"Forced" into the Intracoastal Waterway

As we travel northward Charleston to do our reft the wind and current all turn strongly against us making open ocean progress nearly impossible. So we resign ourselves to traveling in the "Ditch" aka the ICW aka the Intracoastal Waterway. While is not the romanticized "sailing" that we were looking forward to, it was an interesting journey with lots to see Support us on Patreon?!: http://bit.ly/jandr-patreon Free floorplan tool: http://bit.ly/floorplantool Our Instagram: @jessicaandryanadventures Arya's Instagram: @arya.samoyed Our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jessicaandryanadventures Feel free to send us any questions to: jessicaandryanadventures@gmail.com

"Forced" into the Intracoastal Waterway sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Sailing 7 years ago 25,924 views

As we travel northward Charleston to do our reft the wind and current all turn strongly against us making open ocean progress nearly impossible. So we resign ourselves to traveling in the "Ditch" aka the ICW aka the Intracoastal Waterway. While is not the romanticized "sailing" that we were looking forward to, it was an interesting journey with lots to see Support us on Patreon?!: http://bit.ly/jandr-patreon Free floorplan tool: http://bit.ly/floorplantool Our Instagram: @jessicaandryanadventures Arya's Instagram: @arya.samoyed Our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jessicaandryanadventures Feel free to send us any questions to: jessicaandryanadventures@gmail.com

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Most popular comments
for "Forced" into the Intracoastal Waterway

Len Farneth
Len Farneth - 7 years ago
Cool video. I actually used to own a house on a canal off the Banana River in Cocoa Beach. We took the boat out there often so it was cool to see that again.
S/V Thirteen Winds
S/V Thirteen Winds - 7 years ago
Just so I got this video right? Even with time problems with up loads..you decided to take this shallow draft cat "UP" the ICW to Charleston sc to one of the most expensive harbours on the east coast for a refit in the absolute wrong time of year? You posted video after video and interview after interview with So called experts on the purchasing of a boat...You portrayed yourselves as knowledgeable sailors which you clearly ARE NOT!!!! Fix your shit, sail south and west, like everyone else ,share your adventures and enjoy your boat... Your channel will grow ...AND IT WILL...But take it from some old SALT...be REAL or stop the vlog all together...peace guys...
jay w
jay w - 7 years ago
You guys have the most non-sailor temperaments of anyone I've ever seen in a sailboat. Get a powerboat or a car, you'll be much happier.
Keith Johnson
Keith Johnson - 7 years ago
Whats that on your streering wheel? Looks like needs cleaning! Thats the first thing I notice!
Craig Monteforte
Craig Monteforte - 7 years ago
My apology as I saw your follow up after I began typing this comment I’ve Gone up and down the ICW many times and lived in Florida many years ago My overall experience has always been a pleasure and I’ve found that it is such a heavily used waterway that bridges and traffic Doesn’t slow you down as much as you think it would Bridge operators are very attendative and usually helpful as well as A lot of the captains have mastered their vessels On getting out of the way of others and getting thru the narrow areas plus the scenery and amenities are nice with even cool things like pulling over to get a hamburger or ? Safe journeys and good luck ! I’ll subscribe and like too as I know that helps ! FYI If you get the time try out local thrift stores for old copies very cheap on ICW manuals even if they are out of date many of the historical places are the same and due to the high traffic in those areas you can usually find a set of the books of course I am old school thinking as I’ve done the trips several times before internet and many times the Books had the best information available like anchorages etc (before GPS ) and its Updates On shoals and other things to help navigate keep in mind I did it with paper charts and VHF back then A stocked bar always helped ! For socializing of course ! Lol
SV Tapatya
SV Tapatya - 7 years ago
Good stuff. Thanks guys. One of my 'plans' is to travel the ICW. There's some helpful info here :-)
roderick mchardy
roderick mchardy - 7 years ago
nice video,, nice boat,, but, i see you have an up mast radar dome , so what is the dome on top of the bimini frame for, also the one attached to the side stay ?,, cheers R
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 7 years ago
I left a detailed safety comment on your video: Robbed at Gunpoint & Pirate Self Defense Discussion.

