8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Sea of Thieves, the multiplayer pirate combat game, releases Tuesday for Xbox One and PC. Here are some tips to help you kick off your swashbuckling career. Written By: Brian Gaar Edited By: Kdin Jenzen Hosted By: Mica Burton Get More News ALL THE TIME: http://www.theknow.tv Follow The Know on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RT_TheKnow Follow The Know on Facebook: http://facebook.com/RT.TheKnow Rooster Teeth Store: http://store.roosterteeth.com/ Rooster Teeth: http://roosterteeth.com/ Business Inquiries: http://bit.ly/1DZ77uy Subscribe to the RT Channel: http://bit.ly/13y3Gum Subscribe to the AH Channel: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: http://bit.ly/11ac5D0 Subscribe to The Know Channel: http://bit.ly/1zhUav4 Subscribe to the Red vs. Blue Channel: http://bit.ly/RvBChannel Subscribe to the Funhaus Channel: http://bit.ly/17qQNJj Subscribe to the Slow Mo Guys Channel: http://bit.ly/OqINYx

8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know sentiment_very_dissatisfied 149

Sailing 6 years ago 66,999 views

Sea of Thieves, the multiplayer pirate combat game, releases Tuesday for Xbox One and PC. Here are some tips to help you kick off your swashbuckling career. Written By: Brian Gaar Edited By: Kdin Jenzen Hosted By: Mica Burton Get More News ALL THE TIME: http://www.theknow.tv Follow The Know on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RT_TheKnow Follow The Know on Facebook: http://facebook.com/RT.TheKnow Rooster Teeth Store: http://store.roosterteeth.com/ Rooster Teeth: http://roosterteeth.com/ Business Inquiries: http://bit.ly/1DZ77uy Subscribe to the RT Channel: http://bit.ly/13y3Gum Subscribe to the AH Channel: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: http://bit.ly/11ac5D0 Subscribe to The Know Channel: http://bit.ly/1zhUav4 Subscribe to the Red vs. Blue Channel: http://bit.ly/RvBChannel Subscribe to the Funhaus Channel: http://bit.ly/17qQNJj Subscribe to the Slow Mo Guys Channel: http://bit.ly/OqINYx

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Most popular comments
for 8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Raiyen22 The Inverted
Raiyen22 The Inverted - 6 years ago
I see the Know is running out of news, so now they've been stealing ideas from other channels, which everyone does, but you guys are so lazy that you don't even bother to make up your own titles, you just tweak the wording or make a list of 8 instead of 10 smh
Brad Hallett
Brad Hallett - 6 years ago
This is an excellent game!!!
BOSS VJ BEAST - 6 years ago
Parle anyone?
Maldus Alver
Maldus Alver - 6 years ago
I vote for 1337Tr011twenty7 to WALK THE PLANK!
Arnie Pye
Arnie Pye - 6 years ago
This would be helpful if i could play :(
Christian Arroyo
Christian Arroyo - 6 years ago
I love me some chocolate
Deadpool - 6 years ago
Me and my friends played this game and made a big galleon but when me and my other friend went on a 2 man boat we were hiding from that ship because me and my friend had a falling out
GhoulPlayz - 6 years ago
Yohoho? Didnt know santa was a pirate
Ed D
Ed D - 6 years ago
I was completely lost the first 10 minutes and then I realized that I was playing by myself. I learn the mechanics and is interesting that a banana will heal you. I was rescuing a mermaid and accidentally crashed into rocks and within minutes the ship was sinking.

10. comment for 8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Aname Goeshere
Aname Goeshere - 6 years ago
Sea of boredom.
Ethen Glasson
Ethen Glasson - 6 years ago
I'm gonna say it. I don't care for Mica.
David Brown
David Brown - 6 years ago
You can try this game for free by signing up for a 14-Day Trial of Game Pass through the Microsoft Store!
Michael Little
Michael Little - 6 years ago
Here's a real tip: If you haven't used your 14 day free trail for Xbox Game Pass, Do it now and play it for free for 14 days!
Harold Phoenix
Harold Phoenix - 6 years ago
Be honest will all the games came out. This by far the most fun I've ever had. Thanks MS for bringing this to PC and xplay with Xbox :D
Murph - 6 years ago
That climb up before the shark at 2:54 was clutch
Dixie Normous
Dixie Normous - 6 years ago
Unlucky PlayStation users lolololol
moety2 - 6 years ago
I'm interested in this game but my friends are all on playstation and I cant get them to get an xbox 1 so I may have to pass this one up.
Marcellus Fab
Marcellus Fab - 6 years ago
Sea of thiefs! Its a sea the edge of the map should be land! Or like the old gta games you go throught a smog and appear on the opposite side of the map!
Peter Henriksen
Peter Henriksen - 6 years ago
when can i buy this game on pc in EU? and do i have to do pay for xbox live or something?

