18-19_Crossing the Sea of Cortez - again (sailing ZERO)
Sailing 6 years ago 1,921 views
Ahoy, my stay in Guaymas was only for a few days. Long enough to speak to the boatyard and catch up with some friends. And then I set sails to cross the Sea of Cortez again. I was headed to Bahia San Franzisquito. But this time I had to deal with a bitchy autopilot. And all I wanted was to finish my book.. but the autopilot insisted on some attention.. so I had to fix it. Enjoy the ride, Aloha fay + christian please send us a like and subscribe to our channel.. mahalo if you feel like supporting this project and our videos, here is your chance.. http://www.sy-zero.de/wp/spend-us-a-drink/ please support us and become a Patreon..: http://www.patreon.com/sailingZERO find more Videos and Information about ZERO or get in contact with us here..: ..our blog: http://www.sailingZERO.com ..facebook..: http://www.facebook.com/syZERO ..instagram..: http://instagram.com/sailingZERO ..google +..: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+SYZERO/posts syZERO Music by www.Audionautix.com, www.Bensound.com, www.purple-planet.com and others.. The adventures of sailing around the world are never been shown better as now on this youtube channel about our sailing. Sailing the world steps up to the next level on this leg. The world is big and we are so small and by sailing from bay to bay from port to port you'll get a feeling how beautiful it is as well. Sail with us, we'll take you along! Aloha fay + christian ( sailing the world - sailing around the world - how to sail around the world - why sail around the world - sail the world - sailing world - sailing routes around the world - sailing around the world boats - sailing around the world routes - sailing around the world alone - sailing -sailing tips - sail - ocean sailing - offshore sailing - sailing offshore - Alaska Hawaii Mexico Pacific Ocean solo alone singlehanded )
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