What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

Tesla made 200 limited edition surfboards, We try to Surf it then CUT IT OPEN! This video was sponsored by LastPass. Start using LastPass now: http://bit.ly/2RuMF1e Check out our other Tesla videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3BVMyyYBBRG9iCTHV_C8jq9lEmMpO7oq Thanks to Ben from Teslanomics for helping us with this video! Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbEbf0-PoSuHD0TgMbxomDg Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/whatsinside Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatsinside Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatsinsidethings Filmed in 4k on this camera: http://amzn.to/1UnXI82 #HitTheBell

What's inside a Tesla Surfboard? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4549

Reviews 6 years ago 2,770,301 views

Tesla made 200 limited edition surfboards, We try to Surf it then CUT IT OPEN! This video was sponsored by LastPass. Start using LastPass now: http://bit.ly/2RuMF1e Check out our other Tesla videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3BVMyyYBBRG9iCTHV_C8jq9lEmMpO7oq Thanks to Ben from Teslanomics for helping us with this video! Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbEbf0-PoSuHD0TgMbxomDg Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/whatsinside Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatsinside Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatsinsidethings Filmed in 4k on this camera: http://amzn.to/1UnXI82 #HitTheBell

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Most popular comments
for What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

LucasToyChest - 6 years ago
Do you have to recharge it?
JackDoesStuff :D
JackDoesStuff :D - 5 years ago
LucasToyChest I would think
Bikerdude 4
Bikerdude 4 - 5 years ago
@H 0 J I N Hahaha
Russell Gardner
Russell Gardner - 5 years ago
i guess idk
DoriansToyReview - 5 years ago
Ade Nic
Ade Nic - 5 years ago
LucasToyChest good one
Aarvi Shreeji Brahmbhatt
Aarvi Shreeji Brahmbhatt - 5 years ago
LucasToyChest i dont even like lincon
Sozan - 5 years ago
@What's Inside? it's a horrible question you opened it and there was no battery
Fuudcu GJeejvw
Fuudcu GJeejvw - 5 years ago
Cubezz r/wooosh
Valerie Otero
Valerie Otero - 5 years ago
Lm Lucas and Mikael
Lm Lucas and Mikael - 5 years ago
You do realize that it has NO electronics at all
Lm Lucas and Mikael
Lm Lucas and Mikael - 5 years ago
Alphan Gaming
Alphan Gaming - 6 years ago
I think yes
Declan Jordan
Declan Jordan - 6 years ago
LucasToyChest I subbed hope it helps I would love to watch u blow up ur videos are great good luck
Josh Wild the savage
Josh Wild the savage - 6 years ago
Is it electric
poweredbySRAM - 6 years ago
Yeahhhhhhhh mate
squatchie 105
squatchie 105 - 6 years ago
no did you not see that there was no batterys
Tanman324 - 6 years ago
Yes and the charger costs $1,000 with a 6 month wait time. Enjoy!
Aqua - 6 years ago
vNehue - 6 years ago
@Joshua Schantz r/whoosh
Arran Mounsey
Arran Mounsey - 6 years ago
no lucastoyschest no u dont XD
Luke Courtney
Luke Courtney - 6 years ago
caramelpug gaming you spelled pewdiepie wrong
Cy_Cube - 6 years ago
LucasToyChest you could have watched the video “no batteries”
HeavyChungus217 - 6 years ago
LucasToyChest wut
Joshua Schantz
Joshua Schantz - 6 years ago
Recharge lol how would you recharge carbon fiber and stirophome
Henry - 6 years ago
Just use ur local supercharger
Tyler Cox
Tyler Cox - 6 years ago
Adam057 - 6 years ago
Brenda Ruiz
Brenda Ruiz - 6 years ago
franco gonzalez
franco gonzalez - 6 years ago
Glossy Flamingo
Glossy Flamingo - 6 years ago
Роман Осипов but it’s tesla
TheFireSword/TFS - 6 years ago
@caramelpug gaming no
TheFireSword/TFS - 6 years ago
@caramelpug gaming he sucks
kinda shredded
kinda shredded - 6 years ago
@caramelpug gaming no
TURBO GAMING - 6 years ago
if it is rechargeable it is going to explode like a note 7
Karol K
Karol K - 6 years ago
LucasToyChest Toy excuse me
Ramiro Presas
Ramiro Presas - 6 years ago
@caramelpug gaming I have been subscribed since a long time
SedAr Fuis
SedAr Fuis - 6 years ago
caramelpug gaming
caramelpug gaming - 6 years ago
@Ramiro Presas subcribe to piewdiepie
caramelpug gaming
caramelpug gaming - 6 years ago
@What's Inside? Subcribe to pewdiepie
caramelpug gaming
caramelpug gaming - 6 years ago
Subcribe to pewdiepie
H 0 J I N
H 0 J I N - 6 years ago
What’s inside of your son?
Nate Collers
Nate Collers - 6 years ago
It’s a normal surfboard, just high quality with better technology
The Dungineer
The Dungineer - 6 years ago
Yeah but it cones with a wall charger
Brittany Leavitt
Brittany Leavitt - 6 years ago
Transcended - 6 years ago
I think he is sending a message to Elon, to acertain his dominance, I mean "where my roadster?"
Blitz_Aiden Fogarty
Blitz_Aiden Fogarty - 6 years ago
LucasToyChest - 6 years ago
@Ramiro Presas Thanks Ramiro!! We love What's Inside too!
Роман Осипов
Роман Осипов - 6 years ago
No, u have to fuel it
Parrott Gaming
Parrott Gaming - 6 years ago
LucasToyChest you fill up the snot tank
Ramiro Presas
Ramiro Presas - 6 years ago
By the way great youtube channel LUCASTOYCHEST And WHATS INSIDE.
Ramiro Presas
Ramiro Presas - 6 years ago
What's Inside?
What's Inside? - 6 years ago
Such a good question!
Kingslayer_903 cesar
Kingslayer_903 cesar - 5 years ago
Flex seal guy: “ With FlexTape you can fix an Extremely rare surfboards”

What’s inside guy ; “Yes I have an idea the rarest Tesla surfboard”
312s - 5 years ago
That is a complete waste
manreev sangha
manreev sangha - 5 years ago
Let’s get 5k OoFs
Stéphane Lajoie
Stéphane Lajoie - 5 years ago
Il y a un surf tesla what
mo_hijazi - 5 years ago
What does it do that a Normal surf board can’t do
Moist Moisture
Moist Moisture - 5 years ago
Wtf I could of had that surfboard
Legend Main
Legend Main - 5 years ago
*gets Tesla surfboard*
*wonders if it will surf*
ThePositiveKRP - 5 years ago
Hey guys, can you please find out what inside planet Earth?

