Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

This is a basic beginners guide to how boats sail, parts of a boat, points of sail and a triangular course. We need your help raising funds for a new clubhouse, please help with a donation to Yeadon Sailing Club here: If you wish to learn more about sailing then try our Online Sailing Course: Video made with Active Presenter and our own interactive diagram creator: Start learning more online today at:

Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction sentiment_very_dissatisfied 67

Sailing 11 years ago 421,681 views

This is a basic beginners guide to how boats sail, parts of a boat, points of sail and a triangular course. We need your help raising funds for a new clubhouse, please help with a donation to Yeadon Sailing Club here: If you wish to learn more about sailing then try our Online Sailing Course: Video made with Active Presenter and our own interactive diagram creator: Start learning more online today at:

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Most popular comments
for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

Guy Turi
Guy Turi - 7 years ago
Best video.
Gary Rhodes
Gary Rhodes - 7 years ago
Never worked out how the wind works on sailing craft,but now this explains it brilliant,thanks.
UnKluttered Life
UnKluttered Life - 7 years ago
I did enjoy that. Thank you for taking the time to create your indtructional video.
Craig Conway
Craig Conway - 7 years ago
I'm in the US - Are the English terms and the US terms the same ? Or will this video screw me up LOL. Fags and biscuits come to mind :)
Fuwie Yori
Fuwie Yori - 7 years ago
this video was simple but informative. thanks!
Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar - 7 years ago
total gamer kid
total gamer kid - 7 years ago
this is cool

read more
total gamer kid
total gamer kid - 7 years ago
did you fell for it
Alan Worsley
Alan Worsley - 7 years ago
Excellent video to get a clear understanding of the basics
AT Cherrio
AT Cherrio - 7 years ago
Well done, in 10 minutes you cleared up what a full learn to sail book confused! I had some of it, but not as well integrated or a whole single picture like you just showed. The movable boat graphic really helped me see it, and gybe vs tack - never had it shown so well. I somehow never got that it was which part of the boat ( bow vs stern ) moved past the wind, not left / right. I would just move the sail never knowing which term to use! I called everything a tack if the boom was moving sides!

10. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

FORKinFISH - 7 years ago
Very well put together, thanks for putting the effort in.
honeststan - 7 years ago
Been thinking about learning to sail. Most of the online information so far almost had me not bothering. Simple no nonsense explanation which made complete sense. Thankyou so much for doing this, has really given me a bit of confidence to move forward, really great, can't thankyou enough.
fernysyoutube - 7 years ago
It all makes sense now. Thanks
weemistermac - 7 years ago
*Broad Reach, not Board Reach ;)
Logan Beauvais
Logan Beauvais - 7 years ago
Then u forgot the outhaul which is highly important when rigging and derigging a boat. (Correct me if I spelled "rigging" wrong)
Logan Beauvais
Logan Beauvais - 7 years ago
Also second pic, u forgot the thwart. Which is what the bench in the boat between the tiller and the centre board is called.
Logan Beauvais
Logan Beauvais - 7 years ago
Also for the first picture u mis-spelled BROAD reach.
Logan Beauvais
Logan Beauvais - 7 years ago
2:06 u forgot one important one in the diagram. The ticklers on the sails.
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
Well..well..well..I finally learned something from a sailing technical video! THANK YOU! I've been trying to discover the difference between tacking and Gybe and here it is. Makes perfect sense! Thanks again!!! This will help me ACE my sailing class. Ü
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
How do you know wind direction on a sail boat.. I know you can tell generally where its coming from by the sail but how do you get a more precise direction. Is that what those streamers I see sometimes are for or are them more for telling how the wind is moving over the sail.

I live in Michigan so I have access to a lot of prime sailing waters so and it has always interested me so I'm going to pick up a boat in the off season. I like the older Catalina boats because they are affordable and plentiful in my area. At first I was thinking of a swing keel 22 with the pop top but I would prefer to have my cabin always ready and I probably wouldn't trailer it. Only benefit to the swing keel as I can see is access. The Catalina 27 is really calling to me. I like the taller cabin and the built in motor. Any thoughts on this

20. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

Livingdocumentaries - 7 years ago
Really helpful for a complete beginner like myself! Thanks for posting this.
Homefront - 7 years ago
Terrific video for beginners
Tom Sullivan
Tom Sullivan - 7 years ago
Very good video. I didn't know how Gybe was spelt. I would like to sggest showing the triangle made by the 123 buoys and then show a circle around the bouys and then show the need to tack.
papashez - 7 years ago
Excellent explanation! Tomorrow I'll see how much I took in, as I start my RYA Level 1 :0)
LifeisGreat - 7 years ago
Best sailing explanation video I've seen. Very clear and straight forward. Thank you!
Sam Pierson
Sam Pierson - 7 years ago
I tried watching a few how to sail videos once. Apparently I was watching the wrong videos. This video is the one that made it click and I will probably watch it a few more times
Wade Patton
Wade Patton - 7 years ago
The animation tools being used here are brilliant.

