Tiller Conversion Modifications Review - Aluminum Boat Project #31

This is the last video in this series as the job is now complete and the boat is mine to enjoy! Check out the entire playlist of how I did the mods here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOpC-IhUxYNsvDH9TgHvgUzfgt4Pv9bE Please click the red “SUBSCRIBE” button below the video to get the latest uploads to this channel

Tiller Conversion Modifications Review - Aluminum Boat Project #31 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reviews 8 years ago 51,631 views

This is the last video in this series as the job is now complete and the boat is mine to enjoy! Check out the entire playlist of how I did the mods here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOpC-IhUxYNsvDH9TgHvgUzfgt4Pv9bE Please click the red “SUBSCRIBE” button below the video to get the latest uploads to this channel

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Most popular comments
for Tiller Conversion Modifications Review - Aluminum Boat Project #31

Brad Doughman
Brad Doughman - 5 years ago
I knew I saved this video for a reason awesome job
David Wagner
David Wagner - 6 years ago
Sweet boat!
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 5 years ago
MEESH O. - 6 years ago
Wat size boat
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
MEESH O. - 6 years ago
Nice setup bro
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Don B
Don B - 6 years ago
Nice Job
Darrell Wampler
Darrell Wampler - 6 years ago
The only thing I don't like is the lack of seats.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Yeah I hear you... They'd be easy to add, but I don't like how much they get in the way in a small boat so I left them out. I put the base in up front for one so I can use it if I want.
Jason Spandet
Jason Spandet - 6 years ago
Nice boat
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Thank you
BullBars1 - 6 years ago
Maybe you could add a picture of the boat with the seats in place.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
I don't have any seats for the boat. I just installed the plate in case I ever got one but never did.
grady vago
grady vago - 6 years ago
very nice!!! where did you get the channel piece for the lid on the rod locker. please??
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
I had an aluminum company make all the parts for me. Just do some rough sketches and most places can accommodate your needs.

10. comment for Tiller Conversion Modifications Review - Aluminum Boat Project #31

Adventure Fishing
Adventure Fishing - 6 years ago
Terrible spot for electronics
Adventure Fishing
Adventure Fishing - 6 years ago
Lawren Wetzel you goof
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Not in my case. I always am facing forward 100% of the time so that is why I mounted the electrics in front of me. Read my comments above. Don't criticize stuff in the future just because you don't understand it or think your idea is better when you might be using your boat differently than I am.
Adventure Fishing
Adventure Fishing - 6 years ago
Lawren Wetzel simple, when driving a tiller you only facing forward when on long hauls, 99% yer facing portside.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Explain to me why they put them there? You haven't even backed up your claim as to why your spot is better... And why is my spot so bad?
Adventure Fishing
Adventure Fishing - 6 years ago
Lawren Wetzel yer just to dumb to understand, there is NO tiller on market that puts electronics there, but yea some guy in his $500 tin can designed it better lol
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Don't feel defeated with your sigh. Just accept that not everyone does the "unterrible" thing of mounting their electronics on the left side.
Adventure Fishing
Adventure Fishing - 6 years ago
Lawren Wetzel sigh..forget it man
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
It's actually more comfortable and safe this way. I hold the tiller with my left hand. This let's me face forward while driving and looking at my electronics as they are to my right. This also gives me a free hand to control the unit while driving the boat. So actually it's not a terrible spot it's a very well thought out spot.
Adventure Fishing
Adventure Fishing - 6 years ago
Lawren Wetzel on tiller boats its best to have the electronics port side
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
What do you mean?
kevin jenkins
kevin jenkins - 6 years ago
have you ever done a modification on a Livingston? I have a 14' Livingston, but the raised column in the middle is giving me logistic issues. Any ideas.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 6 years ago
Make a deck over to of it and then hatches to use the space below for storage
Jason Lief
Jason Lief - 7 years ago
Just binge-watched this whole series! Amazing work! I’m tearing into my boat this spring, but nothing to this extent.

I’m curious how many batteries you run with all your electronics, lights, USB outlets & trolling motor? It seems like you just have 2, but that seems like a lot of stuff pulling off of just 2 batteries.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
Never had any issues. I would charge up every night after being out. The main draw on the trolling motor battery was obviously the trolling motor lol, but with a group 31 battery and only a 55lb thrust motor I could go for days. Most of the electronics were on the starting battery which again was more than adequate for what I was doing.

