Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

In this video I break down which surf skate board I prefer for on-land surf training and technique improvement. I compare the two titans in the industry; SmoothStar & Carver. The surf skates really are a fantastic idea to get repetitive on-land training for surfing. One of the biggest challenges with surfing is that, unless you’re in a wave pool, it’s pretty hard to get lots of waves on demand to just try tricks over and over again. By skating, we can line up and repeat our current training at a high frequency leading to faster progression. MY INSTAGRAM - http://bit.ly/kalesbroccoli MY BOOKS - https://kalebrock.com.au/shop SURF WITH ME - https://kalebrock.com.au/surf THE LONGEVITY FILM - http://bit.ly/LongevityFilm THE GUT MOVIE - http://bit.ly/GutMovie SUNBUTTER SUNSCREEN 15% CODE 'BROCCOLI' - https://sunbutteroceans.com.au

Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Reviews 4 years ago 46,819 views

In this video I break down which surf skate board I prefer for on-land surf training and technique improvement. I compare the two titans in the industry; SmoothStar & Carver. The surf skates really are a fantastic idea to get repetitive on-land training for surfing. One of the biggest challenges with surfing is that, unless you’re in a wave pool, it’s pretty hard to get lots of waves on demand to just try tricks over and over again. By skating, we can line up and repeat our current training at a high frequency leading to faster progression. MY INSTAGRAM - http://bit.ly/kalesbroccoli MY BOOKS - https://kalebrock.com.au/shop SURF WITH ME - https://kalebrock.com.au/surf THE LONGEVITY FILM - http://bit.ly/LongevityFilm THE GUT MOVIE - http://bit.ly/GutMovie SUNBUTTER SUNSCREEN 15% CODE 'BROCCOLI' - https://sunbutteroceans.com.au

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for Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

Ruud Overwater
Ruud Overwater - 4 years ago
Hi, thanks for the review! I surfskate on the Carver CX and C7. In the Carver turn, your weight is more upright(see picture left) then on the SmoothS(picture right). You are riding the SmoothS a lot so you are used to this board. Just try the Carver with a shorter deck and a bit more speed for comparing this 2. Both skateboards will be good but with different styles. Photo upright position: https://photos.app.goo.gl/SQNXDZYEh3Kkoe2u5 You can trim the Carver to shorter turns for lower speed to lighten the back truck. If you like more rebound for top speed carving turns with forward push you are tighten the back truck. Video short radius turns with CX! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GWb-kz-sts
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
It rotated better than the CX however it doesn’t generate speed very well (see the speed test)
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell - 4 years ago
Just loosen the trucks a bit
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli I haven’t tried the smoothstar yet, might need to look into it but it would def be less “all round” which you def mentioned in the reviewers. Great review overall. I def prefer a more positive front truck for bowl riding etc but the angle thing has me thinking for just flat land riding. I have learned to wrap the carver, but it’s not a “surf emulator” to me, it’s a carvy skateboard. Maybe I need to see what I’m missing. I found swapping out the bushes on the carver made a huge difference too....
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7s were as loose as they could go without falling off
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell - 4 years ago
Also if you go down hill at all, you want the c7 trucks
SmoothStarSurf - 4 years ago
Interesting video Kale - you communicate technical things very well. Don't think we have seen any surf coach breakdown our product as well as you did online. Not to mention the company ethos, its great to see our focus on surfing is appreciated by well informed people like you. No board brand is perfect (including SmoothStar) but based on the surf progression for beginner, intermediate and advanced surfers - we feel that your views are almost identical to all the other coaches that use our product around the world. Honestly well done mate and keep ripping, you surf amazing.
Michael Hsueh
Michael Hsueh - 4 years ago
Would love to see another comparison review with the Waterborne skate adapter. It has a similar pivot angle as the Smoothstar and is extremely robust! I would guess that the Smoothstar might have a little less friction in the turns since it uses a spring (whereas the Waterborne uses a square bushing, which would last longer). Curious to see what you'd think!

Been riding a CX for the past 3 years and have loved it. That said, I just swapped to a Waterborne skate adapter (with regular non-CX trucks) and it is a much closer feel to surfing. The rear rail adapter, in particular, really helps you get a deep lean angle on your back foot if necessary.

Love your videos, keep 'em coming!
BC Bob
BC Bob - 4 years ago
I have the LOST MAYHEM Board.
Thibault Manekin
Thibault Manekin - 4 years ago
Hi kales I wish I was in Australia so I could skate and surf with u my name is finley by the way
Kyle De Waal
Kyle De Waal - 4 years ago
Could you just put the Smoothstar trucks on a Powell Peralta Deck?
SmoothStarSurf - 4 years ago
Hi @kyle. We don't sell the trucks separately. Our decks are tested for our trucks only. Once you put them on another deck, it changes the whole balance of the board. We use to sell them separately but the ride was not like surfing which is what the focus of the SmoothStar brand. There are many other reasons and these can be found on the SmoothStar websites: https://smoothstar.com.au/latest-news/technical-reasons-why-we-dont-sell-smoothstar-thruster-separately/

10. comment for Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Gavin!!
Steven C
Steven C - 4 years ago
Kales, do you have an affiliate link or discount code for the smoothstar? Keep up the great work!
SmoothStarSurf - 4 years ago
Sorry mate. SmoothStar brand doesn't discount because the boards are based on surf function, not seasonal fashion. Surf coaches can't sell SmoothStar or do affiliates - against company policy.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Nah I don’t! But feel free to mention me in the order notes!!
Trystian Carbonaro
Trystian Carbonaro - 4 years ago
Test swelltec and waterborne surf adaptor please
Sean Parker
Sean Parker - 4 years ago
Seems simple. Looser front truck mimics surfing more, tighter means easier skateboarding....
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Also the specific design of the truck
Walter Thompson
Walter Thompson - 4 years ago
Smoothstar is good if you don't have the mechanics to be able to use a SwellTech but still want more surf like turns than a Carver.
Thomas Tran Dinh
Thomas Tran Dinh - 4 years ago
Amazing video man! Everything is good, the testing methodology, the conclusions, the pictures, the editing, the music, the effects... Cool !!
Thomas Tran Dinh
Thomas Tran Dinh - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli thank youuu!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you!!!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
wookie110240 - 4 years ago
Smoothstar Skateboards FTW!!! YEEWWWW!!! Great review :D
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Josh Wong
Josh Wong - 4 years ago
I got a 'YOW' board and truck setup, a bit pricier but it's the best! but any would help improve surfing.
Jonathan Redmon
Jonathan Redmon - 4 years ago
I have a Carver with a c7 and loosen the screw til it's almost falling out. It makes it feel more like surfing that way. Makes the truck super loose. If I tighten the screw, its way to stiff.
Jonathan Redmon
Jonathan Redmon - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli time to check out the smooth star. Wish they sold them in stores over here in the states
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Yeah the C7 I used was very very loose

20. comment for Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

Max C.
Max C. - 4 years ago
Would be nice know your opinion about waterborne surfskate adapter. I have C7, CX of different lengths 28, 32 and 36" and two longer sector9 longboards with waterborne and 50 deg gullwing - mostly use them for pumping and they also all work for moderate downhill carving. Waterborne in performance pack with rear truck adapter allows for very sharp turns, and control is even better if trucks are mounted on the raiser pads.
Jonathan Cruz Cole
Jonathan Cruz Cole - 4 years ago
I can definitely see how the smoothstar’s geometry is designed better for surf skating, but I’ve noticed that you need to have very good heel-toe technique in order to get the best out of the carver CX trucks. I run a long distance pumping setup consisting of a subsonic pulse, and carver CX trucks, with the rear dewedge by 10 degrees. Even with a longer wheelbase and less turny rear truck, I can still turn my board around in in around half a road with. Also, the carver drivers well for pumping, which makes it very practical for a longer distance pumping setup.

It looks like the geometry of the smoothstar lets you pivot the board sideways more without having to put as much heel or toe into the boards, which seems like it would match how you would turn a surfboard more.

The CX system is carver’s offering meant to provide a surflike feel that is still familiar to skaters.

The C7 system is definitely their more surfskate specific offering.

But, just from the geometry, it looks like the smoothstar is just better for flatland surfing practice.
Remy Auclaire
Remy Auclaire - 4 years ago
Hi Kale, Thanks for the video. I am a beginner surfer and surfskater (recently got a c7 resin), and never tried the smoothstar, but it looks like the c7 is not far behind in terms of surf feeling? Also, as a surf coach, would you say the c7 carver to be a good compromise for a beginner who wants to build broad surfing skills, while enjoying a bit of cruising? Or is it a totally different world and I won't gain any surfing skills using the Carver? Thank you, Rémy
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Depends what you’re after and how far you wana take your surfing. For surf specific performance in particular manoeuvre training, use SmoothStar, for skating or downhill or MAYBE speed generation training (still falls short of SmoothStar) you could get away with carver but in my opinion it won’t be as effective
Shametoe - 4 years ago
Ok great info, great review. Interested in Smoothstar board size in relation to rider size.? Thoughts anyone.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I think they have info on their website
S Hadley
S Hadley - 4 years ago
Absolutely agree with your assessment. I have two Carvers, a SwellTech and a SmoothStar and the SmoothStar is hands down the best surf trainer. I could feel the difference the very first time I rode it. Great for practicing roundhouse wraparounds and speed generation. The SmoothStar is my favorite board in my quiver. In pools, however, the Carver with CX trucks is the better fit.

As always, depends on how you plan to use the boards.

Thanks for your videos. Excellent instruction every time.
S Hadley
S Hadley - 4 years ago
J Millio IMO, the SmoothStar is the closest to the feel of surfing. After that, I think the Carver edges out the SwellTech. The ST doesn’t seem to have the same flow to link maneuvers. It’s good at speed generation but I seem to lose a lot of momentum turn to turn. SmoothStar is the top dog IMO. It is a bit harder to get your hands on one here in the U.S. but worth it.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you very much!
Mitch - 4 years ago
I would love to see you compare waterborne adapter to smoothstar...slap them on your smoothstar board using the same trucks and wheels for a nearly identical comparison.

