16-22_ExpresShuttle 2 Juneau - changing plans (sailing ZERO)

Ahoy, I know many of you are waiting for Rebecca to appear back on screen and a huge bunch have asked already more than once. OK I can proudly announce that today is the day!! My SOLO Sailor career ends here and after a wild ride from Yakutat to Juneau with 35kn on the nose and huge ocean swells from various directions I finally arrived in the calm waters of the Inside Passage. You know people say "Life happens while making plans" and I got a gentle reminder of that when Rebeccas plane couldn't land in Yakutat.. So enjoy the latest episode.. Aloha! please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo if you wanna throw some coins towards our cruising kitty? do it here..: http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sy-ZERO.de ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/syZERO_sailing salty hugs christian + Rebecca syZERO The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small, so sailing on the big oceans on our small sailboat ZERO is the biggest adventure I ever started.. and doing it alone ads even more adrenaline to this sailing adventure around the world.. ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded ) #sailing, @sailingtheworld, #sailboat, #offshoresailing, #youtubechannel, #sailingchannel, #cruisingboat, #goodlife, #freedom

16-22_ExpresShuttle 2 Juneau - changing plans (sailing ZERO) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Sailing 8 years ago 8,371 views

Ahoy, I know many of you are waiting for Rebecca to appear back on screen and a huge bunch have asked already more than once. OK I can proudly announce that today is the day!! My SOLO Sailor career ends here and after a wild ride from Yakutat to Juneau with 35kn on the nose and huge ocean swells from various directions I finally arrived in the calm waters of the Inside Passage. You know people say "Life happens while making plans" and I got a gentle reminder of that when Rebeccas plane couldn't land in Yakutat.. So enjoy the latest episode.. Aloha! please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo if you wanna throw some coins towards our cruising kitty? do it here..: http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sy-ZERO.de ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/syZERO_sailing salty hugs christian + Rebecca syZERO The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small, so sailing on the big oceans on our small sailboat ZERO is the biggest adventure I ever started.. and doing it alone ads even more adrenaline to this sailing adventure around the world.. ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded ) #sailing, @sailingtheworld, #sailboat, #offshoresailing, #youtubechannel, #sailingchannel, #cruisingboat, #goodlife, #freedom

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Most popular comments
for 16-22_ExpresShuttle 2 Juneau - changing plans (sailing ZERO)

Sa Bine
Sa Bine - 8 years ago
na, ich dachte schon, deine Freundin kommt nicht mehr wieder.
ich hab grad euren Kanal entdeckt.
Viel Spaß beim Segeln!
Bikerbob59 - 8 years ago
Cool channel glad I found you. Thanks for sharing your adventures.
S/V LO-KEE - 8 years ago
The moose hat was the best...lol...happy for you! nice to see your girl back with you on the ship!
mike womack
mike womack - 8 years ago
Nice  ..........  ;~D>>  ..........  Rrrrrrrrrr
The Butte Life
The Butte Life - 8 years ago
Stoked to see the reunion video!!!
theislandpackrat - 8 years ago
Always great to have company! especially when on a boat.
SVDreamChaser - 8 years ago
It looks absolutely beautiful there. I am really interested in how you did the railing on Zero. We have a Formosa 51 much like zero and am considering this upgrade. How did you create the joints between stanchions and horizontal rigid lifeline rail?
SVDreamChaser - 8 years ago
SY ZERO thanks. This is really helpful. So did you attach those t fittings right to the existing stanchions or did you make new ones from 7/8" tubing as well?
Sail Before Sunset
Sail Before Sunset - 8 years ago
Happy for you two!
Carl Brooke - Sailor, Diver, Youtuber, Fisherman.
Carl Brooke - Sailor, Diver, Youtuber, Fisherman. - 8 years ago
Cool and wet. typical for the Alaskan coastline. I have some sailing video vlogs from Seward Alaska. check them out.

10. comment for 16-22_ExpresShuttle 2 Juneau - changing plans (sailing ZERO)

etma01 - 8 years ago
beards coming on well!
By Way of the Sea
By Way of the Sea - 8 years ago
Awesome video! I'm jealous you guys are up there! We hope to do some higher latitude sailing sometime next year. In Florida outfitting right now and even in December it's a bit warm and the bugs! It'll be nice to get back out again.
Stuart - 8 years ago
FINALLY!!! Rebecca is back! Excellent video!!!
Cassian Veneable
Cassian Veneable - 8 years ago
Twin peaks vibe from that song
hitmanhite - 8 years ago
So awesome the fraulein is back!!!!!!!!
Ronald Johnson
Ronald Johnson - 8 years ago
Nice to see you so happy now that Jessica is back, happy sailing.
T.M. Edgar
T.M. Edgar - 8 years ago
thumbs up x 10
Tod Loeffelholz
Tod Loeffelholz - 8 years ago
Im glad your girl is back with you. I bet your ready for some warmer weather. Good video , thanks. Happy trails : )
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Nice video :)
Bill Baxter
Bill Baxter - 8 years ago
Great video as usual. Glad to see your better half back with you.

20. comment for 16-22_ExpresShuttle 2 Juneau - changing plans (sailing ZERO)

Reddsmorris1 - 8 years ago
Welcome back young lady
Ramon Sellares Mont
Ramon Sellares Mont - 8 years ago
me alegro que este de vuelta la extrañamos todos bueno feliz navidad
SV. EL FARO - 8 years ago
Glad the Admial is back abord.
Eric Bernut
Eric Bernut - 8 years ago
Awesome.vids as usual...best rgds from hot hot downunder.Eric
AKorigami - 8 years ago
I thought the Whittier void was my favorite video, and it was till I watched this one, what a wonderful reunion. How cool the Alaskans treated you here, I am so glad! "Fair winds and following seas" you two!
Camp Runamuck
Camp Runamuck - 8 years ago
Glad you finally got some company on that vessel ..That will make life much easier ..Did you load Zero with any wild meat from Alaska ?
Lyle Payne
Lyle Payne - 8 years ago
Yeaaaaa....another video, keep the videos coming

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