American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018)

American BBQ and bbq in South Africa are not the same thing! American food and little miss (our boat name) bbq learns from this tips on how to cook on a tasty braai and be a great chef! we think Gordon Ramsey should give this one a go! Its like making bread on a boat... bread boats, but different. Its called a braai pie and its made in South Africa! Its probably not gluten free! Come see what we get up to this week on Tasty Tuesday. Tasty Tuesday is a show made for you that loves to travel and eat. We live on a boat and we are sailing around the world documenting that on sailing miss lone star every Friday we release a new video of sailing content. Every Tuesday we release a Tasty Tuesday episode! Please become a Patreon! Like us on Facebook! Order one of Aubrey's images and help us in our journey! We also have a Twitter feed for more info! Video and Sound Editing by us! Thanks so much to all of you following our voyage and especially for those supporting us on Patreon! Thanks to your support, we can keep the movies coming every week and continue sailing and sharing this incredible adventure with you all. There is no way for us to explain how much we appreciate it! Travel and eat! Yum!

American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 114

Sailing 7 years ago 26,057 views

American BBQ and bbq in South Africa are not the same thing! American food and little miss (our boat name) bbq learns from this tips on how to cook on a tasty braai and be a great chef! we think Gordon Ramsey should give this one a go! Its like making bread on a boat... bread boats, but different. Its called a braai pie and its made in South Africa! Its probably not gluten free! Come see what we get up to this week on Tasty Tuesday. Tasty Tuesday is a show made for you that loves to travel and eat. We live on a boat and we are sailing around the world documenting that on sailing miss lone star every Friday we release a new video of sailing content. Every Tuesday we release a Tasty Tuesday episode! Please become a Patreon! Like us on Facebook! Order one of Aubrey's images and help us in our journey! We also have a Twitter feed for more info! Video and Sound Editing by us! Thanks so much to all of you following our voyage and especially for those supporting us on Patreon! Thanks to your support, we can keep the movies coming every week and continue sailing and sharing this incredible adventure with you all. There is no way for us to explain how much we appreciate it! Travel and eat! Yum!

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Most popular comments
for American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018)

Alexander van Aswegen
Alexander van Aswegen - 7 years ago
Love the shirt; "BAiE watch" translates to "lots to watch"... big boobies/bod... (or Bae = Babe/girlfriend) a play on 'Bay watch'...
What's the best routing to get to this Mmm nature reserve? Via Ceres? ;)
Leanne Cyr
Leanne Cyr - 7 years ago
Please don't make me unsubscribe like I did before. I was so happy for you that you were taking sailing serious -- all your amazing accomplishments. And you're resorting to clickbait. :( I won't unsubscribe just yet. Hopefully, this isn't a trend for you.
Mike Hradecky
Mike Hradecky - 7 years ago
Spinach? Looks like Chard to me.
James - 7 years ago
Very professional pastry, you could open up shops here in the US with that kind of quality. I'm hungry now!
Rilla G
Rilla G - 7 years ago
That looks like chard or collards, not spinach... unless there's a SA spinach I've never heard of before??
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales - 7 years ago
Im going to try that looks tasty
Roger K. Davis
Roger K. Davis - 7 years ago
yummy !!!!!!!⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓
Redneck Rick
Redneck Rick - 7 years ago
Congratulations to "Bae Watch" on being blessed with such wonderful juggies! She wins!!!!!!
hr 777
hr 777 - 7 years ago
lekker is dutch for delicious

10. comment for American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018)

paraglide01 - 7 years ago
Wat zegt Heike nou op 5:07?  Braairooster versta ik nog wel maar daarna?
paraglide01 - 7 years ago
ok , bedankt. leuk youtube kanaal btw.
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
sei zegt dat zei niet meer weit wat het naam voor het rooster ben
ludimilojko969 - 7 years ago
Nobody watched what you're cooking :- )
SailnBlue - 7 years ago
Do you have some kind of metric on the affect of hooters click-bait? Perhaps episodes on Vimeo called "Mammary Sailors!" or the like. That said, a beautiful but modestly dressed woman always has a special charm. The side-boob shots might bring out the teenage boy in men, but the beautiful and modestly dressed woman appeals to those of us who have learned what matters.
Edsel De Graaf
Edsel De Graaf - 7 years ago
Paul Beebe
Paul Beebe - 7 years ago
That Braai pie needed SHRIMP....LOL
Peter Beilnhuber
Peter Beilnhuber - 7 years ago
Lecker lecker lecker!