20. comment for 8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Chris Hovey
Chris Hovey - 6 years ago
A tip ship is actually the Fattest point of sail... It the wind is being fully captured by the sail and ur speed will increase greatly
Dimes607 - 6 years ago
would love to play, cant even download it. I'm about to cancel my order. in the age of steam, this shouldn't be this hard to make work
raven young
raven young - 6 years ago
Since the release there is only ONE way to play .... Thats SOLO. Thats right! Once again we paid for a game that don't work right. Till they get a bug fix you can not play with friends or join match making. Also if you don't know the price for items as gone way up. So saving gold won't be a problem because you can't afford anything :/ on a more positive note... The game looks beautiful! Take this time to solo and get all the gold you can before you have to worry about other players coming after you.
Splendid Cookie
Splendid Cookie - 6 years ago
the only reason im not buying this is that it's on microsoft store and not steam
The Kasimkage
The Kasimkage - 6 years ago
I now finally have a use for all the sea shanties I learnt in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. My time has come.
dubstep Wookie
dubstep Wookie - 6 years ago
u just know im gonna play this while on the ship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFU6PtqQagI
Steve Henry
Steve Henry - 6 years ago
Heard only bad things.
Spaffy Knobs
Spaffy Knobs - 6 years ago
These are all pretty basic.
zj s
zj s - 6 years ago
and get a mic or i will personally jail you
zj s
zj s - 6 years ago
ummm didn't you guys just doubt this? Honestly I don't think anyone has played this with almost 30 hours in already this just sounds like dribble

30. comment for 8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Jarrett Gregory
Jarrett Gregory - 6 years ago
TheGreatMunky - 6 years ago
Has Mica lost weight? She looks really slim. She always looked great though, so not sure if I'm imagining it.
Zilla Films
Zilla Films - 6 years ago
I need a group of friends to play with, reply here with your gamertag and I will add you. Mine is iiSuckCOD
Stanley Johnson II
Stanley Johnson II - 6 years ago
So the whole progression system is based on cosmetics? Sounds really interesting... (Sarcasm)
Thierry Laurent
Thierry Laurent - 6 years ago
Beautiful video ◕‿↼ I love it!!!
Stanley Johnson II
Stanley Johnson II - 6 years ago
And I don’t care... At all.
Ginger Prince
Ginger Prince - 6 years ago
Rollingthunder987 - 6 years ago
Game is poison, horrible grief fest, avoid this garbage unless you enjoy being ganked 4v1 every time you go anywhere near an outpost
Neon Lightz
Neon Lightz - 6 years ago
Anyone else having problems signing in for Xbox?
tj - 6 years ago
I wish they would put it on steam. It wont sell that well on pc because its forced onto the Microsoft store
Mark Romines
Mark Romines - 6 years ago
ark survival evolved pirate edition, were massive groups of people (in this case "pirates") rule the entire server and can potentially ruin the fun for smaller groups. hopefully they enable private and/or unofficial servers or sessions to help remedy this.
Tube Industries Broadcasting Company
Tube Industries Broadcasting Company - 6 years ago
There are currently no ways for this to be a problem. Combat is skill based and level which means there are currently no weapon advantages, as well, there are no clans and clubs so unless you play the game in a party it won't be a problem.
Stan Knight
Stan Knight - 6 years ago
Quick tips for Xbox players... Generic tips that every player in the world knows but we'll repeat it just in case you are rusty at playing games... Other than Netflix.
SpaghettiandSauce - 6 years ago
Put trouble makers in the brig?

CubedQ - 6 years ago
What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning?

Throw him in the brig until he's sober. Throw him in the brig until he's sober. throw him in the brig until he's sober. Early in the morning!
CyberNut930 - 6 years ago
I’m not sure how I feel about there being no progression outside of cosmetic upgrades. This game looks legitimately fun but how long will people be willing to stick around in a game based on completing quests without nothing to show for it.
Landon Michael
Landon Michael - 6 years ago
A pirate game where everyone is on one of 2 ships. A small one and a big one. Yaaay... /s
Carbon suicide mtb
Carbon suicide mtb - 6 years ago
Jealousy in the comments I see, bless, go get yourself a lolly
hector ayala
hector ayala - 6 years ago
No end game
DJDekgit - 6 years ago
So you don't keep the gold you've earned if you die/ship is sunk???
AdimasCrow - 6 years ago
DJDekgit nah you keep it. It's the treasure/goods/skulls that you haven't handed in you lose. Once it's gold for you to spend you only lose it by spending it.
Mental Cow
Mental Cow - 6 years ago
Too bad it costs 70€ in the EU, the game looks like a 40€ game, tops.
Pump Esketit
Pump Esketit - 6 years ago
Mental Cow Free to play with game pass,$10.

