Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Modern Planing Hull Surfboard Review: This is the Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech). Daniel 'Tomo' Thomson's latest and greatest Modern Planing Hull design, the Tomo Surfboards Vader (leveraging Firewire Surfboards construction technology) takes flight...literally. Full Write Up: This board is dynamite in the water. Instant acceleration, point and shoot precision - it allows me to 'punch above my belt' in the surf. I was pulling off manoeuvres on this Tomo Vader that usually elude me (or happen by accident...). The latest model from the partnership between Tomo Surfboards and Firewire Surfboards, this is the first pure Tomo Surfboards branded model launched in Firewire tech...I hope the first of many! Have you ridden the Vader? Leave a comment, hit 'Like' and subscribe! Thanks again for a great 2014 and I look forward to frothing with you over some boards in 2015! - Benny -------------- + See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom, YouTube show for REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Reviews 10 years ago 32,990 views

Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Modern Planing Hull Surfboard Review: This is the Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech). Daniel 'Tomo' Thomson's latest and greatest Modern Planing Hull design, the Tomo Surfboards Vader (leveraging Firewire Surfboards construction technology) takes flight...literally. Full Write Up: This board is dynamite in the water. Instant acceleration, point and shoot precision - it allows me to 'punch above my belt' in the surf. I was pulling off manoeuvres on this Tomo Vader that usually elude me (or happen by accident...). The latest model from the partnership between Tomo Surfboards and Firewire Surfboards, this is the first pure Tomo Surfboards branded model launched in Firewire tech...I hope the first of many! Have you ridden the Vader? Leave a comment, hit 'Like' and subscribe! Thanks again for a great 2014 and I look forward to frothing with you over some boards in 2015! - Benny -------------- + See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom, YouTube show for REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny

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Most popular comments
for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards

Michael Reed
Michael Reed - 5 years ago
sure....makes perect semse to buy and ride it in a way larger size than recommended. Like a standard person who reinvents what we invent. blaaahahha
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 7 years ago
Benny! If you read this dude I need some purchase advice. I have an Omni and an Evo, both of which I love, and am looking at a Vader for a different feel in better waves. How do they compare? I have this bad feeling that in a Vader i'm just getting a less refined Evo. I might go a Sci Fi instead.... Argh, first world problems I know.
8span - 7 years ago
Do you still use this board much or not anymore?
Javier Bustinza
Javier Bustinza - 8 years ago
hi Benny, good review! do you have a video surfing Vader 6´2´´? thank you
Ermis Anargyros Avgoustidis
Ermis Anargyros Avgoustidis - 8 years ago
Hi, im a kitesurfer 85 kg on twin tip and i want a vader to learn strapless, can you help me withe size? Also which tech to choose? Lft or fst?
Fixed wireless Broadband
Fixed wireless Broadband - 8 years ago
Starts 1:13
Martin Buhr
Martin Buhr - 8 years ago
remind me again how big you are? I have the opportunity to pick up one of these (actually, a 6'1" 43.5L just like yours), and I'm 6'5" 215lbs - 8 years ago
+Martin Buhr Hey Martin, I'm 105kg's and 6'0!
Eisonhawk - 9 years ago
of capital "Thank You!" for thus highly valued vast source of knowledgeable wisdom wealth pon our game sport lifestyle add master craftsman lord baron Daniel 'Tomo' Thompson's board sliding present at creation colleague's crystal clear feedback amongst the rest of 99.44% surfing universes garbo yano => in other words "...100" add maximum respect r-',
Mark Yoshida
Mark Yoshida - 9 years ago
Kinda confused about how to choose these boards? My reg board of choice is the CI Pod 5'8" 2 1/4 19 7/8. I'm about 5'5 138lb do you have any advice on what to get. Been surfing for about 25 yrs.

