WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Link to purchase from Banggood.com: RTR ($157) - http://www.banggood.com/Wltoys-913-Brushless-Boat-High-Speed-Racing-RC-Boat-p-970794.html?p=Z431161082112012126P This boat is crazy fast, but pretty much a straight-line runner. It has to be going quite slow in order to turn, but man is it fun to do speed runs with! Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc

WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run sentiment_very_dissatisfied 39

Reviews 9 years ago 138,779 views

Link to purchase from Banggood.com: RTR ($157) - http://www.banggood.com/Wltoys-913-Brushless-Boat-High-Speed-Racing-RC-Boat-p-970794.html?p=Z431161082112012126P This boat is crazy fast, but pretty much a straight-line runner. It has to be going quite slow in order to turn, but man is it fun to do speed runs with! Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc

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Most popular comments
for WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Thomas DeBiase
Thomas DeBiase - 5 years ago
The rudder is set up to turn to the left much better than the right. This is a race option. Should be able to make right turns at full speed with ease. NAMBA member 1029
Randy Bo Bandy
Randy Bo Bandy - 6 years ago
Looks nice But I’m not a fan of all that plastic, somewhere it’ll break too easily.
Adam Day
Adam Day - 6 years ago
Best bat 3ver
TheCheezySquirrel 3269
TheCheezySquirrel 3269 - 6 years ago
I just bought a FT012 it’s shipping I love using Ed boats and I like to. Ash them and it seems that it is a very sturdy
TheCheezySquirrel 3269
TheCheezySquirrel 3269 - 6 years ago
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 6 years ago
Awesomeness mate
davveist - 6 years ago
wl TOYS.
Craig Ster
Craig Ster - 6 years ago
Just add some turning fins, probably doesn't need stabilizers. I was looking at this one too, it reminds me of a prather pickle fork I use to have. Looks like it runs pretty good, all v hulls are super stable but the faster more agile ones aren't so much.
Insane Hobbies and Rc's
Insane Hobbies and Rc's - 7 years ago
Anybody try running a 4S lipo in this boat?
Glenn Jones
Glenn Jones - 7 years ago
Ryan. How do you change the operating frequency on these boats? Would be nice to race a friend.

10. comment for WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Medi Kate
Medi Kate - 7 years ago
never mind that looks like junk son..
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Not junk by any means. It’s just a very specific type of racing boat.
Medi Kate
Medi Kate - 7 years ago
where do u buy those and how much do they cost?
Medi Kate
Medi Kate - 7 years ago
how much?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
Medi Kate
Medi Kate - 7 years ago
Do they still sell those rascals?
The Angry General
The Angry General - 7 years ago
It's not that fast! It looks like something that comes from walmart! My Traxxas Spartan will smoke the hell out of that!!!
The Angry General
The Angry General - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC I love my Traxxas Spartan. It was worth the money. I even installed LED lighting so I can run it at night.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
LOL nothing you get from Walmart will even come close to this. Don’t try to make yourself feel better about wasting all that money on your Spartan by lying about what you can get at Walmart. Sure, your Spartan is probably also faster than this, but you also paid at least twice as much for it. ;)
Karionsoiceyprince - 7 years ago
Mad fast
Higha Truth
Higha Truth - 7 years ago
I think the aluminum - so called inverted rudder, should be incorporated into a turn fin on the starboard side. It would do ''a lot'' better.
4501trainman - 7 years ago
All this great model hydroplane is missing is a Skid-Fin that would be on the inside rear of the left sponson(for left turns)which would stick below the waterline. A forward Skid-Fin adds stability in the straightaway,with very little drag,and in the turns it digs in to maintain control for smooth turns.
bermudaguy03 - 6 years ago
it goes on the right. and u turn right with an rc boat
Rc Insane
Rc Insane - 7 years ago
Love your videos
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Thanks! :)
Michael Fleming
Michael Fleming - 7 years ago
Check out AtomicRC they have some great boats