50. comment for 8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Joseph Ruiz
Joseph Ruiz - 6 years ago
Anyone looking for a crew member on PC I don’t have a mic but I’ll be a loyal sea dog to a good captain
MrFallenAngel - 6 years ago
Your gold cant be taken, your treasures and other things can. But once you turn in your items to gold that cant be taken.
Svenopolis - 6 years ago
Is it just me, or should this game, for the comedy and sarcasm of it all, have maps designed as "flat earth"? Once you reach the boarder of the map, boom, you fall off the earth! Why not? I think it would be very funny!
Jorge Sanchez
Jorge Sanchez - 6 years ago
I 'll chant for you Mica
MangAnimE - 6 years ago
Check your crows nest before heading to sea as other players can hide up there & attack you unexpectedly
Raveen Bikha
Raveen Bikha - 6 years ago
#1 don’t
Do t support games with cancerous mtx in it.
#2 it’s Microsoft it will happens some cut content or other sort dlc in it.
Jose Segura
Jose Segura - 6 years ago
Raveen Bikha it doesn't have mtx
Miguel Ben
Miguel Ben - 6 years ago
NICE Mica you got through a whole segment without dropping an Fbomb , im impressed. Thank you
Mac Xtc
Mac Xtc - 6 years ago
Thanks for the update, But I'll pass... AC-IV is still the best...
Austin Baumgartner
Austin Baumgartner - 6 years ago
I’m looking for people to play and stream this with on twitch if anyone wants to join :)
Austin Baumgartner
Austin Baumgartner - 6 years ago
Pump Esketit let’s do it!
Pump Esketit
Pump Esketit - 6 years ago
Austin Baumgartner I’ll add you tommorow when it comes out,I play on xbox one should be fun asfff.
Austin Baumgartner
Austin Baumgartner - 6 years ago
Pump Esketit it’s cross platform I’ll be on pc
Pump Esketit
Pump Esketit - 6 years ago
Austin Baumgartner Pc,Console?
Bysentenial - 6 years ago
My shanty
There once was a lass named midnight breeze and her name was sung on a wind
When she opened her legs it smelled like fish and that's just what I like
The fact the she was a merdaid was quite a mystery.
She had 2 legs abut a 'fin' down there, if you know what I mean!
*repeat 3 times
Marcellus Fab
Marcellus Fab - 6 years ago
I cant wait for the sweaty pros that can perfectly target your ship from 3 miles away!
AdimasCrow - 6 years ago
Marcellus Fab I'm still getting my eye in with the cannons, but it does feel like there's some randomness to it, could just be the waves tho.
secret1566 - 6 years ago
Everything sounds great...except i havent heard anything to prevent pvp in the game...as ok as i am with pvp SOME of the time...i dont want to get raided every 10 min when im trying to figure out a riddle or carrying a cursed chest, sorry unless i hear otherwise im probably not buying, beta was fine until random looters started destroying our docked ship and making a 4v2 fight with us on land.
JuggerNuts1994 - 6 years ago
will there be PvP and PvE servers or is it going to just be PvP all the time like real life?
Fig Jam
Fig Jam - 6 years ago
pvp, sorry. those of us who have tried to pve in a game like this before know exactly how this will go down. they will have to separate the newb servers to try to stop THE MASSIVE AMOUNT OF GRIEFERS this situation inevitably produces.
Daniel Flores
Daniel Flores - 6 years ago
This will come to mobile faster than you can say XBOX ONE X HAS NO EXCLUSIVES.
Chill im Hades
Chill im Hades - 6 years ago
11HaVeN11 - 6 years ago
We’ve been playing most of the day on PC. It is quite fun so far. Ive destroyed all of the bananas.
Mark Waring
Mark Waring - 6 years ago
If you hold up your compass you can hear your "paces"
James Lee
James Lee - 6 years ago
I'm so hyped, can't wait
alexucon - 6 years ago
Crossing swords.... oh mika
ElectricSheep SGC
ElectricSheep SGC - 6 years ago
Your chests don't go bye bye if your ship sinks, they will float back up after a couple of seconds.
SpaceyMetal - 6 years ago
Stupidest tips. Maps are important, well of course they are and work together? These aren’t tips they are common sense
IBuyFromKmart - 6 years ago
That's usually what I say when these big time youtube channels try to give "tips"
Sonicdemon - 6 years ago
Turn off your lights it will make it harder for other crews to find your ship at night on the seas.
carlykaxt - 6 years ago
actually helpful comment on youtube whaaaAAAT
Mike Allen
Mike Allen - 6 years ago
What do we do with a drunken sailor?
Christoph Nobody
Christoph Nobody - 6 years ago
Clickbait37 - 6 years ago
For anyone who played the beta, what do you think is the best weapon? Want to know before I start tommorow.
AdimasCrow - 6 years ago
When doing the order of souls quests i like to snipe the skeles from the ship for the first couple of waves so i can refill my ammo, then take the blunderbuss ashore to kill the captain
Zuxito - 6 years ago
Blunderbuss and sword are the only two weapons you will ever use
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
Clickbait37 - 6 years ago
TheTeamGaming that's what I was thinking.
TheTeamGaming - 6 years ago
Clickbait37 - 6 years ago
Sneaky Pewpz
Sneaky Pewpz - 6 years ago
Your device must meet all requirements to run this title
OS Windows 10