10. comment for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards

littlerubster - 9 years ago
Hey Ben, How much do you weigh if you don't mind me asking. I'm riding a 6' Nano which I love but I can get a 6'2" Vader for $500. I'm 55 and 95kg. Thoughts?
Cheers. - 9 years ago
@littlerubster Hey hey LR, I'm 105kg's. I had a 6'0 Nano - loved it - and my Vader is 6'2 - love it!
J Osburn
J Osburn - 9 years ago
I personally wouldn't recommend going up in size, you want to ride these around the same volume/CL as your high performance shortboard...its designed to be smaller and fit well in the pocket of the wave...if you size it right the thing rides like a skateboard and is nothing short of amazing. Going up in liters probably means that you're going up in length which is giving you more rail line...the rail lines are parallel and long for their size.  For example I ride my boards around 28CL...I ride a Vader in a 5'3" and have a CI Bunny Chow in a 5'10", both are 28 CL and have about the same length of rail line....just my 2 cents and hope that helps folks with sizing.
Ricardo Schargel
Ricardo Schargel - 10 years ago
Hey Benny. I finally got my vader. After much thought I also went on the top end of my volume range (thanks for the insight). I got the 5'11 at 39.5 liters, it is an increase of about 2 liters from what i was riding before.
When it arrived it seemed big! Even though it's the shortest board I've ever had, i was worried it would feel clunky. The tail seemed so wide and thick, just an usual shape. Because of the wide tail i fitted it with the lost mb2 fins which are pretty big and decided to try it out as a quad on a dumpy onshore chest to head high day at my local beach break. This board really goes! The first thing i noticed was the speed. Once you set your rail it just flies! And it turns too! Very lively and fun! Didn't feel big at all. Can't wait to take it out on a big hollow day to put it through its paces. Will keep you posted. Thanks for the help! - 9 years ago
@***** Thanks for that Ben, it's great feedback. I am hoping to get hold of Tomo's next board and I will try it smaller this round just for contrast...although I love my Vader, the volume never gets in the way
Ricardo Schargel
Ricardo Schargel - 10 years ago
Yeah man no worries. And by the way after my last comment i have had two more sessions on it during a nice swell. Head high+ and hollow beach break, it took a little adjusting my "drop in" on a really steep face, but once i got that sorted i had so much fun. It is really good in the barrel, fast and holds the rail line even though i was riding it as a quad. Stoked with this board.
Thanks for the reviews! - 10 years ago
@Ricardo Schargel Awesome Ricardo! So stoked you're diggin the's amazing what that board can do! If you don't mind, I'll add your experience as a customer review for the Vader on the full review at I know other surfers will really appreciate it!You can see the full review for the Tomo Vader here:
coleberr - 10 years ago
Hey Benny thanks for all the info and reviews,

Trying to make a decision between 6' Nano FST and 6' Vader LFT, I'm a passable surfer but have been spending a bunch of time on mini-mals lately just because they have proved more fun than my 6'4" whip (33.5L). Would like to get back on a fun all around short-board and the tomos seem like they would push me a bit which I like. I'm 6'4" 200lbs and my considerations are:
-Durability of LFT vs FST, I doubt my riding abilities would be enough to warrant the LFT and it seems the FST has a bit more durability especially with the balsa rails
- Displacement and stance width, I know the Nano places rocker transition, wide point, and center of mass forward of center which makes me a little nervous 
- Versatility as I will be attempting to make this my all arounder and will be handling my fair share of mooshy beach breaks and rippy Ocean Beach SF

Your thoughts would be much appreciated on the pros cons directly between the two
coleberr - 10 years ago Hey Ben, wanted to see if my comments on the vader review hade gone through or if I should try to resubmit them. Thanks again.
- Colter
coleberr - 10 years ago Thanks Ben, I will put it through on the Vader review (may have actually put in a similar one the other day) and I really appreciate all you do.
- Colter - 10 years ago
@coleberr Hi Cole, this is a great question - do you ind asking it on the full review for either the Nano or Vader here so other surfers will benefit?Nano:
Noah - 10 years ago
Why is it squared?
Brian Davies
Brian Davies - 10 years ago
Weird, every other outlet is saying to go smaller on dims than you normally would. How much do you weigh Benny? You don't look that big to be on a 6'1"? I heard these were originally designed to be ridden at chin height or so unless you're abnormally skinny or heavy. Just curious as I've been wanting to try one. But 1t 6'0" 195 I would aim for the 5'6"
Tyson007ian - 10 years ago
Hey man, Great vid, do you think you could compare the weirdo ripper with the #4, I'm stuck as to which one to buy!
Big Wave
Big Wave - 10 years ago
Benny, Used the Rip Curl Search GPS watch for the first time today. It was pretty cool. I was amazed to find out I paddled 4.3 miles! You should check one out. I'd love to follow your sessions online. Merry Christmas Ben!
Big Wave
Big Wave - 10 years ago
Love your reviews Ben. I live in North County San Diego and your reviews caused me to part with some of my hard earned cash over the last year. My wife bought me the Rip Curl GPS watch for Christmas. Can't find any reviews on it. I'd love to see you pick one up and do a review. Keep the vids coming. Cheers! - 10 years ago
Cheers socalpipedude, very happy to help you spend your hard earned dollars wisely! I hadn't heard of the Rip Curl GPS...interesting...I'm usually opposed to watches in the water (when I can afford not to keep time) but interested to hear what you think of it!
Ricardo Schargel
Ricardo Schargel - 10 years ago
Great review! I've been thinking about getting one of these and still doing research. I noticed that you went up in volume on this model and it kinda goes against the whole thinking of going shorter and smaller on Tomo's. How did you decide on this? Does it float you different? I'm somewhere around 36 to 38 Liters for my all around and was considering somewhere around the same volume on the Vader? Your thoughts? Thanks for the help! - 10 years ago
@Ricardo Schargel Cheers Ricardo...oh, the Rocket, how i love it.  Let me know how you go with the Vader!
Ricardo Schargel
Ricardo Schargel - 10 years ago
Thanks Benny, I arrived to the same conclusion a few of years ago when I picked up a "Lost Rocket", and upped my volume which had worked wonders for me. The rocket is my favorite board ever, so instead of going smaller I'll probably order the Vader at the top of my volume range. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks again and keep doing the great job with the reviews! - 10 years ago
Hi Ricardo, I just responded to a similar question from Drew so apologies for any duplication! The thing I didn't mention to Drew was why I decided to order bigger.

