16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)

Ahoy, you may have heard about the VISA problems which started in Anchorage, I spend ages in the cbp office and they didn't let me enter the country. so I have to leave. Too sad. But Dave, a friend from Anchorage, tried as hard as possible to make my time in the big city as nice as possible. Thanks you for your time and the awesome places we explored together.. enjoy! please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo if you wanna throw some coins towards our cruising kitty? do it here..: http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sy-ZERO.de ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/syZERO_sailing salty hugs christian + Rebecca syZERO The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small, so sailing on the big oceans on our small sailboat ZERO is the biggest adventure I ever started.. and doing it alone ads even more adrenaline to this sailing adventure around the world.. ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded ) #sailing, @sailingtheworld, #sailboat, #offshoresailing, #youtubechannel, #sailingchannel, #cruisingboat, #goodlife, #freedom

16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Sailing 8 years ago 8,912 views

Ahoy, you may have heard about the VISA problems which started in Anchorage, I spend ages in the cbp office and they didn't let me enter the country. so I have to leave. Too sad. But Dave, a friend from Anchorage, tried as hard as possible to make my time in the big city as nice as possible. Thanks you for your time and the awesome places we explored together.. enjoy! please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo if you wanna throw some coins towards our cruising kitty? do it here..: http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sy-ZERO.de ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/syZERO_sailing salty hugs christian + Rebecca syZERO The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small, so sailing on the big oceans on our small sailboat ZERO is the biggest adventure I ever started.. and doing it alone ads even more adrenaline to this sailing adventure around the world.. ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded ) #sailing, @sailingtheworld, #sailboat, #offshoresailing, #youtubechannel, #sailingchannel, #cruisingboat, #goodlife, #freedom

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for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)

Walter Sponaugle
Walter Sponaugle - 6 years ago
Sorry about the trouble at customs, if you were Latino everything would’ve been alright
Jarek Wysocki
Jarek Wysocki - 8 years ago
Hello I watched all your videos up tis now and love everyone of them. I'm US citizen and left US for Canada a year ago. Yes These mother f-----s on the boarder treat everyone like suspect in a criminal case so join the club :)
Michael O. Imhof
Michael O. Imhof - 8 years ago
Hey Christian, ich habe mich schon gefragt mit welchem Visum du so lange in den USA bleiben kannst. Auf so einen unnötigen Ärger kann man natürlich gerne verzichten und ich denke du hast den Schreck inzwischen gut überwunden.
Ich zieh mir jetzt mal die weiteren Folgen rein ;-)
Wünsche euch eine schöne Weihnachtszeit! Grüsse aus der Heimat
Wilf Rennecke
Wilf Rennecke - 8 years ago
Here you are in the "most powerful" country in the world ..... and THEY shit their pants every time an honest tourist comes to their shores !!! When they come to Germany, they can enter without a visa, don't have to pay a nickel and can just stay! Nice eh? You will find the Canadians will treat you better, NO HANDS ON THEIR GUNS ! WELLCOME TO CANADA.We live in Powel River, BC. should you come down the INSIDE PASSAGE, stop in we'll have you over for supper. Moorage available in our harbor. The "Beach garden marina" at Grief Point. ............. Smooth sailing.  Sehr  shoene videos, DANKE !
Wilf Rennecke
Wilf Rennecke - 8 years ago
Well, sorry to hear you've gone past our beautiful coast already. Would have liked to meet and welcome you. We are sailors and have a Panda 40 cutter in black. Traditional look like your beautiful vessel. Are you planning to go through the Panama canal ?
Enjoy your videos very much !!!
Wishing you FAIR WINDS and friendly seas....
AND NICE Customs officers !
Cheers, Wilf and Bonnie
Sailing in Iceland
Sailing in Iceland - 8 years ago
Trump is clearly starting to take action :) just sailed further north come to Iceland no customs trouble here :)
Dean F
Dean F - 8 years ago
Operation Paperclip has paid off well for the police state of America. It's a crazy world now.
Bearded Lady
Bearded Lady - 8 years ago
The immigration and customs people are rude, even to US citizen, but what has always bothered me is their ignorance of their own regulations, and of course are never helpful. The former INS, now part of Homeland Security, has a certain culture and recruits people with the same personality. I doubt they make the country safer. Retired Missionary
Strategic Thinker
Strategic Thinker - 8 years ago
Alaska looks amazing. Shame the weather is so cold :)
Strategic Thinker
Strategic Thinker - 8 years ago
Fucking with law abiding people while importing illegals and giving them welfare. Great system US.

