Advanced sail trim. Sailors are just drunk physics experts

One point I forgot to show was a "boom vang" as for some reason this boat did not have one on it. I do not use the Vang unless I'm downwind the vang pulls the boom down to tighten the main sail so your boom isn't flying all over. Upwind I just tighten things using the traveler and sheet no need for a vang upwind its useless. Next video is racing rules and tactics stay tuned.

Advanced sail trim. Sailors are just drunk physics experts sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Sailing 7 years ago 5,934 views

One point I forgot to show was a "boom vang" as for some reason this boat did not have one on it. I do not use the Vang unless I'm downwind the vang pulls the boom down to tighten the main sail so your boom isn't flying all over. Upwind I just tighten things using the traveler and sheet no need for a vang upwind its useless. Next video is racing rules and tactics stay tuned.

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Most popular comments
for Advanced sail trim. Sailors are just drunk physics experts

dwayne robertson
dwayne robertson - 6 years ago
Excellent video, I'm glad I found it. Recently bought my (very), first boat; early 70's Hughes 25. Has a tiny keel (3.7 foot draft), but it's a lead keel and it weighs in at 1,700lbs. I think the entire vessel weighs 3,700lbs so almost 50% of the total weight. Not sure if that's a typical keel/boat/sail/balance ratio but...I'm brand new to all of this and I'm glad I found this video. I've never really sailed. I haven't even owned/operated a 12 foot aluminum fishing boat so next summer is gonna' be pretty effin awesome in my life!! Didn't have time to get it from the canal into a lake to hoist the sails once yet. Did not even raise the mast. Sadly, was too late into the season (Ontario), once I finally had possession of it. I'm impatient as all hell but I'm looking forward to it all, and you explain this stuff very clearly. It's been study time for me this summer. Next summer is hands on experience, and a lot of further study. Thanks for sharing, man. Will be checking your other videos.
DeJA Vu Sailing
DeJA Vu Sailing - 6 years ago
Hey thanks for liking the video. I have a Pearson 26 on lake Ontario I race competitively. Similar to yours it's got a 4 foot draft iron cast keel you really don't want much deeper in lake Ontario. Also the weight balance in the keel seems right there's a formula for righting moment the boat must be able to spin itself back upright recovering from a complete knock down so most of the weight is always in the bottom center or keel. I could have made more instructional videos on my actually boat instead of this game but I never got around to it this year .
Romaion - 6 years ago
Great vid again, thanks!
Stewart Savage
Stewart Savage - 7 years ago
Brilliant,thanks for this...Roll on payday, whats your steam name ?, i'll volunteer as crew when i'm comfortable, i'm Atlas or Oracle o7

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