After hearing Matt Biolos talk through his quiver (See the full Matt Biolos, My Quiver Series here: ), I started to think that I may actually still be riding boards that are too small. Matt is a good surfer with deep surfing and shaping experience and his whole quiver is 40+L's. Plus, he is 15KG's lighter than I am.

Regardless, you ask a great question that is difficult to answer given the design and ride of the Modern Planing Hull is quite different to what I (most of us) normally ride.

To simplify the answer, I can say that I would not order this board any other doesn't feel too long or short and is amazing to paddle. I have the buoyancy I would normally ride in a tiny wave groveler but the Vader rides like a performance shortboard on steroids. It's making me rethink my volume range.

Also, I rarely ride boards below 5'11 (it's a deep seated psychological thing...), with most of my boards in the 6'1 to 6'4 range. So the length doesn't phase me and the Vader doesn't feel bulky or hard to turn.

There, I probably confused you even more but it's good to challenge your own norms frequently!

All the best,

20. comment for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards

Danny Pryor Doyle
Danny Pryor Doyle - 10 years ago
Yeah Ben!
I don't have a modern planing hull yet and have always been interested in the Tomos. Looks like a sick one.
Question; You seem to be anti-tail pad, whats up with that?
Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year!! - 10 years ago
Hi Danny, the MPH designs are definitely worth a look! I'm not anti-tail pad...I think I'm just going through a phase and digging the clean look of the tail in the water. Besides, half the time I end up despising the tail pad I chose and now I don't need to worry about that :)
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
How are you liking the new Blackstix? Big difference over the old design? That's the one Futures core I haven't tried... - 9 years ago
@Torrey B Cheers TB, we have them available in the shop here if you're keen: YEW!
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
Cool, I'll give them a shot... I've got the machados and like them.. Especially with a bit stiffer of a fin for the centre - 10 years ago
Hey Torrey B, I'm sold on the new Futures 3.0 Blackstix. First, they have a collection now to suit different styles and sizes of surfer (the big, maroon F8's are my 'go to's' most of the time) and I dig that you can get matching quad trailers (I like quads). Plus, the bases are a touch more solid for better drive (my only complaint of the old EA Blackstix was that they felt a little bit soft when the conditions were slightly bigger and/or better) and with more precision in the tips for release. Overall, a very impressive update from Futures!
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
wooo stoked for the shoutout !! Can't wait for more !! So far, so good with the Sub Buggy!! - 10 years ago
It's a pleasure Torrey, thanks for watching and great to hear you're getting along with the Sub Buggy!
Peter Graciano
Peter Graciano - 10 years ago
to dope! tomo boards are so sick . i wish you had talked about that black strip down the middle though im wondering what that is? i really want a board like this. you should review danny hess all wood surfboards , he takes a cool take on wooden boards.
Peter Graciano
Peter Graciano - 10 years ago
thats cool thank you  for letting me know. apparently firewire made a vanguard in their full timber tech , as prototype . i would be excited to see that board hit the market idk about you .
Michael Goldstein
Michael Goldstein - 10 years ago
Yewwww! Great review, and can't wait for what's coming up in the new year! Happy holidays and best wishes - 10 years ago
Cheers Michael, thanks very much for watching the show and here is to a great, wave rich 2015!
Kevin Hawkins
Kevin Hawkins - 10 years ago
great video.  Keep em coming. - 10 years ago
Cheers Kevin, much appreciated!
Drew Burrell
Drew Burrell - 10 years ago
Hey Benny,