10. comment for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)

Sailing Vessel Southern Lady
Sailing Vessel Southern Lady - 8 years ago
I am a US citizen and have traveled the world on business. Coming back thru US customs has been a pain most times. 50% of custom people are rude. I think it's part of the job description!
William Gross
William Gross - 8 years ago
You could have sailed right on through, stopped anywhere you wanted and likely would have never been challenged.  People with evil on their minds don't bother with immigration and can enter at any one of thousands of coves and inlets.  You're a good man and I am sorry our government behaved in that manner.
John Salter
John Salter - 8 years ago
what you may of done to support your entry is to ask the emigration to see you videos.
Lee Cummings
Lee Cummings - 8 years ago
You just never now how customs is going to work until you arrive. I travelled around the globe and have set foot on every continent except for Antarctica. I had entries where the country's customs stamped my passport without even looking at me and there's are the county's where they pointed guns at me. I think you had an isolated experience. Good luck in the future.
seth waltz
seth waltz - 8 years ago
Obama visited Alaska last year and now lots of federal money and restrictions. A different place completely not so friendly anymore.
Sail Before Sunset
Sail Before Sunset - 8 years ago
Now you might know why most of us in the U.S. are demanding changes in our government. It seems that our government has overstepped it's authority in many ways.

You might think that guns are a bad thing, and I might agree, but unfortunately the bad guys all have them.
William Gross
William Gross - 8 years ago
I am certainly one of those demanding a change, but I don't believe the incoming administration is going to relax regulations on entry into the United States.
499PUCK - 8 years ago
Sorry about the problems. It all come down to ignorance. If you don't fit into their little box they freak out. Because you represent something they have no idea about. When that happens they so right to the authority button.
Mike Albanese
Mike Albanese - 8 years ago
Its a police country now. As a 60 year old I've seen it go to shit over the years.Bypass the USA. Even as a citizen this place will leave you with a bad taste.Good luck bro.
Nepenthe - 8 years ago
That totally sucks. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Best of luck brother
N7GN - 8 years ago
There is no explaining nor excusing bureaucrats all over the world. It certainly isn't as simple as it used to be. Don't think they don't behave that way to their citizens also.

In this case, if they watched SV Zero on Youtube they would have all of the questions answered already.

Thanks for continuing to share.

20. comment for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)

BeachBow - 8 years ago
Welcome to US bureaucracy, where one person tells you one thing, then another says you're breaking the law, and nobody is held accountable for giving you wrong info.
signelengis - 8 years ago
My guess is the customs guys have heard all kinds of excuses, and assumed you were up to something. It doesn't make them right, but I can see why you might face some resistance. I see customs on plenty of the cruiser channels and they are often a pain in the butt. Hopefully, you can get it all sorted out and stay in the US or at least near by.
Pass Me By
Pass Me By - 8 years ago
In spite of the morons in HI that didn't properly check you out, please make sure you were not voluntarily "deported".  This may affect your eligibility to get another visa!
Bruce Kratky
Bruce Kratky - 8 years ago
I have read some of the comments already posted. I too am sorry that you were inconvenienced and that staying longer was not an option. I echo the statement that the US has a serious problem with illegal immigration and that it has caused us to "seem" unfriendly. Remember 11 or so terrorists entered through Canada and the results speak for themselves. Sadly, drugs and human trafficking comes into play also. This requires a certain toughness at the borders for which I personally grieve. Ours is a fine and diverse nation with folks from all over the world experiencing high levels of freedom and opportunity. I was born and raised here and feel blessed. I too have struggled with visa issues as I travel. It is never easy and enforcing rules is always...difficult. Hope you enjoyed the additional 30 days you were allowed. Sincerely, Sad
U Shine
U Shine - 8 years ago
I hate that when that happens. One person tells you to do something, you do it but when you get to the other people then tell you, you did it all wrong. Always annoying!!! Some people dont know how to do their jobs.
Stuart - 8 years ago
Stuart here. That customs crap is pure bullshit! That really pisses me off. I don't know if you're familiar with our political climate these days but this kind of garbage is one of many issues that put Trump in office. Illegals break into the country, ignore all our laws, benefit from social programs, and hide out in sanctuary cities. People like you do everything legally and you're treated like you're some kind of enemy of the State. Americans are totally fed up with moronic policy. Don't judge us too harshly. This shit is going to change. I guarantee it.
Stuart - 8 years ago
Damn right!
Daniel - S/V Rhapsody
Daniel - S/V Rhapsody - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Even as a US citizen, I've been questioned about my travels and it does get irritating. I'm sure the one's you dealt with found it hard to believe someone would actually travel by boat. I hope this experience doesn't prevent you from returning to the US. There's so much more to explore.