Well that's a pass then :(
michael Moody
michael Moody - 6 years ago
Remember people you're obligated to make as many pirate puns as possible while playing the first day.
Nizzle Prizzle
Nizzle Prizzle - 6 years ago
I'm playing it right now. Just switch your location to New Zealand
Peter Harper
Peter Harper - 6 years ago
Can’t wait for all that BOOTY!
MainGoldDragon - 6 years ago
3:20 what happens when you crew where everyone else (3 out of 4 people with the 4th being you) start "trolling" you by immediately sending you to the brig ?
Nothing. You can do nothing about it.
Daniel Antony
Daniel Antony - 6 years ago
MainGoldDragon.LoL.That's a PvP Pirate Democracy for you.That should teach you how to solve your problems with a conversation.
MainGoldDragon - 6 years ago
yeah, I know. They just don't currently have a system to "punish" those kind of players. It's also one of the reasons I play on 2-man boats.
michael Moody
michael Moody - 6 years ago
MainGoldDragon leave that group bro
thedragonreaper - 6 years ago
yarrr mateys an enemy captains grabbed me booty and he's stealing our treasurrrr yarrr
electriclott - 6 years ago
Looking forward to it mostly because its so different from everything else right now. Should keep me busy for a month of two hopefully.
Luchiha - 6 years ago
electriclott with mw2r com8ng out next month not sure
Nathaniel Sillingle
Nathaniel Sillingle - 6 years ago
Keep covering this game please
Beast Fatboy
Beast Fatboy - 6 years ago
“Watch out for the edge of the map”

Flat Earth confirmed
Charles Uzamaki ll
Charles Uzamaki ll - 6 years ago
Can you switch between first and third person in this game
Odious Ritual
Odious Ritual - 6 years ago
You go third person when you do emotes, that's about it for now.
Charles Uzamaki ll
Charles Uzamaki ll - 6 years ago
Zuxito ok well i won't be playing it at all i hate 1st person games
Zuxito - 6 years ago
Couldn't in the beta so I doubt it
AwakenedChaz - 6 years ago
You can't lose gold unless you buy something. Gold can't be stolen or lost with a ship, did the person who wrote the script for this video even play the game?
Nicolas Flamel
Nicolas Flamel - 6 years ago
It may be a bit poorly worded, but it was obvious enough to me they were talking about chests. Given how they say "gold on board the ship" is lost not gold on a person is lost. I think people in this comment thread are overreacting as usual. Also they unload gold at an outpost, not spend, which also implies they mean the physical quantity of gold, I.e. chests.
isturbo1984 - 6 years ago
Probably not. It's Gamingbolt. They are fanboys who hate Microsoft. yay, gaming journalism. We lost Gamergate so a half black chick can lie to us on the internet without anyone batting an eye.
Classic Ash
Classic Ash - 6 years ago
Curtis Harris yeah they float for a bit but you cant take it with you, if you are carrying a chest and chose to respawn on your new ship the chest will disappear. So unless your ship sinks right next to an outpost or want to wait 20 minutes for your friend to pick you up the treasure is gone
Curtis Harris
Curtis Harris - 6 years ago
Yea even if you have cheats on board when you sink, you don't lose them? They float there for a bit.
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
AwakenedChaz exactly. I have no idea why they said that. You can lose chests but not gold on your character. They have no idea what they’re saying. You can tell they’re biased against Xbox
TheTeamGaming - 6 years ago
If you have a chest on the ship you will lose it when the ship sinks.
Gamer88 - 6 years ago
But you DO lose gold that you could've gained if that happens
brooklyn560 - 6 years ago
I'd love to give Mica a quick tip
LWCReaper - 6 years ago
I doubt she wants a one pump chump
Domino - 6 years ago
I'm sure it would be bad "advice".
zj s
zj s - 6 years ago
you haven't seen her cosplay?
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
A lil' misinformation about the ship sailing, You can definidly steer the ship and navigate at the same time!
joel maldonado
joel maldonado - 6 years ago
First microtransactions, now micromanaging. Way to go, Microsoft.
Harold Phoenix
Harold Phoenix - 6 years ago
This game is actually very fun, unlike most game this days with too much hand holding (kids) this is not.. No hand holding and very fun. :D
Nicolas Flamel
Nicolas Flamel - 6 years ago
Did everyone just miss the OP's joke or are you so desperate to argue about different companies?
isturbo1984 - 6 years ago
Microsoft is known notoriously for fanboys pretending all their games are online only, games as a service and riddled with MTXs, lol. All of which, never played an Xbox One.
Tube Industries Broadcasting Company
Tube Industries Broadcasting Company - 6 years ago
1. Microtransactions will be cosmetic
2. The whole point of the game is to simulate pirate life on a ship, of course you need a few people to efficiently run a galleon
Glitchell - 6 years ago
Microsoft didn't invent micro-transactions
Hydra Inkd
Hydra Inkd - 6 years ago
lol honestly when we didn't have the sloop and wanted to play solo i could easily sail the large ship on my own
Jorge Sanchez
Jorge Sanchez - 6 years ago
Check before talking........
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
joel maldonado awwwwwww. A Sony pony whose extremely jealous .
Arcanum Order
Arcanum Order - 6 years ago
joel maldonado No, you can do it solo. Theres a small ship called the sloop that's for exactly that.

