Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run
Reviews 10 years ago 64,157 views
Link to purchase from Amazon.com: RTR ($32) - http://amzn.to/1ORDDr0 The Vector 28 is my second-ever RC boat, and it is really fast for its small size. This one does not have any self-righting feature, but I found it to be very stable in the water, even on a pretty windy day. I think I may have a new addiction to RC boats! lol Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Thanks to my friend, Josh, for the additional camera work. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAmStizzle Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc
It says it is in the adds.
10. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run
To prevent the motor from jolting forward from the inertia, I've decided to experiment on one, by running a pair of small countersunk screws up from the bottom, like a #6, then a dab of silicone over the screw head to seal.
Brain surgery at it's finest! LOL!
Off to the hobby store tomorrow to see what ideas they have to re-secure the motor. I hope Tony isn't there, he'd prefer I shop elsewhere and makes that point clear regularly. Oh well, too bad for him. Everyone else there is great.
The FT-009's are too much for the pool, but this one, being about a foot should fare much better. I'm planning getting a pair but would like your help on the batery info.
I'm looking to find a pair, different colors - same boat, to race and bash. Could also use this boat as a "pusher" to retrieve a stranded FT009.
Looking forward to your Blackjack and other reviews!
Thanks again Ryan!
20. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run
30. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run
If so what do the viewers expect to see in the future?
Absolutely, it's a blast. Never need to bring your bathing suit! If you time it just right it will submarine. Pops out of water like a cork, and maybe two drops of water. Has a steel cable for motor to prop setup also comes with a spare prop. I'm telling you worth the money. I've put a 3s 2200 30c and it tears. I would say 25 mph at a slow guess. Has turning fins, and leveling plates out back. Get this and shout me out! Tom aka Cookieman0916
50. comment for Volantex RC - Vector 28 (Mini RC Boat) - Review and Run
Its a pretty expensive boat
Now the wather intake is on the bottom
Have a nice boating!
1) Is "canopy" the term used in the rc boat hobby, or are you carrying that over from aircraft usage?
2) Any chance you've got a scale model boat in the works, or will be doing them? The cool I find in scale aircraft seems to extend to surface vehicles.
1. No idea. heh It just seemed to be a good word to use for that piece.
2. I've only looked into a few boats. I am getting the Miss Geico 17, which is technically a scale boat. Any others I've seen were more like yachts, and looked really slow and not really what I'm looking for. Did you have something specific in mind?
Perhaps a good way would be to put light weight metallic strips on your boats, just a tiny strip with enough force attraction to let it be pulled home, then have a removable magnetic harness arrangement thing for rescue situations, one that goes on a slow cheap power tug:)
I know that you can get magnetic sticker stock for screen printing, maybe a local printing shop would sell some to keen hobby folk. Wonder if fridge magnets would also do the job too?