Why I bought a Ranger aluminium boat.

I had a lot of guys wanting to know why I chose a aluminium Ranger and if they should do the same. This video is a quick review of my Ranger RT178 and why I went with this boat over anything else. Tons of drone footage, check it out. (Camera Equipment) Vlog Camera: https://amzn.to/2SaMjkO Chest Camera: https://amzn.to/2MwDrkg Boat Camera: https://amzn.to/2FPCiUq Drone: https://amzn.to/2S7DwQF (Fishing Equipment) Spinning Combo: https://amzn.to/2B4eloA Bait Caster Combos: https://amzn.to/2FOT2eB Favorite Lipless Crankbait: https://amzn.to/2Wlpk63 Favorite Square Bill Crankbait: https://amzn.to/2ScI600 Ned Rig Plastics: https://amzn.to/2RNipUB

Why I bought a Ranger aluminium boat. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reviews 7 years ago 44,906 views

I had a lot of guys wanting to know why I chose a aluminium Ranger and if they should do the same. This video is a quick review of my Ranger RT178 and why I went with this boat over anything else. Tons of drone footage, check it out. (Camera Equipment) Vlog Camera: https://amzn.to/2SaMjkO Chest Camera: https://amzn.to/2MwDrkg Boat Camera: https://amzn.to/2FPCiUq Drone: https://amzn.to/2S7DwQF (Fishing Equipment) Spinning Combo: https://amzn.to/2B4eloA Bait Caster Combos: https://amzn.to/2FOT2eB Favorite Lipless Crankbait: https://amzn.to/2Wlpk63 Favorite Square Bill Crankbait: https://amzn.to/2ScI600 Ned Rig Plastics: https://amzn.to/2RNipUB

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Most popular comments
for Why I bought a Ranger aluminium boat.

