16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)
Sailing 8 years ago 8,912 views
Ahoy, you may have heard about the VISA problems which started in Anchorage, I spend ages in the cbp office and they didn't let me enter the country. so I have to leave. Too sad. But Dave, a friend from Anchorage, tried as hard as possible to make my time in the big city as nice as possible. Thanks you for your time and the awesome places we explored together.. enjoy! please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo if you wanna throw some coins towards our cruising kitty? do it here..: http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sy-ZERO.de ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/syZERO_sailing salty hugs christian + Rebecca syZERO The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small, so sailing on the big oceans on our small sailboat ZERO is the biggest adventure I ever started.. and doing it alone ads even more adrenaline to this sailing adventure around the world.. ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded ) #sailing, @sailingtheworld, #sailboat, #offshoresailing, #youtubechannel, #sailingchannel, #cruisingboat, #goodlife, #freedom
Ich zieh mir jetzt mal die weiteren Folgen rein ;-)
Wünsche euch eine schöne Weihnachtszeit! Grüsse aus der Heimat
Enjoy your videos very much !!!
Wishing you FAIR WINDS and friendly seas....
AND NICE Customs officers !
Cheers, Wilf and Bonnie
10. comment for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)
You might think that guns are a bad thing, and I might agree, but unfortunately the bad guys all have them.
In this case, if they watched SV Zero on Youtube they would have all of the questions answered already.
Thanks for continuing to share.
20. comment for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)
Safe Travels!
Hopefully, you will be able to leave he US and head to a country with a little less bureaucracy and a lot more fair treatment of people who are just trying to travel and explore the world.
Best of luck mate!!
Sorry it was so unpleasant.
I thought if you sailed into international waters, you could re-enter.
30. comment for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)
The reason it is so important to understand this, is that the main danger of the myth of the "authority" are not found in the thinking of those who control the government but among those who is controlled.
A nasty individual who likes to dominate others is an insignificant threat to humanity, if it is not followed by a lot of other people see his rulership as legitimate, as it emerged through the state's "laws".
You should really try to leave the realm of feels, and enter the realm of reason and evidens.
You are taught that you and I can not control over our own lives, but that we should subject ourselves under a small clique elite ruling over their own lives and everyone else's.
The philosophy is quite simple. If we can´t give anyone else a right that we don´t have, then they do not have rights that we don´t have.
"Authority" is not a beautiful idea that sometimes goes wrong. Nor is it a fundamentally valid concept that sometimes become corrupt. From top to bottom, from start to finish, the very idea of "authority" is anti-human and terribly devastating.
All government abstract sophistry is designed to conceal rather than to reveal. We can only direct coercion against foreigners since we first directed coersion against our own citizens.
Without taxation this coersion can not exist. Without government there can be no taxation. Thus, the governments is the first cause of all conflicts.
Everyone wants to get to the levers of government power, to dominate, to rule and plunder. A society based on lies, propaganda, coercion and plunder, will attract more plunderers. That with the same methods will start to plunder themselves.
The truth is that we know deep down, that if we pull this thread from the fabric of lies, that coersion of the country's citizens is the root of all conflicts, then many other threads will also be revealed.
I feel with you and would not write something like this normally..
Welcome to the USA where you are presumed Guilty until proven innocent by any thug in uniform who will not allow any questions to be asked. Questioning anyone in uniform is disrespect and for some subject to summary execution. I wish I was kidding on that one.
Am I being bitter, no because I have been visiting USA since 1990 for work and to meet people. I worked for 2 very large US multinationals also I was there for 2 weeks right after September 11(so know of the effect it had). I have visited US at least 40 plus times. I stopped going at the beginning of this decade as something had changed. I do not know if the American people have noticed this change but when you go there for a few weeks, leave for a few months and come back you do notice things are changing.
I am a white Anglo Australia and not someone with a name like Mohamed or Ahmed. I got truly sick to death of the security at airports, TSA clowns, security everywhere, law enforcement walking around like an occupying force. There is something wrong there, while I had great times with the people I worked with in the US and became friends with!!! (shacking head at the dichotomy of this)
In contrast a few weeks ago I retuned back home from a season of cruising in the Med, the only hassles I had there is finding berths and moorings in the popular places and cannot wait until it warms up in May again.
keep cruising Norway is just as pretty as Alaska