@pizzaHunter, I am not sure waterborne saved me a ton of money, however. After enjoying it on a street deck, I got an old school Peralta 10" deck, flat with mild kick tail, new wider trucks and bigger, softer wheels, and I am getting close to smoothstar cost. Now my daughter wants one. So yeah, not saving me any money going with the waterborne ;-)

That said, as a very new surfer with almost no wave access, the waterborne has been an great improving skills that did not work on a regular street deck. Plus it is incredibly fun! Their rear adapter makes huge difference over a hard riser block for getting deep carves and tight turns while keeping my back wheels on the ground.
Penny Teo
Penny Teo - 4 years ago
hi Kale,, so as a surf coach which smooth star should I get to practice out of water training? I only started surf 2 years ago but I surf almost everyday except now. I am on a 6'7 board and trying to learn to pump. But I also want to be able to learn to carve etc.. as I progress. I have never skated in my life and I am in my 40s.. Can I buy something that you have or should I buy something more suited for my level?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
You could definitely get a SmoothStar - is there any way you could attend a local clinic or coaching day to get you started? It’s more similar to surfing than skating
Karol 17
Karol 17 - 4 years ago
What do you think about Yow boards? Yow system trucks are similar to smoothstar.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Very similar ..... not sure but heard they’re very flimsy
Elliot Melling
Elliot Melling - 4 years ago
Honestly, get a dedicated Downhill Skateboarding set up. You'll never look back
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Doesn’t help much for surfing
Yuggi Taraboulsi
Yuggi Taraboulsi - 4 years ago
Cool review. There needs more training vids for surf skates. I have a carver as a beginner but plan to get a smooth star when I get a lot better

30. comment for Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

franzi strasser
franzi strasser - 4 years ago
Great review. I’d love to see more on some Smoothstar drills/training techniques
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Michael clay
Michael clay - 4 years ago
Hey - Surfing only a year. Im over 500 years old - yea but still having a crack.. Bought a carver as it gave me confidence, cuisier and easier to ride .. bit like me
surehusky - 4 years ago
I would agree with 99% of what you said in this video and yes smoothstar is a better surf simulator carver cx trucks probably better for travel from A to B. I have been riding the cx trucks for about 2 years now and a carver for 5 surfing for 7 I tryed the smoothstar out for a second wasnt such a big fan maybe I should try it again. I am am a lower intermediate surfer so I cant claim to know more than kale of course but I know carver very well and while I agree with most of this review I have to point out that I believe the looseness of the carver is more than it seems in the video for a few reasons
1. You can adjust the cx to be looser than how I believe it was set up in the video
2. You can use looser bushings
Both these two adjustments create a tighter turn than was shown in the rotational aspect of the video
3. In the rotational turning tests I noticed your front foot was a bit too far foward not being behind the front trucks which would have allowed you to get a tighter smoother turn this is probably due to your being used to smoothstar as you said in the video so I would say that makes carver look tighter of a board than it really is a more experienced rider of the carver could push that turn without sliding it. But it would work vice versa and riding the smoothstar would feel foreign for me too. Thank you for doing your best to guve an honest review and judgement for surfing. Your videos are great keep them up would love to see some more higher level video analysis say intermediate to expert video analysis thanks kale your great!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you mate!!
Belinda Suos
Belinda Suos - 4 years ago
Never heard of smooth star but that definitely looks more looser! I want one! I have a hamboard (biscuit) for now. Will you eventually make some clips of different movements or drills with the surfskates?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Yes coming!
Josh dimovski
Josh dimovski - 4 years ago
If you got a larger smoothstar board would it be better as an A to B board ?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Just tighten the trucks
Carmine Monti
Carmine Monti - 4 years ago
Hope you keep releasing contents like this.BRAVO! What about ''slide'' truck? Thanks!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you!
damian mcgeown
damian mcgeown - 4 years ago
Ha ha. I don't want to be Santa Claus and spoil the fun. But...
Carver does most of their sponsored surfers on curved driveways aka cali driveaways.
Kales you've been there .. what 's the vibe ?
Driveways carver show are always carved like a wave.
Your using the smoothstar on flat terrain.
Can you you do a demo on carved driveways with the smoothstar.
By the way love your content, vibe and everything you offer.
You share such amazing knowledge and insightfulness.
Can only think of you and Chris Mills working together with Ben Gravy to create the greatest surfing vibe at Canggu beach lol...
Maybe not Canggu and not main beach Byron...
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Haha thanks Damo!! I think the flat road training is better because you have to generate your own speed. There’s a place for bowl or slope training but I feel better transfer occurs on flat
Trynbkind - 4 years ago
I think you should do another comparison while on a hill, not huge , just a moderate angle, so there’s some inertia just as there is on a wave, other than just the pump of the body, the carver may be better with even a moderate level of help- again just like even a small wave gives.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Yeah I see much better transfer of skills from the flat surface training
martinwajda - 4 years ago
Hi Kale, I've been riding a Smoothstar for about 3 years now, I noticed that you didn't mention that on the Smoothstar you have the ability to tighten the from truck spring, I noticed that if you tighten the front truck it makes it better for pumping and getting speed but slower turning. What are your thoughts?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
But too technical for me - I’m a user not an expert haha - maybe they’ll chime in here
Carlo Grotti Trevisan
Carlo Grotti Trevisan - 4 years ago
I have a YOW and I feel great with it.
Abenteuer Vanlife
Abenteuer Vanlife - 4 years ago
J Millio the choice has been a very hard decision for me. Eventually YOW is very popular in Europe that’s why I chose it in the end. I would have loved to try all the top brands and then choose my favourite it where I live there is no surf skate shop around. So ordering online is the only way.
Abenteuer Vanlife
Abenteuer Vanlife - 4 years ago
The YOW isn’t really smaller but some models have a long wheelbase compared to the overall length. They average around 30 - 32 inch in total length. I’ve got the 32 inch Pipe which also looks amazing!
It’s kinda flimsy and definitely not made to cruise long distances especially up hill. It’s made to pump and train surf manoeuvres. Also there is a little screw to block the swing mechanism to use it as a cruiser which makes it 2 in 1.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I’ve heard the Yow are very flimsy - haven’t tried one tho
J Millio
J Millio - 4 years ago
Abenteuer Vanlife nice! Thanks man
Abenteuer Vanlife
Abenteuer Vanlife - 4 years ago
J Millio I’ve bought a YOW a few weeks ago and love it. I havent tried the Smoothstar yet but I think it’s very similar. Just with Smoothstar the trucks are not on the very front of the board. With YOW you can get a longer wheelbase with a shorter board than Smoothstar and you don’t fall over the front if your foot is too far forward.
Nenad Djordjevic
Nenad Djordjevic - 4 years ago
What about YOW?
Nenad Djordjevic
Nenad Djordjevic - 4 years ago
What about YOW?
Thibault Manekin
Thibault Manekin - 4 years ago
Dude I always wanted to learn how to skateboard I got so much better by this vid! My name is Finley
Thibault Manekin
Thibault Manekin - 4 years ago
Thanks we’re down in Brazil right now! We’ve been surfing since we were 2 years old this morn we went on a dawn patrol and the waves were 10 foot we thought of you bc you taught me to duck dive and get into a wave sideways
Samuel Mally
Samuel Mally - 4 years ago
What is your view on using these on a slight slope? I haven’t got any good road/car parks around me other than sloped driveway.. but want something to help while we can’t get in the water at the minute
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I think flat transfers better because you have to gneeate and maintain your own speed
Orasium - 4 years ago
Swelltech win ! I have Smoothstar Curfboard Swelltech and Hamboards my favorite is Swelltech premiere <3
With the Smoothstar you can adjust the tension of the spring for a more rigid or more manoeuvrable ride and that is nice too !
Orasium - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli At first didn't like it too because it was hard to ride.. but now it is my favorite cause it lean more than others Surfskate except Hamboards who can lean even more ! and springs give good sensations :) it's the new swelltech version that i have not the previous one who looks even more unstable..
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I tried a swelltech and hated it - didn’t think it was worthy to review. I’ll try to find another one and test it soon
Orasium - 4 years ago
@J Millio If you are a pro the swelltech is better for 360, i can't do it personnally.. love the look of swelltech boards more too and love the 360 system and the look of the system in general.
Watch some videos on YouTube and make your choice :)
Orasium - 4 years ago
@J Millio The smoothstar is more stable more, more solid deck and system, you have more confidence to do tricks or ride in general because of this stability, easier to slide with the tail a little up. Swelltech can lean more and feels better with all the springs, more smooth into the turns, it's funnier in my opinion but less stable, springs can broke if you shred your weight to hard or with the time.. you will damage the back truck because not enough space between bushings and metal part.. but don't break it totally so it's ok for mine at the moment it can depend how you weight and how weight you put while leaning :) if you want the best simulator take the Swelltech and take the premiere cause springs are more resistants with the longer wheel base or the other for a manoeuvrable board personnally prefer smooth long carve than agility or if you weight more than 80kg take smoothstar for the more solid system.
Now i'm feeling limited while riding my Smoothstar after my Swelltech.. the more leaning capability of the board is really important in my opinion that's why i will never buy a Carver.. and will sell my Smoothstar !