10. comment for What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

Emilio Ramirez
Emilio Ramirez - 5 years ago
More like the Tesla FlexBoard
Atomska Braćala
Atomska Braćala - 5 years ago
7:14 video starts here
Doug Rath
Doug Rath - 5 years ago
I'm heavier than you by 10 lbs and I'm 10
Munchkin Emerton
Munchkin Emerton - 5 years ago
great video lol
Reilly Mare
Reilly Mare - 5 years ago
I haven’t watch him surf yet and I know he’s a kook
Juan Medrano
Juan Medrano - 5 years ago
Breaks 10,000 dollar surf board says “yes”
Jyles Hambleton
Jyles Hambleton - 5 years ago
He made more than 10000 dollars on this
Krystian Lopez
Krystian Lopez - 5 years ago
Stop showing off your Tesla stuff
Malachi and Don
Malachi and Don - 5 years ago
That beach looks fun. The waves are good for me
Star Ranger YX
Star Ranger YX - 5 years ago
Bens friend Ben thought they were the same person

20. comment for What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

Kenyan Citizen
Kenyan Citizen - 5 years ago
wtf am I doing watching surf videos? I can't even swim!
ADVIO BROS - 5 years ago
Elon musk:”let’s make Tesla food”
Best cooker in the world:”let’s not ok?”
KWC KWC - 5 years ago
Eden Hostetter
Eden Hostetter - 5 years ago
Why did they ruin it
Jesse Tockuss
Jesse Tockuss - 5 years ago
That guys the biggest kook
Mobile Gamer
Mobile Gamer - 5 years ago
Wait so about $3,000 to $10,000 just for a surfboard that’s the same as any other?
Versatile _virgn
Versatile _virgn - 5 years ago
What’s inside love the vids quick question what do you guys do when you cut open things that are like this
Flamingo - 5 years ago
Am I the only person that has gone here in gta5?
Joey Saliba
Joey Saliba - 5 years ago
Your videos make me so mad seeing you rip expensive things in half but it is so cool seeing what is inside of those products so thank you for bringing me entertainment
Doggo Nation
Doggo Nation - 5 years ago
Tesla: limited edition of 200 one if a kind tesla surfboards.

What's inside: oooh lets break it.
Flamingo - 5 years ago
Doggo Nation something my brother would doo

30. comment for What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

Movie Cars
Movie Cars - 5 years ago
Tesla surfboard, only 200 made

Lets cut one in half!
MrC_ 1417
MrC_ 1417 - 5 years ago
Lucas Shepherd
Lucas Shepherd - 5 years ago
Jackson Graham
Jackson Graham - 5 years ago
Jackson Graham
Jackson Graham - 5 years ago
these vids are so cool
papa jake is the best
papa jake is the best - 5 years ago
Were is the kid
matt - 5 years ago
Kook. You could have got a half decent surfer
Suri Smith
Suri Smith - 5 years ago
Are you guys at Monterey Cause we went there
Riley Walsh
Riley Walsh - 5 years ago
The surfer you hired is a kook
GameKnight772 MCPE
GameKnight772 MCPE - 5 years ago
I never knew tesla made surfboards
Luke Beasley
Luke Beasley - 5 years ago
Lamest BABY
Lamest BABY - 5 years ago
ITs mostly a fan collectible for Tesla fan
Reza Khoshnevis
Reza Khoshnevis - 5 years ago
That guy that ride by in his bike looks like Robert Downey jr
Lucas Saenger
Lucas Saenger - 5 years ago
You said will it surf when it is a surfboard
Christina Middleton
Christina Middleton - 5 years ago
why do you need lass pass the apple phone already dose this
Wanda Barcroft
Wanda Barcroft - 5 years ago
The noise when he crushes it
Wanda Barcroft
Wanda Barcroft - 5 years ago
So satisfying
David Xu
David Xu - 5 years ago
so, the results is not strong enough, ha?
The God Of Pepsi
The God Of Pepsi - 5 years ago
lol tesla lol from elon musk the dead deer laugher
maxi b plane spotting
maxi b plane spotting - 5 years ago
2:19 is it a lumix camera cos I had an old fz38 with a black spot and have wiped. Lens and will not come off any tips anyone
the best hacker buddy
the best hacker buddy - 5 years ago
I dont give a frick about your camera

50. comment for What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

Fedora Studios
Fedora Studios - 5 years ago
Dan: look sam i bought this $1500 Tesla surf board
Sam: can i see it
Dan: yeah Hands the surf board to sam
sam pulls out a pocket knife
sam scratches the board
Dan: What are you doing stop!
Sam: its slippery.
Dan: im going to do that to your car next.
Five minuets later
Dan: Hey guys whats in side Sam's tesla door?
Pulls out hatchet
hits the car side then scratches it along the side
Dan: Whats in side well... MY REVENGE!
Jobos a hobo
Jobos a hobo - 5 years ago
Looks like theres only 199 now
Arne Petersen
Arne Petersen - 5 years ago
Can I have the pieces?
The Zewp 22
The Zewp 22 - 5 years ago
Dude, thats a p4 pro
DarkAssasin798 and toxic Fortnite
DarkAssasin798 and toxic Fortnite - 5 years ago
What's inside dad: Oh yes this surfboard is very rare and is only 200 ever made

LeTs SpLiT iT In HaLf
A N - 5 years ago
That’s cheap eps foam and no stringer? $1500? What a joke.
Typical youtuber Durp chicken
Typical youtuber Durp chicken - 5 years ago
Why break it tho?
Ari OwO
Ari OwO - 5 years ago
What makes this so expensive?
Livinwithcharlie !
Livinwithcharlie ! - 5 years ago
Dylan C
Dylan C - 5 years ago
could have just xrayed but ok
Elliott Noah
Elliott Noah - 5 years ago
It wouldn't have electricity or byebye
KINGS fan !
KINGS fan ! - 5 years ago
Wow I thought in side a surf board was plastic. Like if you thought it was too
ryan milles
ryan milles - 5 years ago
Why does a surf border cost 10k. Or even 1500. Looks like that surf board is just as reliable as teslas customer service.
Mimikyu Kills
Mimikyu Kills - 5 years ago
0:26 no there's 3. Question 3 is will it electrocute you because aren't Tesla cars Electric cars? sooo yeah that's my question
Dijon Thomas
Dijon Thomas - 5 years ago
So a 5 thousand dollar carbon fiber sheet and a 5 thousand dollar name just to destroy well it is your money
Karthik Devaraj
Karthik Devaraj - 5 years ago
breaks by heart
CyberPlayz - 5 years ago
If you want big waves, go to magic sand! I boogie boarded on those waves and they were so big I had to be near shoreline not to be crashing into the sand a few seconds later.
The Seward's
The Seward's - 5 years ago
SORRY for spending so much money on this for one vid
Cheesus - 5 years ago
I mean we already knew what was in it...it’s just super expensive because there are only a few in existence.
Kapila Ciancio
Kapila Ciancio - 5 years ago
You should have got a better surfer to ride it
Chrisintokyo - 5 years ago
Lithium ion battery in side
Rocky Monk
Rocky Monk - 5 years ago
Do you still have what remains of the board? I want to try and fix it.
Tomas Gazel
Tomas Gazel - 5 years ago
Ben doesn’t even surf
Royall Cummings
Royall Cummings - 5 years ago
First off, when you surf you need a real surfboard and you need waves...
Jason S
Jason S - 5 years ago
4,300 EPS activist disliked this video. 30k People thought it was funny During the slow mode replay
Chen Matthew
Chen Matthew - 5 years ago
benyounes Azzaoui
benyounes Azzaoui - 5 years ago
shity surfboard lol
Stealth ASF
Stealth ASF - 5 years ago
Tesla needs to make a phone
Beau Malfait
Beau Malfait - 5 years ago
i like would give all my stuff for that boad and you guys just break it im so sad right now im crying
Eddie Dingle
Eddie Dingle - 5 years ago
That's called wax and it's nearly impossible to surf without it...
Isko Lim
Isko Lim - 5 years ago
The Tyson 2.0 show
The Tyson 2.0 show - 5 years ago
Now there is 299 tesala surfboards
Adwin Adam
Adwin Adam - 5 years ago
Its from matt biolos
Conan - 5 years ago
most useless channel on youtube
Chris Keane
Chris Keane - 5 years ago
Way to break my college tuition lol
TJKicks - 5 years ago
6.5 mill subs to forget your lab mic at home the opeining we can barley hear you
Rasan Majidi
Rasan Majidi - 5 years ago
bad quality the music is too loud
Harry Makongwa
Harry Makongwa - 5 years ago
So people will be buying Tesla Surfboard just because it's produced by Tesla ..technology really control human beings but don't forget you can't have everything which is in the market.
Ed Jo
Ed Jo - 5 years ago
Where are the 100 ft waves
Emma Larsen
Emma Larsen - 5 years ago
This is kinda cool
Lalo y Los Descalzos
Lalo y Los Descalzos - 5 years ago
how dare you leave Lincoln out!
LMCZX009 - 5 years ago
now there're 201 in the world
Odie Winn
Odie Winn - 5 years ago
just use notes the app
Bender the Offender
Bender the Offender - 5 years ago
why not just ask tesla? that board is $1,500 now but in 20 years that price could be anything
Nirbhav Dhanania
Nirbhav Dhanania - 5 years ago
You could buy a whole car in 10000 dollars!!
Jacob Meyer
Jacob Meyer - 5 years ago
Diego Luna
Diego Luna - 5 years ago
britant bhattarai
britant bhattarai - 5 years ago
Waves were not big enough
Pancho Contreras
Pancho Contreras - 5 years ago
what a bunch of kooks
Fortnite funny moments !
Fortnite funny moments ! - 5 years ago
i bet it runs on gas