20. comment for WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run

James Tillman
James Tillman - 7 years ago
Arya Patel
Arya Patel - 7 years ago
I like ur voice base
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Thanks! :)
Rodney Armstrong
Rodney Armstrong - 7 years ago
the boat will self right it's self won't it don't be scary with it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
This boat does not have self-righting.
Chris 355
Chris 355 - 8 years ago
Hey Flyin Ryan can you make a review on the Wltoys A999 rc truck thankyou
pillsareyummy - 8 years ago
Love your videos. However, could you do more reviews on 'reputable' Hobby Grade R/Cs if possible. Thanks.
pillsareyummy - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC You don't have to be 'made of money' to review higher end models. For example, you could start dealing cocaine for some extra capital. If you got caught you could explain that it was all for R/C. Any reputable Judge would drop all charges and probably commend you for you work in the R/C community. I'm being facetious of course. You're knowledgeable regarding R/C and a good pilot, you'd be a great reviewer of higher end products. Perhaps as your channel grows certain companies may start sending you products to review, like they've done with other YouTubers (like jang, from Ultimate R/C). Anything is possible. Good luck with your channel.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Not really, for several reasons: First, I'm not made of money, so I can't afford to buy a lot of higher end models. A lot of what I review is sponsored to me from Chinese brands. Second, if they're already reputable, there's little point in reviewing them... you can pretty much expect what you're gonna get. I try to review stuff that really needs to be reviewed in order for people to find the good deals on the not-so-reputable stuff. :)
WelcomeToTheMatrix - 8 years ago
Couldn't the metal plate for the rudder be used as a Skid Fin?
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
I had one experience rescuing my Apprentice and the boat that qas supposed to bring it back by swimming out to get them ( using tubes) I am investing in a rubber raft,lol. It was in early October. I hope to not swim out to anything,and for safety sake I would never suggest anyone try and swim out to get a boat,especially if you are not a strong swimmer.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, that's why I suggested the FT line of boats... they have self-righting, and it works flawlessly! No worries of having to rescue them at all. :)
Brian Pino
Brian Pino - 8 years ago
Ryan, in hydros you don't slow down that much. .try running it at higher speeds then what you were doing on the video. Then when you see it will turn at higher speeds then try close to full speed on wider turns and you'll see it will handle the turns, then you'll have more fun for sure. They are meant to skim the water at high speeds. When you get better with more confidence running it at higher speeds on turns then you can go full throttle on turns. If you want to make it handle even better, you can put a turn fin on the back end of the right sponson which make the boat handle the turns even better. Nice review. . .very informative
Mark Sheehan
Mark Sheehan - 8 years ago
I have this boat  I use a 5200mah50c battery goes little faster and longer run time but don't self right when flips     like a lot of hydros makes rights better than lefts  when it flips the prop does blow it in rudder work opposite direction just use sparingly so don't use up battery but is lot of fun and turns lot of head great boat for the money
Mark Sheehan
Mark Sheehan - 8 years ago
when it flips just use transmitter backward while using rudder and give it throttle prop wind will blow it back in
Rh Last Nae
Rh Last Nae - 8 years ago
Mark Sheehan ::: Good to know it does not flip back up. Any recommendations on a tow boat? to bring it back.
Angela Butler
Angela Butler - 8 years ago
can you do a give away in ireland
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Sorry, I don't do giveaways due to many implications in doing so.

30. comment for WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Farhan ajiwaskita arif.atkins
Farhan ajiwaskita arif.atkins - 8 years ago
is it efficient though the battery?with that kind of power that thing has? asap :(
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I don't understand what you mean.
RC McTool
RC McTool - 8 years ago
Hey Flyin,

