WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Link to purchase from GearBest.com: RTR ($71) - http://shrsl.com/?deou This little boat has a brushless motor, and self-righting, which is unique for a boat with a catamaran design like this. Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan To keep up with what I'm working on reviewing, and for occasional giveaways from my sponsors, Please like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc Would you like to see me review more high-end models? Then please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FlyinRyanRC

WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run sentiment_very_dissatisfied 103

Reviews 8 years ago 215,113 views

Link to purchase from GearBest.com: RTR ($71) - http://shrsl.com/?deou This little boat has a brushless motor, and self-righting, which is unique for a boat with a catamaran design like this. Enjoy! -Flyin' Ryan To keep up with what I'm working on reviewing, and for occasional giveaways from my sponsors, Please like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyinRyanRc Would you like to see me review more high-end models? Then please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FlyinRyanRC

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Most popular comments
for WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Nickolas Daff
Nickolas Daff - 5 years ago
Hi, i'm encountering some strange bug, boat is running great about 2 mins, then it suddenly stops. And to turn her on again, i need to reconnect battery. Maybe you know how to deal it? Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 5 years ago
I'm not really sure what that might be... could possibly be the ESC overheating and shutting down. Check the water intake line and make sure it's not blocked. If the water cooling isn't working, that could be the cause of the ESC overheating.
Bergwacht - 6 years ago
is that the same motor i fly with? lol
Jonathan Reed
Jonathan Reed - 6 years ago
That's a tunnel hull not a catamaran bro
axcel abarquez
axcel abarquez - 6 years ago
I want one of those
yousef ALabkal
yousef ALabkal - 6 years ago
Could you do the syma q3
YN_Lion - 6 years ago
I have the same boat but In green.. So i was planning to Go to the lake and try it.. So i was stupid enought to turn at high speed so it flipped over..
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Yep. I showed how to do the self-righting in my test run in this video. :)
YN_Lion - 6 years ago
Yes, i forgot to mention that i got it from the vind blowing towards me, so if it flips over i can flip it up again?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
It has self-righting though, so that shouldn't be a problem,.
Myth Strife
Myth Strife - 6 years ago
nice boat, I heard you said seaweed, does that means you play it in salt water ? is it safe for the parts ?
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly - 6 years ago
I had one of these, tried it in local park which has big lake.All went well but I accidentally ran into a swan!! then the motor quit in middle of lake. I went back over next few days, saw boat by waters edge but couldn't safely reach it. Next day it was gone!!! So, don't like loosing boats will have to get another one!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
Yeah, there are a few. Check out some of my other boat reviews for some examples. The Feilun FT009 is particularly good for the price.

10. comment for WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Rex Renart
Rex Renart - 6 years ago
We have to use the remote control that comes with the boat.
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly - 6 years ago
Does this boat have reverse? mine only seems to go forward? also is it best to block up the holes in the left float of the hydroplane?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 6 years ago
I don't think I tried reverse, but it's certainly possible it doesn't. Most boats only have reverse in order to help with self-righting, but this boat uses the left float to help with self-righting. Which answers your second question... NO, don't cover those holes or else the boat won't be able to self-right if/when it flips.
Garth Algar
Garth Algar - 6 years ago
Kinda works like a bilge plug
Cowboy Smiley
Cowboy Smiley - 6 years ago
low lipo battery warning ???
Alexander Miller
Alexander Miller - 7 years ago
I would seal that gap off. And just drive carefully
brogreg - 7 years ago
This boat needs down trim to turn at high speed these are the sharpest turning boat types on the planet if you trim the bow down before a corner
Check out the real thing
my full size pulls 3 g's in a turn
Drew Alsup
Drew Alsup - 7 years ago
that style of boat is called a tunnel hull.
TCP_SALTY - 7 years ago
How fast is it
Debangan Mukherjee
Debangan Mukherjee - 7 years ago
Superb I like your RC models very much
Modellbautechnik Salzkammergut
Modellbautechnik Salzkammergut - 7 years ago