WOW, Jessica is related to Ponce! So that's where her good looks came from :-) I did the ICW in the 1970s on a Gulfstar 44 powerboat (the prototype) which I had a long history with and which was also the best designed boat Gulfstar ever made. Too bad the luxury tax drove Gulfstar, Endeavor and 80% of the American boat building business out of business before they repealed that stupid tax. The boat building plants and the jobs never came back. So our government totally destroyed another great American business. Ahhh the memories we old salts have. How is it possible for our government to destroy one industry after another without it all being planned??? Total destruction of the USA "from within". Hummm, what would you call that, treason or the enemy within or just another government mess?
cole hankins
cole hankins - 7 years ago
Swing by a dollar store and get about 10 shower curtain liners. Get the clear ones and then have chop sticks, lots of chop sticks. You can thank me if you see me

10. comment for "Forced" into the Intracoastal Waterway

zzzx xzzz
zzzx xzzz - 7 years ago
You should be going to the keys ! Jessica seems like she would be easily talked into do some amazing things !
Ryan Nowicki
Ryan Nowicki - 7 years ago
Loved the update! Highly recommend a "Deadcat" for your mic, that'll help a ton with the wind noise. Keep up with the good work!
mikeyc181 - 7 years ago
Haha, I spied Jess watching RAN Sailing when they were in Cartegena :P ....keep em coming guys, fair winds.
curacao11 - 7 years ago
This is awesome
This is awesome - 7 years ago
Glad to see y'all are now real sailors :P One day soon maybe you will hang the washing out and stop burning diesel... <Ducks and runs for cover>
Nixon - 7 years ago
Good Tube
CC Rocker
CC Rocker - 7 years ago
I can hardly wait to see the refit I love your boat
Learning the Lines
Learning the Lines - 7 years ago
Happy for you guys, looks like an awesome boat!
Sail Before Sunset
Sail Before Sunset - 7 years ago
Really like these updates. These are places we would not see otherwise.

Nice reference to BioShock.
Randy Beasley
Randy Beasley - 7 years ago
So how much was the Marina? I work on Clematis, its pretty rich around there...
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
I think I remember it being a couple hundred dollars. :(

20. comment for "Forced" into the Intracoastal Waterway

Sailing Serenity
Sailing Serenity - 7 years ago
Awesome video! I think the ICW doesn't look too bad! Definitely sail according to weather. If you're already on a boat you probably don't have anywhere to be anyway, so if the weather is bad, just stay safe. I love that this is a new adventure for you, because I know so little myself and am learning as I go (on my day sailor). It's refreshing to see you two in the beginnings. Thank you for posting your progress! Some of us (here in freezing Minnesota) are living vicariously through these videos. You warm our hearts...
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We're heading south and plan on stopping in Charlestown for a few days. We should meet up if we are there at the same time!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
Hey guys! Yeah. Shoot us an email and we can coordinate that way. :)
Efficiency - 7 years ago
I’m glad y’all are doing it. It’s a big leap. Safe travels I’ll be looking forward to new videos. I’m about 2-3 years away from my move to a boat.
David Wilson
David Wilson - 7 years ago
How long you plan to stay in Charleston S.C. I just bought a Lucia 40. I hope to keep it In Charleston this spring.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
Not sure how long we are staying here for. We realized we can't make definite plans with boating!
billyl allen
billyl allen - 7 years ago
Look forward to the refit and your travels, I like learning about it all. Thanks for sharing.
Stuart - 7 years ago
Why the hell are you going NORTH!!!!
Roger K. Davis
Roger K. Davis - 7 years ago
You're doing it !!!!!!!!! ⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓
Jeffrey Lins
Jeffrey Lins - 7 years ago
next time your around St. Augustine let me know! I live there, always hoping to run into people I see with sailing channels. Always on the lookout out on the water on jet-ski's. Hope to one day own a cat as well... glad your dreams are coming true!
Salty Pups Sailing
Salty Pups Sailing - 7 years ago
Power cord goes into the boat first then to shore power.
John Fox
John Fox - 7 years ago
The ends aren't insulated. Bad things can happen when a life wire is dropped into the water, and not just to your boat.

In theory, it's OK to do it the way they did it as long as the power at the shore is still off.

Or you never drop anything from your boat into the water.

It's a good practice to connect the boat first and disconnect it last.
Stan Bates
Stan Bates - 7 years ago
Why does it matter ?
Hugh Van Duyn
Hugh Van Duyn - 7 years ago
Salty Pups Sailing I was about to say the same thing and I start going through the comments and found yours.
dawn2788 - 7 years ago
How much was a night at "West Palm Beach" marina?
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
I think it was a couple hundred.