If the boat flipped over how will the motor get the water cooling??
Do RC - 8 years ago
Id think since the motor would essentially be under no load it probably would be ok.. it would be easy to test just by running it in the air and see if it gets hot
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
It wouldn't, which is why their method for "flying" it back is risky and could overheat the motor and/or ESC. If you resort to having to do that, I would do it in short bursts and really take your time getting it back.
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Yes, i will be able to glue it back together. But, i can't really tell how the motor is supposed to be positioned?!
Yosof Facker
Yosof Facker - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, that's tricky, since the motor does need a slight angle to it to adjust for the motor torque.
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Also, my Sport Cub S, seems impossible to control, descend & fly back too myself in beginner mode. I had one-of-them, basically fly away from me in no wind. I should i do differently?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
If you have no flying experience, you might want to try practicing in a flight simulator first for a while.
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
I love the airplane video's. I just bought the, Parkzone, Ultra Micro P-51D Mustang, last week & crashed. I whole front-end ripped apart.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Oops! Will you be able to glue it back together?
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Sorry, i didn't mean it in a bad way. I guess if i was driving the boat, it would be awesome.
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Fast, but boring! Full throttle, slow down, turn, full-throttle, slow down, turn, full-throttle.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+SHAWN BLOCK May sound boring to you, but it definitely is not. But to each their own. :)
Nat Falz
Nat Falz - 8 years ago
It's a nice boatand it's very fast, but its very expensive and takes long to charge.
Universe Rc
Universe Rc - 8 years ago
man what a camera u are use ?
Sergej Nadaždin
Sergej Nadaždin - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC its faster than my boat. well... someone did beat me in small racing boats.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Depends on which section of the video you are talking about? I use 3 different cameras in this video, and you can always find the camera info in the credits at the end of my videos.
Dylan W
Dylan W - 8 years ago
Is it tubed in parallel or series
Lhoga Waran
Lhoga Waran - 8 years ago
how much is that motor kv is?
Twitch TV faintgaming903
Twitch TV faintgaming903 - 8 years ago
why don't u just sotter the wire
Twitch TV faintgaming903
Twitch TV faintgaming903 - 8 years ago
Oh my bad phone auto correct
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Dakota Kennedy It's "solder", and I don't have a soldering iron.
Jerry Smith
Jerry Smith - 9 years ago
those boats are fast at turning right
Graham Blackmore
Graham Blackmore - 9 years ago
Hey love the reviews I seen you reviewed the v911 pro id love to hear a review of the v912 there doing them very cheap and I know its not cutting edge but there doing them brushless and id love to hear any tips you may have flying or whatever.for some reason your voice makes me think of Tom petty and thats a good thing.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Graham Blackmore Hahaha!  Or, maybe, when Flyin' Ryan isn't filming RC reviews, he likes to chill out and be a rock star.  :)~  Thanks about my X-Wing review!  I was really happy about that one too, because I was seeing all the negative reviews of it, and was even having trouble myself.  But the day I decided to go out and try filming it, it all came together perfectly and I really got in tune with the model.  One might say, the force was with me that day.  hahaha
Graham Blackmore
Graham Blackmore - 9 years ago
When tom petty isn't on tour he likes to chill out testing the latest RC machines out there.He goes under the alias Flyin Ryin because he doesn't want to take the importance of his RC interest away.My favourite review was the x wing all the negative reviews about it not been a good flyer and you had flying like an eagle enjoyed that one.Happy RCin.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Graham Blackmore I have considered the V912, but it's a bit old at this point, so I don't think it would be worth the time to review. I will be keeping an eye out for similar new models from WLtoys though. And thanks about my voice... Tom Petty has an awesome voice. :D
Luke Christian
Luke Christian - 9 years ago
I think It is water
Luke Christian
Luke Christian - 9 years ago
It came from the water intake
Luke Christian
Luke Christian - 9 years ago
Some thing fell out of it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Luke Christian When?
aidan c.
aidan c. - 9 years ago
Whoa. How fast IS that?
aidan c.
aidan c. - 9 years ago
Sled_NeckX99 - 9 years ago
Is there replacement parts for the ft012

50. comment for WLtoys - WL913 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Brizio del Rosario
Brizio del Rosario - 9 years ago
LOL i was just kidding of course it is :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Brizio del Rosario After some of the bizarre questions I've been asked, it's impossible to tell if anyone is joking any more these days. lol
Brizio del Rosario
Brizio del Rosario - 9 years ago
Is this model water proof?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Brizio del Rosario Not really sure what you mean... it's a boat, so yes. Now, I'm sure there are electronics inside it that could be ruined if the boat was completely submerged and leaked water, but in theory that should not happen.
Daniel Hannagan
Daniel Hannagan - 9 years ago
Nice video, and greatly helped make my decision to buy this. In my order I am going to get an extra top and canopy to custom paint it. Can you tell me if the locking tabs look easy to remove so they can be moved to another canopy? Thanks!
Daniel Hannagan
Daniel Hannagan - 9 years ago
Ah! ok thank you for checking back in with me though. Could have sold it to me super cheap :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Daniel Hannagan Hmm, I don't recall, and I gave this boat to my friend, so I don't even have it anymore to check that for you. Sorry!
Rob Fox
Rob Fox - 9 years ago
Finned tab things!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Rob Fox That's the official term. :)~
Thijs fpv
Thijs fpv - 9 years ago
the foam is kind of like a non sink function.. it stay's floating with the foam in the front
just a tip ;-)
Lmao - 9 years ago
That's fast
James Davidson Sr.
James Davidson Sr. - 9 years ago
Awesome stuff!! We are big fans here!!
(Jackson, Ga.)
Ox King
Ox King - 9 years ago
This is a Torpedo! :D
supreme rc
supreme rc - 9 years ago
who ever dislike flyin rayans vids are crazy there is nothing wrong with his vids I give him a 10/10
supreme rc
supreme rc - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC lol
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+supreme rc I think some people use the ratings system to say whether or not they like the product, not my video itself. Either way, I pay no attention to the dislikes... haters gonna hate! heh
Xenro66 - 9 years ago
Damn, that's pretty fast.... But still not as fast as quads, helicopters or planes :D
Xenro66 - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Ohhhh, derp.... I thought the Ominus was brushless for some reason. But yeah, it's a fast boat, I get it xD
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Jordan O'C (Xenro66) I don't think any brushed quad can come close to this thing's speed. This has to be doing 40-50mph. The passes I am doing are nearly the entire length of the pond... so, probably about 100feet passes, in a couple seconds. ;)
Xenro66 - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC How can it if it's just a boat? xP