Safe Travels!
AndTheCorrectAnswerIs - 8 years ago
Immigration issues are taken quite seriously in the US. We have over 1.2 million people PER YEAR illegally entering the country or attempting to permanently overstay their VISAs. Currently we have over 11 million illegal immigrants in the USA, it was a major issue during the latest Presidential election. I understand you think it was an inconvenience, but there are many countries where you would have immediately ended up in jail. I cannot believe anyone would have told you that you could just depart the country by leaving without being processed out properly. That's not how it works anywhere. I'm glad you're still a free man, but please be careful in all your future travels to whatever countries you choose to visit.
Andy_K - 8 years ago
Thank heavens Dave was there to make all the crap you had to go through that bit easier! If you would have been left to make your own way on public transport it could well have been even more of a nightmare for you. Amazes me how when the customs computers are down they always want to make other peoples lives that bit harder than they need to be. Almost like its a case of "We're getting grief, so we're going to ensure anyone coming through that door is going to get it too!"

Hopefully, you will be able to leave he US and head to a country with a little less bureaucracy and a lot more fair treatment of people who are just trying to travel and explore the world.

Best of luck mate!!
Dragonfly's Discoveries
Dragonfly's Discoveries - 8 years ago
American immigration are a bloody joke!
Sorry it was so unpleasant.
I thought if you sailed into international waters, you could re-enter.

30. comment for 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)

Alan B
Alan B - 8 years ago
US customs are strange, they can either be really helpful or a bunch of power tripping dicks. I guess you have had them both now.
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
This sort of thing will only get worse under Trump. Travelers should plan carefully.
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna - 8 years ago
+RealityIsTheNow Remove the coercion and violence of government and there it is, an anarchic society. The non-aggression-principle works. Let me ask you, how much violence do you use to reach your goals in daily life? None is my guess.

The reason it is so important to understand this, is that the main danger of the myth of the "authority" are not found in the thinking of those who control the government but among those who is controlled.

A nasty individual who likes to dominate others is an insignificant threat to humanity, if it is not followed by a lot of other people see his rulership as legitimate, as it emerged through the state's "laws".

You should really try to leave the realm of feels, and enter the realm of reason and evidens.
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Its like you didn't even read my post. Specifically how do you propose we prevent my scenario from taking place? What mystical force will prevent it? Hopefully not your misguided idealism alone? Right? Lets here it. No more platitudes. No more shallow avoidance of a simple thought experiment. Why don't you logically explain how a condition of anarchy naturally perpetuates, and why its never happened before. It doesn't even happen among a troop of bobobos in the rainforest, to say nothing of humans.
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna - 8 years ago
+RealityIsTheNow Yes, what you're talking about is exactly what we have been taught. And no, none of it is true. But trying to disengage our minds from age-old lies, distill truth from a jungle of deep-seated falsehoods, can be extremely tricky, and of course also very inconvenient. That you grind is the same as all socialists have been grinding for over 90 years. Don´t you have any ideas of your own? "There are bad people out there". So we have to have a government with these people to rule over us all. Do you even think about what you write?
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
I am "taught" no such thing. Unless you are merely "taught" your own worldview? Have you no original thoughts? Think of it this way. Anarchy is an unnatural condition. Even animals self-organize into hierarchies. They aren't forced into it...its simply a consequence of some of them being stronger or smarter than others. People are no different. The reason we have self-organized into hierarchies is simply because its in our nature to do so, much like the rest of the primates. If you took away all government, all money, and simply reduced everyone to purely their own inclinations...it wouldn't take long for the fishermen to organize to fight off the goons who keep stealing their fish. And it wouldn't take long for the goons to organize so as to better raid the fisherman. And it would escalate from there. Pretty soon the top farmer builds a castle, pays some goons, and takes a part of everyone else's harvest in exchange for not killing them. And, poof, we're right back to feudalism.That's all it takes. Its hopelessly idealistic to pretend that people would magically just get along and agree to engage in fair and equal trade like some sort of stateless Marxist fantasy. Because there is the ever present but often ignored factor of basic human SUCK. People fucking suck and they are greedy and self interested and will always try to fuck each other over. Count on it. THAT is why the anarchist fantasy cannot pan out. Its incompatible with how fucking awful we are. We do what we do because its the only way we've found to mostly not murder each other over simply having enough to eat.
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna - 8 years ago
So you are taught that our freedom leads to chaos and destruction, but our submission under a small clique elite in government leads to prosperity, wealth and happiness for all.

