of steam and numerous plot points got picked up and then dropped. Very entertaining though.
Useless2112 - 12 years ago
I didn't, I replied to a comment which said "I study film at university. I loved Boat That Rocked" by saying that I also study film at university and I hated it. I didn't say that that made my opinion superior. I saw the film (and hated it) before I studied film. Maybe your English Lit training is encouraging you to read too much into my comments? (Full disclosure: I did a joint honours in Film and English Lit).
MrKeepitunderyourhat - 12 years ago
Of course it isn't invalid, but don't go around acting like it's superior just because you're studying film. It'll just make people disagree with it more. Your opinion is of no more value than that of myself, a humble English Lit student.

30. comment for The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode

Useless2112 - 12 years ago
Indeed not, but nor does it make it invalid. I'm sorry if my educational background upsets you.
MrKeepitunderyourhat - 12 years ago
Just because you've been shown a powerpoint about Bazin, doesn't make your opinion definitive.
Useless2112 - 12 years ago
Quite so. I often find people who know nothing about the subject but who disagree with my opinion suffer from that temptation.
MrKeepitunderyourhat - 12 years ago
A word of advice: don't back up your arguments with the fact that you study film at university. The temptation to ignore everything you say becomes too much.
ExtremeAnalDischarge - 12 years ago
I took it from a Robert Smigel routine.
BackInAGiffy - 12 years ago
Yeah, I think whatever your opinion its always going to come back to your username, I like your user name though, its original :)
BackInAGiffy - 12 years ago
you used the word "disingenuous" then i looked at your username then I lol'd
ExtremeAnalDischarge - 12 years ago
Probably is most disingenuous review ever. Kermode explains the ridiculous reasons why he is endorsing this film, he likes the director and he likes the idea of the director, but he doesn't want to accept them. The bit about if Guy Richie had made The Boat That Rocked he would still like it is absolute bullshit. As much bullshit when he tells everyone how deep and layered and fantastic the Twilight films are.
Useless2112 - 13 years ago
@TheSuicidalGnome I study film at university too. I hated the Boat That Rocked. I hated it so much I had to go back and watch it again to make sure it was as bad as I thought it was.
ohmygoooooood - 13 years ago
dreadful movie
The_Infamous_Me - 13 years ago
If you want to get smacked in the face, ask Andi Osho about this movie.
ComandoPadentro - 13 years ago
@Filmzie I LOVE Love Actually... It's my favourite romantic comedy and a must see on christmas eve for me and my girlfriend...
andymc24 - 13 years ago
Simon Mayo looks rough
Paul Klein
Paul Klein - 13 years ago
I like Love Actually.
AAARGH - 14 years ago
I think that the movie was cheap, fluffy and unoriginal. I nearly always hate mainstream rom-coms but I laughed so much. I totally understand what Kermode is saying. When I was watching it, I sort of thought that it's like you've been framed - you can get all high and mighty about it but you can't really control what you do and don't laugh at.
xeractus - 14 years ago
I surprised myself a lot by liking this film. However I'm certain that if it wasn't set in the era that it was I wouldn't have cared very much.
Will Palmer
Will Palmer - 14 years ago
Oh, Kermode! What are you like? Boat that Rocked was a pretty painful film to watch. Kermode seems to be saying that the comedy was enough to save it, but I don't think I laughed once. But then again, I've never been a massive Richard Curtis fan.
Caz D
Caz D - 15 years ago
to be fair i knw richard curtis aint every1's cup of tea.....but i really liked it!! yeh could have been a few improvements bt i smiled and laughed all the way thru.....couldnt help myself :D the soundtrack saved it i think xx
markie mark
markie mark - 15 years ago
this guy is a twat. Gotta love love actually and the boat that rocked...and if you get too deep into structural problems you will not enjoy this movie or any other movie you watch.
hyt - 15 years ago
This is the most I've ever agreed with Kermode, I agree entirely about Love Actually, I hated it at first but its charm eventually won me over. I also agree that the charm of this film enables you to overlook the structural problems

50. comment for The Boat That Rocked reviewed by Mark Kermode

Tails - 15 years ago
The central joke is "This guy is called Twatt?"... How? It's a long-running joke. And I doubt liking the movie or not comes down to thinking the word twatt is funny. What a closed-minded idiot. But the movie was a little disjointed, thrown together. But I liked that.
Shaggy Alonso
Shaggy Alonso - 15 years ago
I really hated this film. I hated the sense I got of the film trying desperately to make you feel good the whole way through it, and I just felt annoyed watching it. Comedies are so subjective though aren't they? I loved Pineapple Express and Kermode hated it, but I find myself agreeing with his reviews of films that aren't comedies.
TriViAnDiSgUiSe - 15 years ago
this guy talks alot
julesmorton - 15 years ago
There's so much wrong with this film, the ending takes forever, editted badly, far too long. But I laughed and smiled throughout consistently, and I loved the music, and cried a little. Same problems and pluses with Love Actually. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great in it and that kid was doing a very good
epicure - 15 years ago
Oh dear, Mark liking Love Actually. He's becoming the Star Wars of the film critics.
ads876689 - 15 years ago
There's a town in the Orkneys called Twatt. It's an old joke.
Messofanego - 15 years ago
More than 2 hours for a romantic comedy? I definitely won't be able to sit down for that long, for a comedy. Even with Nick Frost and Philip Seymour Hoffman, I'll pass.
ken131 - 15 years ago
Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt that way about Richard Curtis and his work. No matter how bad it gets, you're just forced to like it!!!
PurushaDesa - 15 years ago
What, the film didn't work, or the thought experiment didn't work, which would mean the film still worked?

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