50. comment for Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

Phil Watson
Phil Watson - 4 years ago
Smoothstar #77 it's amazing for front side carves, tail slide snaps and cutbacks. Has really improved my backhand surfing also! Great video to demonstrate how the smoothstar is a better surf trainer. But it is a leg burner if travelling longer distances around town!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Such a leg burner!
Josh dimovski
Josh dimovski - 4 years ago
Deffently looking forward to more comparisons / reviews of smoothstar and other boards.
Davide Massi
Davide Massi - 4 years ago
thanks kales. I have a longboard+c7 and a shorter+cx. I now use 100% of the time the second setup for my surf(intermediate) training and I love it but never tried smoothstar and really woud like to. Anyway, cx durability seems far away from any other solution in the market. sure, it may not be the more important issue but....
Jasper van Loo
Jasper van Loo - 4 years ago
But next to the trucks, there are a lot of other variables such as wheelsize and shape (smaller wheel accelerates faster, round lipped wheels break out easer in slides) and wheelbase (tighter wheelbase gives a smaller turn arc). Therefore, unless the wheelbase and wheels are exactly the same, you can’t give the two systems an objective comparison.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Guess so!
Rex Alameddine
Rex Alameddine - 4 years ago
To elaborate, I found that the smoothstar was more of a practice going fast through turns with speed, whereas the carver taught me how to put flow into my surfing and drive into my turns.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
My experience was different but glad you’re getting benefits!
Daniel Firestone
Daniel Firestone - 4 years ago
I have three Carver skateboards in various lengths and they all feel different. Almost as different as the two boards in the this video I would imagine. On my shortest board a CI Pod Mod, length 29.25" wheelbase 15", with loose CX trucks I can do quick rail to rail turns and fun, slower speed, tight radius cutbacks. With my Proteus, length 30" wheelbase 17" with tighter CX trucks, I can really push high speed, powerful carvers that the Pod Mod would wash out on.

Something possibly helpful to note, after reading Range by David Epstein, is that "Practice Variability" can play a key role in skill improvement. He uses basketball free throws as one example. It's actually better to practice shooting from slightly different places than the free throw line. He has another example about piano key jumps. It was better to practice a lot of random distance jumps than to practice the same fixed distance jump over and over again. I've taken this to heart and now I cycle through my three Carver boards everyday, constantly challenging myself. I'd love to add a SmoothStar and a Swelltech to my quiver to mix it up even more!
Norm's Big Window
Norm's Big Window - 4 years ago
Yow, yow, yow! ...if you know what I mean for the next vid.

Yow is a more even comparison to smoothstar out the box. I see my carver and Yow as different boards in a quiver.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Haven’t tried one sorry
Norm's Big Window
Norm's Big Window - 4 years ago
J Millio I think the SS and yow are similar in ride, more short (surfboard style). I haven’t ridden the smoothstar but seeing it up against the carver here, reminds me of the diff between my yow and carver. Both awesome boards but different feel out of the box as these two. What I can’t say is what adjusting the carver truck would do to the performance if lose, probably match up, or changing between cx and c7 which are designed for diff style. Maybe wrong carver truck for comparison. I think the vids good for showing the diff type of surf skate available but not for drawing conclusions about carver as it’s like driving a car in first and not taking through the gears. Stay safe.
J Millio
J Millio - 4 years ago
Norm's Big Window I’m also wondering how the YOW and smoothstar compare the designs look very similar
Wesley Davies
Wesley Davies - 4 years ago
Liked this video; I have 2 Carvers that I love, and I looked to buy Smoothstar, but couldn't find them for sale in SoCal... also, changing decks/ wheelbase makes a huge diff AND Carver will sell a set of trucks, so $250+ isn't necessary. My take: the Carver setup makes me skate like a goon, which is about how I surf, but less blowhard a-holes in the skate park make it easier.
Phil Kaighin
Phil Kaighin - 4 years ago
Hi Kale. My daughter has just got into skating and I have been going with her (used to skate a lot as a kid). I was given a swelltech skate surf for my birthday last weekend and am having a blast. I can really feel a big improvement in the way I develop speed (as in huge difference particularly while I'm turning) and can't wait to get into the water to see how it transfers to my surfing. Do you have any experience with the swelltech and how it compares to the two you have reviewed?? Great videos.
Phil Kaighin
Phil Kaighin - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli Ahhh really. What do you find strange about it??
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I tried one but disliked it intensely! I actually didn’t think it worthy to review however after so many comments here maybe I’ll have to find one and try
Jeffrey King
Jeffrey King - 4 years ago
They (the boards) for a person just now learning to Skate board if you like Skateboarding and are going to progress by pass that board and buy a real skate board with Independent trucks . Low quality of a Skateboard just brings injury. J. Insco San Francisco CA 9:24pm 4/17/2020
JF Dionne
JF Dionne - 4 years ago
Kale : you didn't cover which one will help me get a better pop up. Please try in your next video.
JF Dionne
JF Dionne - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli just wanted to make you try to popup on a skateboard.... but my joke didn't work :) (Thanks for the vids though, huge fan.)
Ben Boyd
Ben Boyd - 4 years ago
Kale have you ever tried the Waterborne? They make an adapter that's really similar to Smoothstar, but uses bushings instead of springs so it wouldn't get that dead zone.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Not yetB
JK Kazzi
JK Kazzi - 4 years ago
Hi Kales, by any chance have you tried Streetboardz? If so, what are your thoughts on it as a cross trainer board?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Nah haven’t tried!
Daniel Curvello
Daniel Curvello - 4 years ago
Kales, really nice video. Thank you so much. I bought a mini cruiser penny online which is much cheaper that I'm still waiting to deliver. A Surf simulator costs almost what I pay to build a Surfboard design by me in Shape3D. Compare to the Surf simulators what are the main differences that I will have to deal? Detail: I surf 15 years. Just Surf, will be my first skate... 37 years old. Best regards!!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Awesome Daniel!
Francisco Leon
Francisco Leon - 4 years ago
Cheer kyle. Have you tried the WATERBORNE adapter??
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Not yet :)
arnaud Menoret
arnaud Menoret - 4 years ago
Yow is
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks so much!!
Jordz z
Jordz z - 4 years ago
Ive been trying to understand more about these boards before committing to one and This vid was exactly what i wanted to see. Love your videos mate, thank you so much for doing them!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you for tuning in Jordy!!
ButterSnow - 4 years ago
Awesome review! I bought a smoothstar a few weeks ago for surf training - inspired by some of your older videos about speed generation with a shortboard. It takes some time to get used to, but now it's super fun and a great tool to emulate surfing. Keep it flowing !!!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
That’s awesome!
AJ76 - 4 years ago
Whyyyy!! Whyyyy did I watch this! I already have 2 carvers and a hamboards logger, now I want a smoothstar!! I love tight tight turns and I could see that the smoothstar was a lot tighter, i do find when I turn tight on the carver all my speed has gone. Looking forward to seeing you try out the swelltech even though you have tried it before, i was eyeing up the camo hybrid the other day. Looks like I'm going shopping again, you are gonna bankrupt me man hahaaaa :) great video man look forward to seeing some training we can all try out :)
Ken Powell
Ken Powell - 4 years ago
You are the undeniable leader in surf training Kales - rich content, all the time, even during this worldwide quarantine passage; mahalo & way to go mate...! Look forward to more surfskate tips (including beginner - like grass truck feel shots/turn clapping, etc.) ASAP... Thanks so much and stay healthy bro'...!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
You’re a legend Ken thank you!!!
tundahking - 4 years ago
It's all about the trucks,and nobody has a better carving truck then sector mines sidewinders.
Alexandre Villegas
Alexandre Villegas - 4 years ago
Good video! Too little surfskate relatee content out there.. Would love to see a comparison between Smoothstar, Swelltech and also Yow which is one of the leader brands in Europe, and has a lot of manoeuvrability too !
Mindi Rosser
Mindi Rosser - 4 years ago
Do you recommend being barefoot when surf skating? I've noticed in all of your videos that you don't wear shoes. Most of the Carver videos I've watched have people in shoes. Seems to me that going barefoot would be a good idea since it more closely mimics surfing.

I have three Carvers but now am really interested in trying a Smoothstar.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
It’s more realistic bare feet as you can control weight distribution a little more and just get a stronger “feeling” for foot/toe tension etc. you’re right it more closely matches surfing ;) but, be safe! Doing downhill bombs wouldn’t be the best idea without shoes
George Kafiridis
George Kafiridis - 4 years ago
Lolwut, none is "better". Get an actual, real skateboard and start actually skateboarding. You wanna help your surfing? Find a miniramp or an actual ramp and drop in. Enough with this hipster garbage. Jeff Grosso recently died for goodness' sake, have some respect. Other than that your channel is decent.
George Kafiridis
George Kafiridis - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli much love. I just love skateboarding and surfing. I think your channel is solid. Sometimes people are bittersweet, don't mistake that for cruelty or insensitivity.
Water Life
Water Life - 4 years ago
Are you sponsored
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Only on wednesdays
Helo S
Helo S - 4 years ago
Well done, I like the "scientific" approach to the test ;P
If you wanna see the full potential of carver c7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYY8A2DD7So&t=7s