...silly me!
zzzx xzzz
zzzx xzzz - 7 years ago
Side boob in the thumbnail was an accident right ?
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
You, my dear friend, whom I have continuously supported, unquestionably, are now guilty of click-baiting. The photo that appears as the "thumbnail" for this video has nothing whatsoever to do with anything that is contained in the actual video. I am disappointed. I must join the others in a thumbs down for that reason.
Hans Etter
Hans Etter - 7 years ago
You are having a good time!
Matt Power
Matt Power - 7 years ago
That looks so good!

20. comment for American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018)

Cleo Torris
Cleo Torris - 7 years ago
OK, I am upset! Thumbnail is not in video!! Next BBQ video must be done U.S. Style for the AFRIKAANS with you wearing nothing but the shorty bibs!! It is the penalty! The YOUTUBE authority has spoken.
Tony Burelle
Tony Burelle - 7 years ago
I love spanokopia, just never had it cooked over an outside fire, so delicious
JAIRO OLIVEIRA - 7 years ago
Wow, are you sure you're in South Africa? Everything looks like Brazil, here we make barbecue every day with a very similar pie too! Even people look like Brazilians speaking English, and the most amazing thing is that their Friend Chef is identical to a cousin of mine, I can swear they were separated in the maternity ward !!!!
A Rottie
A Rottie - 7 years ago
!!! @ the risk of stating the Obvious. My God those where some BIG BOOBIES!!!.... ; )
curacao11 - 7 years ago
Lekker, neuken In de keuken hahahahahaha
curacao11 - 7 years ago
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
haha, nei geen neuken in dit keuken hier. gewoon eten!
ken may
ken may - 7 years ago
that would be even better with bacon
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
I think so too! - Stef
Ken Davis
Ken Davis - 7 years ago
I only wish I could supply you guys with a new 55 foot sailboat just to follow your life progress. So happy to see you happy and safe.Happy Life Everyone!
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
wouldnt that be absolutely amazing! :)
Travis - 7 years ago
Where the heck can I find the song at the end, from Damian DE Almeida -- and others from him? I've googled and used Shazam with no joy--- EDIT: I found it
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
good job!, you can also fing him on his instagrag and send him a message there!
David Kernaghan
David Kernaghan - 7 years ago
yummy deliciousness
spencer marshall
spencer marshall - 7 years ago

30. comment for American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018)