100. comment for What's inside a Tesla Surfboard?

zane’s world
zane’s world - 5 years ago
Almost double the cost of brand new EPS boards
LouisAyy - 5 years ago
Guy: There’s only 200 in the world!
Also guy: Snaps board in half
Mohammmed Alam
Mohammmed Alam - 5 years ago
go to 6:30 and look at the corners'
Initial 1890
Initial 1890 - 5 years ago
Wait so why is it so expensive its only foam lol
Danial Syed
Danial Syed - 5 years ago
What’s inside Elon Musk?
Odorous Wolf
Odorous Wolf - 5 years ago
buys 1500 surfboard
Doesn’t come with fins
Fatedthumbrella Gaming
Fatedthumbrella Gaming - 5 years ago
Dan: Lasspass does this
Me: so does iCloud.
Tyler Lo
Tyler Lo - 5 years ago
Does Tesla make everything a futuristic besides levitation cars
Moheeb Nasser
Moheeb Nasser - 5 years ago
6:30 look at the bottom left.
Hugo Dumoulin
Hugo Dumoulin - 5 years ago
They waste stuff
SomethingNow YT
SomethingNow YT - 5 years ago
Elon musk has to cool down on the koolaid
Taj Bell
Taj Bell - 5 years ago
silly thing to do
Jordan Woodz
Jordan Woodz - 5 years ago
Elon rather see you and Ben using the board than destroying it. 1/200 and such a waste to figure out what everyone knows; that it has foam in the middle.
MDG - 5 years ago
Lakshmi saroja Garimella
Lakshmi saroja Garimella - 5 years ago
Why dont you see whats inside a convertible refrigerator
Jacquavus The Holy
Jacquavus The Holy - 5 years ago
Couldn’t you like, write down passwords?
Detective_Fox - 5 years ago
If the car battery does not explode and kill you this surfboard will finish you off by electrocuting you in water
Destryer1 Boom
Destryer1 Boom - 5 years ago
Why would u break that it’s a exclusive someone could of actually wanted one of those
999K views - 5 years ago
Its just a normal surfboard what did you expect was going to be inside it.
Carlie Paskett
Carlie Paskett - 5 years ago
Your right where I live
Steeve Davis
Steeve Davis - 5 years ago
Have you tried flex tape to put it back together?
Sagittarium - 5 years ago
next tesla product: electric paper and a pen
Ismail Amiri
Ismail Amiri - 5 years ago
How many miles per charge?
Tigran Baghdasaryan
Tigran Baghdasaryan - 5 years ago
5:05 rip camera man
Chucho Barrera
Chucho Barrera - 5 years ago
2:36 in the middle of the camera you might see a black spot like if you see it.
Tom. b.
Tom. b. - 5 years ago
At 2:19 he kinda said that his lens was dirty
Ismail Amiri
Ismail Amiri - 5 years ago
What is the point of that?
Sup Guys27
Sup Guys27 - 5 years ago
Wow breaking one of the most rare surf boards ever
TNDM/ /Liamgaming
TNDM/ /Liamgaming - 5 years ago
So you just could make it by yourself and sell it for 10 thousand dollars lol
Jafar Smith
Jafar Smith - 5 years ago
Should've gotten a professional surfer to test the board
Sample Text
Sample Text - 5 years ago
Auto surf
Abu Fofana
Abu Fofana - 5 years ago
Tesla is a noob car
PATRICK MARTIN - 5 years ago
Sry I use 1password7
CD - 5 years ago
supa gaming
supa gaming - 5 years ago
the b0$$

