ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing - Learning to Sail

We just took our first official sailing class! ASA 101. This video is a walk through of what we experienced to give you a heads up on what to expect if you're considering taking the class. This is just our first step into the world of sailing and there'll be many more videos to come! South Coast Sailing: Support us on Patreon?!: Get a t-shirt(or 3!): Our free floorplan tool:

ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing - Learning to Sail sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Sailing 8 years ago 58,606 views

We just took our first official sailing class! ASA 101. This video is a walk through of what we experienced to give you a heads up on what to expect if you're considering taking the class. This is just our first step into the world of sailing and there'll be many more videos to come! South Coast Sailing: Support us on Patreon?!: Get a t-shirt(or 3!): Our free floorplan tool:

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Most popular comments
for ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing - Learning to Sail

Jerome Nelson
Jerome Nelson - 7 years ago
This was so great! Thanks so much! It wold be great if you guys could do a short video on personal gear - such as sailing gloves, etc. Best!
Greg Amones
Greg Amones - 7 years ago
im sure u get this alot but do you plug or share charities? my 5 year plan involves creating a charity for combat veterans and kids with cancer to connect with sailing adventures and financial support for medical bills. i cant legally create the npo until i have a boat and funding so until then. im begging the world for boat funding. sorry to spam you because im a huge fan. but hers the link in case you guys are so inclinded to share
Neil Sheldon
Neil Sheldon - 7 years ago
Hi J&R ... I'm an Old Guy, but, with my Son, JR, we just took ASA 101. Loved the course and shared a lot of similar experiences with what you talked about in the Video. We took our course at GoSailAZ from Captain Clint. It was an awesome experience. We had some really great winds out on Lake Pleasant, which allowed us to get a lot of practice at Tacks, Jibes, the overloading of the sails, MOB, Heave To, etc.. I've already watched some of your subsequent videos, and loved those too. Knowing how busy we were when we were out on the water for the two days of this course, I really appreciated the effort for you to make a Video for each one in addition to all the work it took you to participate in the course. ASA 101 was like 4 days in 2, and then a test at the end to boot. Thanks J&R! ... By the way, I believe that it is best to get sea-sick, and learn how to get over it, than it is to not get sick in easy seas and learn how to deal with it in rough seas. I'm an old Navy guy, and while I wasn't on a sailboat, the first six weeks I spent out at sea were all about sea sickness the hard way. But later, when our crew had to sail through a typhoon, I was able to sustain myself through the ordeal without becoming sick, while some of the 'old timers' who 'never got seasick in their life' they didn't fare as well. I hope that info is a help for you. Great Sailing in your future! :)
Demian Alcazar
Demian Alcazar - 7 years ago
Real good job y'all. I like the production and explanation on the channel
J Stlriverman
J Stlriverman - 7 years ago
Sorry, never mind. I just saw the name on the boat.
J Stlriverman
J Stlriverman - 7 years ago
What kind of boat did you use?
Gouranga - 7 years ago
Why is the water so muddy or brown?
Stu Johnson
Stu Johnson - 7 years ago
Stoked you did these videos! I am Watching with my wife now as we are looking to learn to sail and save money for a Cat and sail it back to Fiji where we live.
UndeterminedCoolAviationName - 7 years ago
I live about 15 minutes North of Kemah, and am thinking about going and doing my 101 course soon. Really enjoyed the video.

10. comment for ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing - Learning to Sail

TV고야&가아 - 7 years ago
Bro, subway, super risky. I'm now a subscriber and I'm loving it.
Ringo Star
Ringo Star - 7 years ago
nice info im sure you know you need an exteral mic
Fredrick Rourk
Fredrick Rourk - 7 years ago
Web address for the school?
South Coast Sailing Adventures
South Coast Sailing Adventures - 7 years ago
Jessica and Ryan took classes with us at South Coast Sailing Adventures in Kemah! Come check us out! Our web address is
gvaud73 - 7 years ago
Wow, she's a fucking air head...
jonathan kiv
jonathan kiv - 7 years ago
I'm y'alls age, and got very interested in sailing. I was looking for basic sailing videos and found this video. Then I saw this video is in Kemah where i live! thanks for the video I'm looking into taking this course! You guys are great keep up with the great videos!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 7 years ago
Very cool, thanks for the comment! Good luck on your sail classes!
Rune Abro
Rune Abro - 8 years ago
I am sure that there is good info here, I just couldn't get beyond the introduction :)
NickOnComputer - 8 years ago
Nice Capital Factory shirt. I used to live in Austin and go there all the time.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
lol. thanks. small world. yeah they've got a good little tech startup community here.
Matthew Reid
Matthew Reid - 8 years ago
Dope!! This is where I've been planning on taking classes. Stumbled onto this video and my ears perked up when I heard you mention Galveston Bay. I have a printout of South Coast Sailing sitting on my desk right now haha
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Oh cool. glad to help. We've only had ASA courses through them so our point of view is limited, but from what we can tell they did a good job teaching us what we needed to know.
M mc
M mc - 8 years ago
You should make a video on right of way and channel markers and such.
M mc
M mc - 8 years ago
Jessica and Ryan Adventures it's something I myself and I'm sure lots of other people are curious about. I have yet to really find a video that discusses it. Thank you for your reply.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Interesting idea. we'll keep it in mind. I already have ideas on how to do it after reading your comment just now.
tubbyrainbow111 - 8 years ago
subscribed to the channel, looks like it will be up there with the best sailing channels like delos and sailing last vagabond. I like how it's going over things that people that don't know anything about sailing might not know.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
+tubbyrainbow111 Thanks for the encouragement! :)