Never tried a smoothstar and I'd like to, but I own a green room carver since 2012 I guess and tried many other models from my friends. One thing you've gotta know before you buy one: Wheelbase, spring tension and stance will dramatically change your experience! CX is not a proper surfskate truck, but I found it handy in pools and parks, probably better than the c7 which must be set very tight in order to handle slopes. The right choice depends on your body type (mainly leg length) and the feeling you're looking for. More than the board length, carvers compare by wheelbase, with the longest riding like a mini-mal (to me the closest to surf) and the shortest more like a groveler in small surf. The green room was for me the best compromise.
Chad Nix
Chad Nix - 4 years ago
Great review man! Tried to hop on to the Smoothstar website, but she is overloaded at the moment probably from your review! Hahah
Umberto The little Italian chef
Umberto The little Italian chef - 4 years ago
What about the swell tech surfskate
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Tried it. Hated it. Will try again
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Andrew!!
SuperSourWombat - 4 years ago
you should try the Carver on some down hill runs. That's where I find myself having the most fun with them. I have 6 carver boards
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I think the reduced responsiveness would help in that situation
JacobCreeCirilo - 4 years ago
Smoothstar compared to a surfskate??
Michael Zimmerer
Michael Zimmerer - 4 years ago
The C7 truck should of been used through the whole video. This really isn't a fair review at all. Carver specifically states the CX truck is a hybrid Surf/Skate truck, while the C7 is the Surf truck. I don't feel this was honest.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
It was used in every test and fell short
Mold Noah
Mold Noah - 4 years ago
You can loosen the trucks or tighten them.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7 was extremely loose
marc carter
marc carter - 4 years ago
Craver C7's on a 40-inch Pintail. Kryptonics 75mm yellow stat-tac wheels. Bones reds bearings! Been skating this for over a year. Pumps like a dream. Shredding up the concrete waves! C7's are designed for a longer deck. 40 inches plus. They pump really fast. They designed for longer sweeping turns. It's more of longboarders ride, to be honest. It rides like a longboard. Riding nothing under 9 foot in the water, its very suitable for me. Cravers wheels are also poor. Kryptonics 75mm yellow or any soft 75mm decent wheels are a much better choice. CX trucks are not the same, I own a set, hated them. But they perform well on a 35-inch deck. Best used in a skate park. Never buy a full pre-made. No one makes the total right deck for your needs. State it like its the 1970's :-) PS, your stance is a little forward, wide. Pull back a little with the front foot. You will gain more control. If the C7 feels too tight, loosen it up. I run mine very lose. Much better for craving.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Marc! The C7 I used was very loose :)
Mark Davis
Mark Davis - 4 years ago
There’s no contest. Smoothstar all the way.
Mark Davis
Mark Davis - 4 years ago
There’s no contest. Smoothstar all the way.
laurent cerda
laurent cerda - 4 years ago
i have both
only carver in bowl....(CX is better, i never try C5)
laurent cerda
laurent cerda - 4 years ago
hummmm i'm french, sorry for my english :D
I buy first the mantaray smoothstar, drop a quater is scary (you fell the frontfoot moove even in maximum rigidity )
that's why i buy the CX (drop is scary too but a little less :D and i feel better whit speed)
i use smoothstar for flat and little slope (slow speed, best feeling, shorter curve)
Cx for bowl (more speed)
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
How’d you go with the SmoothStar?
Amit Shoval
Amit Shoval - 4 years ago
If you really want to check carver model that is closer to preference surfing I would recommend you the swallo 29.5 or the resin
martin i
martin i - 4 years ago
You can losen the trucks or put softer rudders in the trucks and turn faster and yes the truck rudders get softer over time the more you use it .
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7 I used was very loose
Tim Nawrocki
Tim Nawrocki - 4 years ago
Lately I've been using my surfskate mostly to practice stance, compression/extension, and body rotation, which are weak points in my surfing.

I'm admittedly a Carver fanboy, but then again I haven't tried a Smoothstar, and I have noticed a limitation to my Carver, which Kale touched on:
On my backhand specifically, I can only turn it so tightly without sliding the back wheels. It's a fairly long-wheelbase C7 model, and other surfers who've tried it say it has a bit of a longboard feel; maybe that's part of it. Anyway, I'm really keen to try out a Smoothstar now and compare!

P.S. Kale, once we're all done being socially distant, what do think about a trip to Perth and a coaching sesh for a small group of followers?!
Tim Nawrocki
Tim Nawrocki - 4 years ago
Will do!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Tim! It’d be super cool to see you try a SmoothStar for a comparison. I’d love to come to Perth! I’ve got so much happening at the minute just gotta schedule my life a bit! Keep in touch here and on Instagram if you like!
renewableteacher - 4 years ago
Sounds like short boarders prefer the smoothstar, but as someone who rides a 6'8" fish/hybrid, which skateboard would be better for land practice?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Depends - if surfing better is your desired outcome go for SmoothStar
Pete Couchman
Pete Couchman - 4 years ago
Ive used smoothstar for years in a variety of models. wondering if you have had a chance to test the skateboard jamie obrien uses. i think its front truck has the ability to rotate through 360°
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I tried one and hated it. Willing to try again
nassos bobos
nassos bobos - 4 years ago
Do you have any experience with yow surfboards?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
No but I heard they very flimsy
Михаил Хухлаев
Михаил Хухлаев - 4 years ago
SUPER!!! Thanks!
Jcb vat
Jcb vat - 4 years ago
U guys know YOW surfskate, I am thinking of buying one. Their boards look really good and reviews are also good. Maybe u can suggest me.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I’ve heard they break very easily
pale ale
pale ale - 4 years ago
I broke two yow truck sets, crappy aluminum, just go for carver or smoothstar
Steffen Kluge
Steffen Kluge - 4 years ago
Just to make sure, Kales: did you loosen the trucks and wheels on the Carver? They are way too tight out of the factory. For me speed generation and turning changed a ton once I loosened the trucks and wheels slightly.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7 trucks were as loose as it could be without falling apart !
Julian igneri
Julian igneri - 4 years ago
You gotta try the waterborne one I think it’s best of all the surf skates
Yerko Hankmann
Yerko Hankmann - 4 years ago
Hello Kale, lately I have been following your tutorials and I have been liking them. I am 45 years old been surfing a long time now but started when I was already an adult, and live in the Netherlands. I still am making progress but being my age, with not enough quality waves and time in the water progres is (to) slow :-) I have been looking into these surfskates before but never skated much and was Always in doubt. Would it make sense for an older guy to make the step and get on to surfskates? Have you got personal experience with people you teach of my age and it benefiting there surfing? Hope to hear from you, Yerko
Yerko Hankmann
Yerko Hankmann - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli Hi Kale, thanx.. You mean a lesson in the surfskate technique?
pizzaHunter - 4 years ago
Get the waterborne truck adapter off Amazon instead and save Yourself a ton of money

100. comment for Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review

Ted Space
Ted Space - 4 years ago
Dude you were 3 day late with this video just ordered a carver :((
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell - 4 years ago
Ted Space consider changing the bushing if it feels a bit tight, I went from 100 to 89kg and have noticed the bushings felt stiff...
Ted Space
Ted Space - 4 years ago
@Mike Bardsley good to know, thanks Mike :) I'm 179 cm and 79kg. Should be ok or?
Cameron Stacy
Cameron Stacy - 4 years ago
I’ve had a ton of fun with the carver with CX trucks! It seems like it may be better for commuting and casual riding than the smoothstar but both boards are going to be a great time.
Cameron Stacy
Cameron Stacy - 4 years ago
I just got a carver board too! They have cosmetic defect boards for a discount — I got mine for $200. I was looking to get the smoothstar but the total cost with shipping to the US was pretty high.
Mike Bardsley
Mike Bardsley - 4 years ago
dont worry mate I have both and don't agree with the overall review. carver has tons more drive and power.. depends how you ride or surf. also your size and weight. I'm 89kg and and throw a carver around as tight as a another as but carver is far more satisfying to ride. smoothstar looks and feel like grovelling.
Lucca Viola
Lucca Viola - 4 years ago
Surely just chuck the Smoothstar trucks on the Carver. Would be mad...
iAmMkwa - 4 years ago
Thanks for this video! I have been looking into buying a board after your progression video!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Tracey McEldowney
Tracey McEldowney - 4 years ago
Love my smooth star I've got the mantra ray. :)
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Cooper Bourke
Cooper Bourke - 4 years ago
Hi Kale, My name is Cooper and i am a 11 year old surfer. Your channel really helps with my surfing, I ride a smoothstar and I love it!! I love watching Your channel its really good how you explain concepts and explain how you do it. I just wanted to say thank you very much.

Kind Regards, Cooper
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thats so awesome Cooper! Thanks man!
Hugo Wigglesworth
Hugo Wigglesworth - 4 years ago
Do you mind the slightly angled nose down on the smooth star and does it make it easy to slip of the front with your front foot
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Haven't had a problem with it :)
Allan Wrath
Allan Wrath - 4 years ago
Best review of these boards! Really helped my decision to buy the smoothstar, legend!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Alika Johnson
Alika Johnson - 4 years ago
Rad. I really want one now
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Worth it.
Blinky Bill
Blinky Bill - 4 years ago
awesome vids mate! since were all locked up, can you do one on nutrition? diet? etc.?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Ummmmm probably not for now, it may get covered eventually! You can pretty much get all my nutrition philosophies in my films and books at kalebrock.com :)
eliot - 4 years ago
as somebody who has used Carver's for my campus board and have had the c7 as well as the cx trucks, the cx are more stable and better at handling hills. You can also go off curbs and stuff without worrying about the stability issue so much. It can be a little weird if you go off a big enough ledge. If you don't predominantly ride slow in flat parking lots(ie exclusively surf training) I agree go Carver specifically cx. I'm not sure a smoothstar could easoly handle say a decent sized ledge onto a grass hill while ducking under a hedge barrel which is already kinda sketchy on c7s. Those cx trucks are where it's at if you're are going to encounter any obstacles. They snap back to center faster than the c7 so you can get more speed once you're moving too. Be safe and wear shoes.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Yeah so you're talking about skating - I'm talking about surf specific carry over :)
Dolby Derringer
Dolby Derringer - 4 years ago
This is the most informative video on the two boards available to date on YT. If there was a doctorate on surf skating your 'testing hypothesis' here deserves a PhD Kales! In this double 'blind' test we now confirmed Carver is really just a skateboard in disguise as a surf trainer. There are comparable brands to Smoothstar like Waterborne adapters, Yow and Swelltech worth considering doing an full analysis like this one you did with Carver that I and many others would likely want to see. That bit about tipping over midpoint is so spot on! Carvers trucks just don't allow your butt to go over past the rail in backside turns. They also lose speed on wrap around cutbacks and pick up real slow starting at 0. These were points that makes your analysis superior to other surfskate comparison videos on YT.
j k
j k - 4 years ago
Where do you buy the smoothstar in the USA??
j k
j k - 4 years ago
Just purchased! Thanks
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
their Australian website :)
Dee Dominus
Dee Dominus - 4 years ago
Awesome review! Thanks for sharing!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you for watching!
Thibaut Mairesse
Thibaut Mairesse - 4 years ago
Hi Kale, totally agree with your assessment. I had a carver for long time, and it is great for cruising or carving. I’ve found that the Smoothstar is better for balance and practicing pumping / compression. Just got a #77 model and it feels even closer to surfing! Please keep on posting skatesurf / Smoothstar exercises that we can practice when the surf is flat ;)
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Tibo!!
Yung Lyle
Yung Lyle - 4 years ago
The ripsurf board looks like a real surfboard though..
killmekurzundgut - 4 years ago
Great video, I surfskate more than I surf, unfortunately. Had a Carver, loved it. After years I tried Smoothstar... Wow.. like surfing, especially when surfing in a bowl, but also on flat ground. Carver is good, but Smoothstar is simply better.
Please do a video of some advanced surf maneuvers wbich can be trained good with a Smoothstar, like radical topturn or lay back e. g,
Great vids btw, thanks man, always fun and super instructive!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
awesome! Sounds like we've had a similar experience. I will endeavour to post a bunch of surf skate training videos in the coming weeks / months. I am so busy right now its not funny.
Crisby Creamby
Crisby Creamby - 4 years ago
I wish we had more choice in CA. Ive never seen smoothstars here. Ive loosened my c7 carver's so much that they broke. I agree...they feel like surfing a fish which is ok because i like surfing that figure 8 style. Great video.