Will it be harder? Yes. But it's possible and has been accounted for.
joel maldonado
joel maldonado - 6 years ago
to complete a task, such as steering the ship, you need three people to do it.
Arcanum Order
Arcanum Order - 6 years ago
joel maldonado What?
chris cole
chris cole - 6 years ago
So this game is going to be nothing but greffing other players
redjaredits - 6 years ago
Yes how shocking that the game about pirates involves "pirating"...
Kane Mullan
Kane Mullan - 6 years ago
IBuyFromKmart - 6 years ago
people are going to do it regardless
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
PvP is about half of the game so far.
The Sneezing Picture
The Sneezing Picture - 6 years ago
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
Ear-ly in the morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrning.
Jorge Sanchez
Jorge Sanchez - 6 years ago
My favorite chant from AC BF!!
Bubble Buster
Bubble Buster - 6 years ago
Now this game makes me want to buy an Xbox one
Zuxito - 6 years ago
If you have a PC its on there too, with crossplay
Dr . Wub
Dr . Wub - 6 years ago
Say goodbye to your obligations.
Daejahn Bride
Daejahn Bride - 6 years ago
I would like to volunteer to sing sea chanteys as I have ingrained black flags chantey list.
Xbox tag: DAEJAHN
Zuxito - 6 years ago
Good one man haha very funny and totally does not make you come across as some desperate virgin objectifying Mica.
Coops4tw - 6 years ago
Wait……you lose gold if the ship sinks?
I thought all the gold was in an interdimentional portal in my pocket.
Harold Phoenix
Harold Phoenix - 6 years ago
She meant the treasures you collected on board the ship will be lost if it sinks
Fiona Collie
Fiona Collie - 6 years ago
You lose the chests if you don't grab them. Chests float btw so keep an eye if your ship goes down with chests on board!
Reckreational - 6 years ago
TwiztedShotzTV well she didn’t write the script, she’s just the host. Im pretty sure whoever wrote it just got gold and treasure mixed up
TwiztedShotzTV - 6 years ago
clearly the talent here hasn't played the game. A classic case of giving advice about something that you haven't even tried yourself.

The only treasure you stand to loose is the ones you haven't turned in yet. Once you check them in for credits your gold is yours and so are the credits with the merchants you traded with.
Mathew O'Brien
Mathew O'Brien - 6 years ago
I think she meant any gold as in any treasure you had on the ship.
Reckreational - 6 years ago
Coops4tw i think she meant chests
Gamekeeper - 6 years ago
she's right. shanties are basically a must. LOW LAAANDS, LOOOOW LAAANDS AWAYYYYYYyyyYYYyyYY
Zuxito - 6 years ago
Just remember musicians have a day off every sabbath day
Keen Observer
Keen Observer - 6 years ago
#1 uninstall
tylerhill40 - 6 years ago
Keen Observer so edgy
diegox mikami
diegox mikami - 6 years ago
How big is the map in this game?
Erick Navarro
Erick Navarro - 6 years ago
diegox mikami pretty damn big
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
Despite being filled with lots of water, it's pretty damn big
Masterv235 - 6 years ago
Is there a slayer or a “fleet vs fleet” mode? I would love a mode where you just fight other players with your crew! Last ship standing wins!
IC - 6 years ago
i heard its 4 ships per map and the maps are large so just imagine the endless water.... I'll play it later and see how boring it is or not
Masterv235 - 6 years ago
Chris Foster

So that means that there is a game where you encounter players every hour? Oh man, that sounds boring.
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 6 years ago
Masterv235 no but there’s a treasure royal mode
Masterv235 - 6 years ago

Well, just increase the number of supply crates in the water for a “Fleet v. Fleet” mode.
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
I must say i've quite enjoyed the resource management. Hell ive even raided enemy ships for all their cannon balls and bananas xD
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
Masterv235 there are actually crates with supplies in the game! Physical crates you can take on board. The difficulty comes with having roughly 10 to 15 minutes til your next fight and you need to find enough to keep winning. There are lots of tricks to get resources fast so its not impossible to keep pvp hunting!
Masterv235 - 6 years ago

I’m sure that Rare would find a way to fix that. Maybe, there can be resource chests in the water. They give you 50 cannon balls, and 15 planks.