Rick Ruehl
Rick Ruehl - 7 years ago
I was looking forward to having some of that goats head I saw in that last video. The worms are good to eat. Just cook them to over 160 degrees. That pie looked good. I like the way it was cooked. Here in Austin as you know it takes a full 24 hours to properly prepare bbq. Your video is making me hungry so guess it is time for Rudys! Thanks for a great vid.
G Anders
G Anders - 7 years ago
Rick Ruehl - Oh I miss Tx and Rudy’s
s/v Invictus
s/v Invictus - 7 years ago
Looks delish!
peakslayer1 - 7 years ago
WAIT A MINUTE! Did I hear you say South Africans can eat healthy? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the only thing remotely healthy about that concoction was the spinach greens which were raped of their nutrition by boiling the life force and enzymes out of them. You said..."The Spinach is soft now so that means it's cooked." You should of said... "The Spinach is soft now so that means its DEAD!" Any living food heated above 118 degrees is considered DEAD FOOD. And don't even get me going on whatever that mush was that you were putting all of this in. I wonder if there was any of the WHITE PLAGUE involved (Whit sugar, White Flour or salt) Oh yeah...if it's not goat or sheep cheese, then it's most likely has cow milk in it which is dairy and once again ..BAD! Dairy is one of the worst things for us humanoids. BTW...great vid and loved the music choices That really made the video!!! . Your vids just keep getting better and better! Would have loved to see more Stephan in the vids! that dude ROCKS! PEACE OUT!
Kristen Fletcher
Kristen Fletcher - 7 years ago
peakslayer1 you could hear Stefan laughing his head off whilst they were filming the prep work in kitchen... his never far away
Przemysław Kapała VLOG
Przemysław Kapała VLOG - 7 years ago
Za pokazywanie swojego ciała daje minusa, szkoda ze w taki sposób próbujesz zwiększyć oglądalność
Virgilio Jr. Barba
Virgilio Jr. Barba - 7 years ago
I can't read the BAE WATCH.
Marty Soulard
Marty Soulard - 7 years ago
Great segment. I now have to make a Braai Pie. I am stoked to try it. I am also sad that we did not get to see that amazing swim suit from the teaser thumbnail. Sad face imagined here..... Nice movie.
Writers Life with Author Truman Beaver
Writers Life with Author Truman Beaver - 7 years ago
cracking up over the disclaimer good one !
fha gerber
fha gerber - 7 years ago
100% very good vid i like
ben shafer
ben shafer - 7 years ago
hey what a great idea for a camp cook out , and if you dont want to make the dough from scratch sub with pie crust maybe ??
Jeffrey Searle
Jeffrey Searle - 7 years ago
Well I think most of us got sucked in by the side boob advertisement
Old Salt
Old Salt - 7 years ago
Your disclaimer is funny
But did you sail to South Africa or fly in a plane? Where is Stefan’s boat? Why aren’t you on it?
Corrie Van Velzen
Corrie Van Velzen - 7 years ago
SET SAIL by VIBRANT ARM from Amsterdam!! Beautiful Theme Song!!
tizwicky - 7 years ago
South Africans are such nice people. I've never met one that I didn't like.
Crispin Swainston Harrison
Crispin Swainston Harrison - 7 years ago
Aubrey definitely looking sexier in this vid
john wlson
john wlson - 7 years ago
Hell gal I had this on our barby made by a south African ho worked at the local smoke house on the Isle of Arran Scotland ,we did put some salmon and venison in just to give it a wee taste
Hans Geertsema
Hans Geertsema - 7 years ago
Jy moet kom Hello se as jy in Kathu is. Ek sien jy is hier in my back valley !!!
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
ons is al klaar weer weg!
JimC481 - 7 years ago
You'll need a trip to your cardiologist after eating that.
AndTheCorrectAnswerIs - 7 years ago
Love your clickbait! Nothing wrong with knowing what sells. More capitalism please!
michael zegwaard
michael zegwaard - 7 years ago
love you aubrey
Fredrick Rourk
Fredrick Rourk - 7 years ago
Hmm well now I need to go to
Lunch Time hurry up and get here!

50. comment for American BBQ vs SA BBQ (2018)

somalost13 - 7 years ago
was nice to wake up to a new vid. keep up the great work!
love u guys!!
Ian Joel
Ian Joel - 7 years ago
Looks like crap ... I'll stick to Australian BBQ's
Warren Mckinlay
Warren Mckinlay - 7 years ago
yeah, bloody oath cobber
Rob Bosman
Rob Bosman - 7 years ago
Dat ziet er "lekker"uit The girls that prept it to.
David Westwood
David Westwood - 7 years ago
Feed the man meat,it's not a bbq without a slab of meat. But it did look ok except for the spinach:-)...
Larry Sumner
Larry Sumner - 7 years ago
I think it needs some meat to make it taste better....
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
Yeah this is just the taster before the meat is made!
Tony Stott
Tony Stott - 7 years ago
Another great video! Well worth the (no doubt significant) effort
Donnie Senor
Donnie Senor - 7 years ago
WOW how many calories per serving???
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
umm we try not to think about that!
C.S. Acim
C.S. Acim - 7 years ago
I will try this in my kitchen :)
Sailing Miss Lone Star
Sailing Miss Lone Star - 7 years ago
great let us know how it went!

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