Hashirama Senju
Hashirama Senju - 5 years ago
Curious on what you top out at on that 70hp Yammie....
Calvin Massey
Calvin Massey - 5 years ago
Nice drone work!
Airforce Angling
Airforce Angling - 5 years ago
Right now i have a dual console glass champion 171. Im looking at purchasing the ranger 188 or 198 p. Half the price of new glass with everything i want on it. Seems like these boats have great reviews all around.
Harry Assenback
Harry Assenback - 5 years ago
Just bought a Ranger RT188 and I love it. Best boat purchase to date and I’ve owned about 8 boats. Ranger , like a few other brands, is a top tier setup and worth the extra money as compared to a tracker. Mine has a 115 mercury pro xs command thrust motor that is top notch. I would have considered a Crestliner or a Triton but also got an end of year deal I couldn’t pass on. If your in the market I would say definitely check out a Ranger RT188, you’ll be glad you did.
BassNvlog - 5 years ago
Harry Assenback I love the rt188. I will probably get another glass boat eventually.
BassNvlog - 5 years ago
Perry Corbett thank you sir! Much agreed
Cary Strickland
Cary Strickland - 6 years ago
Great video, I am a subscriber considering a 178 with a 75 mercury. what kind of top end should I look for?
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Jack Bright I might be moving to some big water in KY and for the safety reasons I’ll go back to a 20footer
Jack Bright
Jack Bright - 6 years ago
Why are you selling?
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Hey sir, depending on how the boat is equiped and propped I’d say you’d see 37-42mph. I’ll be selling mine in a few months if you are interested.
BassMoore - 6 years ago
ive been looking at the 18 ft , great review.. still looking at those vexxus boats too
BassMoore - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog anytime you wana get out , let me know.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
The Vexxus boats are really nice as well. Before you buy lets take a spin in mine and you can get a feel for how the 188 will be like.
BAMA Woods & Water
BAMA Woods & Water - 6 years ago
I prefer aluminum boats for how I fish. Aluminum boats tend to hold their value better after they get more age on them too.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Yes sir, they tend to take the abuse better without leaving permanent scars.
kontra204 - 6 years ago
Great video man good input and questions. I'm so torn between this ranger, the tracker pro 170 (because of the price) and the tracker pro guide v-16 sc. I fish for bass, northern pike and trout/salmon so I tend to fish a variety of lakes that range from very shallow to deep open water. Any input would be appreciated, been searching around for answers no luck. The boat would have to to fish 2 adults and occasionally a child comfortably.
kontra204 - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog thanks
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
kontra204 congrats on your new boat brother. Hope it works out well for you.
kontra204 - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog So after tons of research and dealing with banks for the right loan I've decided on a New 2016 Tracker Grizzly 1754 SC with a 60 hp Mercury got one hell of a deal on it, was still left over from a few years ago. Added a trolling motor, fish finder, batteries, chargers all that thrown in for 14k can't really beat it. I don't tournament fish so I just wanted something affordable with a lot more space than what I currently have and this was the boat for me. Will be closing on it next week. Really excited and I really do appreciate all the feedback you gave me.
kontra204 - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog will do thanks!
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
kontra204 no worries follow up with me once you decide on a boat. There is a lot that goes into new ownership. I’m glad I could help. More videos are coming
kontra204 - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog thanks man appreciate the quick replies and input. Best of luck with everything, will keep watching your videos love it when people don't over produce their stuff.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
kontra204 well a deep-v is always better for bigger water and chop. If we are talking aluminum ranger bass boats vs tracker bass boats the ranger is going to be more sturdy. It’s wider than the tracker. Pretty much every aluminum boat due to weight will get blown around, you give some and take some.
kontra204 - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog That was helpful when looking at it from a monthly payment view it is less intimidating. How does the ranger handle chop in open water on a windy day? Also does it get pushed around a ton or is it fairly easy to stay on a spot? I'll be buying it at the end of march so I have time to decide. Like you suggested, trying to do as much research as possible in the next month or 2 before taking the plunge.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
kontra204 if you are going for a deep-v I don’t see a huge difference between tracker and ranger. The bass boats have clear distinctions in quality and features in my opinion. The good thing is that since the merger you now can walk into a cabelas or basspro and see both of them at the same time. I would just say don’t be impulsive do your research. A difference of $5000 is usually about 40 bucks a month in your payment. Don’t let a number turn you away from what you really want. I kick myself for not going with the RT188. It’s your boat you have to fish out of it and look at it in the garage. Hope this was helpful brother.

10. comment for Why I bought a Ranger aluminium boat.

Happy Dog Bass Fishing
Happy Dog Bass Fishing - 6 years ago
Nice rig. I would have gone that route, but the width of my garage door limited me to a Tracker 190. Liked and subbed.
CBULL55 - 6 years ago
Great Video, and nice boat! I have a 17.5 fisher alum with a 60 horse 4 stroke and I came out of a 18 ft glass boat with a 150 2 stroke. No regrets. I will strongly consider Ranger as my upgrade when the time comes.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
CBULL55 I’m located in Northern Virginia for the time being.
CBULL55 - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog oh i subbed my friend. You may have said it but where are you located? State?
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Please subscribe brother
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
CBULL55 that’s awesome man they are tried and true forsure. As for speed when I shot this video I was getting 40 on gps. Now I have gone to a 24 volt Fortrex and added a power pole. I am
Currently getting 37 on gps.
Midge Barker
Midge Barker - 6 years ago
I am on-board with your points. I mostly Crappie Fish out of my Boat. I can't see the practical use paying for a big boat payment for my type of Fishing. The Wide Beam you got makes up for the smaller Length. New is a good way to go for all the reasons you mentioned. Good points in your Video. I also like the Channel Frame Trailer Ranger has over Tube Style Trailer. I had to replace my tube style boat trailer because it rusted from the inside out. Channel is the only way to go. Ranger hit a home run there.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Midge Barker please subscribe
steelerfaninerie - 6 years ago
Would have been nice to see the boat a bit more.
On Target Fishing
On Target Fishing - 6 years ago
Thank You for making this video. I am looking into getting my first Bass Boat next season and I have been eyeing the Aluminum Rangers.
Seems to be a very cost effective choice. Bent Poles and Tight Lines my friend.
On Target Fishing
On Target Fishing - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog Brother.....I ordered my RT198p last weekend. I should have it in about 10 weeks. Bent Poles and Tight Lines!!!!
On Target Fishing
On Target Fishing - 6 years ago
​@BassNvlog Thank You for the response. When I watched the video before, I clicked the sub button after the video. I have been noticing that channels I sub to sometimes "unsub" themselves. Its odd, but I have talked to others that have experienced this as well.
Hopefully it sticks this time. LMAO!!!!
Bent Poles and Tight Lines Brother!!!
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
On Target Fishing hope you choose a ranger, and please subscribe brother
Trevor Alexander
Trevor Alexander - 6 years ago
Nice jeep and boat! I'm looking to upgrade from a 1999 bass tracker pro team 175 with a 40hp mercury. Tops out at 24-26 mph and isn't as wide up front as I would like it to be. I'll be glad when more of these get on the used market for an affordable price of someone coming out of college
Oh boy
Oh boy - 6 years ago
Great looking boat but no boat is unsinkable. You’re probably too young to remember the old ranger commercials where they cut a bunch of the boat out and claimed it still floated. After ranger boats continued to sink because of various reasons they had to pull that commercial off tv.
DockTalk365 - 6 years ago
Awesome boat!
Rusty K
Rusty K - 6 years ago
I have a 2016 RT178 and I love it! You nailed when you said it “fishes big”. That’s so true. The fuel economy is amazing as well. Just subbed.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Thank you for the support brother, enjoy your 178. Planing on purchasing a 520 in a year or so and I still don’t think I will get rid of this rig.
C moore
C moore - 6 years ago
Tracker bought Ranger in 2015.
Glen Daugherity
Glen Daugherity - 6 years ago
Yes but they don’t make the aluminum bass boats where the Trackers are made. They’re made in Flippin,AR where the glass boats are made. The aluminum walleye Ranger boats are currently made at the same plant as the Trackers but that will soon end with them going back to Flippin because of quality issues coming out of the Tracker plant.

20. comment for Why I bought a Ranger aluminium boat.