Or even you get 5-10 cannon balls, 5 planks, and 10 bananas every 3 minutes.
Clickbait37 - 6 years ago
twistedmezelf true
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
@Clickbait37 thats true but then you need some sweet looting skills to have enough resources. What i liked to do is max out the ship, Then go wild hunting anything that moves.
Clickbait37 - 6 years ago
twistedmezelf or you can actively Chase battles, then you can get one every 10-20 mins.
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
ehm, the entire game is a bit of a fight other players mode. Sadly there is no instanced fleet vs fleet battles but random battles can occur every half hour to one hour or so.
spiderfan1974 - 6 years ago
Masterv235 Naughty dog has the game for you. Nothing but ship to ship combat black flag style only it's an mmo.
Mathew O'Brien
Mathew O'Brien - 6 years ago
It isn't right now but if the community asks for it, who knows it could get added later.

100. comment for 8 Quick Tips for Sea of Thieves! - The Know

Ryan Johnson
Ryan Johnson - 6 years ago
Well you know what alestorm says rum beer Quest and Mead these are the things a pirate needs
L.D Baywood
L.D Baywood - 6 years ago
So after all that xbox downplay, now you want to be all faked gassed to give out tips, y'all acting like heroin addicts.
Raiyen22 The Inverted
Raiyen22 The Inverted - 6 years ago
moety2, they're*
moety2 - 6 years ago
I have an xbox1.  They have been telling the truth.  They have had shitty exclusives whenever they had them.  I don't wish that to be the case but it is.  I use my xbox to play single player games so I don't run my ps4 into the ground.  I've even tried to get my friends to get an xbox 1 so we can play games like sea of thieves and they say not enough games to warrant the purchase and their right.  My friends are not being biased, their telling the truth.
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
L.D Baywood you’re right. They’ve been biased against Xbox and now they’re giving SOT tips?
Animelytical - 6 years ago
They are generally pretty darn objective. The facts are what the facts are. The is nothing to play up about Xbox. At least there wasn't much. That is changing recently. Thet've also talked about this game having potential.

I mean, Mica herself is primarily an Xbox player.

Edit: They sit on the fence as much as possible, I mean. That's not quite objectivity.
Jack Linde
Jack Linde - 6 years ago
Mica Why are you surprised that Pirate Democracy was a thing? Historically speaking, IT WAS TOTALLY A THING! Most pirates were sailors whose previous shipboard lives were so miserable that they might have been slaves. So, when they mutanied (rebelled), it's not surprising to find that the crews would form a democracy that would vote on such matters like where they were going, who was going to be the captain, did the captain need to be relieved, etc. They even had strict rules about what they could or couldn't do, how loot was collected and divied up, keeping one's arms well maintained and at the ready, etc.
Raiyen22 The Inverted
Raiyen22 The Inverted - 6 years ago
Jack Linde, if you have to define a word, you ought use the simplified word to begin with, kinda defeats the purpose lol
Jack Linde
Jack Linde - 6 years ago
Nicolas Flamel - I blame Hollywood for giving us these unrealistic images of Pirates. After all, it's them that gave us the parrot, the eyepatch, and "Arg, Matie!" (HINT: Pirates did or sounded like none of those.)
Nicolas Flamel
Nicolas Flamel - 6 years ago
Mica why are surprised about something you haven't read into, because if you had you would have known about all these reasons on why you shouldn't be surprised. Never mind, I'll just list them in a tone that implies you should have been aware of all of it and that your initial surprise is an indicator of your stupidity.