Dunno, just a bit of fun. Maybe I overestimated the speed of the Ominus? Either way, I still say a plane (well, a jet) would beat it lol
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Jordan O'C (Xenro66) This thing would blow the Ominus away. Maybe the speed isn't coming across in video, but this is absolutely faster than that. A brushless quad, like the 200 QX, would possibly beat it though. Not really sure what your point is though, or why we're even comparing them. heh
Xenro66 - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Well, they're not designed to go fast lol. Try racing this with a medium sized quad like the Ominus, or a racing plane, I guarantee that the boat will accelerate faster, but still lose :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Jordan O'C (Xenro66) I have several quads, helicopters, and planes that are slower than this. heh
Dylan Kieler
Dylan Kieler - 9 years ago
Ok thanks
Hynek Sebastian Brabec
Hynek Sebastian Brabec - 9 years ago
please Ryan do review Blade Inductrix
Hynek Sebastian Brabec
Hynek Sebastian Brabec - 9 years ago
Hynek Sebastian Brabec
Hynek Sebastian Brabec - 9 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Kowalski Loyd I will be. :)
Dylan Kieler
Dylan Kieler - 9 years ago
How much did that boat cost
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Dylan Kieler Price and purchase link are in the video description, as always.
Anthony E. Idealistic Woodworks
Anthony E. Idealistic Woodworks - 9 years ago
Has a nice spray at least, seems to be fast as well.
Drone Girl
Drone Girl - 9 years ago
She is nice speed :) Thumbs up from me! :)
Campbell J-M
Campbell J-M - 9 years ago
This boat suits your channel, it flies across the water!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+TheMicro RcWorld Hahaha! :D
Jeff Valentine
Jeff Valentine - 9 years ago
Also when running boats put a self threading screw into a tennis ball, tied to line via fishing rod. Will save your ship.
Jeff Valentine
Jeff Valentine - 9 years ago
Ryan, look up scale rc hydroplane boats (photos) for the following description. RC hydros have a metal turn blade mounted on the right-hand side sponson. This allows the boat to turn at full speed in a clockwise circuit. It gives the craft the inside "bite" it needs to turn at high speeds. RC boat racing is done in clockwise circuit. Surprised manufacturer overlooked this fundamental of a hydro. That metal return to home rudder blade could be easily modded and remounted for this.
Complex - 9 years ago
Ryan, can you make a review of the Focus Drone HD? Im going to buy it soon... :)
Complex - 9 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+viltsuville1 That looks pretty cool! Unfortunately, I'm not finding any sales links for it that appear to ship to the US.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 9 years ago
It looks very nice however i think the FT012 is not too much slower for a bit less. Great review though man :P
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Yeah, maybe if you wanted to actually race people the V913, but the FT012 handled those full speed turns like nothing ;P 
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@The RCAddict It's hard to judge speed on video, especially when the boats are different sizes, and I was running them in different places on the lake.  The FT012 was zipping around in one small corner, whereas with the WL913, I was doing speed runs across the longest section of the lake.  ;)  The WL913 had a few small moments of shakiness, but otherwise this thing glides over the surface of the water so smoothly.  It's actually quite a rush just doing those high speed runs, but obviously the FT012 is much more fun for all-around running.  :)
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Really? Seemed like maybe the FT was faster. It seemed for sure to me this one was bouncing all over and the FT rock solid. Maybe I did not watch close enough. 
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@The RCAddict This is faster, but not by much.  But, it is much more stable in a straight line, whereas the FT012 can get a bit twitchy.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Well yeah, but this does not even really go faster. It looks cool though :) 
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+The RCAddict Yeah, but I see them as having entirely different purposes... I think of the WL913 as a drag racer, whereas the FT012 is an indy car. So, it would depend on what sort of racing you want to do. :)
George Hopper
George Hopper - 9 years ago
I use to do model rockets!  Ever think about doing some reviews on them?  Expand your horizons?  :)
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 6 years ago
Jason Woodson I fly to the moon
Medi Kate
Medi Kate - 7 years ago
Model rockets are awesome.! I fly 2 stage ..
George Hopper
George Hopper - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC
Yeah...I liked building and painting the rockets as well, but as in all things, you move on. It was alot of work and time and yes, lost rockets, but it was sure fun!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+George Hopper Model rockets are what got me into the hobby! When my family first moved out into the country, model rockets seemed like the perfect way to take advantage of all the space. :) I grew out of it though, because it's just so much effort, building, and painting, and cleaning, and chasing them down, and buying new motors, etc, etc. Which all means it would be way too much effort to review them, especially since I would have to drive out to my parents' house every time to test them. :/
ComanderStryker23 - 9 years ago
Do u think u could do a review on the traxxas 4x4 1/6th scale slash? And keep doing boats also lol there super cool
ComanderStryker23 - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC thats ok I understand thx for replying tho! Keep up the good work I love ur channel
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+ComanderStryker23 Not likely that I'll review any of the bigger Traxxas vehicles, because they are just too expensive. :/
SHAYEN 2320 - 9 years ago
Nice looking boat but my money is buying the FT012 thanks for sharing.
mrbeefy71 - 9 years ago
Looks and goes well. Did laugh at the upside down bit
Erwin Holland
Erwin Holland - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC That awfull sound though... AAAAHHHH the boat is screaming... And yeah, no watercooling on the esc, good point, that will blow out in no time.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@mrbeefy71 Good way to risk burning your ESC, but if you're patient, and don't want to go for a swim, it's an option at least!  haha
mrbeefy71 - 9 years ago
omg it bloody does, I cant believe it
mrbeefy71 - 9 years ago
noooo, I gotta check it out
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+mrbeefy71 And, amazingly, apparently the upside-down recovery system actually does work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Q7i7Q4BQU
Pieter Ravensburg
Pieter Ravensburg - 9 years ago
Boatin floatin Ryan haha lol.
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 9 years ago
Looks cool but the FT012 any day,  at 85€  against this at 140€ is a no brainer. And this one does not have the submarine mode, lol     As usual nice review thanks for this. Looking forward too the next boat
Pratibha Mer
Pratibha Mer - 6 years ago
Ruudy L b
mazpr2025 - 9 years ago
+Ruudy L // The sound and smell of methanol is unique...