read the first three words
KGamingZ / KGameZ
KGamingZ / KGameZ - 5 years ago
What’s inside what’s inside?
Nate Coleman
Nate Coleman - 5 years ago
Why the hell do you show footage of his crouch
Whispy - 5 years ago
Dude I hate when people smash things I would love to have
Caroline Dull
Caroline Dull - 5 years ago
I ask for AirPods to use which is two hundred dollars and you buy a 3,000 dollar surfboard and break it...
BeyondSpace - 5 years ago
This is why you don't have nice things
Anthony Ives
Anthony Ives - 5 years ago
I want a
Eva V
Eva V - 5 years ago
Robert Franks
Robert Franks - 5 years ago
this was so pointless
Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson - 5 years ago
Lastpass sounds like a great way to steal passwords and identity
here is sam
here is sam - 5 years ago
I get that he is near the ocean and all but god the audio is AWFUL.
Pewdiepie Supporter
Pewdiepie Supporter - 5 years ago
Go to saint augistine
Peypey walker bros channel Walker
Peypey walker bros channel Walker - 5 years ago
Lease pass sucks
PotatoNarwhal - 5 years ago
6:29 lol look at the bottom left corner
ItzJoeyBoi - 5 years ago
Hey last pass what’s my password?
Bb HHS - 5 years ago
Gets a surfboard that’s extremely rare, what do we do? BREAK IT
ebutuoy22078 - 5 years ago
what a flog
Jeremiah Jackson
Jeremiah Jackson - 5 years ago
I dont like your vids because lots of people try to save up for the stuff you have but you sit here and cut them open
Mr flamingo Plays1232
Mr flamingo Plays1232 - 5 years ago
Jeremiah Jackson exactly
TACOS ¿ - 5 years ago
WTF WHY DOES TESLA DOING EVERYTHING LIKE MOBILE WIRELESS CHARGER AND SURFINGBOARDS (and I forgot the next subway surfers update is going to include the tesla surfing board)
Cyka Blyat
Cyka Blyat - 5 years ago
A little bit Intellectual
A little bit Intellectual - 5 years ago
Not a single soul:
Literally not a single person
Martin Baumeister
Martin Baumeister - 5 years ago
Most underrated comment
Moss Dolman
Moss Dolman - 5 years ago
What Color is your tesla x???
SummersEverydayChannel - 5 years ago
Do you work at a school
The Racing Channel
The Racing Channel - 5 years ago
But what if you forget your LastPass password?
Bennett Chason
Bennett Chason - 6 years ago
That is soooooooooooo cool! I never thought that they made a surf boards
Ryan Salaman
Ryan Salaman - 6 years ago
No don't break it
RJ - 6 years ago
Love the NMDS Dan
Justin Fresh
Justin Fresh - 6 years ago
Dino - 6 years ago
Apple and Tesla have something in common,
don't they? duh
Magical Burger
Magical Burger - 6 years ago
The thing you were talking about the thing you do in Hawai’i is called a shak a!
CallMeReflexxx - 6 years ago
Elon Musk has left the chat
Samwise - 6 years ago
if you did as much research on Google as you did on ebay, you would find Matt Biolos made these. You can just order a custom board... with a custom graphic... DUDDDDDDDE. This is the official interior decoration of the adult learner.
TuanVN 2007
TuanVN 2007 - 6 years ago
its What's Inside? ( Destroy Channel ) not What's Inside?
xKrazyx - 6 years ago
Does wave ain’t even big
Sofia Rapti
Sofia Rapti - 6 years ago
why tho
Badri - 6 years ago
What’s the range?
Bacon Gaming
Bacon Gaming - 6 years ago
Super STAR Kids!
Super STAR Kids! - 6 years ago
I would forget my lasspass password
Sir Jordi
Sir Jordi - 6 years ago
Pirvan Sebastian
Pirvan Sebastian - 6 years ago
Samsung pass right?
little frazer
little frazer - 6 years ago
Were you in San Diego when you recorded this video.
Hyunmee Lee
Hyunmee Lee - 6 years ago
When Tesla scams you
Bennie_and_a_jet - 6 years ago
Does it surf?... I wouldn't call that surf, but OK.... What's inside it?... Nothing special and very overpriced.. so yeah, it's a Tesla.
jaz jazzie
jaz jazzie - 6 years ago
The guy surfing is such a kook
Mason Bryant #5
Mason Bryant #5 - 6 years ago
I’ll save you 9:33 of your time it’s foam and fiberglass covered by epoxy
It_Robust_YT - 6 years ago
Speaking of the roadster, everyday is so long when thinking about it.
Joshua Carter
Joshua Carter - 6 years ago
he's surfing on foam but what about tricks and pumping along the face
Julian Treasure
Julian Treasure - 6 years ago
Do you have to charge it
Reece Harbottle
Reece Harbottle - 6 years ago
Their not fins their skegs

Edit: what I meant was I call it skegs
Pranjal Singh
Pranjal Singh - 6 years ago
7:14 Lol
Specializes movies Joshua
Specializes movies Joshua - 6 years ago
Why dose everyone have the same profile picture
Music Rocks
Music Rocks - 6 years ago
You have to charge the foam.
Music Rocks
Music Rocks - 6 years ago
Of course you have to recharge the tesla surfboard everything tesla you have to.
Sean Schaffer
Sean Schaffer - 6 years ago
Seth Williams
Seth Williams - 6 years ago
this channel is such a waste of time
Diamondar Boss
Diamondar Boss - 6 years ago
Binary Sunset Chaser
Binary Sunset Chaser - 6 years ago
What a waste.....
Colton Williams
Colton Williams - 6 years ago
Can you do what's inside fortnite
Anayanzy Moncivais
Anayanzy Moncivais - 6 years ago
I hope you have a great happy new year because it is 2019!
Noel Hand
Noel Hand - 6 years ago
Imagine gettin a dink in it
Lucix Bros
Lucix Bros - 6 years ago
Sure love when you brake one of a kind things that I can’t even afford
D. Jay
D. Jay - 6 years ago
Sure love when you can’t spell
Clancy Luscombe
Clancy Luscombe - 6 years ago
miniplex - 6 years ago
HAA 9:15
redlizard78 - 6 years ago
Welcome to the channel where a guy and his son and friends know nothing about anything.
Wiremu - 6 years ago
What a wanker.
Rebz The Guru
Rebz The Guru - 6 years ago
LMAO they got a tesla surf-board an tesla cars too Lol make sure they dont randomly go up in flames you should see whats in a tesla car lol
Buzz Dro
Buzz Dro - 6 years ago
ok this surf board it teslas most stupidest and useless product.
Green Guy
Green Guy - 6 years ago
I don't like you T-series...
Joshua Tang
Joshua Tang - 6 years ago
Wasted 1,500 dollars
Salty Beignet
Salty Beignet - 6 years ago
What if you lose your password to last pass
Florida Boy
Florida Boy - 6 years ago
Einar Juarez
Einar Juarez - 6 years ago
Ben has a friend named Ben?? Nice
Ajant Smith
Ajant Smith - 6 years ago
This guy is so wasteful.
Norris Nuts
Norris Nuts - 6 years ago
Ikbel Hammami
Ikbel Hammami - 6 years ago
That’s an awesome way to prove that Elon want to show the power of branding as well how people can be foolish! That’s hard test
Ronnie Leno
Ronnie Leno - 6 years ago
What's inside of a fire truck
Kiroles Amir
Kiroles Amir - 6 years ago
Is tesla the new supreme ?
Cathy Cooks TG
Cathy Cooks TG - 6 years ago
slow mo guys and whats inside colab?
Kanji - 6 years ago
Nice Nmds
Glish_Brownie Leader
Glish_Brownie Leader - 6 years ago
Why would you break it it’s like really rare
CM7botekar - 6 years ago
Females just walk away after this video.
lps crue
lps crue - 6 years ago
I wish I was yall romate
The Ultimate Gamer
The Ultimate Gamer - 6 years ago
2:19 Always wipe your lens, kids
ALEXJOAN153 - 6 years ago
Now it costs 200 every one so I’ll go buy one for that price LOL
BЯYΛП 位ヒ韻 - 6 years ago
7:10 thank me later
azi naz
azi naz - 6 years ago
Wow, your car is nice. I like it, can anyone tell with me,what is name of that car? Thank( sorry for my english)
azi naz
azi naz - 6 years ago
@Spacetot1O1 ouhh waw, thank bruh
Spacetot1O1 - 6 years ago
uhhhm its a tesla but I dont think you can buy it there over 80,000$
Rippin Drag
Rippin Drag - 6 years ago
Have you ever done what’s inside a GoPro?
technical hate
technical hate - 6 years ago
Should have gotten broken in a barrel with a person surfing it
Stripper Boots
Stripper Boots - 6 years ago
What’s inside a tesla
Matthew Tran
Matthew Tran - 6 years ago
Last pass might go in your stuff with password
Maura Duffy
Maura Duffy - 6 years ago
deez nuts
Maura Duffy
Maura Duffy - 6 years ago
stop it get some help
Daniel Bublak
Daniel Bublak - 6 years ago
Is it bullet proof?
Darcey Brammer
Darcey Brammer - 6 years ago
If you forgot your phone password how would. You go on the app and fined out what the password was
dj osearth
dj osearth - 6 years ago
from your pc bro, or other phone, any internet node w compatible Lastpass client app or even just a web browser then login their site
Val Bert Gaming
Val Bert Gaming - 6 years ago
6:29 bottom-left
LeviPlayz Gamez
LeviPlayz Gamez - 6 years ago
Hopefully you got 2 because you broke that one
borna asi
borna asi - 6 years ago
1500 dollars for foam
xDarkCriix Roblox & More
xDarkCriix Roblox & More - 6 years ago
Tesla means T - series
Bdbdhdd Dubbed
Bdbdhdd Dubbed - 6 years ago
Tesla is turning into supreme because Elon is the CEO
大大LIEMAX - 6 years ago
Arie J
Arie J - 6 years ago
What's inside a Lime e-scooter
mc360master - 6 years ago
Elon musk
Fr3ddy - 6 years ago
It looks just like a red belly black snake?????
Illyria86 - 6 years ago
Cuz open Apple airpods
kalel Wilson
kalel Wilson - 6 years ago
Wish I had 3k to throw away like that..
adriana o
adriana o - 6 years ago
What’s the name of the beach there ?
D M - 6 years ago
What's inside a Tesla car
stefanI - 6 years ago
who would win ? a Tesla Limited Edition surfboard VS a bic boi
Pieter van den Berg
Pieter van den Berg - 6 years ago
Next video... What's inside a tesla?
KFJ Productions
KFJ Productions - 6 years ago
Gets mad about scratching it: BREAKS IN HALF
SEANYMONEY -_- - 6 years ago
$10,000 surfboard just like a regular surfboard... but missing fins and a stringer

