18-06_Meet Tyler Bradt - extreeme is understatement (sailing ZERO)
Sailing 6 years ago 2,419 views
Ahoy, What's the best thing about sailing around the world? It's definitely meeting so many different awesome people in so many different awesome spots. And their stories are breathtaking, jaw dropping and inspiring and I think there is nothing better. Having that said, I met Tyler Bradt. Who the heck is Tyler Bradt?, would you say. He's a guy who sailed around the world already but did it completely different than the most would do. He is an adrenaline hunter, a freak, an extreme sports athlete and world record holder. He jumps down pretty much everything, wearing parachutes, wingsuits, boardshorts or a kayak. Can you imagine how someone jumps down a waterfall - a very high waterfall - in a kayak? Watch this episode and you will. I sat down with Tyler and he told me his story. And I'm super happy that we can share this with you. Enjoy the (wild) ride and if you feel like wearing a helmet or life jacket, that's OK! Aloha fay + christian please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo Check out the awesome channel from Tyler Bradt and his Wizard's Eye Expedition around the world: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHsSZwdobUH0-8i_gnE8f3g if you feel like supporting this project and our videos, here is your chance.. http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sailingZERO.com ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/sailingZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts syZERO Music by www.Audionautix.com, www.Bensound.com, www.purple-planet.com and others.. The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small and by sailing from bay to bay from port to port you'll get a feeling how beautiful it is as well. Sail with us, we'll take you along! Aloha fay + christian ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded )