Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards
Reviews 10 years ago 32,990 views
Shop Surfboards, Fins & Gear (keep this free resource free): AUS (Benny's Boardroom) - USA (Jack's Surfboards) - No pressure, but buying your gear through the above links helps us keep this free resource free! Thanks for your support! Modern Planing Hull Surfboard Review: This is the Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech). Daniel 'Tomo' Thomson's latest and greatest Modern Planing Hull design, the Tomo Surfboards Vader (leveraging Firewire Surfboards construction technology) takes flight...literally. Full Write Up: This board is dynamite in the water. Instant acceleration, point and shoot precision - it allows me to 'punch above my belt' in the surf. I was pulling off manoeuvres on this Tomo Vader that usually elude me (or happen by accident...). The latest model from the partnership between Tomo Surfboards and Firewire Surfboards, this is the first pure Tomo Surfboards branded model launched in Firewire tech...I hope the first of many! Have you ridden the Vader? Leave a comment, hit 'Like' and subscribe! Thanks again for a great 2014 and I look forward to frothing with you over some boards in 2015! - Benny -------------- + See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: + Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and -------------- Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers? You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion. Welcome to Benny's Boardroom, YouTube show for REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now! If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place. Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week. Visit for full reviews, news, articles and more! Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show. HIT SUBSCRIBE NOW! All the best, Benny
10. comment for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards
When it arrived it seemed big! Even though it's the shortest board I've ever had, i was worried it would feel clunky. The tail seemed so wide and thick, just an usual shape. Because of the wide tail i fitted it with the lost mb2 fins which are pretty big and decided to try it out as a quad on a dumpy onshore chest to head high day at my local beach break. This board really goes! The first thing i noticed was the speed. Once you set your rail it just flies! And it turns too! Very lively and fun! Didn't feel big at all. Can't wait to take it out on a big hollow day to put it through its paces. Will keep you posted. Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the reviews!
Trying to make a decision between 6' Nano FST and 6' Vader LFT, I'm a passable surfer but have been spending a bunch of time on mini-mals lately just because they have proved more fun than my 6'4" whip (33.5L). Would like to get back on a fun all around short-board and the tomos seem like they would push me a bit which I like. I'm 6'4" 200lbs and my considerations are:
-Durability of LFT vs FST, I doubt my riding abilities would be enough to warrant the LFT and it seems the FST has a bit more durability especially with the balsa rails
- Displacement and stance width, I know the Nano places rocker transition, wide point, and center of mass forward of center which makes me a little nervous
- Versatility as I will be attempting to make this my all arounder and will be handling my fair share of mooshy beach breaks and rippy Ocean Beach SF
Your thoughts would be much appreciated on the pros cons directly between the two
- Colter
- Colter
After hearing Matt Biolos talk through his quiver (See the full Matt Biolos, My Quiver Series here: ), I started to think that I may actually still be riding boards that are too small. Matt is a good surfer with deep surfing and shaping experience and his whole quiver is 40+L's. Plus, he is 15KG's lighter than I am.
Regardless, you ask a great question that is difficult to answer given the design and ride of the Modern Planing Hull is quite different to what I (most of us) normally ride.
To simplify the answer, I can say that I would not order this board any other doesn't feel too long or short and is amazing to paddle. I have the buoyancy I would normally ride in a tiny wave groveler but the Vader rides like a performance shortboard on steroids. It's making me rethink my volume range.
Also, I rarely ride boards below 5'11 (it's a deep seated psychological thing...), with most of my boards in the 6'1 to 6'4 range. So the length doesn't phase me and the Vader doesn't feel bulky or hard to turn.
There, I probably confused you even more but it's good to challenge your own norms frequently!
All the best,
20. comment for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards
I don't have a modern planing hull yet and have always been interested in the Tomos. Looks like a sick one.
Question; You seem to be anti-tail pad, whats up with that?
Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year!!
You mention that you went up in Volume - 6'1" is 43.5 litres. You normally ride about a 36-38 litre board - which is 5'9-5'11" in the Vader. How did you find the extra volume? I am normally about a 37 litre sweet spot, but would be very interested to find out if you found the extra volume vs length a problem or a benefit and why. Seriously looking at one of these....because they look like they would make sense.
many thanks,
To simplify the answer, I can say that I would not order this board any other doesn't feel too long or short and I love how easy it is to paddle. I have the buoyancy I would normally ride in a tiny wave groveler but the Vader rides like a performance shortboard on steroids. It's making me rethink my volume range!
Does this help?
All the best,
I'm sold on the new Futures 3.0 Blackstix. First, they have a collection now to suit different styles and sizes of surfer (the big, maroon F8's are my 'go to's' most of the time) and I dig that you can get matching quad trailers (I like quads). Plus, the bases are a touch more solid for better drive (my only complaint of the old EA Blackstix was that they felt a little bit soft when the conditions were slightly bigger and/or better) and with more precision in the tips for release. Overall, a very impressive update from Futures!
All the best,
30. comment for Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards
great vid benny !
However, as Ben mentions, once you get past the psychological barrier of a drastically different aspect ratio you can't help but start to appreciate the capabilities of the design.
If you (or anyone out there) are on the fence but curious, I recommend the Nano as a starter (Full review here: ) - it's a less dramatic design and very user friendly...but if you get hooked, move on to this Vader, it is amazing!
All the best,