Kind of like passing by an area that has a dragstrip and nitromethane is aromatic.
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
You nailed it Ruudy, having fun is what it's all about.  With all the variations, sizes, power types, there's something for just about everyone!
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 9 years ago
@Steve S You paint a nice picture, but I like the Deep V, always had one  with a gas motor and speed pipe, miss that sound it made, electric is just not the same.
Main thing about the RC hobby is having fun  
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
+Ruudy L IMO this is an "early AM" RC, when the water is placid. This boat's not going to handle corners or waves because it is not a V hull, but instead, it is skimming over the top of the water.
I could see starting my day with an early AM cup of coffee and RC speed jolt, squeezing off a few laps with this boat, lol...
Nikolaos Denikarias
Nikolaos Denikarias - 9 years ago
Nice review Ryan thank you for your support regarding the extra rudder I faces a lot of argues. And. Negatives comments regarding this because I was the first one explain the role of the extra rudder ,because I'm running the boats in the sea water also I always advise to use into the hull a piece of cotton as I describe on my review .Thank you again for your support
Nikolaos Denikarias
Nikolaos Denikarias - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC I was run inverted the boat three times you should give short speed with intervals then the boat come to you very easy without any problem at all
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Nikolaos Denikarias Kind of shocking there is any confusion as to its purpose... goes to show how few people actually read the instruction manual. lol
Suubie Rex
Suubie Rex - 9 years ago
Awesome! You uploaded 5 videos in 5 days! I appreciate your effort!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Random Guy Thanks! :)
Steve S
Steve S - 9 years ago
Nice review Ryan. I really like the clean layout of the ESC, motor and steering servo. Also, the water jacket looks much more effective over the usual coiled aluminum tubing.
Thumb's up!
Aryan Saxena !
Aryan Saxena ! - 9 years ago
these drones , aeroplanes ,helicopters and boats are your??
Aryan Saxena !
Aryan Saxena ! - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC ohhh sorry i see
Aryan Saxena !
Aryan Saxena ! - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC no i like to ask you which shop or site
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Aryan Saxena I put purchase links in the video description of all my reviews. I usually get stuff from Banggood, GearBest, and Tmart.
Aryan Saxena !
Aryan Saxena ! - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC can you tell from where u buy drones i also like to buy
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Aryan Saxena Yes, they are all mine. Some are sent to me from sponsors, to review, though.
jodiek2112 - 9 years ago
Hey ryan, like and watch most of reviews. but that metal thing you have mounted on top of the rudder is a turn fin and mounts some where under the boat like on the front left sponson to help it steer!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+jodiek2112 Not according to the manual, at least. There is nowhere under the boat to mount it either. Here is a video of someone demoing its purpose, according to the WL913 manual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Q7i7Q4BQU
DutchRC Adventures
DutchRC Adventures - 9 years ago
Wait what? the fin up-top would most definately be for a start-nr :
http://www.modelboatracing.co.uk/photos/wc2008/belletti35.jpg (couldn't find a better picture) The prop won't do anything out of the water..

