5 Tips For Heavy Weather (with DEMO) - Ep 67 Sailing Luckyfish
Sailing 6 years ago 2,540 views
This week we look at some sailing tips that will help you keep your boat under control when gybing and surfing in heavy weather. These lessons universally apply to catamarans and monohulls from dinghies to bluewater boats. Special thanks to Joe for joining us in the Exumas for what was a wonderful 2 weeks of sailing, exploring and adventuring! 1. Mental Attitude. You must be master of the boat. Not the other way around. 2. Boat speed. Speed is your friend when gybing. Have sufficient sail up to adequately power the boat, even make the boat surf for short periods. This keeps the rudder(s) responsive. 3. Timing. Time your gybe while the boat is accelerating or at max speed. Never decelerating. This minimises load on the sail(s) and makes for gentle, controlled gybes. 4. After the gybe. Anticipate rounding-up after the gybe and immediately counter-act it via the steering before the boat gets the upper hand and rounds up uncontrollably. 5. Surfing. Anticipate rounding-up, even broaching, as the stern kicks up and the boat accelerates into a surf. Pre-empt or counter-act this immediately with rudder. Do not hesitate. Seconds mean loadings on the steering system increase exponentially, potentially leading to breakage at precisely the wrong moment. 6. Bonus Tip. Keep rum and coconuts on hand. To join our amazing Patreon crew and receive access to Extended and Bonus Videos, photographs and updates on our travels visit: https://www.patreon.com/luckyfish Please leave your comments and give the video a Like if you enjoyed it. Subscribe to our channel and ring the bell if you'd like to see more. To leave a donation via PayPal – send to stew at svluckyfish dot com YOUR SUPPORT IS GRATEFULLY RECEIVED - THANK YOU Special thanks to : 0:00 Max Noremo (Opening tune) https://soundcloud.com/maxnoremo/festival 17:19 Tatono (Closing tune) https://soundcloud.com/tatono/revolving-feeling #wharram #wharram catamarans #Tiki38
What's a pirate's favorite letter?
Ye may thinketh 'tis the RRRRR maytey, but it 'tis the C that they're in love with!
Stewart, stand by for an announcement next week about an other Tiki 38
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