20. comment for ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing - Learning to Sail

homie789 - 8 years ago
I just stumbled on to you guys and now i subscribe, you guys look like you can put on a great channel. I know i am new but maybe a background video of you two like what you do for a living and sailing experience, what drove you guys into wanting to sail etc? Just a suggestion thanks
homie789 - 8 years ago
Well that is good news, i am watching them in order and look forward to it when i get there. Thanks for the quick replay,
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Hey, thanks for subscribing! Good questions and we answered most of them in our newest video a few days ago ;) The title is "About Us & Saving to buy a Catamaran update"
dkaakd - 8 years ago
I noticed you all are in Austin area. We are in DFW and thinking about ASA school as well. I know there is a school at Lake Travis and 1 here in Dallas. I was wondering why you chose to go down south to take the course. Do you think the experience was better on the coast? If so, we might do the same.
dkaakd - 8 years ago
I see - makes total sense. Safe sailing!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Hey, good question. We knew from the outset that we wanted to work up to at least the ASA 114 class which wasn't offered on Lake Travis. Also, it seemed weird to take 103 Coastal Cruising on a lake. A big part of that course and also the 104 course is learning the rules of the bouys and signs in the water which you don't really have on lakes, at least not in Lake Travis. ASA 101 could totally be done on a lake and I don't think it'd detract from the experience, but since we'd decided to take 103/104/114 on the coast we decided to also take 101 class there. Hope that helps!
Mark Taber
Mark Taber - 8 years ago
Great explanation, thanks
John Maddux
John Maddux - 8 years ago
Hey I just found you all and love the vlogs. I subscribe to the channle; Love your faces
John The Limo Driver in Kansas city
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Hi John. Thanks for watching!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Funny you should say that, we're actually putting together a short channel trailer video for the channel to help give an overview of the channel. Great minds think alike. ;)

We do try to use playlists to separate backpacking vs sailing stuff though it seems we don't have much control beyond that about how/when youtube suggests videos to folks.
Chris Pulse
Chris Pulse - 8 years ago
Hey Jessica and Ryan, these videos are great! I've just started researching the ASA 101 class and hope to take it soon. This video was one of the first that came up in my search. Imagine my surprise when I saw that you did this in Kemah (20 minutes from home) and also took it at the school that is at the top of my list. It's got me even more ready to get started. I've since watched your latest videos to see how your sailing adventures have continued. Keep the videos coming!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Hey Chris! Thanks for the support. Glad the videos could help in some small way!
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I just finished ASA 101 in San Francisco Bay and had a great time. Hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, gloves and some water are essential. I've also been going back to the club to get more sailing time and to practice what I learned. Our format was 4 day, but it sounded like the content of the class and tests were similar.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 8 years ago
+Jessica and Ryan Adventures The school/club I went to is Spinnaker Sailing in Redwood City, which is the Southernmost marina on the peninsula and closest for me. (It's also not currently associated with Spinnnaker Sailing in San Francisco.) Love the school and the folks there. TBH the sailing in the middle of the bay is generally more challenging with stronger winds, more waves, more traffic and more to see. I've sailed out of Sausilito a few times, Berkeley most recently, Alameda before, but aside from my recent class, I'm a newbie and behind you guys on classes. (Will be taking BCC, ASA 103 some time within a year.) If you're in San Francisco itself, Sausilito may be the best, but I have not checked out chartering in SF itself. San Francisco is a bit busier on the water. Berkeley has a very strong school/club called OCSC. Email me @gmail; maybe I can crew for you if schedule permits.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Cool. What sailing club did you use? I'll be out in SF for a bit for work in a few weeks and was looking to do some bay sailing in the evenings if I can manage it at all. Seems like a shame not to.
Glup Po
Glup Po - 8 years ago
Nice video :)
Steve Borcherdt
Steve Borcherdt - 8 years ago
I enjoyed this video much more than all of the "profession how to" videos. I am just at the point of pulling the trigger on my first lesson.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 8 years ago
Hi Steve, I was in a similar situation and have decided to join my local club, after I completed ASA 101. The club is a relatively inexpensive way to get more sailing in, and it includes discounts on classes, free skippered fun sails and discounted boat rentals. (The school has a club and a fleet of 25 foot sailboats, along with some larger ones.) The ASA curriculum is good, and one of the founders of our local club/school is one of the ASA textbook's authors. He's also a former school teacher, as are several of the instructors.
Steve Borcherdt
Steve Borcherdt - 8 years ago
I agree that ASA seems very standardized, a plus in my book. I live just north of Seattle so there is no travel time/lodging. The local sailing club has lots of classes. The classes are discounted if you are a member, just not sure at this point if membership is what I want to do. One advantage is unlimited access to their fleet which is preferable to owning a boat but comes with a commitment. I was in the US Coast Guard for 6 years and aboard a NOAA ship for two years but no prior sailing experience. It is something I have always wanted to learn.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
That first step is always the biggest. In this case it's well worth it. The ASA 101 course really does do a good job at teaching you what you need to get started sailing. Sailing really is one of those things you owe it to yourself to learn. I'd be interested to hear how your lessons turn out if you decide to take them. ASA is supposed to have a pretty standardized learning experience across schools so you'll probably have something pretty similar to what we had.
Mark Watson
Mark Watson - 8 years ago
Nice video, guys!
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Thanks! Looking forward to getting back out on the water with you guys.

30. comment for ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing - Learning to Sail

Gulf Coast Network
Gulf Coast Network - 8 years ago
Jessica and Ryan Sailing Adventures. Cool. Good video by the way.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Thanks! Yeah we're trying to get a little more fancy with our videos.
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
We just took our first official sailing class. ASA 101. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Pudgie Metrano
Pudgie Metrano - 8 years ago
Jessica and Ryan Adventures

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