Fast looking & running boat though! Needs a turn-fin though :) Still.. Cool looking boat
Cheers & have a good weekend
Kevys Rc & Music
Kevys Rc & Music - 9 years ago
+Austin Turpin i have no idea what your talking about
Lumino - 9 years ago
+Kevys Rc & Music did you get to this video from the quad carrier video lol
Kevys Rc & Music
Kevys Rc & Music - 9 years ago
+DutchRC ADVENTURES :) cool
DutchRC Adventures
DutchRC Adventures - 9 years ago
+Kevys Rc & Music I did try it the other way around a few times, with an airboat that had flipper ;)
Kevys Rc & Music
Kevys Rc & Music - 9 years ago
+DutchRC ADVENTURES it auctually fun if you have a boat that can do it some of them cant which is true.. but alot can and its kinda fun and nice when you dont have to swim for the boat
DutchRC Adventures
DutchRC Adventures - 9 years ago
+Kevys Rc & Music Allright.. I stand corrected then.. I had not expected that to do much if anything..
Kevys Rc & Music
Kevys Rc & Music - 9 years ago
+DutchRC ADVENTURES auctually if you have enough of the rudder in the water the prop will drive the boat back to you i have done this on video with a light hawk charger boat so yes out of water the prop when running will push the boat with the air it will create so steer tho you need to have some of the rudder in the water..
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+DutchRC ADVENTURES I'm not sure what a "start-nr" is. Are you talking about the metal thing I attached to the rudder? As far as the manual says, it is for what I described... when the boat flips, it is in the water, since the normal rudder would then be out of the water. I found a video of someone demoing it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Q7i7Q4BQU
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
Nice review!!!! Thinking of getting the other speed boat in your last review.
zenchii - 9 years ago
ft012 seems like the better option
zenchii - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC I like that it's brushless but I even more so like that the upgraded one has those porpouse tabs and better stern all together..
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+zenchii If you have the room for the speed, I'd say go for it! This thing is so much fun. :) Check out the FT009 if you want something a bit slower to start with.
zenchii - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC I could see that for sure! I'm def and Indy kind of guy lol I'm really considering the ft012 it would be my first boat besides the toy I had as a kid.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+zenchii That would depend on your use, I'd say. I like thinking of the WL913 as a drag racer, whereas the FT012 is an indy racer.
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower - 9 years ago
As soon as I saw the transmitter, I thought of the spectrum surface radios. I also thought the boat looks a bit 'toyish' if you know what I mean. Great review! :)
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower - 9 years ago
Haha yeah, it wasn't technically the OS fault it was the anti virus not wanting windows to go into the registry etc.. and then it screwed up the updating stuff. Hehe
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Meteor Shower I would make a Mac comment, but I've had my fair share of issues updating Mac OSes too.  heh
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower - 9 years ago
You never know what the designers were thinking of, or what they were on! :D Just updating one of the PCs to windows 10, I shall say it hasn't exactly gone swimingly.....
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Meteor Shower Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the color choices, or silly stickers... "Rapid gallop"??? lol
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower - 9 years ago
Oh OK, maybe it could just do with a different paint job. But then again I'm not exactly a superboat designer :D
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
@Meteor Shower Yeah, I'd say so... seems nice and solid... doesn't bend easily or anything like that.  :)
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Yes I totally agree with the fact the colours and stickers make it look like that, did the plastic have a quality feel to it? :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Meteor Shower Yeah, the radio is definitely using the shell of Spektrum transmitters. I can see what you mean by toyish... I think it's probably due to the colors and stickers. I think the design itself looks so cool though. :)
Dakeezzz _
Dakeezzz _ - 9 years ago
supreme rc
supreme rc - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC repaired my bad
supreme rc
supreme rc - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC yesterday I got the hobbyzone sports Cub s crashed it the first run got it repaird and got it running it got stuck in a tree for a hour in rain but it lived and survived like a champ
Boruto Uchiha
Boruto Uchiha - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC hii
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Melvin Baechler Ah, yeah, that one isn't out yet. I will likely review that next year, since I probably won't have enough clear weather left this year.
Elias Norrman
Elias Norrman - 9 years ago
Been waiting for this! Great review ryan!
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 9 years ago
Interesting looking boat. I suspect that the prop generates just enough push in the air to let you get home - very slowly. I'd be tempted to throw it in a tub or pool just to check that.