Edit. I thought the cx trucks were tighter radius trucks.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Hopefully they get there soon!
Dolby Derringer
Dolby Derringer - 4 years ago
Hey Crisby I used to think the same of the C7 that I owned for 2+ years. However after owning a CX for 4+ years I can def say the CX DOES carve tighter turns. My test was a normal sidewalk width. T he C7 was very sketch trying a cutback as I'd risk a rail grind on the curb. The CX on the same pavement would allow for a cutback easily. Kale did a real good job of explaining Carvers limitations here as even the tighter turning CX pales in comparison to a Smoothstar ( loosing speed on the roundhouse wrap around cutback on that 2nd rotational turn in the opposite direction )
Would like to see his review of Swelltech! ! And you absolutely right ...No Smoothstar 's EXIST in the CA market sadly.
Joseph Czar Corpus
Joseph Czar Corpus - 4 years ago
Hi @kalesbroccoli

Hope you also get a chance to review waterborne’s surf skate trucks!
João Vieira
João Vieira - 4 years ago
Carver can also skatepark and bowls..
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Yeah - it's more of a skateboard but not for surfing
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Do it!
kyle watts
kyle watts - 4 years ago
If you're making is dope because you're making something so simple and ordinary look like a movie and fun to watch...
kyle watts
kyle watts - 4 years ago
Great video and very and helpful I look forward to getting a surf skateboard to improve my surfing...
koba1873 - 4 years ago
I think you should check out the swelltech surfskate. I can get it pumping crazy fast from a standstill and it will do full roundhouse cut backs on a dime. It was alittle sketch when I first got on it, it will give the "tossed over the handle bars" feeling, but once you get it, it's game on!!!
samsstreets - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli above haha
samsstreets - 4 years ago
koba1873 fully concur with this. Swell techs are much harder to start with but once you have them dialled they have the same freedom and speed as being on water. The learning curve is steep but worth it. I wouldn’t recommend them for teaching beginners though. They are designed for advanced surfers.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
CantingMoss0 - 4 years ago
Well I just got a Carver (USA Thruster, 32.5', I'm a tall dude) a few days before this video came out so now I feel a little silly. That being said, I didn't go with the Smoothstar mostly because of cost ($90 difference here in the US) and as a beginner/intermediate surfer I felt like I'd likely still benefit greatly from just having one. Great vid, thanks for the analysis!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
cool! Understandable. I think you'll find the price is pretty good in AUD from their website at the minute :)
Adam Hutchison
Adam Hutchison - 4 years ago
Very interesting review, best comparison I have seen YouTube. I have a carver with cx trucks, but I am definitely considering a Smoothstar now. It’s worth noting however, there are tones of carver decks and you can actually get them with wider tails then the mayhem you tested. Also you can get softer bushing for the carver cx trucks which are looser. That smoothstar does look the business for surf training though.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Awesome! Thanks Adam. The C7 that I used was as loose as it can go without falling off!
kyle watts
kyle watts - 4 years ago
Thank you dude because you're an awesome teacher and thank you for making your videos longer cuz it's nice to listen to you speak cuz you know what you're talking about and you care about what you're talking about and you really care and want to help people with their surfing and your good teacher and it's cool there's a lot of people out there trying to do tutorials and share but not all them were good teachers but it's nice they're helping out but you're definitely a natural self-taught or trained teacher and what you teach and how you teach and explain and the level of production you give is amazing and thank you very much...

Happy surfing from Virginia Beach! :-)
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Kyle!!!
Mark Flaherty
Mark Flaherty - 4 years ago
Tried them both- surfskate by swelltech makes them both feel like 80s standard skateboards- so much better
Mark Flaherty
Mark Flaherty - 4 years ago
J Millio I found the smoothstar really twitchy and not at all smooth. The swelltech felt smooth and intuitive- hardly any learning curve at all from surfing to the skate board. Also the swelltech has a bigger range of movement in front truck- guessing that’s why it has a more surf feel
Mark Flaherty
Mark Flaherty - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli was trying to find a way to message you but can’t find it- any chance of a tutorial on airs- all the ones you can find don’t really tell you how to get into the air other than ‘hit the lip fast’ - be good to get a proper breakdown
Mark Flaherty
Mark Flaherty - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli I find the carvers not much more than a skateboard with loose trucks, and the sloth stars not very smooth and twitchy. I know swell tech changed the trucks a couple of years back and it’s the newer ones I have- super smooth and a real surf feel
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Interesting. I tried one a while ago. Hated it. But perhaps I need to do some more investigating and give it some tome before reviewing
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Awesome Dennis! Love it
paulyishere - 4 years ago
Hey Kales. You had the wrong Carver board here which had the CX type truck which is not really so much for surf training! The Carver boards with the C7 type trucks are the equivalent to the Smoothstar as these have both skateboard type bushings and the adjustable spring tension pivoting steering mechanism. Nice vid dude. ;-)
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
@paulyishere Interesting! The C7 I used was as loose as it could get without falling apart haha. Sauces for horses and all that
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I used a C7 watch the entire video
matias lopez llovet
matias lopez llovet - 4 years ago
In order to compare apples with apples you have to compare a carver with a C7 track. The CX it’s a normal skate, not a surfskate.
matias lopez llovet
matias lopez llovet - 4 years ago
Sorry I just saw the entire video. I didnt say anything.
matias lopez llovet
matias lopez llovet - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli in the minute 5:43 the track seems to be just a CX because it’s just one axis rotation, the C7 track has two axes and it’s bigger. Sorry to bother but I’m just telling based on what I see. I have a Carver Flyer and it’s amazing how it moves. Big fan of your videos. Cheers from Argentina.
Stanislas Gellard
Stanislas Gellard - 4 years ago
Your carver trucks are just too tight...
Stanislas Gellard
Stanislas Gellard - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli that’s weird because i have also have the C7 on my board and it seems more smooth to me and more easy to gain speed (compare to what i see in your video!), but there is probably a huge difference of feeling between doing some carver and watching someone doing it! Defenetly carver is better for cruising and smoothstar to train your surf!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
the C7s I used were as loose as they could go before falling apart
Timothy Gassner
Timothy Gassner - 4 years ago
Hey Kales, have you tried the Razor RipSurf? Can you do a review on that?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I haven't and nothing on the cards just yet!
Jayson Websther
Jayson Websther - 4 years ago
i have the carver booster and i put 4wd on the trucks and i change the wheels with orangatang kilmer and it rotate smoothly with your hips on wherever way you want to turns
skim5876 - 4 years ago
@kalesbroccoli have you tried swelltech’s surfskate?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
hated it. Sorry :(
Patrick McKenna
Patrick McKenna - 4 years ago
The carver looks tighter than a regular cruiser in this vid
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7 that I used was as loose as it can go without falling off.
Surf4 You - Surf lessons Nazaré, Portugal
Surf4 You - Surf lessons Nazaré, Portugal - 4 years ago
Thanks so much for the test and review of this two awesome surf skates. Personally I prefer the Carver, since Im used to train with one. Be sure to check if the CX truck is too tight, since will have a huge difference on their performance. Also the size of each Carver is important when choosing one. If you would like to stay with the same distance between your feet as you are surfing, you have to choose a Carver a little bit bigger or smaller depending on your Heigth and Foot pressure ( Front or Back). But this is all about personal preferences , a little bit the same as type of surfboards you like. Keep the good work. Cheers from Nazaré, Portugal.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thank you!!
Yosi Oren
Yosi Oren - 4 years ago
Have you heard of waterborne Surf and Rail Adapter ? if yes , what do you think of it compared ?
Yosi Oren
Yosi Oren - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli waterborneskateboards.com
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Not sure mate
Ted Paff
Ted Paff - 4 years ago
Great review Kale! Just bought one. Loving your content. Would you consider posting a video on surf skate drills or suggestions?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
100%. coming soon.
Chandler Peck
Chandler Peck - 4 years ago
Great review. Can’t wait to get a hold of both and try for myself. I think you should mention price points as well. Here in the US, a SmoothStar is more than twice the price of a Carver. Also, as a side note: do you think that the with the lack of responsiveness in the Carver, could be an advantage to a seasoned surfer helping them build power and maybe forcing them to exaggerate head and body positioning?
Just a thought.
Chandler Peck
Chandler Peck - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli -ahhhh!! I am so dumb! I totally for got about the conversion rate! Hahahah. I think you are right technique over power is key. Thanks for the response! Keep up the good work.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I can see intentional limitations helping when it comes to training strength however for technique I prefer to use as-close-to-the-real-thing simulations instead! So I think thats why I prefer the Smoothstar for surf training :) Oh, and it might look double the price but thats cause its in Australian dollar - you'll be receiving a huge discount at the moment if you order because our dollar is performing so poorly.
ermalaguita78 - 4 years ago
Deberías de haber hecho ,la comparación swelltech vs smoth
Patrick Rogers
Patrick Rogers - 4 years ago
Dude, you're a pretty smart dude
Patrick Rogers
Patrick Rogers - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli you are felcome
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Why fankyou.
Bradford Davis
Bradford Davis - 4 years ago
Kale you should release a pure surfing edit! You Rip I wanna see the edit!!!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Ah, you're too nice! Unfortunately they're not super engaging unless you're as good as Dane or Griffin haha.
Quinn Deaton
Quinn Deaton - 4 years ago
Waterborne Skateboards blow these both away! Definitely should check them out.
Dror Cohen
Dror Cohen - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli I'll throw my two cents in - I second the Waterbornes. I swapped the original carver truck for it (Triton) and it is WAY more articulate than original. The bushing design is also much more reliable. And, of course, its cheaper. While I'm here, please post some suggested surfskate drills to improve surfing!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
WorkForAvocados - 4 years ago
Already liked before it started. I know this is going to be a good one. I’ve been setting up red solo cups in my driveway to simulate a wave!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Awesome work mate!!
WorkForAvocados - 4 years ago
Already liked before it started. I know this is going to be a good one
Ines Mayoral
Ines Mayoral - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
hahaha okay!
Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 4 years ago
You should def try the original skinny goat (the yaga dora model) which feels just like a surfboard which requires you to ride the back of the board just like a surfboard with the 4 president orangatang wheels ( orange with the ceramic bones bearing ) Yaga uses it in his off season, it's def the best board I have ever had! I will however get the smooth star eventually, missed you in PB on your trip to California!
Hugh McKendrick
Hugh McKendrick - 4 years ago
Have the Smoothstar Dolphin Cruiser, 39". Bought it because I surf longboards alot. As a longboard skate it sucks. Dont try to bomb a hill on one!
As a surf training aid its grand but if I was buying again I would go with the 34" model.
Andrei Joosten
Andrei Joosten - 4 years ago
You always do exactly the kind of videos that I want to learn more about.....Although I am a Carver fan....I might need to get a smooth star. !!!!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Awesome! I think it all comes down to what you want out of it. For surf training, I really think the SmoothStars kill it.
mariano mariano
mariano mariano - 4 years ago
Hi Kales! i am a begginner surfer trying to be intermediate, surfing twice a year for 5 years, and take your channel as real honest and dedicated, i could say one of my favourites, and want to say , if it doesn't goes against relationship between Smoothstar and you, it would be awesome you to do a test adding like some bros said on comments below, Swelltech surfskate. I have one, anda i'd like to hear your opinion and other rider's one on video testing. Please answer to them or me to know what you think about this idea. I hope it does not bother you . Sorry for my english, thanks from Argentina.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Interesting! I'll have to do some more investigating
BarYemini - 4 years ago
this comparison is impossible because of a few reasons!!
1. The carver is new (the trucks hasn't been open enough to ride smooth yet)
2. The smooth star is definitely not new
3. you don't have enough experience with carver as you have with smooth star (you can definitely see it on the comparison at 12:08 all your body movements are not as the smooth star so why you expect to move it the same?)