but the Tesla logo makes up for that
SEANYMONEY -_- - 5 years ago
yeah I know kid
elijah deacon
elijah deacon - 5 years ago
A stringer is the wood going down the middle of the board buddy
Alex Meir
Alex Meir - 6 years ago
what do you mean stringer first of all, kook. Do you mean a leash that you use on ur wavestorm. And second of all the boards were launched at 1000 but only 100 of them. Now since they are rare they go for about a 10,000 dollars. Yeah and it's missing fins I guess right. Little do you know only the wavestorm that you ride comes with fins. Actual boards don't come with fins. You and the Whats inside guy are both the KOOKS of the day.
Emma3108 - 6 years ago
if you went on the board in a rough surf it will break in seconds
joshua m
joshua m - 6 years ago
Serpentza. Shout out?
Jarred Fergason
Jarred Fergason - 6 years ago
what a kook
Jack Is a gangster
Jack Is a gangster - 6 years ago
why was he so close in should have been out further to get the best part f the wave
Misael Tovar
Misael Tovar - 6 years ago
Did you buy that board from Trunks3x?
Siyuki7 - 6 years ago
What’s inside- huh, 200 limited edition surfboards
KingBlax - 6 years ago
I dont trust that lastpass thing but I would use it i guess
idlehands1111111111 - 6 years ago
Now there's 199 left lol
Alex Meir
Alex Meir - 6 years ago
Kook of the day
Alex Meir
Alex Meir - 6 years ago
Kook of the day
ZaxielGames[ᛉᚨᛁᛖᛚᚷᚨᛗᛖᛊ] - 6 years ago
And now we know how they cheat people off of there money...
Ethan Foster
Ethan Foster - 6 years ago
this guy can not surf
Pompeyo _
Pompeyo _ - 6 years ago
What car is this?
ALLAN FRASER - 6 years ago
Some people have way to much money
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Not diggin the wasteful tone of this site...JMHO :( To me, that was a nice surfboard and should have lived a life in the water before it died of natural causes...like huge waves, reefs, rocks, falling off a roof rack, etc.
Tony Martinez
Tony Martinez - 6 years ago
6:30 why do i see your wife?
Jovan NIkolic
Jovan NIkolic - 6 years ago
Lukas Jakulevičius
Lukas Jakulevičius - 6 years ago
Why you need download a lastpass if Samsung pass is beter
WONG KAIZHE - 6 years ago
I just wanna ask why you so hate tesla ahahah,you tear the tyre and break the surfing board
Suja Gaming
Suja Gaming - 6 years ago
Probably billgates would buy this
Moga liz
Moga liz - 6 years ago
I can’t handle watching you guys destroy things it’s just a waste.
Dust Surfing
Dust Surfing - 6 years ago
I gotta say, when, that board snapped I felt a disturbance in the force...
aaronpiper92 - 6 years ago
so does this have self-surfing mode?
Rex - 6 years ago
Two words: Daylight robbery!
1million Subcribers
1million Subcribers - 6 years ago
Crack the code peqst5c
casey block
casey block - 6 years ago
you did not have to break that
Poke The Dead
Poke The Dead - 6 years ago
Damn rich people
zak 4581
zak 4581 - 6 years ago
he lied he said when it broke the boys said it had no stringer you realise when stuff is recorded you cant lie
Weirdo - 6 years ago
This honestly got me so mad
Anyssa Bentley
Anyssa Bentley - 6 years ago
Just use flex tape
LOWBLOW CHAMP - 6 years ago
break a new tv in half
Oscar Lukwiya Kinyera
Oscar Lukwiya Kinyera - 6 years ago
What's inside an airplane tire?
Please check that out ✈
Oscar Lukwiya Kinyera
Oscar Lukwiya Kinyera - 6 years ago
What's inside an airplane tire?
Please check that out ✈
Mirac The thrill
Mirac The thrill - 6 years ago
Yes chest
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 6 years ago
u waste
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 6 years ago
wait what if u forget the password for lastpass?
Essa Gamer
Essa Gamer - 6 years ago
Elon musk Wants to Know your location
Fiordaliza hernandez
Fiordaliza hernandez - 6 years ago
oscar lagunas
oscar lagunas - 6 years ago
This Chanel is the most idiotic Chanel ever they just cut stuff open even though we know what should be awaiting inside
Jhayakhar - 6 years ago
It sounds like elon musk's head is breaking.
Blake Romer
Blake Romer - 6 years ago
Nothings sacred to you guys
The Raiders
The Raiders - 6 years ago
Tesla make surfboards?
PBJay n Hunny Cordero
PBJay n Hunny Cordero - 6 years ago
wuta kook way of finding out its stringerless at law st in the summer nonetheless
Danjw07 YT
Danjw07 YT - 6 years ago
9:13 the best part
Rudraksh Singh
Rudraksh Singh - 6 years ago
where is lincoln
Ryan martin
Ryan martin - 6 years ago
What a dumb question to ask does a surfboard surf uh let me see
Alyssa m
Alyssa m - 6 years ago
Peep Emma chamberlains dad at 6:45
Raiden Perkinson
Raiden Perkinson - 6 years ago
No more buying gas for your surfboard
SLMK - 6 years ago
What's inside Tesla?
_ Juanito _
_ Juanito _ - 6 years ago
Anyone notice the shark fin at 5:04
Vickie Moberg
Vickie Moberg - 6 years ago
7:14 how to break a karate board
Sean_ RSX
Sean_ RSX - 6 years ago
Life hack get a surfboard spray paint it then get Tesla a decals you got a Tesla surfboard
Samantha Doherty
Samantha Doherty - 6 years ago
Dude, that surf is so flat... you should of gone to a better beach ... also, i bet flex tape would fix that.
Nuclear cookies
Nuclear cookies - 6 years ago
Elon musk has left the chat
Melissa Coca
Melissa Coca - 6 years ago
i love you guys i love when you go to the marshmallow concert
Stoyalz - 6 years ago
could have fed a village with that surfboard
FBI - 6 years ago
Instructions not CLEAR ended up
driving my Tedla Surfboard
Henrydangerjoe2 !
Henrydangerjoe2 ! - 5 years ago
FBI what’s a tedla I know what a Tesla is
Scotty Knows Surf
Scotty Knows Surf - 6 years ago
Lol why didn't you get someone who can actually surf to test
Crazy Girl
Crazy Girl - 6 years ago
Do you have to recharge it ?
藤嶋修司 - 6 years ago
What's the name of the black car on the right?
Ford f150 baby XB1
Ford f150 baby XB1 - 6 years ago
I thought it was going to be a electric surfboard
Jase Smith
Jase Smith - 6 years ago
Next thing you know there going to do what's inside your mom
Jon Jon Giang
Jon Jon Giang - 6 years ago
you have angered the surfing community worldwide
RedFritz - 5 years ago
Jon Jon Giang you mean Tesla did ._.
Zack Sloan
Zack Sloan - 6 years ago
-200- 199
Gianluca Fiore
Gianluca Fiore - 6 years ago
ben looks like Messi
D.L.P Devo
D.L.P Devo - 6 years ago
What's the music playing does anybody know ?
Ur mom Pp mcungu
Ur mom Pp mcungu - 6 years ago
Lastpass is called ur notes
Russian Buck
Russian Buck - 6 years ago
Why would you break it
nachname - 6 years ago
we don't wanna c ya child dude xD
richie rich
richie rich - 6 years ago
Let’s get some bigger waves
Kent Kollath
Kent Kollath - 6 years ago
CasualStuff - 6 years ago
7:12 thank me later
STATUS BBS - 6 years ago
Well , there is 199 left now.
Alek Kerkesner
Alek Kerkesner - 6 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the effect or how to do it at 0:06
GuriGG - 6 years ago
I was expecting something that was boosted like an electrical turbo like a jetski :O
Hus 9
Hus 9 - 6 years ago
Dont brake things
Thibault Grignon
Thibault Grignon - 6 years ago
The Carbon is not here to bring stiffness, it's just there as a 'carbon show' to make the last layer look of the board ;)
SS Gaming
SS Gaming - 6 years ago
james - 6 years ago
You didn't cut it open! Instant dislike lol
travis h
travis h - 6 years ago
Meanwhile in India and Bangladesh ...
Ham Man
Ham Man - 6 years ago
Stringer!! WHERES WALLACE!??
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 6 years ago
Waves are bad
Avalanche - 6 years ago
"Ben's friend, Ben"
10000 Subscribers with videos
10000 Subscribers with videos - 6 years ago
That’s a lot of damage

