Avatar is a joke compared to the Kittywake | Sailing Zingaro Ep-11
Sailing 7 years ago 13,710 views
T-SHIRTs are BACK! https://www.bonfire.com/zingaro/ S/v Zingaro makes it to Cayman Islands, and we take it easy with a little kiteboarding and diving. The Kittywake was a really cool wreck to dive, and Kimmi's first freedive! She did amazing! Little fish. After that's all over we realize we've got a little problem... Buy us a BEER: https://www.paypal.me/sailife Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/svzingaro T-SHIRTS: https://www.bonfire.com/zingaro/ Contact: https://svzingaro.com/ https://www.facebook.com/svzingaro https://www.instagram.com/sailing_zin... svzingaro@gmail.com Camara Gear: Canon 70D - https://goo.gl/nq5bfk 10-18mm lens - https://goo.gl/SEPeFm Videomic Go - https://goo.gl/FPYhe5 Gopro Hero5 - https://goo.gl/FzEQxq Corporate Sponsors: SailTimer Wind Instrument™: http://www.SailTimerWind.com/Zingaro The SailTimer Wind Instrument™ is a wireless, solar-powered masthead anemometer. It works with lots of navigation and charting apps.
Heliocentricism as invented by Copernicus is used by Pope Gregory XIII to reform the calendar.
Telescope invented
Johannes Kepler published his Heliocentric laws of planetary motion, based on the writtings of Tycho Brahe.
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) died prior to the invention of the Telescope.
Galileo Galilei, claims to see Spaceballs orbiting about one another.
Galileo is a beneficiary of the Jesuit payroll.
Christopher Clavius, a Jesuit at the Collegio Romano, confirms Galileo’s observations of planetary motion.
Jesuits claim that Lights they observe through their Telescopes are in fact Spaceballs that orbit about one another.
The reader will note, that from this point on "verifiable reality" has been replaced with Theoretical Math Equations (pretend).
Sir Isaac Newton, invents the theory of Gravity establishing a friction-less environment required for Spaceballs to orbit about one another.
Sir Henry Cavendish invents the MASS of the Earth and the Mass for all other Spaceballs. He was the first to calculate the gravitational constant [G], showing how Spaceballs orbit about one another in the vacuum of space.
Jules Verne publishes, From the Earth to the Moon
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky writes Free Space on use of jet propulsion in vacuum of space
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (USSR), inspired by the writings of Jules Verne, published "The Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Rocket Devices", showing that the man-made construct called Space was a physical place that could be explored.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, is known as the founding father of astronautics
Jesuits invent Big Bang theory (aka, Cosmic Egg or Primeval atom)
Drawing by Tsiolkovksy for the film ‘Cosmic Voyage’ showing a cosmonaut exiting a rocket via an airlock into the vacuum of Space.
Credit: Archive of Russian Academy of Science
Sir Arthur C. Clarke invents geostationary satellite communications for his Science Fiction stories.
It was Science Fiction writers who invented the properties of SPACE, SPACEBALLS and GRAVITY; these Fairy tales then entered major Universities under the guise of THEORETICAL Physics (pretend) and a New World Religion was created called SCIENTISM.
1 suggestion for the next T-shirt design : ask Kim to draw the picture at 6:54 It's a killer!
I use to watch him years ago.
Alby" Mangels
We'll have many beers. ;)
10. comment for Avatar is a joke compared to the Kittywake | Sailing Zingaro Ep-11
Thank you so much.
20. comment for Avatar is a joke compared to the Kittywake | Sailing Zingaro Ep-11
30. comment for Avatar is a joke compared to the Kittywake | Sailing Zingaro Ep-11
Have to give props, as someone who has done a small bit of freediving myself, Kimmi looked like a pro down there! You both are really good at it actually.Those turquoise waters and sand bottom, are always the Cayman's to me, but you had water clarity off the charts! Looked like glass in those fine shots.
People, the shirts look better in person than they do in the video, and they look fine in the vid! So get yours before they're gone!
Another great vid, but stinks about the rudder..going to tell you to start running cords to your parts if you don't quit losing them! Tho the only boat I've ever seen that didn't need work was sitting in a showroom! So it's the ongoing cycle of boating life.
I have the same issues with my rudder blades and are about to rebuild one on my boat. My problem during low tides my blades touch on the bottom while on my mooring and work loose on the post which is stainless steel 40mm.
50. comment for Avatar is a joke compared to the Kittywake | Sailing Zingaro Ep-11