This also makes me want to know how it compares to the FT012. Is it worth the extra money? Maybe instead of a "roundup", which implies looking at everything, a "recommended" or "best of" video for each category? For each craft, what you recommend it for (i.e. - speed runs, good beginner craft, whatever) and what it's problems are. Not as comprehensive, but it'd certainly be useful even as a "clips" episode, and should answer my questions about the FT012 vs. 913 - even if one of them doesn't make the list. Or maybe a "year in review" type episode, where you go back over the ones you kept using (presumably also recommended or best of) with updates on how you feel about them with some more experience? If it's not obvious, I really liked the roundup episodes, and considered them very informative. I keep hoping you'll find something similarly informative to replace them!
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 9 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Thanks for the pointer and the info. Definitely a "rescue" mode, but at least it works. Been thinking about adding a power boat to the floating fleet, just for something different...
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Mike Meyer I actually found a video where someone successfully tested the "fly home" feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Q7i7Q4BQU I definitely understand the desire for the round-up videos, and I like your ideas. I have definitely been thinking of different ways I could keep making them, so I will certainly try my best to do something. :) As for the WL913 vs FT012, they are pretty different... the WL913 is like a drag car, whereas the FT012 is like an indy car. I'd only suggest the WL913 for people that just want to go very fast in a straight line, or drag race with friends. If you want something to just zip around the lake, then the FT012 is much better for that. :)
monkeymaster26 - 9 years ago
Hello Ryan i find the videos where you review brushless products ALOT more intertaining because there usually better and less meh :D
Willie Walley
Willie Walley - 9 years ago
Saw this on a video, never try to swim to the boat. Always have a chase boat.
Willie Walley
Willie Walley - 9 years ago
Depending on how far it is out it may be farther than it appears to be
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Willie Walley If you are familiar with swimming in the lake/pond, then why should one not swim to rescue a boat?
Ankdoeslego - 9 years ago
Hi Flyin Ryan,

Sorry to bother you.

Would you recommend BangGood as a retailer?

Kind regards Ank678
Ankdoeslego - 9 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC Thanks
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Ankdoesminecraft Yes, I have placed dozens of orders there, and have been very happy with them. :)
4thGloryMonday - 9 years ago
Thumbs up captain
Dakeezzz _
Dakeezzz _ - 9 years ago
fft010 ? big boat and fast
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 9 years ago
+Melvin Baechler Got a link? I am not familiar with "fft010".
ToP QuAlITy InDiAn ShItPoSts
ToP QuAlITy InDiAn ShItPoSts - 9 years ago
lol its really a drag racer
uwut m8
uwut m8 - 9 years ago
Ah finally a proper review on this :D thanks..great, on point reviews as usual :)
Mythrintia - 9 years ago
3 minutes ago uploaded:O
Jacob Jeffcoat
Jacob Jeffcoat - 9 years ago

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