You need flex tape
Kevin Choi
Kevin Choi - 6 years ago
curiosity > materialism.
love this channel and it's underlying ideology
gondalathegrand - 6 years ago
actually surf some waves you kooks
gondalathegrand - 6 years ago
Shark Sam
Shark Sam - 6 years ago
Im sorry for anyone who paid any money for such a flimsy "carbon" fiber board. It failed in the department where carbon fiber is actually good in, tensile strength.
Andrew uNelson
Andrew uNelson - 6 years ago
Motorcycle open cut open a test of backpack
nadeem barghouthi
nadeem barghouthi - 6 years ago
Daaaaaamn I remember seeing your comments on other channels telling people to come check you out
imh_1037 - 6 years ago
oh yeah yeah
Boys Babiak
Boys Babiak - 6 years ago
You should do what’s(IN)side a magic snake
Denny - 6 years ago
Tesla surf board what the..First Tesla needs to make an affordable electric car and stop wasting money on junk great technology just wasted on over priced autos and things.
Joe Porcello
Joe Porcello - 6 years ago
Not good
Melissa Carraro
Melissa Carraro - 6 years ago
No one likes your kid sorry
tamer raad
tamer raad - 6 years ago
i expicted battries
TeChExPo - 6 years ago
This is a weird flex video!
Jaxx - 6 years ago
Weird flex but ok
Jaxx - 6 years ago
Weird flex but ok
silver sketch
silver sketch - 6 years ago
T X - 6 years ago
why would u break something that only 200 of them are on this planet now theres only 199 and a half
Setho666 - 6 years ago
7:12 to skip the BS
Timothy Gallatin
Timothy Gallatin - 6 years ago
The fame got to you.
Gunnar Moeller
Gunnar Moeller - 6 years ago
You look like a kook, you dress like a kook and you talk like a kook. I want to know what's inside your car, can I jump on it ?
Luxurr_YT - 6 years ago
Do whats inside pop socket
noods27 - 6 years ago
Black is the worst color for wax lol
TSG - 6 years ago
>Elon will remember this...
rycrack - 6 years ago
Or you could just use the same thing for everyone
nicholasjw - 5 years ago
Jon Tattersall they cut things open so we don’t have to, win win
AccovenHD - 6 years ago
1/200 I wouldn't have broken it tbh
Daniel Haywood
Daniel Haywood - 6 years ago
GRAVYhappened - 6 years ago
In low key salty because this is 1 less of 200 limited addition
John Constantine
John Constantine - 6 years ago
For the shaping/composit nerds that's two layers of c.f. a plain weave you can see when they peel it, the twill you can see from the outside and then a 4oz fiberglass over its. That's actually a pretty good schedule. A stringer would be a plus. But impressed they didnt skimp on c.f.
Christian Reitz
Christian Reitz - 6 years ago
theyre now officially kooks
Archie Degnen
Archie Degnen - 6 years ago
Rip link
mytho01 - 6 years ago
Real smart, put red on the bottom of a surfboard, that way your sure to see some sharks!
zztop3000 - 6 years ago
0:49 LastPass? ?!! What kind of a scam is this? You grab all the people's passwords and then stroll through the accounts picking up all the necessary information for a world takeover, u uh, not on my f watch lastpass, not on my f watch!
David V
David V - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video! Stoked to know what's inside the Tesla board (moreover what's not in the Tesla board).
Max Maxx
Max Maxx - 6 years ago
привет из России я тоже вас смотрю вы кутые
hello from russia
Dallon Ghan
Dallon Ghan - 6 years ago
Why not just ask Tesla what is inside? That 10K could have went somewhere decent
angelica juarez
angelica juarez - 6 years ago
that was cool.
snoop dogg dank kush
snoop dogg dank kush - 6 years ago
snoop dogg dank kush
snoop dogg dank kush - 6 years ago
zack vligs
zack vligs - 6 years ago
so technically your just paying for the name its just foam
Kale'a Franz
Kale'a Franz - 6 years ago
kook of the day
Brandon Hopkins
Brandon Hopkins - 6 years ago
This guy must make 50,000 a week to be destroying thousand dollar things
Alex Swanepoel
Alex Swanepoel - 6 years ago
This video makes me sad. He literally catches foamies the whole video. The ignorance level in this video is off the charts.
Cole Blair
Cole Blair - 6 years ago
I like how this started as a father-son thing and now it's his full-time job.
iminabandyo - 6 years ago
Video starts 1:40
Enderman Mikolaj
Enderman Mikolaj - 6 years ago
What's in side a plasma sphire???
Moto Productions
Moto Productions - 6 years ago
Should of went to Ob for the bigger waves and actually have a badass surfer shed it
Ben4TheWin - 6 years ago
Hey my name’s Ben
Jason Davis
Jason Davis - 6 years ago
Adnan A
Adnan A - 6 years ago
Why does Elon do what he does?
Daniel Price
Daniel Price - 6 years ago
When you get on a wave it should totally have a thing where a hydrofoil extends out underneath it for extra epicness
Eric Trevino
Eric Trevino - 6 years ago
can you cut open the new Teddy Ruxpin
Truffty - 6 years ago
Carbon splinters
mintcxreal - 6 years ago
beach intensifies
Morgan Li Vlogs
Morgan Li Vlogs - 6 years ago
Now there’s 199 of them :(
John Waters
John Waters - 6 years ago
Too bad there wasn't any waves to surf..
Thomas Neumann
Thomas Neumann - 6 years ago
Any noticed that guy on the bike looks like Micheal Scott
Tyler Gaming X22
Tyler Gaming X22 - 6 years ago
I guess there’s only 199 left
Gamer Zz
Gamer Zz - 6 years ago
just use only one password
MetaSounds - 6 years ago
Too much noise.
yarden ankori
yarden ankori - 6 years ago
Noooooo noooooo whayyyy!!!!!!!!!! He was so beutifull!!!!!!!! &%!#$!%!#@
BarrBaxterL - 6 years ago
oh ok
SLK - 6 years ago
People would pay $10k for that? Piece of foam with a brand on it. Whoops.
Zach Terry
Zach Terry - 6 years ago