20. comment for WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Charlie - 7 years ago
cant calibrate it
Zubino Abreu
Zubino Abreu - 7 years ago
Hey where u get them from
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Price and purchase link can be found in the video description.
Jayanta Majee
Jayanta Majee - 7 years ago
I love the designs
Chuan Jen Loo
Chuan Jen Loo - 7 years ago
I also have the wl915
Fσx Vυʅρҽ
Fσx Vυʅρҽ - 7 years ago
Is it compatible with WLtoys A959 vortex?
first Last
first Last - 7 years ago
Any good in salt water?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Should be fine, but you would want to thoroughly rinse it with freshwater afterwards to ensure that nothing rusts.
Commycruza - 7 years ago
I seen this boat on the hobbyking website but its more expensive and has a different name, h king marine hydrotek, apparently the esc can be upgraded to a 60amp and can run 4s batteries
Δημητρης Λ.
Δημητρης Λ. - 7 years ago
I am between this and ft009 what do you say?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
I much prefer the FT009. You might consider the FT012 too... it's brushless and much faster.
2112inuyasha - 7 years ago
I find this boat likes to cavitate a lot, do to only half the prop is in the water when it comes to plane
Ivan Poon
Ivan Poon - 7 years ago
LoL collective pitch!!!!!!!! 3D boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha!
Ivan Poon
Ivan Poon - 7 years ago
I guess the packaging/design guy just copy their Helicopter features. They should add 6-axis gyro. he he!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 7 years ago
Right!? No idea what they meant by that. lol

30. comment for WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run

Rodney Armstrong
Rodney Armstrong - 7 years ago
wants you learn how to ajust the trim and set the Rutter and break it in you will be surprised what that boat can do
Iron Sights
Iron Sights - 8 years ago
That has a quad / airplane brushless motor in it. If you replaced it with and actual brushless system it would probably be very fast!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
It's just a small brushless motor... it's not specifically a quad/plane motor, or "not actual brushless".
SHAWN BLOCK - 8 years ago
Sweet review man!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
BlueRiolu - 8 years ago
You haven't uploaded in a month, what's up?
BlueRiolu - 8 years ago
Oh ok, I'm glad your gonna get back! I can't survive without your videos
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I took some time off for the holidays, and then came down with a nasty sickness during new year that took me out of action for a couple weeks. I should have new videos up soon. :)
Jad Collado
Jad Collado - 8 years ago
hey brian, does the transmitter work with the a959 that you reviewed? because im thinking of using this boat's receiver. since this comes with a standalone receiver which i need for a brushless upgrade.
Jad Collado
Jad Collado - 8 years ago
reason for it is its the cheapest way of upgrading. instead of buying another transmitter and RX. for $50 but a $ 12 rx is definitely cheaper. and i might make a video for it for people who wants the cheapest brushless upgrade
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I have no idea, but if you're swapping the receiver anyway, does it matter? You would use this boat's Tx with this boat's Rx, in the A959.
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
You could tape a few of the holes over,it would slow down the self righting feature but still let it function mabe. I am glad I saw your review. I will pass on this one. I have one of their Helicopters,Its fun,but not the greatest.
Sawyer Heslep
Sawyer Heslep - 6 years ago
@targetingxmod blade helis dude.
targetingxmod - 7 years ago
Are those FT012 or FT011 better in quality and rebiality then this WLToys one?
RC Hobbyist Extreme
RC Hobbyist Extreme - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC Yep,more my style.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Check out the FT011 or FT012. They are great boats.
D M - 8 years ago
i wonder where and how you store so many toys ? that store room wont be less than alibaba's cave of treasure.
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 7 years ago
Digvijay Moray Yep
D M - 8 years ago
how about WL toys A999?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@Digvijay Moray Hard to say, since there are so many options and different types of RCs out there. I wouldn't even know where to begin in making a suggestion.
D M - 8 years ago
thanks mahn ,
well they should be able ship to India...