to make this fair you need to bring someone that know how to ride them both and he have both of them for a while or at least to bring another good carver skater who can show a proper carver riding.

really not a hater just super shock how you made this video
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
@Hydroman 7 Interesting. I wasn't being biased, but the review is obviously based off my opinion which is different to yours and that's what makes the world go round :)
Hydroman 7
Hydroman 7 - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli Celine V comments below are pretty spot on.
Hydroman 7
Hydroman 7 - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli think you missed the point Kales. You do board reviews, such as can a thruster guy love a twin fin etc. The Carver was fresh from the packet, no attempt to adjust any elements or tune it in. Everything shop tight, stiff and new. The Smoothstar worn in, the pivot mechanism loose, the truck bushings worn in to the hangers. It's like comparing a twin fin sub 6' fish to a 7'2 mid length single. Completely biased to trying to replicate a high performance short board. Broaden your perspective and approach, try different setups with both trucks and even others because when you do you will discover that they all can feel like whatever you tune them in to be. With exception of the Swelltech by surfskate which has steel springs that can not be adjusted. Every other design can be adapted through wheels, bushings, bearings and tension adjustment of front and rear trucks. Just because you have two other people with limited experience come to the same decision does not make it fact. Thought your reviews where reasonable but disappointed in your obvious bias on this one. And no I don't ride either of the main brands, I ride a design of my own invention, but if I did ride one it would be the CX Carver, likely with different bushes than standard to give more pivot to the front truck. It's lighter, responds quicker due to lower mass, has less moving parts that don't wear out, and with a different deck that allows you to apply better leverage can pull the same turns as the Smoothstar. BTW you might also want to try the YOW, Swelltech and Waterborne adaptor as fitted to Zflex new range of surfskate offerings. If you are after something that feels like a real performance shorty the Waterborne with their rear truck adaptor will do it for you.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
It’s a review based off of my experience and abilities and two people who had never ridden either both came to the same consensus - I’m not sure how I could have made it more fair - I rode both carver set ups for a committed amount of time - if it takes 6 months to “loosen up and get used to” then I’m not interested anyway .... but thanks for the feedback! Have you tried both boards?
Hydroman 7
Hydroman 7 - 4 years ago
Dead right. I've ridden C7 and CX Carver. Also own a smoothstar, and a surf skate. Yes there are differences between them and how they feel. Heck I even made my own design which made them all feel weak. But at the end of it all they can all perform fairly close to each other when tuned in to your style.
Jon Kennard
Jon Kennard - 4 years ago
I think that is a fair one to be honest. I commented further up on someone else's post. I haven't used a smoothstar but have had a Carver for a few years. I would really like to try a smoothstar. I think the Carver is stiffer from views however I also feel that means you can push it harder (probably).
Matthew Wetmore
Matthew Wetmore - 4 years ago
Sick. I picked up a Carver from my local surf shop a couple of months ago. Has been the most fun thing during quarantine for surf training, skating, sometimes a pre-surf parking lot warm-up for the legs! My carver got me back in the skate park which has been so fun and a good challenge. Now I need a SmoothStar! Yew!!
Mike Bardsley
Mike Bardsley - 4 years ago
nar mate I have both. smoothstar less drive and feels like grovelling depends how you surf
David Velazquez
David Velazquez - 4 years ago
I really wish to see a video of you using a Carveboard or Streetboardz with the inflatable wheels. I know the Carvestik has been shown for a bit, but the there was no pumping and the small wheels really dont allow for good carves. I own the Carveblade model and it's amazing! It has larger wheels than the Carvestik so it really tilts and for good carving.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Coming soon !
Aran Segal
Aran Segal - 4 years ago
I ride a Carver C7 which is great but this video makes me want to get a smoothstar! All the drawbacks you described are exactly what I feel!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Tibor Mezzei
Tibor Mezzei - 4 years ago
I think that 'not having any surfskate' compared to 'having any of the main brands' account for %80-%90 of the benefits for surf performance. This review (and all others) that highlight advantages of one board over the other account for the remaining 10%-%20. It is also an important what board one rides. I have a 6'6 fish and I think my Carver Triton (cx trucks but narrower wheelbase) complements it better (and cheaper haha) than a Smoothstar would. If I had any inclination towards riding a short board I would definitely go for the Smoothstar. Nice review though.
Daniel Firestone
Daniel Firestone - 4 years ago
So true! You'll get much better riding anything, than riding nothing. Reminds me of a friend who skated, then tried snowboarding for the first time and was able to land a jump by the end of his very first day.
Dolby Derringer
Dolby Derringer - 4 years ago
Good reasoning there Tibor I think you're onto something. It takes actually being in the waves daily to be able to read the timing of when and which section to match with which maneuver. Any amount of surf skating is just skating but the Smoothstar just does it 10 to 20% better.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Nude skater boy replaces nude yoga girl in brash displays of skin
bgl500 - 4 years ago
Really hope Smoothstar available in the States in future.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Hope so! Meanwhile you can still order it from Australia I think - and with the Aussie dollar performing so badly, now is the time!
Alexander Praehauser
Alexander Praehauser - 4 years ago
Hi everyone years ago I also was looking for a surfskateboard. First I went for the C7 caver and it was fun, really but the radius of the turns didn't felt like surfing. Then I heard that the CX trucks are turning more like a performance shortboard.
So I bought the CX and I had it nearly over 1 year. It was really fun in the pool on the street. One day I read this article and it said, if you really want a proper surftrainer smoothstar is the right one. I looked around for other articles and all said the same. And I thought,, really are you serious the third surfskateboard? It takes me awhile because I like to travel and save all my money for it. But in the end as you can imagine, I went for it. And I just can say it was the right decision, it's so similar to surfing that I was laughing and giggling the first time I tried it. For me it's really important to have a good surftrainer, because I am from Austria and as you no.... we are f...ing landlocked. Wright now I am in Peru and of course I brought it with me. Because I travel through whole Latin America for an unknown time, to surf all the incredible spots. But as you know cause of the corona virus all the beaches are closed. It's sad of course but luckily I have my smoothstar, so a can train every day. I hope my story helps you to find the right surfskateboard without ending up like me idiot buying three of them. All the best and keep on shredding.
Pura Vida!
Alexander Praehauser
Alexander Praehauser - 4 years ago
@Roberto Barroso Hola amigo. Con mucho gusto bro! I am glad that I could helped you. Eres de Brasil?
Alexander Praehauser
Alexander Praehauser - 4 years ago
@mariano mariano Thanks Bro for your info awesome. I am really excited and I am looking forward to go to chicama. And if you or anybody else know some other spots in Latin America, just tell me thx. keep on shredding pura vida!
mariano mariano
mariano mariano - 4 years ago
@Lucipherous de Illuminati waterborne it's the best pumping skateboard (trucks), and deserves the podium too for surfskate, between 2nd and 3rd place maybe! There is a good video from an Italian person(English subtitled ) on YouTube analyzing that one!
Lucipherous de Illuminati
Lucipherous de Illuminati - 4 years ago
Should've gone with Waterborne
mariano mariano
mariano mariano - 4 years ago
And if you can go to chicama please, it has the longest left in the world, and next to it walking 20 min, El Cape, a veeery long left too! Check it out!
mariano mariano
mariano mariano - 4 years ago
@Alexander Praehauser lucky for you going around those points! Be careful at chorrillos streets, for what I could read and watch, swelltech is quite sensitive, but this two are the 2 best simulators on market, good luck, post some videos surfing!
Alexander Praehauser
Alexander Praehauser - 4 years ago
@mariano mariano Hi! I didn't tried it but it seems like to be pretty the same as the smoothstar trucks. Right now I'm located in Liam and I've tried all the spots around here. For example playa hermosa, punta rocas, San bartolos, punta roquitas, tres picos. And for sure my local spot la herradura because I am living in chorrillos. And many more because the surf around Liam is awesome. But I'm also looking forward to to my favourite spots in central America.
All the best y pura vida.
mariano mariano
mariano mariano - 4 years ago
Hi, have you tried swelltech?? I have one, look on internet comparisons and let me know please. Which points did you visited on Peru? I know some good ones, Punta Hermosa, Chicama , and Mancora
martin i
martin i - 4 years ago
The newer board will he harder to turn at first , the truck rudders get soft over time when used and harder when not used . You could just losen them or put softer rudders in or use it for a week or so and it would be a lot better .
Plus the aa reading of the wheels help, the softer the wheel the tighter the turns you can make .
Plus :) you are right about the turn angle of the truck makes a big difference but the height makes a differnce as well , more height more turn .
And for the small things, check the bearings to see the make as 10 pound bearings (bones reds) compared to 100 pound ( swiss ceramics) ones make a big differents when you get going .
Hope this helps you all . Btw rubbers are very cheap and bones red bearings with great but by the sea with sand about you will need to clean them just use a soft brush , no oil ! Use a lube and use very little .
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Awesome story! Thanks Alex!!
Matias Squartini
Matias Squartini - 4 years ago
surfskate jamie obrien is the best!
Celine V
Celine V - 4 years ago
Hey Kale! Thanks for making this video. I think structuring the comparison between those 3 categories was a great idea. Just a couple of things though...