30. comment for "Forced" into the Intracoastal Waterway

Ben Dixon
Ben Dixon - 7 years ago
Goodonyah guys
Gerrit Faber
Gerrit Faber - 7 years ago
You learned Arya how to sail. Why is he/she sailing with you?
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
She met us at Charleston. She's been living on the boat during the refit and will be coming with us once we head south again.
Chase Mixon
Chase Mixon - 7 years ago
It's so neat to see St Augustine though your lens. We've been there a couple of times, and to me the best time to go is during October, the walking haunted tours are the best!! was Jessica watching "Ran Sailing Video" looked like one of theirs... :)
Sailing 9 LIVES - Land & Sea Adventures
Sailing 9 LIVES - Land & Sea Adventures - 7 years ago
IntRAcoastal Waterway!
It is quite beautiful in parts, and really helpful when the weather or wind is not cooperating!
smacksman1 - 7 years ago
I enjoyed the ICW as it allowed me to see and meet America.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
ah. so it is. Just corrected the title of the video. lol. thanks!
thomas brynwood
thomas brynwood - 7 years ago
I'm glad to see you guys on the move. Thanks for posting your video, I think you guys do a great job. No lack of advise in the comments.
Errol Churton
Errol Churton - 7 years ago
hi from NZ...just a note Ryan...on engines...they're very logic machines...with water pumps if water leaks out through the seals, when its idling...then stops when you rev it up a little...its because a vacuum develops between the seal and pump impeller with the centrifugal action of the impeller...if water can leak out, then air can also more easily leak in...and cause air locks within the engines cooling system can form...and that will stop or impead the coolant circulation and eventually overheat/cook the engine...so....don't think because the leak has stopped...the problem has gone away or miraculously fixed itself ...something worse is probably happening...nice boat by the way
Timothy Cole
Timothy Cole - 7 years ago
Did I miss something? Where’s the well-accomplished sailing dog Arya?
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
She joined us in Charleston. :)
Andrew Dance
Andrew Dance - 7 years ago
It's intracoastal, not intercoastal.
John Fox
John Fox - 7 years ago
I live in St. Augustine and a lot of people don't say it correctly. I don't always get it right myself sometimes, so I always say 'ICW' :-)

Wish I had noticed you were here, I would have bought you some better water.
Dale Hudson
Dale Hudson - 7 years ago
A lot of people get it wrong, don't let them beat you up about, just say ICW and you will never be wrong.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
Just corrected the title of the video! I've either been mishearing it, or lots of people say intERcoastal. Either way, you've now made us that much smarter! Thanks!
Steve Martin
Steve Martin - 7 years ago
I got a chuckle from

we’re on the road again
Douglas Montgomery
Douglas Montgomery - 7 years ago
You mentioned the coolant issue on port engine. Said you knew exactly what it was and was letting it cool down...then never showed it being fixed?

Looking forward to refit
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
Yeah, there was a 1/2" small hose running near the oil filter way down deep in the engine. The hose was original and all old and gummy. It was leaking where it joined onto the engine block. Had to cut it off. Real pain to do. It was also mostly done by feel since it was down in the bowels of the engine bay. Otherwise I would've liked to have filmed it. That's also why it took me days to diagnose. It was only by luck that I saw the splash of a drip that I found it.
Doug Marder
Doug Marder - 7 years ago
Is that a radar hanging off your port shroud at head-height?
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
That was actually an old and very obsolete sat phone antenna. Gone now. Wasn't even connected to anything inside the boat. There's been a lot of finds like that while doing the reft.
velascobruce - 7 years ago
I've been following you guys for a while and I think you are doing a great job.  One, tiny little nit-picky thing....always plug the boat side in before the power side just in case you drop the cord in the water.
Sailing Sisu
Sailing Sisu - 7 years ago
Awesome advice!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
velascobruce Yeah, we've come to adopt that way of doing it, I think at the time I had the breaker off at the shore box. Which is safe, but does mean you have to go back on shore to flip the breaker which is just an extra step compared to plugging in boat side first. I appreciate the advice and your looking out for us! :)
SAILING PAU HANA - 7 years ago
I was gonna make the same comment. We had a person drown from electrocution last year from electricity in the water in a Marian that we were in.
jamesacasemaj - 7 years ago
velascobruce no genuinely we have a boat in south of France and I’ve not heard anyone explain why lol thanks to you
velascobruce - 7 years ago
I hope that didn't come across as being overly critical, it just caught my eye.  Fair winds!!
jamesacasemaj - 7 years ago
velascobruce honestly I know that seems obvious I didn’t know that! Thanks x
roger 53
roger 53 - 7 years ago
Luv the vid,but you're going the wrong way !!!!!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
Aside from being slow, burning diesel, and dealing with bridges, we've decided we like the ICW. It's a pretty nice way to travel. Not a bad alternative at all when the weather is against you or you want a chill day with easy anchorages.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We are heading south and got beat up off of Cape Hatteras. After that, we have been going down the ICW. It's true, a "horrible day" on the ICW is super calm and relaxing, and you get to anchor and sleep the night!
Enjoy the easy going ICW!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
had to leave florida for tax reasons. and there's not a lot of places in Georgia. Plus we have friends and family in Charleston.
Kemxt - 7 years ago
Why are you choosing to do your Refit in Charleston? Must have missed it in a earlier video
SenatorPerry - 7 years ago
I swear there's just something about the lines on a Lagoon that looks right.

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