The Electric Acid Surfboard Test Shaper's Profile: Trimcraft Surfboards And Michael Arenal
Reviews 6 years ago 81,441 views
Working with Gerry Lopez and legendary San Diego fish apostle, Rich "Toby" Pavel, Trimcraft Surfboards has opened the door for young shapers like Micheal Arenal to hone their craft with the masters.
10. comment for The Electric Acid Surfboard Test Shaper's Profile: Trimcraft Surfboards And Michael Arenal
Cosmetic top deck .allpussy
20. comment for The Electric Acid Surfboard Test Shaper's Profile: Trimcraft Surfboards And Michael Arenal
Great times, back when you surfed something because it works for you.
Not because you want to look like a retro hippie and pretend to have style all of a sudden..
I love Danes style of surfing, because their is no style. It's just how he surfs. natural style.