Brandon Cochran
Brandon Cochran - 6 years ago
Is that a The Fallen Outdoors sticker on the back of your Jeep?
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Yes it sure is!
Bass Dojo
Bass Dojo - 6 years ago
I learned a lot from my first "USED" boat. Bought new and have loved it. Cranks up everytime and I can fish vice spending weekends trying to fix and toy with stupid crap.
Jeff R
Jeff R - 6 years ago
I know I’m a bit young and all but I’m looking at boats already and this is on the top of my list so far great price, looks and performance overall great video really gave a good opinion on this boat!
Hank Xiong
Hank Xiong - 6 years ago
Thank you im convinced this is my new boat!
Brandi _
Brandi _ - 6 years ago
do you know the weight of the boat and trailer combine? I'm looking to get back into a wrangler, but not sure if this weights to much. I see you have that same vehicle combo, however I'm looking in a 2dr. Not the 4 dr.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Brandi _ don’t have real numbers but I’m going to guesstimate 2,000-2400lbs
Chad Garner
Chad Garner - 6 years ago
appreciate the video just purchased a 188 and I cant wait to take it out.
Melvis Bass
Melvis Bass - 6 years ago
Nice video! I have a 2015 RT 178 and love it!
weaintfree - 6 years ago
Very Well said. I too went from the glass to aluminium. I've had the bigger faster glass boats. Being able to run 60+ and 75+ mph was fun... but Not a necessity. My rig came with the 75 Merc 4 stroke and i love it. Other brands and big box stores tend to throw a 60 on the back and say you don't want the heavier motor. (Ive seen that with Lowe and tracker). In the Merc that is huge because the 60 is a 1 liter china made Merc. The 75 is a 2.1 liter motor made in Wisconsin. Merc 30 & under are tohatsu and 40-60 are china made. Wisconsin made Mercs are 75 & up. The 75, 90, 115 are the same block. It might weigh 100 lbs more than the Merc 60 but i wouldn't trade.
I purchase mine @ Anglers Port Warsaw, MO. They rigged all their 178 with Merc, Yammi, Or Rude maxed out same with 188. Too many other brands and big box store put lesser motors on there power wise and then customers are left wishing. I've had plenty of guys come up and comment about how there other brands were rigged and then the 'i wishes' come. i got mine with a 4 inch set back and laser ii prop. The dealer ordered the rigs in with the upgraded Minn Kota MAXXUM trolling motors. Nothing wrong with the big box stores for boat purchases but those shopping may want to look and compare. Buying one has to decide what all do they want to add on the bill now and what add-ons do you want to do after your note is set. My dealer included the swim ladder. I thought they were standard. Nope, at my dealer they were. this is important not just if want to cool off or play, but a SAFETY feature to be able to get back in the boat. The boat also came with 2 power cut off switches (like found on pleasure boats). I've added a 10 SI and a 9 DI Mega and linked them. I've also added a Mark Peiser Trick Step.
The two down falls of aluminium 1) it gets blown around much more than glass when sitting. you can control it fine with the tm, but if you have to come off the tm in the wind that boat can move quick. 2) the strakes on the bottom can get you hung up on stumps much easier than on glass. its fairly hard to get hung on glass....not the case with tin. Those are the only two complaints if you can call them that. I love my RANGER rt. It is very stable and i feel very Safe in it. i like the lay out actually like the layout of 188. i like the very large (compared to others) livewell. rides and handles well. I too would recommend the RANGER rt. this boat comes with a factory matched trailor with a Ranger bedliner type coating or you can op up to an aluminium trailer. a lil word.. the Triton aluminium is the same hull as the Ranger thou they each get their own equipment. Lowe is a solid aluminium boat....but you go over both the Ranger and the Lowe side by side you can clearly see the difference. you'll get a good boat for less, but the differences are there though Lowe is narrowing it some. Crestliner is another real good aluminium rig that is very similar to the Ranger. And just now released the new company formed by Forrest L Wood and the Hoppers....VEXUS boats will definitely be worth looking into.
I enjoyed the video and i hope my 2 cents may help someone else on their purchase. Please shop around and don't just buy something because the BP name is on it.... because you'll probably find out you could of fished finer.
And for the record, i tow my rig with a Coyote V8 so the tow rig had nothing to do with my boat selection. with that being said, it is nice having a boat that fits in the garage and is big enough for bigger reservoirs, but yet can get around well in smaller waters... and sleeps in the garage.

good luck and safe fishing to y'all
Cuong Nguyen
Cuong Nguyen - 6 years ago
Very informative to a first time buyer, thank you.
Ryan - 6 years ago
I can afford to buy a glass boat and I don’t know if I want to. I don’t want to baby it and worry about stumps etc.

I have a chance to buy a brand new ranger 188 with a 115 hp four stroke for $23k otd. It should run high 40’s with 2 guys. I would still have to upgrade the fish finders and trolling motor with spot lock. Thx for the video.
Xu Her
Xu Her - 6 years ago
RT188 w/115hp alot quicker than your 178 w/70hp
fishing is my drug
fishing is my drug - 6 years ago
@RiverRuns NC No, it doesn't!
RiverRuns NC
RiverRuns NC - 6 years ago
If one doesn't fish tourneys, does speed even matter?
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
5-8 mph... marginal

30. comment for Why I bought a Ranger aluminium boat.