Who got triggered when the surfer put chalk on it
Kal El
Kal El - 6 years ago
Now there is only 199 of them
Alex Fuller
Alex Fuller - 6 years ago
What did this prove we didn’t already know?
ktextreme - 6 years ago
Hundreds of passwords?
Alex Chamberlayne
Alex Chamberlayne - 6 years ago
Genuinely annoyed this got opened up
F B I - 6 years ago
I mean when u have money I guess .
shr1nd - 6 years ago
30 more seconds, and you could of made actual good money on this video.. sad times.
Jade S
Jade S - 6 years ago
yea lets just break a $1500 surfboard in half..
Jade S
Jade S - 6 years ago
oh this channel is all about breaking stuff in half. ok fine.
Dan U
Dan U - 6 years ago
Get someone who can actually surf!
Cyrus DeLamere
Cyrus DeLamere - 6 years ago
What is inside a human body?!
s a m
s a m - 6 years ago
Oh my god I’ve been on that beach! Haha
Lorna Eleccion
Lorna Eleccion - 6 years ago
Now there's only 199 tesla surfboard
Kawaiola Zabala-moore
Kawaiola Zabala-moore - 6 years ago
this guy is trash at surfing
AmericaNeedsWeed - 6 years ago
Won't I get electrocuted?
Polish Jerry
Polish Jerry - 6 years ago
This gets me mad
Mandy Easley
Mandy Easley - 6 years ago
I’m sorry but that guy surfing sucked
Jovan Smith
Jovan Smith - 6 years ago
lmao what did you expect, is a surfboard made of foam woooooooow. and lol Of course is gonna surf. facepalm
Donald Patton16
Donald Patton16 - 6 years ago
This dude is definitely on crack
D21 Productions
D21 Productions - 6 years ago
ankle snappers
Everything Ryan vlogs
Everything Ryan vlogs - 6 years ago
7:20 he almost got hit in the head
Matthew Davis
Matthew Davis - 6 years ago
This is legit probably really rare and only 200 are made,and you break it....
LIL CL0UDY - 6 years ago
You mean 199
Always be Smart
Always be Smart - 6 years ago
I dont think anyone wants to know whats inside this...mainly just clicked because i didnt know tesla made a surfboard
The Doctor
The Doctor - 6 years ago
Do what's inside an echo dot or Google home mini
ROMAN ambrose
ROMAN ambrose - 6 years ago
Louis Jeffers-Fabro
Louis Jeffers-Fabro - 6 years ago
Brah my 14 year old friend surf better than dis guy
Blurghat - 6 years ago
Hey guys what about a Lexus hoverbored
prival fang
prival fang - 6 years ago
bigger flex than airpods.
grant smith
grant smith - 6 years ago
i like it how mayhem shapes it and does everything but then tesla puts a logo on it and makes the money
Pedro Monsalve
Pedro Monsalve - 6 years ago
Dude, you managed to get your idiotic hands on a $1500 limited edition surfboard that actually surfs and you go break it ... you are such a tool
JEMS - 6 years ago
that grey looks amazing
Joe Boyd
Joe Boyd - 6 years ago
You are by far the biggest kook I ever seen on YouTube
Eric Contadini Veiga
Eric Contadini Veiga - 6 years ago
use a helmet when doing this kind of stunt
nico dewert
nico dewert - 6 years ago
What a shame! Buy things, brake them and make some likes.
IvanTheGreat 22
IvanTheGreat 22 - 6 years ago
The worst thing is they are so ungrateful.
MufasaTv - 6 years ago
New question:What's inside a human body jk
Subscribe 2 me for no reason
Subscribe 2 me for no reason - 6 years ago
Coolest surfboard ever tho
tom lynch
tom lynch - 6 years ago
You should take a Tesla model 3 or s or x and cut it in half two ways with a giant laser!
Brian Park
Brian Park - 6 years ago
Theres no waves, and the guy can't surf well
fumastes - 6 years ago
again,,, humans wasting things, energy, money, time... i believe humanity is going backwards in terms of evolution with this type of demonstrations. cheers
Anton Rosenbäck
Anton Rosenbäck - 6 years ago
That hurts my soul
Baemax - 6 years ago
Ya let’s destroy a rare Tesla collectible to see what’s inside even tho we already know it’s a surf board...
linc Boy
linc Boy - 6 years ago
My name is Lincoln too
samton roach
samton roach - 6 years ago
Justin Lehr
Justin Lehr - 6 years ago
199 surfboards now.
Jaidon White
Jaidon White - 6 years ago
Literally no one asked and you wasted one
Kobus Vosloo
Kobus Vosloo - 6 years ago
lol no stringer
Kobus Vosloo
Kobus Vosloo - 6 years ago
Riding foamies isn't surfing.
Josh Going
Josh Going - 6 years ago
Can you see whats inside a smart board
KT MMD - 6 years ago
What's Inside Nintendo or PlayStation
Francisco Reis
Francisco Reis - 6 years ago
10k lost
Marta - 6 years ago
Yeah, Tesla produces the best Styrofoam in Universe ... It's amazing ....
Joel Walton
Joel Walton - 6 years ago
I wonder who actually made these for tesla? GSI?
Ben Jamin'
Ben Jamin' - 6 years ago
You guys are real idols. Great how you show that you just destroy valuables for fun without any reason. I wonder, what´s inside your heads?
cian mckeaney
cian mckeaney - 6 years ago
can you pls test cheaper things this really hurts my mind. Who cares what’s inside something no one can afford. Do something we ALL actually want to know and care... like this comment so he reads it
Josiah Knapp
Josiah Knapp - 6 years ago
out of all the pro surfers in cali y'all pick the biggest kook of all?
Cam69 ftw
Cam69 ftw - 6 years ago
1 in 200 and you destroy it....
BuffyTV - 6 years ago
Imagine having so much money, you scream "YES" when you break a 1500$ surfboard.
Freshaworge Worge
Freshaworge Worge - 6 years ago
Elon Left The Chat
Kayden - 6 years ago
The waves are too small
Dre Mayburry
Dre Mayburry - 6 years ago
Actual surfing starts at 4 minutes. I have no Idea about what the heck you are talking about getting locked out of your phone. Horrible video.
* ROCKYRAFTY - 6 years ago
id love to see him on a few huge waves in places like mexico
crazydiamond - 6 years ago
Oh yeah yeah
Victor du Pont