The stock CX carvers come with tighter trucks by default to suit riders who may be at a beginner level. I think for a fairer comparison, it might have been better if you had loosened your carver trucks to match how loose your smoothstar trucks were.

Also to consider is whether the boards have the same or very similar wheel bases- a smaller WB will give you a tighter turning radius.

I've personally tried both and feel that once your carver trucks have been set up to your liking, it feels grippier than the smoothstar, allowing you to reeeally use those rails. Overall, from my experience, the carver cx feels like riding a board that needs a bit more drive, whereas the smoothstar is a bit more cruisy and responsive.
Hydroman 7
Hydroman 7 - 4 years ago
Great reply and absolutely spot on. Both are good designs, but for me the simplicity of the CX and ability to tune it in to your desired performance wins. How they "feel" is the difference between alternative board designs, single, thruster, quad or twin. Fish, egg, gun or midlength and everything in between. And yes the CX is also better in bowls and flowing transitions of banks at the park or pump track because it is lighter and responds quicker.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7 set up I used was very loose but still didn’t have the response I wanted
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Nice feedback thanks Celine!
Celine V
Celine V - 4 years ago
Oh! And also, I think maybe wait to try those boards in a bowl or ramp before you make your decision. I find it's more realistic surf training cause you get to drop in, generate speed and manoeuvre on the "face".

Shame skateparks are closed in Oz atm coz apocalypse, but SPOILER alert: one board is better for flat ground surf training, and one board is better for surf training with transitions. ;)
spacemansabs - 4 years ago
Speed will only be comparable if you had the same wheels and bearings. Softer wheels are slower.
martin i
martin i - 4 years ago
But tighter turns and by the beach with sand about, soft is better for grip and stealth :)
Auke van Rossum
Auke van Rossum - 4 years ago
Thanks Kale! Love it! Could you give a more in-depth training video on surf skating for surf practise? A cone set-up example would be nice. Thanks!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Yep it's all coming!
Chad Atkinson
Chad Atkinson - 4 years ago
I have owned both and enjoyed both. But they definitely ride differently
Smoothstar most closely resembles the movements on a surfboard
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
awesome! My thoughts exactly
Xanderline - 4 years ago
For my experience with Carver , the point is maybe is better for more speed movements .
If you try to do the same stuff in a slope you realized why the other board is not a good choice hahaha
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I could see it being better for downhill skating for sure
MKoho - 4 years ago
Great video, was actually thinking about getting one of them, was not sure about the brand now seems way clearer, thanks!
Can you make a video about the Indo board and good exercises to focus on it?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Probably not but thank you!
yoni cadenas
yoni cadenas - 4 years ago
A great video to really know before buying a surf - skate and understand the importance of training on land and how it relates to surfing. I also dedicate myself to training on land based on perfecting the surf and we have very good results with Smoothstar, it is true that there is a lot of difference in the turns and when it comes to regenerating fast and that affects the training and the results you will get in the water. And in this no matter what level you have, SmoothStar boards are designed to progress in a way that is relevant to your level of navigation, depending on what training you focus on. At the moment I tried several axles of Carver and I feel that it still does not respond much to the body movements of surfers. It is the reason why the majority of trainers use Smoothstar, since it helps us to carry out our work.
Well done friend good video.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
That's super interesting you've had the same experience! Thanks Yoni!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
awesome! Glad its working for you mate and hope yo get some more surfing in this year!
Mike Wilps
Mike Wilps - 4 years ago
Your knees are not bent enough and your front foot is way too far forward on that maysym. Then again you are a surfer not a skater.
Imagine trying to do a turn off the lip with your foot on the nose of your surf board.
samsstreets - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli this is another way the swell tech is better, has a more natural of board in front of the front foot with a normal surf stance
Mike Wilps
Mike Wilps - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli if that's what you are wanting to simulate I highly recommend you try out a longer board with c7 trucks "the greenroom" by Carver. You will easily be able to get into your "surf" stance. The Maysym's length and just general skating does not allow or flow with all your weight in front of the front trucks.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
It’s about keeping the same distance between your legs as you would on a surfboard
Row Saidra
Row Saidra - 4 years ago
carver truck cx has nothing to do with smoothstar. the comparison would be better with the truck c7
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I did use a C7 so perhaps finish the video
Tanner Gauge
Tanner Gauge - 4 years ago
The smoothstar for me is well designed, but not long enough. I’m 6’2 and not as young. Maybe that’s it.
Tanner Gauge
Tanner Gauge - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli I didn’t know about that one. I’ll check it out. Thanks man
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Are you riding the 35.5" Manta Ray? That is the correct board for your height I reckon.
Caleb Tee
Caleb Tee - 4 years ago
Thanks for a bother goodie!