You mention that you went up in Volume - 6'1" is 43.5 litres. You normally ride about a 36-38 litre board - which is 5'9-5'11" in the Vader. How did you find the extra volume? I am normally about a 37 litre sweet spot, but would be very interested to find out if you found the extra volume vs length a problem or a benefit and why. Seriously looking at one of these....because they look like they would make sense.

many thanks,

Drew Burrell
Drew Burrell - 10 years ago Thanks, that helps heaps....I will see if I can get a demo on one somewhere...enjoy the summer. - 10 years ago
Hey Drew, great question but difficult to answer given the design and ride of the Modern Planing Hull is quite different to what I (most of us) normally ride.

To simplify the answer, I can say that I would not order this board any other doesn't feel too long or short and I love how easy it is to paddle. I have the buoyancy I would normally ride in a tiny wave groveler but the Vader rides like a performance shortboard on steroids. It's making me rethink my volume range!

Does this help?

urbanrunoff - 10 years ago
that's it I'm gonna demo one :D - 10 years ago
Good call Urbanrunoff, please let me know how you go!
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 10 years ago
Yea Ben! Spot on review....I picked up a Vader just under a month ago....Super functional, fast and goes where ever you want it to. Rode it yesterday as a quad and felt great compared to the thruster set up and it's really good as a thruster. With quads funnelling water through the channels with no resistance it came alive even more! Keep up the good work in 2015 - 10 years ago
Awesome take, thanks for sharing your experience Matthew!  That's it, next surf I'm taking the Vader out as a quad!

All the best,
Arthur Cho
Arthur Cho - 10 years ago
How to you like the new futures fins I see you're rocking write the variety of their new line.
Arthur Cho
Arthur Cho - 10 years ago
Thanks man always appreciate your timely responses! Happy holidays! - 10 years ago
Hi Arthur, just responded to Torrey B on this - apologies for the duplicate comment but the message is:

I'm sold on the new Futures 3.0 Blackstix. First, they have a collection now to suit different styles and sizes of surfer (the big, maroon F8's are my 'go to's' most of the time) and I dig that you can get matching quad trailers (I like quads). Plus, the bases are a touch more solid for better drive (my only complaint of the old EA Blackstix was that they felt a little bit soft when the conditions were slightly bigger and/or better) and with more precision in the tips for release. Overall, a very impressive update from Futures!

All the best,

30. comment for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards

Bermcannon - 10 years ago
I'm not sold on this concept. Its just awkward, and in so-cal just not seeing these like your seeing say the hypto krypto's. and just based on that this design is just luke warm.
great vid benny !
littlerubster - 10 years ago
Mate, I've had a Nano for two months now and I'll never ride a conventional board again. I've been surfing for forty years and if I had one of these back in the day I would have been world champion twelve times! - 10 years ago
Hey Bermcannon, I think you are likely in the majority here! It took time for me to come around to the concept and, even after having ridden several of these designs now, I still feel funny paddling out on a MPH after a period of surfing more 'normal' surfboard just looks and feels so different.

However, as Ben mentions, once you get past the psychological barrier of a drastically different aspect ratio you can't help but start to appreciate the capabilities of the design.

If you (or anyone out there) are on the fence but curious, I recommend the Nano as a starter (Full review here: ) - it's a less dramatic design and very user friendly...but if you get hooked, move on to this Vader, it is amazing!

All the best,
Ferdinand Arcinue
Ferdinand Arcinue - 10 years ago
Your videos are great! I've developed a healthy addiction to surfing and surfboards too. I'll have to put the Vader on my wish list! - 10 years ago
Great to hear Ferdinand! Please let me know how the Vader goes for you!
Liam Connolly
Liam Connolly - 10 years ago
keep goin benny 720p (HD) Soon? - 10 years ago
Thanks Liam! It's the same process to create the YouTube vids in 720p but this is the first feedback I've had requesting 720p so I didn't feel the need to create and upload the larger files.  Is there a noticeable quality issue from your perspective?

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