Just Fishing TV
Just Fishing TV - 7 years ago
Keep posting bro. Tight lines!
FishingFootball Coach
FishingFootball Coach - 7 years ago
How does you jeep do pulling your aluminum Ranger? I have a 2012 two door jk and I'm looking at the Ranger Aluminum line but was worried about how my jeep will tow it.... nice boat and jeep btw
Bierce88 - 6 years ago
my dads Tacoma pulls it just fine
BassNvlog - 7 years ago
It does just fine with the 3.6 motor, you can barely feel it.
Just Fishing TV
Just Fishing TV - 7 years ago
Nice rig bro.
Ricky Maynard
Ricky Maynard - 7 years ago
I have had a glass Ranger 18ft....too heavy.....towing and economy the aluminum is the way to go. I bought a 2015 RT188 and love it with a 115Merc Pro XS 2 stroke.....Im a few years away from retiring and will keep this one in to retirement!
Keith Johnson
Keith Johnson - 6 years ago
@BassNvlog Retiring mailman here. I have beating myself up over this exact issue. Whether to go w a Ranger RTC or a used heavy fiberglass model. Gonna subscribe to your channel and see the fishability of this one. Thanks for input. Sure like the 178c for I will be alone on my fishing trips 90% of the time.
BassNvlog - 6 years ago
Ricky Maynard please subscribe sir
Big -D
Big -D - 7 years ago
Ricky Maynard sweet around that 50 range. Not bad. Thank you so much for responding
Ricky Maynard
Ricky Maynard - 7 years ago
52 by myself.....46 with 2 people....
Big -D
Big -D - 7 years ago
Ricky Maynard sweet. Enjoy your retirement. Its what you worked for. May i ask what is top speed on your new boat with your conditions in gear and water? Im in the market again and gathering info. Thanks
Johnathan VanVactor
Johnathan VanVactor - 7 years ago
How's the wrangler handle the load? I have a wrangler and looking for a boat but worried about the towing.
BassNvlog - 7 years ago
If you have the 3.6 you will barely feel the boat back there. Even better if it isn’t lifted with 35inch mud tires.
Sick combination!! Good luck this year!
BassNvlog - 7 years ago
Thank you very much
TripleAstyle1 A
TripleAstyle1 A - 7 years ago
sweet boat.   The big glass boats would ride better but it is not worth the difference in $ especially when you need a new tow vehicle.    That boat will catch as many fish as a big glass boat will, probably more because you can access skinnier water.   I just wouldn't feel ok rubbing glass into the bottom but with my aluminum I don't think twice, at slow speeds obviously.
Dustin Smart
Dustin Smart - 7 years ago
Great video - Looking at aluminum boats and it's good to have an honest opinion!
Jonathan Kbftn
Jonathan Kbftn - 7 years ago
What’s top speed ?
BassNvlog - 7 years ago
40 loaded on gps with 1 person, 35-37 loaded with 2 people depending on the weight.
Patrick Patterson
Patrick Patterson - 7 years ago
great video - needed this type of opinion!
Crappie limit tv
Crappie limit tv - 7 years ago
I'm not a bass Fishman anymore but I love the boat have a 1989 ranger 354v she's old but a beast I subbed an like again great choice n boats man come on over an watch an old man crappie fish sometime to crappie limit tv an return the favor have fun an tight lines c ya soon
BassNvlog - 7 years ago
Thanks for your comment sir, I most certainly will watch your crappie slaying videos.
Jason Yu
Jason Yu - 7 years ago
Much agreed. Took a look at the 188, man is it sweet. Ended up picking up the 190TX for overall cost and not having to sacrifice size.
Jason Yu
Jason Yu - 7 years ago
195 is sweet... sam size but wider. I didn't think i could squeeze it in the garage. go for it!
WillWork2 FISH
WillWork2 FISH - 7 years ago
Jason Yu I'm thinking about getting the tracker 195tx.

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