Victor du Pont - 6 years ago
Hes rly bad at surfing
Niklas Sandblom
Niklas Sandblom - 6 years ago
video start at 7:00
Mellissa Wenck Wenck
Mellissa Wenck Wenck - 6 years ago
At 6:30 look in the bottom left corner
Raul Avalo
Raul Avalo - 6 years ago
we need an elon musk/what’s inside collaboration!! like this comment so they will see
Jlove - 6 years ago
Those waves were garbageeee
vwsuperbugger - 6 years ago
You seriously had to break the board, why would you not give it to a kid in need, so sad. Just a bunch of rich people with absolutely no compassion. Why don't you help people rather than trash perfectly good things that others can use and progress from. Jump on your tesla hood and see what happens, oh thats right its yours, your very selfish. Help others, not your youtube views. Next time set an example, of good deed perhaps.
The Pro Gamer
The Pro Gamer - 6 years ago
im 12 and honestly i could surf better than ben
Mefoy3 - 6 years ago
The Pro Gamer you can also use grammar better than most 12 yr olds I find on the internet
Holly Amos
Holly Amos - 6 years ago
Have you ever surfed?
Notestopr - 6 years ago
The Pro Gamer Okay okay guys he is a cool kid
Trace Jones
Trace Jones - 6 years ago
Ohhhhhhhhhh ok
High Octane Beats
High Octane Beats - 6 years ago
Oh ok
SupremoSG - 6 years ago
oh ok
Beautiful Rat
Beautiful Rat - 6 years ago
victor el Mecky
victor el Mecky - 6 years ago
Oh Yeah Yeah
Oh Yeah Yeah - 6 years ago
oh yeah yeah
NFG Keenan Rhine
NFG Keenan Rhine - 6 years ago
Oh ok
Azurtix - 6 years ago
Oh ok
Jason - 6 years ago
oh ok
JAMIE - 6 years ago
OH OK if u said so
Alanas Atkaciunas
Alanas Atkaciunas - 6 years ago
oh ok
BarrBaxterL - 6 years ago
The Pro Gamer oh ok ok
grant smith
grant smith - 6 years ago
The Pro Gamer oh ok
jeep girl
jeep girl - 6 years ago
1500 isn't that much for a good surfboard. Most r like 1000.
ShortMovie Editor
ShortMovie Editor - 6 years ago
u really dont deserve these, u just ruin rare expensive things, sometimes some things u can just find the inside on the internet
Dan Wilson
Dan Wilson - 6 years ago
Way too much for a surf board
Nicolai Syljeset
Nicolai Syljeset - 6 years ago
What’s the name of the NMD’s you have?
JOHN JOLLEY - 6 years ago
Can you crack your head open so we can see inside? What a moronic waste of a perfectly good usable item.
James At
James At - 6 years ago
I thought you were establishing that you were social for a second.
Human Being
Human Being - 6 years ago
pani aryamennulla vallavnum koduk avn odikm
Dominik JPW
Dominik JPW - 6 years ago
oh no...why???
Daniel Mendiola
Daniel Mendiola - 6 years ago
Look at those swells
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique - 6 years ago
there are no waves, why even bother?
danielvincentkelley - 6 years ago
YOU are why we can't have nice things. You wrecked a CARBON FIBER SURFBOARD!? Ridiculous.
nzoomed - 6 years ago
you just ruined a very special surfboard lol
nzoomed - 6 years ago
did not know they made surfboards lol
Derpy Soviet Kiwi
Derpy Soviet Kiwi - 6 years ago
i keep getting chills own my spine when the feel the Foam
Yatin Kumar
Yatin Kumar - 6 years ago
Next up: What's inside my son
STEPHEN R - 6 years ago
Does it have auto surf!??
Abhishek Pawar
Abhishek Pawar - 6 years ago
Tesla is like Apple , just pay for the logo
Xerxos Damien
Xerxos Damien - 6 years ago
Batteries on water. YOLO
Joanne Margate
Joanne Margate - 6 years ago
whats inside a tv
Justin Aaron Supe
Justin Aaron Supe - 6 years ago
My inner surfing soul is raging
Berke Can Selçuk
Berke Can Selçuk - 6 years ago
What's inside a Tesla Supercharger?
Ultra_NGV - 6 years ago
6:29 do someone see that on the left bottom?
Hayden Misenti
Hayden Misenti - 6 years ago
let me guess. fiberglass and foam
Corey Louie
Corey Louie - 6 years ago
1:23 I thought bit said "beach alerts" and the background fits so well for that statement
Butter4me - 6 years ago
what a waste
Fred Roos
Fred Roos - 6 years ago
kooks surfing in tesla board
PAKS - 6 years ago
Lemme guess foam .. aha I was right
12KyleJackson - 6 years ago
wheres lincon
Roger Moore
Roger Moore - 6 years ago
Wow. Probably the dumbest thing ive watched all day.
Chemical X
Chemical X - 6 years ago
That “cool sigh” is a Shaka i know because i lived on Maui for 11 years
Dane Morris
Dane Morris - 6 years ago
It is painful to watch when you’re actually a surfer. Number one you are supposed to wax it in circles not straight lines.
archey19 379
archey19 379 - 6 years ago
Samsung pass is WAY better than last pass js
StarASMR - 6 years ago
What happens to what’s in side now it’s just Tesla stuff what happened to like sports balls or cool stuff it’s just Telstar stuff now
Jess Chan
Jess Chan - 6 years ago
What's Inside sure likes to destroy limited edition things.
Fotis Cool
Fotis Cool - 6 years ago
Now rebuild it and use it during a tsunami
doddy - 6 years ago
Why is the microphone in the ocean when you talk
Cooper Pitts
Cooper Pitts - 6 years ago
Hmm why aren’t there batteries in that surfboard
John Fraser
John Fraser - 6 years ago
Would have been cool to see someone shred the board. Being that it’s worth 10 grand I’m sure many pros would have been eager and willing.
Gacha Liv
Gacha Liv - 6 years ago
dez nutz
dez nutz - 6 years ago
Bronze Whaler
Bronze Whaler - 6 years ago
That will go nicely in the landfill
Strict Koolaid
Strict Koolaid - 6 years ago
Next up:whats inside my credit card?
Aston28 W
Aston28 W - 6 years ago
You guys should do what's inside the new louis vuitton earphones that would be very good also love your channel

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