What I DISLIKE About my Mako 204cc Boat

When I first purchased my 2016 Mako 204cc I did a pretty thorough review of the boat, you can see that video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoQCJIiOZoI&t=487s I have had this boat now for a little while longer and wanted to post about a few things I dislike about my Mako 204cc.

What I DISLIKE About my Mako 204cc Boat sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Reviews 7 years ago 17,489 views

When I first purchased my 2016 Mako 204cc I did a pretty thorough review of the boat, you can see that video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoQCJIiOZoI&t=487s I have had this boat now for a little while longer and wanted to post about a few things I dislike about my Mako 204cc.

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Most popular comments
for What I DISLIKE About my Mako 204cc Boat

David Reynolds
David Reynolds - 5 years ago
Thanks for posting. Never going to get the truth from any of the boating magazines - they're all bought and paid for - so it's good to hear from actual boat owners.
Paul Tye
Paul Tye - 5 years ago
buyers remorse.. haha!
SpringbokDesigns - 5 years ago
Paul Tye not If you watch my other videos.
Scott B
Scott B - 5 years ago
Just got my 204 cc. I really like the boat. My biggest issue is that i can't tilt the motor all the way out of the water due to a "tilt limiter switch" that prevents the Sea Star hydraulic steering cylinder from hitting the "Mako" transom mounting bracket. Do you have that issue?
Scott B
Scott B - 5 years ago
@SpringbokDesignsThanks. Mine has the 150 Four Stroke...I see you have the 200 Verado and it looks like a different steering setup. I'm going to request Mako/Tracker to find a solution since the engine should come out of the water, at least above the opening in the prop shaft housing.
SpringbokDesigns - 5 years ago
I do not have that issue, what motor do you have? Maybe I have a different steering setup?
Capt Dave's Sport Fishing
Capt Dave's Sport Fishing - 6 years ago
on my boat I have side'ish bow cleats too. yes, you can add a anchor ''sprit'' aka roller, and permanently have anchor in the ready position, and straight off bow, different styles are available commercially, and move bow light to side lights on console or t-top, even. up high to be seen. thats where my red and green lights are, already, plus I added a centered cleat for anchor tie off. looks like you have room. Just really back up with plate underneath, if theres room.
Fishy Fingers
Fishy Fingers - 6 years ago
I get the cup holder thing. You can never have enough, but I dons want to drill huge holes in my boat just for cupholders. I'm thinking of getting the robocup to attach to my grab rail. Only 20$ or so, worth a shot
Fishy Fingers
Fishy Fingers - 6 years ago
And cup holders come in all shapes and sizes. Have your pick.
Fishy Fingers
Fishy Fingers - 6 years ago
You can add cleats WHEREVER you want. Add more, half your problems are gone. On the sides for your bumpers, larger one behind the front light for your anchor.
Fishy Fingers
Fishy Fingers - 6 years ago
@SpringbokDesigns I'm sure (if u can get in there) cleats with backing plates would be plenty strong.
Fishy Fingers
Fishy Fingers - 6 years ago
@SpringbokDesigns you can get a taller cleat in the front so it clears the light. That's how my 1974 mako was set up. Worked like a charm.
SpringbokDesigns - 6 years ago
Fishy Fingers I know I can add cleats. The area I would need to add them in the rear isn’t part of the hull, it’s a separate part and wouldn’t be strong enough. Putting a cleat behind the light would rip the light off when the boat swings. I just made a bridal as you can see in the video.
Fred Neecha
Fred Neecha - 6 years ago
Absolutely no reason to switch the fuel. The kicker will work perfectly using an inline “T”. Anchors don’t have to be centered either. Don’t be silly. You really can’t figure out how to reach over the rail to fuel up? What a dummy....
SpringbokDesigns - 6 years ago
No, the kicker wouldn't work with an inlineT, do your research. When you anchor in a river that has 5-10knots of current, you want the anchor centered. Why don't you come put the fuel in my boat and show me how its done you fucking idiot.
Charles Withey
Charles Withey - 6 years ago
For the rear bumpers leave a dowel tied to the bumper line and slip it in and out of the rear rod holder

10. comment for What I DISLIKE About my Mako 204cc Boat

dominionn09 - 6 years ago
How do these compare to Robolo?
SpringbokDesigns - 6 years ago
@dominionn09 No problem, good luck! the Mako has served me well, its great for the price but I am not impressed with the build quality as a whole. Depending on the size you are looking for I think the build quality improves once you get to the 21' and over.
SpringbokDesigns - 6 years ago
I think the Robolo is in a different class. Its built much better than the Mako and the layout is nicer. Even the 20' Robolo has a head built into the Center Console, the area under the Mako's Center Console is very rough and unfinished. They could have made much better use of the space. The list goes on and on. The Robolo with the same setup as mine is 20k+ more.
Matt Derrick
Matt Derrick - 6 years ago
What is your top speed?
SpringbokDesigns - 6 years ago
2016. You should watch the video on all my upgrades as well.
SpringbokDesigns - 6 years ago
Miguel Nieves I could but then I have to store that somewhere on the boat which is ridiculous and makes refueling even more cumbersome. Thanks for the suggestion!
NHseacoast - 7 years ago
The anchor issue is a problem on many boats. Maybe consider anchor chocks 1 on each side in front of the locker and one large anchor cleat in the center. Mako
Should of thought of this.
SpringbokDesigns - 7 years ago
I agree, why put an anchor locker in the boat without having a good way to secure it to the boat. I don't use it much but if I did I would design my own part and have it machined for me.
Tint school
Tint school - 7 years ago
You forgot the fish box doors slamming closed on your hands
jeepin joe
jeepin joe - 7 years ago
an easy way to get a bumper to the back of the boat or anywhere there is a rod holder, take a 1" pvc pipe and cut it about 5 to 6 inches. then run the bumper line through it, tie the end of the rope off so the line can not come out of the pvc pipe. stick the pvc pipe in the rod holder for a quick deployment of a bumper, you may have to adjust the bumper line up or down but it works really well. alil trick us south florida peeps use.
retromolarpad - 7 years ago
Install your own cleats.
Tomas Quintanilla
Tomas Quintanilla - 7 years ago
jeepin joe you should have reviewed the boat prior to purchase,

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