5 Budget Cruising Lessons | Atticus Live
Sailing 7 years ago 4,360 views
Preparing to sail around the world on a budget can be a difficult and stressful ordeal. In our experience we struggled to paint a realistic picture in our minds of what the real challenges of cruising would be. That's why we were always desperate for first hand anecdotes and advice from newbie cruisers. Although we haven't been cruising very long we wanted to share our top 5 lessons that we have learned from the past year of budget cruising so that you might have a better idea of what to expect and how to prepare. Lesson #1- 3:00 Once your Boat is Seaworthy, Just go so that you can figure out for yourself what you absolutely need and what you can do without to be comfortable Lesson #2- 6:22 Optimize for comfort while sailing, not just at anchor Lesson #3- 8:50 Pack a picnic when exploring a new city Lesson #4- 11:23 Get a dinghy and outboard that can plane with two people and gear (groceries, sewing machine, snorkel gear, etc.) Lesson #5- 13:36 Figure out a low cost method to receive weather information
Can't wait for your episode on safety/protection, and the ensuing discussion/shitstorm. There are a lot of strong opinions out there, thanks for reminding people that travelers are always guests first. That seems like the right place to start.
10. comment for 5 Budget Cruising Lessons | Atticus Live
- Atticus
20. comment for 5 Budget Cruising Lessons | Atticus Live
- Provisioning. Not only food, but water, spares, clothing, etc.
- Storm sail/storm gear inventory (do you think it's necessarily, etc).
- Safety equipment, EPIRB, liferaft, ditch bag, etc.
- And last but not least, the "dark topic" of HYGIENE while cruising. Ha, ha, ha....
[Edit] Hah! In reviewing that last topic suggestion, me thinks my internet comedic tone fell a bit short and perhaps funky :) I'll attempt to clarify the topic. While at sea: soaps designed for salt water/bathing in salt water/rinsing in fresh? How you handle laundry? I'd rarely shave while on passage, Jordan? Etc. :)
After cruising Mexico, the boat is back up here in the PNW, and we've been cruising north to destinations in Canada. We're currently rebuilding the cruising kitty here in Seattle with hopes of going south again (and possibly the south pacific) in couple years.