You are taught that you and I can not control over our own lives, but that we should subject ourselves under a small clique elite ruling over their own lives and everyone else's.

The philosophy is quite simple. If we can´t give anyone else a right that we don´t have, then they do not have rights that we don´t have.

"Authority" is not a beautiful idea that sometimes goes wrong. Nor is it a fundamentally valid concept that sometimes become corrupt. From top to bottom, from start to finish, the very idea of "authority" is anti-human and terribly devastating.
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Well. Governments aren't going anywhere. We aren't going to return to anarchy anytime soon. And if we do, someone always pops up and restores order. The broad strokes aren't going to change.
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna - 8 years ago
Right, but we tend to judge others by their actions, but judge ourselves by our intentions. We can endlessly theorize about the psychological, sociological and economic causes of all conflicts in our societies, but we never talk about the first cause of all conflicts.

All government abstract sophistry is designed to conceal rather than to reveal. We can only direct coercion against foreigners since we first directed coersion against our own citizens.

Without taxation this coersion can not exist. Without government there can be no taxation. Thus, the governments is the first cause of all conflicts.

Everyone wants to get to the levers of government power, to dominate, to rule and plunder. A society based on lies, propaganda, coercion and plunder, will attract more plunderers. That with the same methods will start to plunder themselves.

The truth is that we know deep down, that if we pull this thread from the fabric of lies, that coersion of the country's citizens is the root of all conflicts, then many other threads will also be revealed.
Peter Niederreiter
Peter Niederreiter - 8 years ago
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna 1
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Even Trump can't be an authoritarian, much as he'd like to. The office of the president simply doesn't have that sort of authority. He's going to find out shortly that the constitution prevents him from doing much of anything at all. Its congress we have to watch out for.
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna
Styrbjörn Sjöstjärna - 8 years ago
Does´nt matter Clinton or Trump. Worry about who will come afterwards. A green uniform with a red star or a brown with a black cross? You are heading into something totalitarian, that´s for sure.
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Honestly, it sounds like you had the poor fortune of running into some rednecks with little dick complexes. My worst customs experience was in China. I was stuck for nearly 5 days waiting for visa clearance on a visa that hadn't even expired. There were language issues, but honestly I suspect it was simply intimidation and power tripping. Something to bear in mind is that there are millions of people constantly attempting to get into the country illegally, and the drug trafficking is in the billions of dollars. So, as wrong an unprofessional as the behavior you had to deal with, please bear in mind the nasty job border and customs people have to do. Though...I highly doubt many people are trying to illegally immigrate into Alaska via the Pacific. Sounds like these clowns were just trying to feel important. They fround an expired visa! Most exciting thing that had ever happened to them! :D
Derek the Canook
Derek the Canook - 8 years ago
Your treatment by US customs isn't unusual. I've live in the US for most of my life and my job has taken me all over the world. The only two times I've had immigration problems is coming back home to a place I've lived for 40+ years. Israel was easier and more professional that US customs. It's sad, but a fact of life.
theislandpackrat - 8 years ago
WOW that's too bad what happened, How long do you have to be gone before you can go back?
hitmanhite - 8 years ago
I'm embarrassed, for 13 years I lived in your country and had ZERO issues, I'm sorry for you bad experience in mine.
hitmanhite - 8 years ago
I lived in the Eifel region, a small village called Bickendorf, a few miles from Bitburg. My wife worked in Wiesbaden and had an apartment there. My Oma lives there also.
Matthew Wells
Matthew Wells - 8 years ago
40% of our illegal alien population came byway student and work visas so enforcement is being stepped up. Unfortunately, our check in but never check out policy is needlessly snagging legitimate visitors, but don't take it personally, s/v zero is always welcome . . . safe travels.
PacificAirwave144 - 8 years ago
That was sure a cruddy experience! It was great you had someone to drive and show you around and take you to a shooting range for the first time. I love your videos!
tarfoot - 8 years ago
Hey I'm a US citizen and when I went to Alaska in our RV, I always caught more grief coming back in the US than going out. So sorry for your bad experience. Hope things get better for you. God bless ya man.
Marc Lonte
Marc Lonte - 8 years ago
I have had the same f.........g problems with US border officals, I was so angry that I tore up my Dutch pasport in front of them. I was glad I still had my New Zealand pasport. But I will never go to the States again.Take care and get out of there asap before these baboons try to arrest you.
okeanos467 - 8 years ago
yup. me to. lived in US for some years when it was best country in the world. but now it turning to big prison with bs laws. liberties lost and ppl just stay silent.
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Might help to remember what Alaska is. I was born there. This is a conservative place. You're going to have ignorant folks who aren't comfortable with foreigners, who are going to have little redneck backwoods power trips. Its a rural, red state. Its a Trump state. Its NOT like Hawaii. Not even remotely. If he'd been visiting Washington state or Oregon, things would have likely been very different for him.
Mick Relic
Mick Relic - 8 years ago
Being polite and kissing ass does not change anything either, it only makes them worse the next time. Immigration is an issue everywhere and you think US has problems try Europe now. Spent 6 months there with not one issue, Asia 20 plus years travelling though it, no such issues. I did have some missing (lost) documents when bringing in carry on demo tech equipment, and the Customs in Indonesia were helpful and worked though it all polity. I was not treated like a criminal, I was not threatened with arrest, no one touched their guns. US now assume they are Guilty until proven Innocent, that is why I no longer go.. and its not just me, a number of co workers have said the same.
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Bigot. Such childish hatreds accomplish nothing.
Bruce T
Bruce T - 8 years ago
I wonder whether you would have had a better experience if you shaved your beard and cut your hair, and showed up in business attire. Border patrol employees are profiling people all day and you may have set off some mental alarms, sorry to say.
Bruce T
Bruce T - 8 years ago
Not exactly - you were probably being profiled, unfortunately, which is all too common in the United States.
alice coppers
alice coppers - 8 years ago
Are you going to be meeting up with Rebecca soon?
Mick Relic
Mick Relic - 8 years ago

