Amazing Thailand / Sailing Trip / DJI Phantom 3 / DJI Osmo / GoPro /The Chainsmokers Roses
Sailing 9 years ago 173,637 views
Amazing Thailand the Movie Filmed my vacation film with Gopro, DJI Osmo and DJI Phantom 3 Professional. Would You like vacation like ours? Just send email to we will help You 🙂 Locations: Phuket / Ko Khai Nok / Big Buddha / Phi Phi / James Bond Island / Khao Phing Kan / Ko Hong / Ko Dam / Ao Nang / Railay Beach / Phang Nga / Krabi / Directed by Robert Mroczko Music by The Chainsmokers - Roses Sander Van Doorn - Ori Tali Ma
10. comment for Amazing Thailand / Sailing Trip / DJI Phantom 3 / DJI Osmo / GoPro /The Chainsmokers Roses
Wstawiam was wspaniały film na moim profilu na g+, ale także na fejsie. Piękne!
Did you have any issues flying your P3 over there? I hear they are strict. How did you travel w your quad-copter, luggage?
1. I'm curious which clips you used with DJI Osmo and which with Go Pro. Which one did you use for the close up/medium shots?
2. Did you down res from 4k to 1080p for most of your clips or shoot in just 1080p?
3. Do you think you can get those same shot with Phantom 3 Standard? I hear signal is half mile.
4. If you had to buy the Phantom 3 STANDARD or Go Pro 5 with Gimbal which do you recommend for a 2 week trip in Thailand? I leave on the 19th!
I loved this!
20. comment for Amazing Thailand / Sailing Trip / DJI Phantom 3 / DJI Osmo / GoPro /The Chainsmokers Roses
How do you manage to have this song on your video (ref copyrights) ?
30. comment for Amazing Thailand / Sailing Trip / DJI Phantom 3 / DJI Osmo / GoPro /The Chainsmokers Roses
Just curious...
What kind of Phantom 3 did u use in the video???
For the mean time, what app did you use for editing it? It's really great (the editing and the app)
50. comment for Amazing Thailand / Sailing Trip / DJI Phantom 3 / DJI Osmo / GoPro /The Chainsmokers Roses
Is there a tutorial you can point me to that can explain how the title screen near the end is made? At like 3:54, I can't find a tutorial that explains how to draw bars or lines that expand or shrink to disappear. Please help. Thanks.
Thank You for your answer
100. comment for Amazing Thailand / Sailing Trip / DJI Phantom 3 / DJI Osmo / GoPro /The Chainsmokers Roses
Very very nice! Well done.
Friendly greets
I would like to say you, that your videos are amazing! You have big tallent...Can I ask, how long you do this? I try to work with videos, but I dont know, If is it possible to be sometimes as good as you and do it like to my work. What is necessary to do it like you? :-D Thx
You use final cut pro x?
Thanks for sharing this!
Btw, you may want to visit El Nido in the Philippines. I bet you'll be able to create an excellent video of it. I posted a vid so you can see a glimpse of it (coz my video doesnt even give justice on how beautiful the place is).
what lettertype are u using ?
I'm glad you like Thailand.
This video says all.
Awesome video. Truly Amazing!
did you use any noise reduction with your footage?
Can I ask... did you use lots and lots of keywords? Dji, Phantom, Thailand, GoPro...etc. If not, you should add them all!
You could also consider removing the song from the title & instead write Dji phantom, this would boost search results greatly.
Another pointer might be to have the brightest most vivid picture as possible for your thumbnail (still with text over top.) people are like flies- attracted to bright things!
In exchange for these suggestions, can you tell me where I can find the film burns you used at 01:01? They would have looked great in my Thailand version!
Good luck!
Thank you for the tips I'll definitely use them. :) I got these from Neumann Films Flares and Burns but I'm not sure if they still sell them. Your video is very nice as well!!!
Thanks again. +James