Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run

Link to purchase from Amazon.com: RTR ($32) - http://amzn.to/1ORDDr0 The Vector 28 is my second-ever RC boat, and it is really fast for its small size. This one does not have any self-righting feature, but I found it to be very stable in the water, even on a pretty windy day. I think I may have a new addiction to RC boats! lol Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Thanks to my friend, Josh, for the additional camera work. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAmStizzle Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc

Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Reviews 10 years ago 64,127 views

Link to purchase from Amazon.com: RTR ($32) - http://amzn.to/1ORDDr0 The Vector 28 is my second-ever RC boat, and it is really fast for its small size. This one does not have any self-righting feature, but I found it to be very stable in the water, even on a pretty windy day. I think I may have a new addiction to RC boats! lol Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Thanks to my friend, Josh, for the additional camera work. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAmStizzle Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc

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Most popular comments
for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run

Boefje de Wolf
Boefje de Wolf - 5 years ago
Is this model brushless?
It says it is in the adds.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 5 years ago
No, this is definitely NOT brushless.
dawid klosek
dawid klosek - 6 years ago
ma ktos taka motorowke?
sarah baca
sarah baca - 7 years ago
How fast does it go
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
I don't recall, but I'm pretty sure I covered that in the review, didn't I?
Modellbautechnik Salzkammergut
Modellbautechnik Salzkammergut - 7 years ago
how much is it????
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
jailton rodrigues
jailton rodrigues - 8 years ago
i bought this boat but it doesn't work, never used before. Someone knows the problem?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
In what way does it not work?
Rockeyy YT
Rockeyy YT - 8 years ago
Hey I finally figured out the problem. One of the screws in the thingy near the motor is missing. Do you know where I can get a new one?
Rh Last Nae
Rh Last Nae - 8 years ago
In the pharmacy, ask for 5mg 3 times a day.
Rockeyy YT
Rockeyy YT - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hardware shop? Local hobby shop? Maybe take one of the other screws into a hardware store so they can see the size and find a match.
Rockeyy YT
Rockeyy YT - 8 years ago
Hey I am trying to oil the thingy, and cannot figure out how to take the motor thingy or whatever out Please help!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I haven't ever taken mine apart, so I don't really know. I'd imagine there are some screws you need to remove to release the motor mount.
Rockeyy YT
Rockeyy YT - 8 years ago
I have bought this boat, and cannot get it to go as fast as it did in the video! Please help. Btw makes a weird noise when im pressing the throttle!
Rockeyy YT
Rockeyy YT - 8 years ago
Ill take a look into it! Thanks for the help! You earned a new sub <3
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hmm, maybe the battery isn't actually getting charged?
Rockeyy YT
Rockeyy YT - 8 years ago
The shaft is fine. The motor blade sounds really fast. The only thing is when I put it in the water it goes maybe 1-3 mph. I have bought it today, and on the first run it was great! I charged it after for 1-2 hours, and it still doesn't want to work
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Sounds like maybe something is defective, or maybe there is some sort of debris blocking the shaft that goes to the prop. You may need to oil the shaft.
Talha Khan
Talha Khan - 8 years ago
That is a good boat but I thing that is good for fishing
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Only for very small fish, maybe. A bigger fish could pull this little boat under water.

10. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run

Campbell J-M
Campbell J-M - 8 years ago
Honestly Flyinn Ryan, if you just go full throttle non stop its more fun. I have never been close to flipping mine.
Campbell J-M
Campbell J-M - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@TheMicro RcWorld   haha yeah, that's my theory.  And if I kill this boat, I have 4 others.  lol
Campbell J-M
Campbell J-M - 8 years ago
Yeah true. Th watercooling does a pretty decent job though. But who cares, its fun and thats all that matters right!?!?!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+TheMicro RcWorld Yep, I think I had discovered that by the end of this maiden run. But, you also have to worry about overheating the motor if you run full-throttle the entire time.
Kanoa Akui
Kanoa Akui - 8 years ago
can I have an rc boat??
Kanoa Akui
Kanoa Akui - 8 years ago
OK sorry
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Kanoa Akui Yeah, go to a store and buy one, and you can have any RC boat you want. :)
J D - 9 years ago
Nice video mate. I have this boat, Ive had to rescue it in ponds a couple times, as cant seem to get the trim right and didnt turn one way and hence we got stuck in a dead end and no reverse! Trim adjustment doeesnt remember it next time you turn it on so hence we seem to get into trouble. Didnt know what that switch was on the top. Be nice if it had reverse, do any rc boats have reverse?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Justin D Yes, I've reviewed a couple with reverse, though it doesn't work overly well.
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 9 years ago
Ryan, can you update the link, when I click it, it shows ads
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 9 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+THE HONGKONGER Hmm, looks like maybe the store went out of business. :( I'll have to look into another seller to link to.
beaneriser - 9 years ago
if your ever have a boat with the off set prop, you must put a dagger on the side with the rudder or get a longer rudder or it will turn harder to one side or the other.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+beaneriser Isn't the prop offset in order to counter motor torque though?
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
As mentioned, got a pair and found they are pretty fragile.  It really doesn't take much pounding on the bow, before the motor thrusts forward, breaking off the front stop, then separating from the rubber splice that joins the motor to the prop shaft.
To prevent the motor from jolting forward from the inertia, I've decided to experiment on one, by running a pair of small countersunk screws up from the bottom, like a #6, then a dab of silicone over the screw head to seal.
Brain surgery at it's finest!  LOL!
Delta - 8 years ago
Steve S nah u just got a bad one
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
Just finished our maiden runs, got a pair and they arrived today.  Wife did a great job, slammed it perpendicular, full speed, into the side of the pool about a half dozen times until the motor mounts sheared off and sent the motor into the bow.  Vector #1, knocked out...  Vector #2 is okay.
Off to the hobby store tomorrow to see what ideas they have to re-secure the motor.  I hope Tony isn't there, he'd prefer I shop elsewhere and makes that point clear regularly.  Oh well, too bad for him.  Everyone else there is great.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Steve S Hahaha! I hope you figure out a fix! And, ugh, why do hobby store employees tend to have such bad attitudes!? I've definitely seen that sort of thing too... seems like they only want to deal with and talk to the "regulars" that are in there every day, hanging out all day long. :/
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
Hey Ryan, question on the battery for this.  Is the plug the mini Tamiya?  Also, is it the same as the FT-009?
The FT-009's are too much for the pool, but this one, being about a foot should fare much better.  I'm planning getting a pair but would like your help on the batery info.
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Thanks Ryan for the assist on the battery plug and battery size. Just looked at the Blackjack 9 at Amazon and will look at the other ProBoats this evening, then hopefully I can make a decision. I shouldn't be too concerned with the battery type, as leads can be changed. One thing nice about the LiPos is they seem lighter than NiMh counterparts.
I'm looking to find a pair, different colors - same boat, to race and bash. Could also use this boat as a "pusher" to retrieve a stranded FT009.
Looking forward to your Blackjack and other reviews!
Thanks again Ryan!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Steve S The battery plug on this is the pretty standard JST, so not the same as the FT009. Also, I think the FT009 battery is way too big to fit in this, and would probably nearly sink the thing. heh You might also look into the ProBoat Blackjack 9 (and there's some other small ProBoats). Though, they are probably quite a bit more expensive, they are similar for the pool, and might add some variety to the collection. :) My Blackjack 9 review will be coming soon (I filmed the running footage, but still need to film the review).
Kwang Ming Lua
Kwang Ming Lua - 9 years ago
I think the cooling system pipe might be preventing it from overturning since its pushing water out through the sides when the boat is speeding along and doing turns. just my thoughts. What do u think Ryan?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Kwang Ming Lua It's only on one side, and the force of the water coming out isn't that strong.
RC Majesty
RC Majesty - 10 years ago
Is it better than the ft009
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@RC Majesty "Better" is relative. This would be better in a small pool, but the FT009 is bigger and better for larger bodies of water.

20. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run

joogsquad Ppjt
joogsquad Ppjt - 10 years ago
Cool boat
ιστορικός πανιωνιος
ιστορικός πανιωνιος - 6 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC do you think vector 28 is better than volantex tumbler ?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@shadab k Yeah, I saw that!  It says "self-righting hull", so I think it just automatically rolls over, instead of flipping itself like the FT009.  I am undecided if I'll buy that one or not...
Ben Portman
Ben Portman - 10 years ago
Unless you find something better my nephew will be getting one of these for his B'day!
Ben Portman
Ben Portman - 10 years ago
Ah.. looks like your about the same latitude as southern France? Should be warm, bet it's 18C there.. but we have the gulf stream, be like New York here otherwise ;-)
Ben Portman
Ben Portman - 10 years ago
I'll have a look on google earth, Lewes U.K, follow the river north untill you see a strange lozenge street grid... north end of that, it's right on the GMT ;-)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ben Portman This winter has been all over the place.  We got snow before Thanksgiving, but then nothing in December, which is why I was able to sneak in these boat runs.  But then we got a bunch of snow after that, which is starting to clear up now.  I expect to see more snow, though, before it's over.  :/  I'm in Illinois, btw.
Ben Portman
Ben Portman - 10 years ago
we had ooo, 2mm (less than 16th on an inch) of snow yesterday, a dusting... still caused havoc!
Ben Portman
Ben Portman - 10 years ago
yeah, your climate confuses me, I assumed you're Northern hemishpere, same as me, but sort of arse end of winter here,looking for the spring now. RC snowmobile??
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ben Portman I have a Proboat Blackjack 9 that I just bought, and it's about the same size as this boat, but it has a NiMH battery, and looks like it'll be slower than this one.  It may be awhile before I can run it though, since it's winter here now.  :(
Yoshy Joshy
Yoshy Joshy - 10 years ago
Nice boat
Arise Swift ツ
Arise Swift ツ - 10 years ago
Hey Ryan, do you think you will ever expand to rc car reviews?
Arise Swift ツ
Arise Swift ツ - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Awesome! thanks for the reply
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Arise Swift ツ Sure, I've already done some, and I have a review of the Redcat Volcano 18 on the way, and I'm sure I'll do more come Spring.  :)  I like all things RC, so whatever catches my eye, I will review.  :)
Will Jessup
Will Jessup - 10 years ago
Can you please do a review of the proboat blackjack 9
Will Jessup
Will Jessup - 10 years ago
Hey flyin Ryan, can u put the proboat blackjack 9 on your list to review in the future, because I'm looking into that one, and I trust your reviews
Ben Pyka
Ben Pyka - 10 years ago
Cool review boats are cool but never really got into them too risky flipping or battery dying or even the motor burning out , I wouldn't want go swimming in a lake to rescue that thing! Never know what's swimming around in a lake
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ben Pyka The other boat I reviewed has self-righting, which is awesome, and why I finally decided to get a boat.  :)  And, when the battery is getting low, the boats noticeably slow down, so you have plenty of time to get them back to shore.  :)  As for motor burning out, that applies to anything.  :/  If it happens out on the lake, the current will eventually bring it back to shore, or you can rescue it with another RC boat, or you could use a real paddle boat or something to go out after it.  :)
Skfpv - 10 years ago
Congrats on the new boat.You now have 'boataddiction'.love the location of the lake.Is it deep?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@shadab k I'm calling it "Aquaddiction".  lol  And the lake is so convenient… a private pond behind my friend's new apartment complex.  :)  Not sure about how deep it is.  It's man-made, so probably not too deep.
Jason Pena
Jason Pena - 10 years ago
That little fin creates drag to keep it centered. NASCAR does that

30. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run

EnsoUnoTV - 10 years ago
Hey Ryan, theres a new quadcopter called HT F801, its very similar to the syma x5c, maybe better, with a Dji phantom design, and guess what, green color is available and it is awesome! It hasnt arrived to ebay yet but i think that you can find it on gearbeast, it would be awesome if you make a review for it. Btw, these boat reviews are pretty cool, i got 1-2 boats on my ebay watch list thanks to you lol. Good vid Ryan, cheers!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@ENSOUNOTV Soon"ish".  heh  I need to test it for awhile first.
EnsoUnoTV - 10 years ago
Oh yeah, that weird yellow haha i see it green tbh, cool man, so the review is comming soon aite? Cant wait to see it doe
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@ENSOUNOTV I just got a red one from GearBest. :)  No green though… just Red, Blue, and Yellow (according to the box anyway).
Juan González
Juan González - 10 years ago
I think that it is actually called Volantex ;)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Juan González Oops!  I can't believe that typo went this long unnoticed.  heh  Thanks for the heads up!  Fixed now.  :)
Franky goes to Hobbywood
Franky goes to Hobbywood - 10 years ago
I'm absolutly surprised by this small boat..!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Frank Kathoewer Yeah, me too!  Speedy little thing.  :)
Budget Guy RC
Budget Guy RC - 10 years ago
cool little boat my friend have fun RCing
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Budget Guy RC Thanks bud!
. - 10 years ago
what do you do when the boat ran out of battery in the middle of the lake??? :OOO 
. - 10 years ago
i see :) 
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ivan C When the battery gets low, the boat noticeably slows down, giving you plenty of time to get it back to shore.  :)
XxxInTheMiddlexxX - 10 years ago
I blew up a motor driving my slash in the sand yesterday, so time to bring the boat out!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@XxxInTheMiddlexxX It's only at slow speeds though.  Once it gets moving, it turns both directions equally well.  :)
XxxInTheMiddlexxX - 10 years ago
Oh and just to point it out, the reason your not turning left quite as well is because the rudder is offset to the right, my revolt 30 is the same way
Brett Boughton
Brett Boughton - 10 years ago
I'm trying to fuse boat and addiction together. No success. Good vid!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Brett Boughton Aquaddiction?  :)~
Suubie Rex
Suubie Rex - 10 years ago
Hi, I just want to ask you if it's possible to review WL V911 version2 4channel helicopter, I'm thinking of buying it and do you recommend it to me, I owned 3 3channel helicopter (the one that has 4 blades) and YOUR REVIEWS ARE AWSOME
Suubie Rex
Suubie Rex - 10 years ago
Thanks for the reply! I will try to get it soon :D
RCPilot - 10 years ago
122% recommended. Great heli. Just buy linages and that upgraded flybar. Ah memories. Mines n bits on the shelf now. :D oh and landing skids. Keep in mind hiskys fp non stabilising and stabilising helis and of course their cps. After your finished with you v911. Anyone on earth would trash a hfp80 after moving up from coaxials. Stop pestering Ryan and go buy the damn heli! :)
Suubie Rex
Suubie Rex - 10 years ago
And is it hobby grade or toy grade?
Suubie Rex
Suubie Rex - 10 years ago
Can you make a review for it?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Random Guy I use a Mobius Action Cam mounted to an old baseball cap.  :)  I also make sure to keep the model pretty close to myself, so that it shows up well on camera.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Random Guy I've heard good things about the V911, so I think that would probably be a good first 4ch helicopter.  :)
Suubie Rex
Suubie Rex - 10 years ago
And are you wearing go pro in your head to record your Rc vehicles? I found it interesting that it's very easy to see compare to other reviewers :D
Britbryant Nojang
Britbryant Nojang - 10 years ago
Ryan are u considering doing reviews on hobbies other than rc heli and quad?