I feel with you and would not write something like this normally..

Welcome to the USA where you are presumed Guilty until proven innocent by any thug in uniform who will not allow any questions to be asked. Questioning anyone in uniform is disrespect and for some subject to summary execution. I wish I was kidding on that one.

Am I being bitter, no because I have been visiting USA since 1990 for work and to meet people. I worked for 2 very large US multinationals also I was there for 2 weeks right after September 11(so know of the effect it had). I have visited US at least 40 plus times. I stopped going at the beginning of this decade as something had changed. I do not know if the American people have noticed this change but when you go there for a few weeks, leave for a few months and come back you do notice things are changing.

I am a white Anglo Australia and not someone with a name like Mohamed or Ahmed. I got truly sick to death of the security at airports, TSA clowns, security everywhere, law enforcement walking around like an occupying force. There is something wrong there, while I had great times with the people I worked with in the US and became friends with!!! (shacking head at the dichotomy of this)

In contrast a few weeks ago I retuned back home from a season of cruising in the Med, the only hassles I had there is finding berths and moorings in the popular places and cannot wait until it warms up in May again.

keep cruising Norway is just as pretty as Alaska
Mathew Peter
Mathew Peter - 8 years ago
Typicall yank bs bullying. The culture of the yanks. Use as they are in international affairs, disgusting!
RealityIsTheNow - 8 years ago
Culturally bankrupt idiot. Bigotry is beneath even you, surely.
The Butte Life
The Butte Life - 8 years ago
I have been dreading this episode after following your web site. Great video non the less. Can't wait to see the next one. Cheers!!!
Camp Runamuck
Camp Runamuck - 8 years ago
I see you checked out the Westfalia LOL Bummer on the bull shit
Robert Orzech
Robert Orzech - 8 years ago
Wow, sorry to see you have to go through the bureaucracy bull crap. It just comes right out of nowhere and punches you in the guts. Then the only thing you can do is kiss their ass. Kissing ass will get you farther than arguing with them. I'm surprised you got an extra 30 days before you got the boot. Take advantage of that month and take as much of Alaska in as you can. There's a great big world out there to see yet. Cheers
Bill Baxter
Bill Baxter - 8 years ago
What a pain in the rear you had to go through with customs. But the scenery was awesome. Can't wait for your next video. Thanks
Tod Loeffelholz
Tod Loeffelholz - 8 years ago
Im sorry that customs messed with you over your passport. Good video, good to see you! Happy trails. and Happy thanksgiving.

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We sail west, along the northern Moroccan coastline. It’s all go go go right now, just making quick stops in every...

About 16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)

The "16-19_Anchorage - firing guns - access denied! (sailing ZERO)" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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