Do you have/can you post a video with training suggestions on the smooth Star and how the form should look through turns etc?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
100% on its way!
Roger Pye
Roger Pye - 4 years ago
I have both. Both good, but completely agree that the Smoothstar is a better surfing simulator/trainer.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Roger!! Hope ya well mate !
森林哥FORREST - 4 years ago
I have a SwellTech Hybrid 36” Surfskate. It’s a super fun board and turns well, but... harder to control. When I tried my friend’s Smoothstar, that smoothness and upper body rotation really stands out compared to SwellTech. I like both boards, can’t say which ones better.
森林哥FORREST - 4 years ago
J Millio if you really focus on surfing skill training , then go for Smoothstar
J Millio
J Millio - 4 years ago
森林哥FORREST thanks, I’ve been looking at the SwellTech and smoothstar too, can’t decide which one to go for!
森林哥FORREST - 4 years ago
Dolby Derringer it’s similar. I bought Swelltech cuz I like the design. Swelltech turns more than Smoothstar and Smoothstar really force you to focus on your upper body rotation. So if you wanna choose between them, it depends on how fun you want .
Dolby Derringer
Dolby Derringer - 4 years ago
Which one feels more like a shortboard FORREST?
dizzeepetee - 4 years ago
I really dig my OBFive, their 31” Surf Skate is legit. I’ve tried Carver and others and this wins from my experience. Worth looking into..
dizzeepetee - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli I liked it, tried a friends Toledo #77 model.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
What did you think of the SmoothStar?
Ярослав Ванин
Ярослав Ванин - 4 years ago
You need to test SwellTeck SurfSkate. Then it would be more ultimate comparison))
Shane - 4 years ago
he did he said it was the worst board ever
Ville Brofeldt
Ville Brofeldt - 4 years ago
Great video! I bought a YOW surfskate last summer, and I suspect it behaves very close to how the Smoothstar does. I have the Pukas Plan-B model. The trucks are nice and loose so making tight turns and generating speed is easy. I would definitely recommend. Plus, it looks like a tiny surfboard! :)
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell - 4 years ago
Jon Kennard eg bowl carves
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Super interesting!
Jon Kennard
Jon Kennard - 4 years ago
Thanks that's a helpful comment. Ive had a Carver for a while more an absolutely love it. However keen to try smoothstar. I do think if unlike kale you have a used a Carver for a adjust to it and equally can push it harder. Probably harder than a smoothstar. My thoughts anyway
Simon xyz
Simon xyz - 4 years ago
any chance you can check out the Swelltech system?
Bentobox - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli Hey, what is your opinion on YOW Surfskates? I’m really happy with so far because they are extremely reactive. Couldn’t get my hands on a smoothstar yet, hope to try it soon.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
As I've mentioned in some of th comments I did try one and didn't think it was good enough to include in the test. I don't know if it's reflective of the entire range, but I hated it. One of the worst surf skates I've ever tried. BUT, I am happy to try another one which you might suggest? I will give it some time like I did with all the boards in this video.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
No shoes because you get to feel the board a lot more and again it's closer to surfing :) Maybe wear booties? hahah thanks Matt!
mograinne - 4 years ago
I have a Carver with C7 tracks and in your video there is nothing about adjusting the tracks stiffness. It’s very important to do that, because adjusting changing everything in how it performs
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
The C7 I used was very loose and still didn’t respond as well
JOE LIU - 4 years ago
How about Slide, I just got it.
hahagotcha!!!! - 4 years ago
Beans celery!!
Gee Cormack
Gee Cormack - 4 years ago
Pretty accurate video Kale awesome work and a great video to what just to help people understand the importance of on land training and how it relates to surfing. I'm a high performance surf coach and have been coaching all over the world for over 10 yrs and have been training with these boards for over 5yrs now and in my opinion there is a big difference between these two products in so many ways which really does affect the training and results you will get in the water. To progress students surfing faster, SmoothStar is definitely a better product for all the reasons you have mentioned and even more. No matter what level or stage of surfing you are at the SmoothStar boards allow you to progress in a way that is relevant to your surfing level depending on what training you focus on. Even if you loosen Carver to the maximum amount, i feel it still doesn't respond to surfers body movements am much.
The reason why so many coaches will prefer to use the SmoothStar boards is that our job is to get students to a better surfing level faster and so frequently the surf does not provide us with the environment to work on progression so we will always want to pick the product that will help us do our job better.
Well done mate good video.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thanks Gee!! Appreciate your input mate xx keep shredding!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
You're a legend thank you!!
Paul Bessone
Paul Bessone - 4 years ago
Thanks for another great video... It would be vey good to see a comparison between the Smoothstar and Swelltech!!!
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
I think based off the comments I'll have to! But not guns' lie, I didn't like the last Swelltech I tried! And thats being nice!
J Millio
J Millio - 4 years ago
Jessie S hey, just wondering what made you go for a smoothstar after already owning a SwellTech? I’m looking at both can’t decide!
Davide Massi
Davide Massi - 4 years ago
@aldo laborin any issues with broken springs?
Phil Watson
Phil Watson - 4 years ago
@Jessie S I have a #77 and it's an amazing surf skate, you made a great decision!
Pico Tech
Pico Tech - 4 years ago
I would love to see you make a video on how you get your clients to use, like what drills do you do on how to use it fully not just how to generate speed and cruise down the street but actually how to use it to help our surfing
Jessie S
Jessie S - 4 years ago
Amazing video. I usually ride Swelltech, but started on Carvers, both C7 and CX. I've heard that Swelltech and Smoothstar are both the best surf simulators. From your vids, I decided to pull the trigger and a Toledo #77 is en route to Canada. I did a ton of research and it looks that both the Swelltech and Smoothstar are the best surf simulators.
This video was exactly how I felt when comparing the ride between Swelltech and Carver. When you said Carver feels locked up, I totally know what you mean. Both the C7 and Cx Carvers feel like a tease. I can't wait to compare my Swelltechs to my en-route Smoothstar. That said I'd love if you tested either the JOB or Hybrid Camo Swelltech model against the Smoothstar and gave your in-depth perspective...PLEASE DO THIS!!! Btw, my Carvers will continue to collect dust hanging pretty on the wall. Cheers.
aldo laborin
aldo laborin - 4 years ago
Check the swelltech is the best
Pedro Montanaro
Pedro Montanaro - 4 years ago
Great video, tanks a lot, really enjoyed it. I would love to see more content to training in house. Do you recommend the balance board? Anyway keep up with the channel, you are killing it
James Hall fishing
James Hall fishing - 4 years ago
Reading the reviews I can see everyone else already knows about them more than me lol. That's pretty cool they make a version for taller people. I definately wanna check that out. Enjoyed your video. On a side note I think it's pretty cool you like Brett Barley coming from were you do. He lives just down the road from me. I checked out the boards. Looks like the dolphin is right for me. Price is way above what I would normally pay. The ply is not enough. I need at least 8 ply. I weigh in at 235pds.
Laid Back NZ Experience
Laid Back NZ Experience - 4 years ago
Yep it would be nice if you could do one about surfskate swelltech
Sunset Surfer
Sunset Surfer - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli Hi mate. I was surprised not to see my favourite, the Swelltech - I have the JOB Pro model. I think this would have been a fairer assessment and would challenge if not bypass the Smoothstar in terms of maneuverability. It’s def not an everyday board but it’s tight turns feel incredibly similar to surfing. What are your thoughts Mr B?
James Darkin
James Darkin - 4 years ago
Mate solid review. I got the SmoothStar last year coz of your previous videos, use it exclusively for surf training, and defo agree with your opinions here. Am well happy now I purchased as can't get near any waves now due to virus lockdown! For all the big guys out there I got the Manta Ray model as I'm 6'3. Thank you Kale.
James Darkin
James Darkin - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli Thanks mate, that would be excellent
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Thats awesome man! So glad it's helping! I'll try to punch out a bunch of training videos in the coming weeks
It's Me Mario
It's Me Mario - 4 years ago
cool vid dude
Anatoly Gavrilov
Anatoly Gavrilov - 4 years ago
For taller guy it's important to have a proper stance, that's why I bought Smoothstart Manta-Ray, which is a little bit longer version of Toledo's skateboard. I've tried another version of surfskate with rotating front wheel (the same you can find on a shopping trolley) and found it less stable and not flexing back after the turn.
Rex Alameddine
Rex Alameddine - 4 years ago
I have a carver and had a Smoothstar and found that by far the carver is a way better board
Rex Alameddine
Rex Alameddine - 4 years ago
Dolby Derringer I just found that the smoothstar was more of a practice going fast through turns with speed, whereas the carver taught me how to put flow into my surfing and drive into my turns.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Interesting :) We came to a different conclusion
Dolby Derringer
Dolby Derringer - 4 years ago
In what way my dude?
Jeff Rickerson
Jeff Rickerson - 4 years ago
try using this down a steep hill, really fun if you can tailslide it and it does alot more for your surf training.
Boi - 4 years ago
If anyone is planning on getting a carver get the cx trucks. They are less complicated and have snappier turns. I also loosened the front and back truck one whole 360 and ur set
eliot - 4 years ago
Also after 3 years of consistent c7 use I rubbed through the part of the lever arm that hooks onto the spring. I find cx just more practical for my purposes(decent amount of hills curbs and cracks) and versatile while still giving a healthy dose of surfy feeling especially compared to your average cruiser.
Jaime Hagadorn
Jaime Hagadorn - 4 years ago
I have the C7 trucks on my carver surf skate. Mine is pretty cool it looks like a swallow tail surfboard shape with an ocean wave on the design. It's made a huge improvement to my surfing. We don't really have smooth stars around here in FL.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
hope they get there soon! It'd be great to see you try both
Matus Kicka
Matus Kicka - 4 years ago
im 93kg using carver CX but i changed front trucks bushing to soft ones and i keep it very loose and its very smooth easy to turn and as big guy that feeling of pushing really hard i need to work harder and thats good
Sunset Surfer
Sunset Surfer - 4 years ago
Hi mate. I was surprised not to see my favourite, the Swelltech - I have the JOB Pro model. I think this would have been a fairer assessment and would challenge if not bypass the Smoothstar in terms of maneuverability. It’s def not an everyday board but it’s tight turns feel incredibly similar to surfing. What are your thoughts Mr B?
mariano mariano
mariano mariano - 4 years ago
@Kales Broccoli hi , could you explain why you don't like swelltech?so to have an experienced surfer perspective, thanks!
reedler21 - 4 years ago
I've got a swelltech Hybrid model and it is utterly fantastic. Big rotational potential, this vs the smoothstar would be by far a more interesting comparison!
Sunset Surfer
Sunset Surfer - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli ps I have the JOB Pro model. With the rubber stomp pad.
Sunset Surfer
Sunset Surfer - 4 years ago
Jo McDonald they do depending on how frequently you ride them. I use vehicle grease on mine and they don’t snap as often. I always have spares and they’re cheap but it’s a pain I have to admit.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Hey guys! I tried one, I don't know if it's reflective of the entire range, but I hated it. One of the worst surf skates I've ever tried. BUT, I am happy to try another one which you might suggest? I will give it some time like I did with all the boards in this video.
skim5876 - 4 years ago
Jo McDonald use pliers to pinch the end of the springs
Sunset Surfer
Sunset Surfer - 4 years ago
Noah Baird that’s definitely a downside to them. I always have spares with me. If they could get that fluid feel and 360• ability without the springs they’d be a winner 100%
Jo McDonald
Jo McDonald - 4 years ago
I love my job Banzai but my springs keep blowing out do you guys have this same problem?
Noah Baird
Noah Baird - 4 years ago
I had one and the springs break a ton
Jessie S
Jessie S - 4 years ago
I'd also really like to see this comparison as I have 3 swelltech models that i absolutely love and a smoothstar 77 on the way. I've heard that swelltech might be just a bit tooooo loose in comparison to surfing and smootstar, but i'm only a beginner surfer and haven't tried smoothstar yet. I feel like a comparison of those two (swelltech/smooothstar) might be splitting hairs as I don't think any other surfskate compares for surf simulation....maybe the Yow gets kinda there, but everything else looks trash in terms of surf feels.
Jean Carlos Bravo Herrera
Jean Carlos Bravo Herrera - 4 years ago
folowing i have the same qstion
KB J - 4 years ago
You can adjust the responsiveness with carver c7 truck.
KB J - 4 years ago
Kales Broccoli haha u are not supposed to adjust to the extreme i guess. Anyway, I am super happy with my carver c7, maybe because I am so used to skate on regular skateboards, smoothstar’s wabblyness? Is something I cant get used to it. Overall, both are great surfskates. BTW recently tried a new surfskate called Swelltech and this is by far the worst. Have u ever tried it?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
the C7s I used were as loose as they could go before falling apart
Lucas Wood
Lucas Wood - 4 years ago
could you test out a rip surf?
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
Probably not worth it :)
Blake Verdi
Blake Verdi - 4 years ago
You should have pulled out a rip stick they go alright
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
haven't really given them the time of day yet!
Boi - 4 years ago
Blake Verdi only for pumping
Tom Da Aussie
Tom Da Aussie - 4 years ago
you know how you said that the carver burns your legs a lot more. well wouldnt that help with your turns because you can get more strength in your legs to make a turn when you are surfing.
Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 4 years ago
For strength purposes maybe but for technique I want the simulation to be as accurate as possible
Tom Da Aussie
Tom Da Aussie - 4 years ago
i really want to get one of these kind of boards so this video is really good timing
Matthew Raymond
Matthew Raymond - 4 years ago
Tom Da Aussie great video , I was thinking the same whilst not allowed to surf at our beaches and practise moving the old hips
J Bernard
J Bernard - 4 years ago
Isaac DALTON - 4 years ago
Blake Verdi
Blake Verdi - 4 years ago
surf skate
Tom Da Aussie
Tom Da Aussie - 4 years ago
how does this keep happening

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