between any thing that you may recommend for my first buy?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Can you order from Chinese stores like Bangood and GearBest?
D M - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC thats so good of you.
keep posting your videos .
hope to start my own collection of rc toys but finding it so difficult to get the toy i need and basic models are expensive and not that worth. there fore do you know any club that you can suggest in india ?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Haha! :) I actually don't keep them all. I give a lot away to friends and family, and I sell some to the local hobby shop.
Kidd Noza
Kidd Noza - 8 years ago
I usually buy or find old rc cars and modify them till they can be turned to a speed boat
Dason Stalnaker
Dason Stalnaker - 8 years ago
I can say I have been here since 50000 subs when you become a hit
chris ortiz
chris ortiz - 7 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC do do suggest any rc boat that would do well in the ocean
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Carbonite Gamorrean
Carbonite Gamorrean - 8 years ago
sub'd the rcsaylors sent me
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 7 years ago
Carbonite Gamorrean They're cool
Evan Mariotti
Evan Mariotti - 8 years ago
Did you have any problems binding the receiver and the radio? cant seem to get mine to work right out of the box
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I didn't have any problem with this one, but I did have that problem with a UDI boat that I was sent to review. :(
Jose Marte
Jose Marte - 8 years ago
Blazing Tundra
Blazing Tundra - 8 years ago
He just tossed it in the water
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Gyalpo 12
Gyalpo 12 - 8 years ago
Where is the description
Gyalpo 12
Gyalpo 12 - 8 years ago
Were did you get it
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Nagshoo Lobsang Purchase link can be found in the video description.
Angelo Di Canio
Angelo Di Canio - 8 years ago
HI HOW much speed?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I covered that in the review.
Joenas Gayramon
Joenas Gayramon - 8 years ago
try the feilun ft011 way faster and good looking than that.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Entirely different kind of boat. But, anyway, I already reviewed the FT011. ;)
Lance/nxt H
Lance/nxt H - 8 years ago
Ryan great review Ryan's been good for a long time I was wondering how you were going to test that boat in your little kitchen LOL
Lance/nxt H
Lance/nxt H - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC lol
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I could put it in the washing machine, and just go around in circles. :)~
Mark Chin
Mark Chin - 8 years ago
Hey ryan i have a question can you do tech reviews Lmao
Mark Chin
Mark Chin - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC :-)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I want to stick to RC reviews, because RCs are what I know the most about. :)
Tyson Turner
Tyson Turner - 8 years ago
Does its charger come with an American plug for charging?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
No, but the store should send an adapter with it. If not, you can buy one quite cheaply.

50. comment for WLtoys - WL915 Speed Boat - Review and Run

LM Space
LM Space - 8 years ago
Runs real well. I cannot tell about the turns, seems fine to me.
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 8 years ago
Go's good
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 8 years ago
Do you think this is better than the green mono hull you reviewed "water cooled motor" ☺
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
The FT009? Yes, because this has a brushless motor.
Lil DEMON - 8 years ago
it is fast for its size
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Not really though. See my review of the FT012. ;)
TheJuniorDroneDummies - 8 years ago
Hi Ryan, btw really enjoy your awesome videos and reviews! Just letting you know that we've given links and promoted your channel in our new channel! Thanks for all that you do on Youtube and please keep posting! :)

Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Awesome, thanks! I will try to watch your video later... YouTube is currently having loading problems for me. :(
Sygr - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I don't do giveaways for many reasons.
Shen RC
Shen RC - 8 years ago
Hi there nice little boat... most all racing boats supposed to turn right better because the rotation of the prop.
Shen RC
Shen RC - 8 years ago
Watch some fast national RC racing events I think they always turn right.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, it is due to torque, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily "supposed" to be that way. Many RC boats have offset rudders to help correct that.
Noobapotumous Rex
Noobapotumous Rex - 8 years ago
Review the Morrison Innovations Aerix Micro Drone!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Which one? Aerix is a brand, and they have several different products.
CuBeRJAN3 - 8 years ago
Is it waterproof? haha!
damm son 342
damm son 342 - 6 years ago
nothing is waterproof
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
It better be. haha
Charles Flaherty
Charles Flaherty - 8 years ago
Love the boat reviews
Santfa Orange
Santfa Orange - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC oh it also cost 50 dollars and has like a sporty looking top that pops off so you can get to the battery, it has two LEDs in the front as the eyes and has four LEDs in the bottom! Oh BTW I just want replacement motors so if you know any that wouldn't do any harm to the other parts in the quadcopter ( to much power or something like that idk if it would be a problem or not) then please let me know what motor you recommend! THANKS A BILLION, I've bin watching you for awhile and you have my sub!
Santfa Orange
Santfa Orange - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC hey PLEASE HELP!!!! I have a question and if you can help me with this I would be so appreciative! Ok so I have this quadcopter that I loved to fly, something went wrong and the prop wouldn't spin anymore. I left it go for about 6 months just sitting there. After a while I remembered it and realized that if I could replace the motors then it would fly again. The problem is that I can't identify what quadcopter it is or what motors to get, if you could help me with identifying it and recommending a motor I would be so great full! Quadcopter: has 2. Red stripes on each back leg (back of main body) and says R1 on the back of it too, it's not to big but def not a micro at all! About medium size, if you could please help me I would be so happy! THANKS
- grateful flyer
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Young Bodybuilder
Young Bodybuilder - 8 years ago
You can make a rewiew of the drone tarot 130
Steve RC
Steve RC - 8 years ago
Question Ryan; when it's slowing down on the LH turns, you still have the throttle pegged?
Wow thought, self-righting on a cat-hull type boat! What a great concept put into practice!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
No, that was me slowing it down in order to make sharper turns. :)
Tristan Beverly
Tristan Beverly - 8 years ago
You should do a vid on the street hawk
Tom Waters
Tom Waters - 8 years ago
Like if you think Ryan should do a review of the proboat zelos 36" (look up if you don't know)
Tom Waters
Tom Waters - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC proboat is expensive. But there is also the recoil.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hah, I'd love to, but I don't have $650+ to spend on an RC boat. heh
Boruto Uchiha
Boruto Uchiha - 8 years ago
ryan ur gettin good
Duck Dash ᴴᴰ
Duck Dash ᴴᴰ - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC If the battery get's low is the boat going to turn itself off or does it drives slower?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Ro Li
Ro Li - 8 years ago
you should rename your channel in wlwhore or something.I'm out
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
+Ro Li See ya!
Bret Sanderson
Bret Sanderson - 8 years ago
I'm loving these RC boat videos!!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
August Lyons
August Lyons - 8 years ago
I imagine being a 2.4 ghz r/c you could get it pretty far away from the transmitter and still controllable but, I am aware you want to keep em in pretty close for demo purposes and your body of water there isn't all that large anyway. but ya. would be cool to see it hauling ass across a big lake or even a calm ocean. Cheers
Wanwang.chung Chewae
Wanwang.chung Chewae - 7 years ago
August Lyons ชลร ใ
ววบลลลยัเ ปผหหำำะะะะะะครรบบยสนาเเา
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 7 years ago
August Lyons With a cls you'll get 200m
Eduardo Jerez
Eduardo Jerez - 8 years ago
really cool, wish I could get into boats but the nearest water mass is about 30 minutes away so it not something I can just come home and do. guess I'm going to stick to quads and airplanes. keep up the great reviews!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, I didn't really have convenient access to water either, until my friend moved into this apartment complex that has the pond out back. :)
RD's Drone Reviews
RD's Drone Reviews - 8 years ago
Awesome review again Ryan! I need to get a boat to review. I have plenty of lakes down here. Always thought boats were cool.
RD's Drone Reviews
RD's Drone Reviews - 8 years ago
Yeah, might be my next purchase
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Oh man, yeah, you have to! They are so much fun! :)
Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson - 8 years ago
Ryan, the self righting, the collective pitch...the 3D.