Seriously though, for some reason, whenever someone starts with "why are you surprised about '______'?" Then they go on to explain why the person shouldn't be surprised by giving topic specific information, it always comes across as condescending to me. Like you are saying it as if you think it is presumed knowledge for everyone in the world. It may just be a poor choice of words, or me reading too far into it, but that first sentence always turns an otherwise informative paragraph, into a condescending showcase of how clever the writer is.
Jack Linde
Jack Linde - 6 years ago
Eunice Mubgwandarikwa - Nope. Don't have cable, netflix, or wherever Black Sails is at. Just did a fair amount of reading on the topic. So. it's neat that Sea of Thieves has a voting mechanic.
Eunice Mubgwandarikwa
Eunice Mubgwandarikwa - 6 years ago
Jack Linde you watch Black Sails either that or you really care about pirate history lol
Erick Navarro
Erick Navarro - 6 years ago
The more you know
Woodshadow - 6 years ago
This video didn’t make me want to play this game
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
This video made me want to play this game
TangySunnyD - 6 years ago
You can see the map from the top on both ships
TangySunnyD - 6 years ago
twistedmezelf it looks fine
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
have you tried on the galleon? its easier to walk below deck
Robot 29
Robot 29 - 6 years ago
That character design is awful
Gewdvibes - 6 years ago
Bad Motherfucka are you blind? Or just stupid? Or maybe both
Atrain145 - 6 years ago
Just like you
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
Character design is amazing
Erick Navarro
Erick Navarro - 6 years ago
Pirates, mate. Not exactly the most beautiful of creatures.
Henry Pace
Henry Pace - 6 years ago
Same, took me half a house of refreshing to get a decent look character.
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
I can see where you're coming from.
Cant wait for this game! Havent had this much fun in a game since Halo Reach! Games are about fun, if its not your cup of tea dont hate on others, if you're excited comment why?!
Dwilsn - 6 years ago
does this game have dedicated servers?
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
I’m so excited for this game too!!!
PunchineloPow - 6 years ago
All about that reach love man, soooo much fun.
I'm excited to see what the full game has to offer that wasn't in the beta :)
Shawn Karber
Shawn Karber - 6 years ago
I'm buying this, though most likely its a game I will play solo. We'll see how well that pans out.
James Lee
James Lee - 6 years ago
Shawn Karber yeah man, this game in my opinion is best with friends
U2 boy
U2 boy - 6 years ago
Played solo in about half the time during the betas, completely possible and very relaxing!
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
i'dd have to advice you to play with a 2 man crew, playing solo is quite hard if not insanely brutal at times. you can sail the 2 man ship with little to no communication aswell
Mathew O'Brien
Mathew O'Brien - 6 years ago
There is single player in this game. You get a smaller ship called a sloop. I'm mainly going to be playing solo to just relax and have fun.
Erick Navarro
Erick Navarro - 6 years ago
I don't think there is a single player mode in this, sadly
tylerhill40 - 6 years ago
Shawn Karber Can't be a pirate captain without ur limey dogs.
Adelbert Banaag
Adelbert Banaag - 6 years ago
does this have single player for the anti-social?
Jeff Bays
Jeff Bays - 6 years ago
Everyone insisting you play with friends makes me want to play it alone even more.
James Lee
James Lee - 6 years ago
Adelbert Banaag well if you're so little gamer then yes you can be by yourself, but it's not a single player game, it's a multiplayer game. In my opinion this game plays best with friends
Gamer88 - 6 years ago
+Eirck Navarro Or get really good at fending off crews of 2-4 players. You get a rep for doing that and people might start to leave you alone.
Erick Navarro
Erick Navarro - 6 years ago
Nope. You can Sail by yourself, but you are in a lobby with other players who are more likey to travel as a crew. So if I were you, I would start practicing on those social skills asap.
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
You can sail on a boat by yourself, but you're never truly alone...
Danny Boyyy
Danny Boyyy - 6 years ago
Lol xfail fan boys really think this childish game is going to help them in any way.
AdimasCrow - 6 years ago
Spoiler alert nobody cares what your favorite console is or how much you childishly hate another console to make yourself feel better about your choice. Just play games dude and have fun.
Soup Gate
Soup Gate - 6 years ago
I’m a PS fan and this Danny Boyy does not represent us. Please don’t like this idiotic ideology create a false perspective of how Sony fans are. SOT looks great and we wish it was on the PlayStation .
Zuxito - 6 years ago
@Danny Boyyy Uh have you ever heard of the great Xbox exclusive Fable? Had the same kind of graphics, just so you don't think I'm playing favourites here...