If so what do the viewers expect to see in the future?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Britbryant Nojang I review anything RC that interests me, and have also done some Hexbug robot reviews, and other flying-related toys.  But I mostly focus on RC stuff of any type.  :)
4thGloryMonday - 10 years ago
Btw great job on the camera work
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@4thGloryMonday Thanks!  :)
4thGloryMonday - 10 years ago
8 foot fishing line three treble hooks and three bobbers work well for me on my retrieval boat. Good job as always thumbs up
Kykymyguy - 10 years ago
I know this isn't a quadcopter review but my hubsan x4 broke and I want a new quadcopter that is fast and it easy but awesome to fly for cheap because I have a tight budget! What would you recommend?
Kykymyguy - 10 years ago
Thanks man! Sorry i did ask a lot in one quad haha! Love your vids man keep it up! and thanks for your help!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Kyzilla005 Heh, that's a lot to ask for in one quad.  Maybe check out this video of mine for some suggestions:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AcIJbrcmRA
Chris E
Chris E - 10 years ago
I finally got my blade nano qx, it's amazingly fast and controllable! It tends to drift backwards though, and no matter how much i trim it still drifts backwards. its not bad unless i'm trying to hover :D
Chris E
Chris E - 10 years ago
yes. i figured out there was a tiny hair in the motor.. when i removed it it worked fine. Sadly, i need to get a new battery because after a bad crash i bent the port and no power will go through it :P
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@chipthe ehtpihc Are you placing it on a level surface when connecting the battery?
TheBigb1973 - 10 years ago
boats? your killing me ryan LOL. the water is frozen here in Pittsburgh bud lol. bring the quads back
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@TheBigb1973 I like all things RC, and review whatever interests me and what I think my viewers would enjoy.  It's not winter everywhere. ;)  It is here now, though, so no more boats until next Spring.
UAV marky
UAV marky - 10 years ago
great stuff ryan more boats & cars etc mix it up a bit id love to get into boats how about some micro boats for my bath tub ? :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@UAV marky Thanks!  I love all things RC, so when I got access to a good place to run boats, I immediately ordered a couple.  :)  I just got two more new boats today too.  :D
jodiek2112 - 10 years ago
Hey ryan, Jodie here. Most hobby grade race boats turn right or left hand turns so that s reason of the fin in the back called a turn fin. The other 2 things in the back are called trim tabs and those control the pitch of the boat depending on (ect.) ie nose is to high in the water. Anyway those are 2 little boats for $$
ZML Channel
ZML Channel - 10 years ago
Sorry for a buch of questions but would a chipped up shell on a quad mess up the balance of shooed the gyro fix It (six access)
ZML Channel
ZML Channel - 10 years ago
K thanks
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Z.M.L Channel That shouldn't really affect anything.  :)
ZML Channel
ZML Channel - 10 years ago
Can you buy different props for it?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Z.M.L Channel I don't believe so.
mrbeefy71 - 10 years ago
Nippy little boat
cookieman0916 - 10 years ago
The Super-Mono X is a great BL boat with self righting. Check it out. Runs on a 3s lipo with a water cooled setup. Stays bone dry even while bashing it. Boats are a lot of fun, like you just got into boats. Have fun! Tom
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@cookieman0916 I will add it to the list.  :D  I have my eye on a few other boats too, so we'll see what I end up getting.  It's winter here now, so it'll be a couple months before I can do any more boating though.  Thinking I may get the Proboat Blackjack 24.
cookieman0916 - 10 years ago
Absolutely, it's a blast. Never need to bring your bathing suit! If you time it just right it will submarine. Pops out of water like a cork, and maybe two drops of water. Has a steel cable for motor to prop setup also comes with a spare prop. I'm telling you worth the money. I've put a 3s 2200 30c and it tears. I would say 25 mph at a slow guess. Has turning fins, and leveling plates out back. Get this and shout me out! Tom aka Cookieman0916
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@cookieman0916 Oh man, that looks really cool!  Are you sure it has self-righting?  Banggood's description for it doesn't say anything about that.

50. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run

Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
Read the manuals of the boat (blackjack 29) good
Its a pretty expensive boat
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
That sounds good Ryan"i love rc boats"
Now the wather intake is on the bottom
Have a nice boating!
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
Yeah i know. But i dont know. Maybe you could vind manuals on internet. I didn't try one lipo.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats Oh no, I didn't see your replies, since you posted new comments, instead of replying to mine, and therefore I didn't get any notifications about them.  ;)  Wow, that's really weird that an "RTR" boat doesn't come with a battery!  I will probably just use a single LiPo… or is it easy to connect two?
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 10 years ago
Haha i cant wait Ryan! It doest mather. We learn every day more... Do you have read my tips on my vid? It does go over 70 kmph . Zo it is pretty fast. I recoment using two 3s lipo's

Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@rc boats Yeah, this is why I thought the other boat intake was on the bottom too.  :)  I just placed my order for the Blackjack 9 and Miss Geico 17.  I am waiting until spring to buy the Blackjack 24, just incase something changes before then, since I won't get to run any more boats for a couple months anyway.
TOJO - 10 years ago
Nice little boat! I like the green one better!
AndyClayton - 10 years ago
floatin ryan, doesnt have the same ring to it.
Alexander Miller
Alexander Miller - 6 years ago
AndyClayton no its boatin ryan
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@AndyClayton LOL, nope.  :)~
Dewy Films
Dewy Films - 10 years ago
Keep reviewing boats! They are so cool!
Dewy Films
Dewy Films - 10 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Dewy Larsen I plan on it.  Expect to see more after winter passes.  :)
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 10 years ago
Two questions:

1) Is "canopy" the term used in the rc boat hobby, or are you carrying that over from aircraft usage?