It can mean only one thing:
Nightboat -the crime solving boat!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hahaha nice. :)
Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer - 8 years ago
I'm surprised you didn't get the green one. I need a buoy layer that can push an 8" styrofoam ball dragging a weight and fishline out to the middle of the lake. It needs power, not speed. How do you think this one would do for that? Or maybe you can recommend something you think would do well.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
This was sent to me, so I didn't get a choice of color. :( Hmm, I'm not really sure what one would look for in a hauling boat. I wouldn't suggest this one, since it had some issues with wanting to sink when slowing down. I would think that would cause problems when trying to haul weight and move slowly and precisely. Maybe a bigger boat, like the FT011?
Muhammad RizqyFadlillah
Muhammad RizqyFadlillah - 8 years ago
review dji phantom 4 yeah
rubin mahli
rubin mahli - 8 years ago
I have the MAD FLOW version of this boat and its wayyyyy faster.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Oh nice, I just looked that up, and that is definitely where WLtoys stole this body from. Looks like the Mad Flow has a bigger motor (which explains the speed) and a very interesting joined shaft so that the prop actually turns, instead of a rudder, which probably makes for much faster turns. :)
Campbell J-M
Campbell J-M - 8 years ago
My joysway offshore infinity has the same way of self righting, sooo useful!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, these self-righting features are the reason I started getting RC boats. :)
DroneXFun - 8 years ago
they probably could have put a brushed motor in it to reduce cost and the speed would probably be close to the bl set up. tunnel hulls are not know for their turning radius(they stay flat instead of rolling like a v-hull), but man that thing is smooth. thanks for another entertaining and informative video. great camera work too.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
True, though a brushed motor would die quickly and maybe have overheating issues. Glad you enjoyed the video!
Cr125stin - 8 years ago
Great time for the boats. It's been real hot here. I always enjoy your videos thanks man!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thanks! Yeah, it has been crazy hot and humid here. I'm hot even on cool days, so it's very hard and uncomfortable for me to be out in this weather. heh
RC Team Austria
RC Team Austria - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing!
Pete2 So ツ
Pete2 So ツ - 8 years ago
$20 plz
Pete2 So ツ
Pete2 So ツ - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC yeah your right but I just wanted to buy a rc under $20
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
No can do. Prices vary too much from store to store, and country to country. Not to mention I simply don't know what all is available for that cheap. I am steering away from doing "round up" type videos any more, as they just don't remain viable for long.
Chrome Skull
Chrome Skull - 8 years ago
The FT 012 is much faster correct?
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
Looks like a cool little boat. I haven't taken mine out of the box yet, whoops haha. I love how smooth it is!
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 7 years ago
Shan Ahmed 5mins full throttle, 8-10 other
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Yep, I just want to have fun and building, testing, flying high performance things is right for me :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@The RCAddict Just keep in mind that you will be reaching a much smaller audience. But, it's totally understandable... it's very time consuming to try to keep reviewing all classes of RCs.
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC Haha, I say no more than yes now. I trying to move up to only hobbygrade things now, so lots of nos lol
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
@The RCAddict Sounds like you're getting to be like me... so many things coming and waiting for testing, that you can't even keep track of it all any more! hahaha
The RCAddict
The RCAddict - 8 years ago
@Flyin' Ryan RC I forgot about that one! GB never sent it I guess.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, this thing just glides over the top of the water! :) Speaking of stuff you have, have you run that "Headphones" car yet? haha I am so tempted to buy it, just so I can make jokes about that in my review. lol But I already reviewed the A959, and it was too fast for the plastic parts, so I fear that the newer faster version will just snap parts like crazy. heh
RV Que
RV Que - 8 years ago
Hey Ryan, nice video! I like your reviews! I wish we had such nice ponds here to run my boats. Altough i have 1 question about this boat. Does it have a reverse?Grtz, Rudy Keep on the good works!!!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
You know what, I totally forgot to test if this one has reverse or not. I would imagine that even if it does, it may not work very well because of the hull design of this boat, and the fact that it likes to take on water when it slows down.
The Rc Hunter
The Rc Hunter - 8 years ago
Thats better Ryan a proper boat lol looks kool great vid and no DRAGON FLYS lol
Steve Donald
Steve Donald - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC couldn't you just duct tape those holes on the pontoon because you said it was pretty stable?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
It was starting to rain, so the dragon flies all headed to safer grounds. haha