I mostly game on PC, I have loved Nintendo ever since I was a kid, PS4 is objectively better than the Xbox One at this current moment, but Xbox 360 was in my opinion better than the PS3, unless you wanted JRPGs
electriclott - 6 years ago
Good job, knew we would have a 12 year old kid commenting somewhere here. You go play with your kiddie console. The rest of the adults are talking.
Danny Boyyy
Danny Boyyy - 6 years ago
InfinityDOK I would rather play on a console that actually has real and good exclusives. You know what is funny though. Xfags always made fun of Nintendo fanboys for playing games like Mario and zelda because they have cartoon graphics. But sea of disappointment has the same cartoon graphics as Mario and zelda. Blackflag>sea of disappointment.
Masterv235 - 6 years ago
Dude grow up, you make PS fans looks bad
D Tyler
D Tyler - 6 years ago
Dreamcast MK2 dog stomps this boring ass game
InfinityDOK - 6 years ago
Danny Boyyy that is really over used and not that creative, we are trying to help you in your endeavors of attacking someone because they don't choose and/or like your favorite plastic box that you have devoted your soul into. Good luck.
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
There we go! That'll get 'em good
Danny Boyyy
Danny Boyyy - 6 years ago
William Breen-Harris xfag one x?
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
...really dude? Xfail? That's the best you could come up with? Let's try that again, but with more pizzazz!
realicepick1 - 6 years ago
As much as as they can do digitally... A whole pirate game and still no view of the earth's curvature.. Because it doesn't exist in reality either. The globe is a lie and space is fake. You're welcome.
Willam Brown
Willam Brown - 6 years ago
Everyone ignores the strongest piece of evidence for the earth not being flat. If it was flat cats would have pushed everything off of it by now!
NerdOracle - 6 years ago
Anthony Aziz
Anthony Aziz - 6 years ago
You missed "AARRRRRRRRR you ready?!"
MattOmniHeart - 6 years ago
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
FRAGGLE ROCKSTAR - 6 years ago
Port is Left, Starboard is Right!
Sphinx2k - 6 years ago
The reason they don't use left and right is because that only works if your on the boat looking forward. If your on the front of the boat looking back the port side and starboard sides are still the same or when your referring to the sides of another vessel either moving towards or away from you etc, it makes things a lot less confusing then your left or my left. The more you know.
Aye Its Cubey
Aye Its Cubey - 6 years ago
michael Moody why don't the Chinese use knives and forks....
spiderfan1974 - 6 years ago
FRAGGLE ROCKSTAR Shiver the timbers or put holes in the enemy ship. Or more accurately splinter the wood creating sharp piercing shrapnel. The better to kill your opponents with.
FRAGGLE ROCKSTAR - 6 years ago
michael Moody most will use right or left, but when you find the occasional captain who likes to use the lingo... well... it pays to know what he or she is talking about.
michael Moody
michael Moody - 6 years ago
But why not just use left or right?
FRAGGLE ROCKSTAR - 6 years ago
spiderfan, it's understood as facing forward, and never as facing the back of the vessel.
FRAGGLE ROCKSTAR - 6 years ago
Good stuff to know just in case the captain says something like set the sails to a port side tack, or raise the fore sail, or set sails at half mast.
spiderfan1974 - 6 years ago
FRAGGLE ROCKSTAR As long as your facing the front of the ship. If your facing the back of it port is right and starboard is left.
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
Jack Linde
Jack Linde - 6 years ago
Fore and Aft, Port and Starboard, Mizzenmast is the big one in the middle, and the poop deck is where one does their business.
Bad Memes 2018
Bad Memes 2018 - 6 years ago
5th and lovin the vids
Apexx - 6 years ago
How many people can be in a crew?
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
I did exactly this multiple times in the beta, my biggest armada was a galleon, 2 sloops and a total of 9 pirates
Sean S
Sean S - 6 years ago
In the beta you had to queue which I'm hoping isn't a thing so I can pile friends onto a ship
Erick Navarro
Erick Navarro - 6 years ago
Apexx just 4, but you can make an armada. That is if you can convice others to do so, but most likely no.
Apexx - 6 years ago
Damn I was hoping it would be six
brickfilm studios
brickfilm studios - 6 years ago
Apexx up to 4
Grizzly Productions
Grizzly Productions - 6 years ago
Seems like everyone wants to put out tips for this game.
Zedd Ruinstar
Zedd Ruinstar - 6 years ago
The game looks terrible, I'm sure they'll sell some copies.
Tyler Dietz
Tyler Dietz - 6 years ago
Sony fanboy spotted
chris croitoru
chris croitoru - 6 years ago
I’m sorry to say but you have a mental Illness my guy
James Lee
James Lee - 6 years ago
Zedd Ruinstar it does have its Unique Style, your opinion in might be terrible but there are other people who love the way it looks. But the way the game looks has nothing to do with the game how it plays. The game how it plays is more important the the way it looks
twistedmezelf - 6 years ago
dem storm wave physics though!!!
D Tyler
D Tyler - 6 years ago
You pussyboys sound terrible, that’s why I’m here
William Breen-Harris
William Breen-Harris - 6 years ago
This thread looks terrible. That's why I joined
J Dxvx
J Dxvx - 6 years ago
your comment looks terrible, I'm sure your BS will fly with some people though.
shadowguy827 - 6 years ago
second. also hmm ths is mildly helpful for if i wanna buy this.
John Battye
John Battye - 6 years ago
Releasing tips literally hours after the game comes out in only a few countries so far?
Reckreational - 6 years ago
John Battye it also says “8 quick tips BEFORE you play”
Animelytical - 6 years ago
The best time is for when people don' know stuff
Roby Joseph
Roby Joseph - 6 years ago
What's wrong with that? They played it early (in beta), so they put together tips for new players? Sea of Thieves doesn't have any real plotline, so there's nothing to spoil, which would deter releasing tips early for another game.

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