2) Any chance you've got a scale model boat in the works, or will be doing them? The cool I find in scale aircraft seems to extend to surface vehicles.
drakejdf - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC i just purchased the blackjack 29 got it for $300 new i purchased two 2s 50c 5000mah lipos and hope it has good speed i have not tried it yet but it sounds strong.i hear most people running 4s and 6s.
XxxInTheMiddlexxX - 10 years ago
Canopy is the proper term :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Mike Meyer Scale speed boat would be the Miss Geico. :)  For now, I'm sticking with brands I know, so I've been looking mostly at Proboats, from Horizon.  Seems that AquaCraft (Hobbico's boat brand) may have more scale options, but their site is so old and funky, it's hard to even tell what's still in production or not.
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 10 years ago
Nothing really in mind, but since you mention it priority would go to something I've managed to visit: the Missouri, the Hornet, or one of the WWII Liberty ships. But I suspect any scale boat - like scale helicopters - won't perform as well as a speed boat. So maybe a scale speed boat?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Mike Meyer 
1.  No idea. heh  It just seemed to be a good word to use for that piece.
2.  I've only looked into a few boats.  I am getting the Miss Geico 17, which is technically a scale boat.  Any others I've seen were more like yachts, and looked really slow and not really what I'm looking for.  Did you have something specific in mind?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@sameer kadam Thanks!  :)
mark wood
mark wood - 10 years ago
Was just thinking whilst watching this video about boat rescue. Think a good solution would be to use magnets. Attach one to your rescue boat and another to the boat you are using, the magnets would aid recovery.
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 10 years ago
Use the WLToys V959 with the crane accessory for rescue?
mark wood
mark wood - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC
Perhaps a good way would be to put light weight metallic strips on your boats, just a tiny strip with enough force attraction to let it be pulled home, then have a removable magnetic harness arrangement thing for rescue situations, one that goes on a slow cheap power tug:)

I know that you can get magnetic sticker stock for screen printing, maybe a local printing shop would sell some to keen hobby folk. Wonder if fridge magnets would also do the job too?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@mark wood I wonder if they could mess with the motor/electronics though?
Lc_xo - 10 years ago
Nice vid, cool boat!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@OllieTheCat2012 Thanks! :)
harold - 10 years ago
I know this doesnt relate much to the vid but whats a good beginner maybe intermediate quadcopter
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@haroldsteban ramirez Yeah, I would suggest starting with the U816A then… the Axis 200 is quite a bit easier to fly.  I see it on Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/U816A-Quadcopter-2-4Ghz-Axis-Gryo/dp/B00AQOVWSY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421693167&sr=8-1&keywords=udi+u816a
harold - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC its the axis 200, i looked up the quad in the video and amazon doesnt have it so where else can i get it from
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@haroldsteban ramirez What kind of helicopter? 3ch or 4ch?  Coaxial or single rotor?  I would still suggest my beginner's quad in that video, because flying a quad is different than flying a helicopter.
harold - 10 years ago
Well i bought a helicopter about a month ago and i feel like i could fly a quad so intermediate
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@haroldsteban ramirez Well, do you mean beginner or intermediate?  They would be different answers.  If you have no flying experience, see this video for my suggestion:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4qJNgV0DGI
ToyFan - 10 years ago
Since you're interested in boats now, i'd recommend checking out the Zig Zag Racer 3 RTR. The thing is so agile and quick. So much fun.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@TheTFReview Yeah, I've seen that, but it's old and discontinued.  :(  I am looking into getting the Blackjack 9 and 24, and Miss Geico 17 for next season.  :)
Ashish Amatya
Ashish Amatya - 10 years ago
the battery looks like 2 NiMh battery in series
Andreas, Inna Schmidt
Andreas, Inna Schmidt - 7 years ago
Ashish Amatya
Andreas, Inna Schmidt
Andreas, Inna Schmidt - 7 years ago
Ashish Amatya pspr . #$#$÷==^=^%=4===44433566==is ir R ............i i .
4thGloryMonday - 10 years ago
Round cell lipo
Low Elevation RC
Low Elevation RC - 10 years ago
I think its a LIPO. If youve ever been looking in-depth at the HobbyKing LIPO selection, you might have noticed "Round cell Lipos" which is what these may be.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Mike Meyer Man, now I'm really confused.  It sure looks like a NiMh, but you're right… everyone is listing it as a LiPo, and it sure does seem to have the power of a LiPo.
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 10 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC I thought that about the battery as well, so I checked the descriptions on Amazon. They all say it's got a 7.4V LiPo in it. You may have been quoting those. On the other hand, two NiMH batteries won't give you near the voltage of a 2S LiPo, so it may actually be a LiPo made to fit into a system originally designed for a NiMH battery.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 10 years ago
@Ashish Amatya Oops!  You are totally right.  Wow, can't believe I said it was a LiPo.  Force of habit, I suppose. :(

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