Graham Smith
Graham Smith - 8 years ago
It looks stable but strangely,not that fast,it looks a good bit slower than a Super Mono X or Barbwire (in America).
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, a bit slower than I expected, but man is it smooth and stable. :)
TwiSt3d ShifTeR
TwiSt3d ShifTeR - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC collective pitch on this boat means it has reverse lol... BTW in case you didn't see my last comment, can you review the JJRC H11D eye of god? I'm thinking about buying one but I want to see your review on it (because I honestly think you are the best rc reviewer on YouTube lol) thank you
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
WheelerTube MX
WheelerTube MX - 8 years ago
Ryan u hit 70k man I've been a fan for years
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! :)
Tanner Constantine
Tanner Constantine - 8 years ago
Can you review the udi venom also nice reveiw
Tanner Constantine
Tanner Constantine - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC I'm sorry I couldn't look because I left for a road trip
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
I replied to you yesterday when you asked the same question. ;) I was sent one for review, but it was defective and would not bind, and my sponsor didn't want to bother sending me another one. :( It looks like a nice boat though!
Jesus Chavez
Jesus Chavez - 8 years ago
Sea Weed? more like Pond Weed! XD nice boat!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hahaha yeah :)~
Glen D. Spicer
Glen D. Spicer - 8 years ago
Really cool looking on the water.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Yeah, so smooth and stable... just scoots across the top of the water. :)
Rc Carrier
Rc Carrier - 8 years ago
Tiny motor
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Doesn't really need much for something this small and light, but yeah, that is likely a big part of why it's not as fast as I was expecting.
Aalok T
Aalok T - 8 years ago
Think it's turning slow on one side because of water inside one of the self righting system parts
Aalok T
Aalok T - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC oh okay don't really know much about boats
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Could be that, or just due to the motor torque, which quite often affects how well boats and ground vehicles turn to one direction.
John Marks
John Marks - 8 years ago
cool thanks for the fast reply
Daniel Russell
Daniel Russell - 8 years ago
How does this compare to the feilun ft012? Keep up the great work! Thanks
Daniel Russell
Daniel Russell - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC Great to know! Thank you.
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
FT012 is faster and turns quicker, but maybe isn't quite as smooth and stable on the water as this one.
Tim Hill
Tim Hill - 8 years ago
nice boat.... fast lil suckerntoo.
John Marks
John Marks - 8 years ago
what is the fastest boat you have tested so far?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 8 years ago
Ryan can you review the Magic Vee RC boat? I've heard praise for it.
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 8 years ago
Ah I see, thanks :)
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Hmm, well, that looks nice, but it's pretty old at this point, and it doesn't have self-righting, which is the main reason I've started reviewing boats. I don't want to have to bother with going out and chasing after a flipped boat in the middle of the lake. lol
The QueensConquerer
The QueensConquerer - 8 years ago
I actually don't know much about boat, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
Deez Vlogs/gaming
Deez Vlogs/gaming - 8 years ago
Hey will you plz sub 2 me ryan? it would mean alot.
Deez Vlogs/gaming
Deez Vlogs/gaming - 8 years ago
great vid btw
Deez Vlogs/gaming
Deez Vlogs/gaming - 8 years ago
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Done. :D
Daniel Arias
Daniel Arias - 8 years ago
Wow. I'm not sure who your 2nd camera man is but he is very good!
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
That is my friend/coworker. He lives at the apartment complex where this lake is. :) This is about the 10th or so video that we've filmed together now, so he's getting pretty good at it. :)
Samstrex - 8 years ago
Are you changing your intro anytime soon?
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Well, I have the short 3 second "Intro" with sound, which I only created a little while ago when YouTube offered a new feature to tag it on to all my existing videos. So that is actually only a year old, if that. But, I didn't put a ton of effort into it, since that is not really the sort of thing I'm concerned about. And then I also have the plain text screen, which I've been using since I started, where I give info about the brand and model name, and a short description of the model. I care more about the content of my videos, than the quality of my intro or logos, etc, etc. Maybe some day if/when I get more time, or some professional help in those areas, I could consider improving that stuff. But, for now, all my time goes into testing, filming, editing, and keeping up with the comments I get here, and on Facebook. :)
Samstrex - 8 years ago
+Flyin' Ryan RC haha now that I realize I agree
Daniel Arias
Daniel Arias - 8 years ago
His intro is actually pretty nice for being 3 years old. It doesn't really need change
Flyin' Ryan RC
Flyin' Ryan RC - 8 years ago
Nope. I have more important things to spend my limited time on. heh

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