Glad you liked the series. Have fun working on your boat!
thegearguysblog - 7 years ago
What size boat is this? You did a great job!
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
This is 15'
thetexanist - 7 years ago
Do you have a video explaining how you did all of that??? Looks so sweet!!!!!
What kind of paint did you use?????
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
Here is the link Aluminum Boat Project - Side Console to Tiller Conversion: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOpC-IhUxYNsvDH9TgHvgUzfgt4Pv9bE
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
Yes. I have a whole bunch of videos. Go to my channel and under playlists looking for Aluminum Boat Project
thetexanist - 7 years ago
That’s awesome man!!!!!!!!
How long is the boat?
Looks amazing!!!!
Is it stable in rough water???
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
The boat is 15' long. I use it on Lake Simcoe which is a big Lake near me (30x15 miles) and it can get rough. I've been in 4 footers and it rides through them fine. Anything bigger I don't like taking it out
Jeremy Russ
Jeremy Russ - 7 years ago
I do too, looks awesome, I have a 14 ft , I'm doing the same thing to. Hope mine turns out as good as urs . Nice job.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
+Jeremy Russ Awesome! If you have any questions as you go just ask in the comments on here
Jeremy Russ
Jeremy Russ - 7 years ago
How did you fasten ur floor to your boat ? Best looking modified boat on you tube !
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
+rpb1961 I was in the same place. Paid $500 for the boat and trailer and $1300 hundred for the motor. Put about $3000-5000 in and for under $7000 I got exactly what I wanted and had fun doing it
rpb1961 - 7 years ago
Nice I have a 16 alumacraft with trailer. I was looking at new boats for 15k and up. I think I can do a lot better than 15k. You inspired me. Thanks.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
+Jeremy Russ It is riveted down to the cross braces on the Hull. Thanks! I love how this boat turned out
Peaked and Tuned
Peaked and Tuned - 7 years ago
Well done. I just stripped down my 16ft StarCraft ssconsole. I think the tiller conversion is the way to go. Thanks for sharing.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
Yeah you get way more usable space in a tiller I find on boats under 18'. Have fun with your project
Eli Merritt
Eli Merritt - 7 years ago
Nice lookin boat

20. comment for Tiller Conversion Modifications Review - Aluminum Boat Project #31

Ask The Pro DJ
Ask The Pro DJ - 7 years ago
Where is your T-Top, looks like it you would get hot out there, its like a big frying pan?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
A T-Top would interfere with casting, playing fish, and standing up. I live in Canada so its never hot enough here to need one.
Dallas Dubois
Dallas Dubois - 7 years ago
it has a 6 pin plug in on the motorguide
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
If it is the D Shaped connector then only units with a power/transducer cable in one plug will work. Or just get the adapter from 6 pin black to 7 pin blue and you'll be all set.
Dallas Dubois
Dallas Dubois - 7 years ago
i just got a motorguide W55 wireless with built in transducer what lowrance will work fir it?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
+Dallas Dubois just about anything from 2000 on. You will need an adapter cable if it's not a 7 pin blue/grey adapter.
fredmolodih - 7 years ago
nice boat ,im do one right now. Do you know where I could get good sturdy piano hinges?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
I got mine from a local marina. Most will have a distributor they can get stainless steel ones from. If you are in Canada try a marina that deals with CC Marine
Kyle - 7 years ago
I saw your first (before) video of this boat , and then went digging and found this. Amazing, looking to do the same to my 16 footer so I might have some questions for ya.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
Cool sounds good! Hope you have fun working on your boat
RiverDawg 1
RiverDawg 1 - 7 years ago
Hey Lawren, Your project turned out nice. I'm going to use your rod locker idea for my old 14.5 Mirro-craft that I'm working on. see you on the water.
Dallas Dubois
Dallas Dubois - 7 years ago
hey my name is Dallas ur videos have helped me alot in my restoration because we have the same boat i would like to send u pics cus i took it one step further 920 256 2633
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 7 years ago
You can send me an email. Its on the about page
Moondog9322 - 8 years ago
Really nicely done! My boat is very similar to yours, but I don't have a handy rod locker like you installed. You definitely gave me some great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+Moondog9322 Thanks!
targetshootr - 8 years ago
Nicely done. What brand is it? Any before pics?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+targetshootr It's not bad. Does about 28mph with a 3 blade prop. Power trim would help out big time... Really wish I had that.
targetshootr - 8 years ago
Nice. Does your 35 hp try to push the boat to the right?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+targetshootr Check out the first video in the playlist for the before.
Chris Castillo
Chris Castillo - 8 years ago
I understand flush mounting the seat bracket, but when carpeting around the hole how did u keep it dwn? won't it eventually work it's way up if not pinned dwn by that collar?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+Chris Castillo The collar was put on top to hold the carpet in place. Been two years and it's not coming up at all. Check out video #6 in this series https://youtu.be/LUa48cAtDJE

30. comment for Tiller Conversion Modifications Review - Aluminum Boat Project #31

Jiggy's Outdoors
Jiggy's Outdoors - 8 years ago
nice work... how much do you think this boat weighs?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+Jiggy C. I really don't have any idea.
Timothy Heasman
Timothy Heasman - 8 years ago
That's one good looking boat.
Mike Cawthon
Mike Cawthon - 8 years ago
put a powerpole on next
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+Mike Cawthon Yes I might do the Micro Anchor next year.
smokinhic - 8 years ago
Nicely done............
Brian Ludlow
Brian Ludlow - 8 years ago
You really did a great job,   you should be very proud of how it came out....  I am guessing it is a 14'  or  16'.   Does it perform well with the 35HP  ?
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+Brian Ludlow I think is just over 14'. I get between 26-29mph depending if I use the 3 or 4 blade prop. Thanks for the kind words
Trevor S
Trevor S - 8 years ago
looks amazing man. it's exactly what I need. I have a four stroke 30hp mercury. but no boat. maybe I'll see you out on Simcoe one day.
Lawren Wetzel
Lawren Wetzel - 8 years ago
+Trevor S Thanks a lot. Keep an eye on Kijiji cuz eventually you'll find a good deal on a boat.

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