I learned by going out on a sloop one night a thousand years ago. Then I bought a sloop--and learned the finer points simply by sailing it ('tweren't no internet). 25 years later, I'm just refreshing and maybe learning things I never knew. Sailors are rare this far inland. Oh wow, now I know that I need to go sail triangular courses!
Gregory Webster
Gregory Webster - 7 years ago
Wade Patton I have always dreamed of sailing. My dad used to build these plywood fishing boats in his spare time. When I was 10 or so I collected enough scrap to build my own vessel (box). I drug her a half mile to the local pond and for approximately 5 minutes I was captain of my own craft! Then I was swimming. Life came along and I became a single parent to two beautiful daughters. Hard work, parenting, obligations to others. Time has flown and I still have never set foot on a sailboat. I’m 55 now. Caring for my elderly mother. But today I saw a sailboat. A Catalina 18 I think it was. Pretty little thing. Can’t get it off my mind. Now I’m here watching this video. Maybe it’s not to late for an old man to have his dream.
David Ostrowski
David Ostrowski - 7 years ago
Excellent instruction.
Adrian Butterworth
Adrian Butterworth - 7 years ago
I would say a prerequisite of watching this video is knowing roughly 15 words on sailing. When I watched this first, it was very confusing and overwhelming.
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
I agree. I have watched about 300 vids before finding this one so I had a pretty good understanding. However, some of the terms are still a tad foreign to me but I'm sure will come as time goes on and I actually get out there sailing with someone who knows all the lingo! PEACE OUT!
sqlvfisken - 7 years ago
very good thx :)

30. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

Mark Ganus
Mark Ganus - 7 years ago
i find sailing terms strangely fascinating
Annette Ayala
Annette Ayala - 7 years ago
Love the program you're using. Excellent and very well explained . Thank you.
Southwood Studios
Southwood Studios - 7 years ago
Very clear and well explained, thank you!
Awesome Bent
Awesome Bent - 7 years ago
Thank you. This was very informative.
Aaron Sandland
Aaron Sandland - 7 years ago
fantastic guide
Doctor Hill
Doctor Hill - 7 years ago
Excellent tutorial.  Thank you.
gsansoucie - 7 years ago
Agree with the previous comment, this has to be the best starting video for sailing I've ever seen. I only wish I'd started with this one ;-)
Thank you.
surfingrabbit - 7 years ago
Excellent commentary
Jorge Luiz
Jorge Luiz - 7 years ago
Very interesting the program used. It has available for sale.
Jorge Luiz
Jorge Luiz - 7 years ago
Thank you for your kindness
yeadonsailingclub - 7 years ago
Hi, the current flash version is free to use at
Blues Tramp
Blues Tramp - 7 years ago
NYGGJELEBEITE - 7 years ago
Nicely done, thanks
Dave Ellis
Dave Ellis - 7 years ago
Great example of a tutorial video, clear friendly tone, good visual aids and it gets across the message really well. My wife felt this was by far the best sailing tutorial she has seen and has helped her understand the basics which she previously struggled with
bergssprangare - 7 years ago
Great teaching..
Oscar C
Oscar C - 7 years ago
This is the best 2 min video on beginning sailing I've seen. I know it's longer, but that's how long it took his voice to lull me to sleep. I play this for my kids now. Works every time.
yeadonsailingclub - 7 years ago
Glad it helps, perhaps you should consider a job in comedy.
Jassim Osman
Jassim Osman - 7 years ago
very informative and straight forward.
Tobin Pokrzywa
Tobin Pokrzywa - 7 years ago
Thank you! This actually made sense!
BandB1111111 - 7 years ago
Best Sailing video on YouTube for neophytes like me.
muadib attredies
muadib attredies - 7 years ago
It's Broad reach not Board reach, just letting you know.
yeadonsailingclub - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'd not noticed that. Can't update the video, but will update the graphic.
Michael - 7 years ago
Great video. I understand the terms clearly. I am practicing sailing and I've went 3 days now. The problem I have is going in the direction of the wind. Sometimes you can feel it really picks up nicely and you have to balance and other times I feel like it's stopped but it's moving so slowly. How do I overcome this. Deckerboard is fully down and wind is still blowing. What is the proper way to let out the main sheet? When I slow down I try to let go and pull in the main sheet rope. Is this correct? Thanks.
yeadonsailingclub - 7 years ago
When your sailing with the wind, the wind coming from behind you, then your sail needs to be out. When you are learning I would avoid sailing directly downwind, because this could cause a sudden gybe (your jib will come across first and this is a good indicator a gybe might happen). Sail on a training run, about 5 o'clock or 7 o'clock if you imagine the wind coming from 12 o'clock. This way you can experiment with the sail position. When you are running away from the wind, if you want to slow then pull in the sail. You should have your daggerboard, centreboard or deckerboard almost all the way up when running with the wind. I hope that helps.
signal beam
signal beam - 8 years ago
This video put it into focus, i now feel i have a good idea how the sail
can move boat in all directions, except directly into wind.

50. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

anwar abdulkader
anwar abdulkader - 8 years ago
thank u .. respect
Jesse Reed S/V Matador
Jesse Reed S/V Matador - 8 years ago
Tack and Jibe
Hi There
Hi There - 8 years ago
Fantastic video!! Thank you!
Sailing Nations UG
Sailing Nations UG - 8 years ago
really enjoying your videos :)
Dennis Morris
Dennis Morris - 8 years ago
sailing is a honorable ancient pursuit...
Dennis Morris
Dennis Morris - 8 years ago
awesome, i believe i truly understand the basics, thank you sir...
transsabiria train
transsabiria train - 8 years ago
do any one knows how we tack with ballon on sailing?
spivlisovyka - 8 years ago
Thanks, It was clear and easy to memorize.
Mel Ellington
Mel Ellington - 8 years ago
Taking into consideration this is an introduction to sailing for novices, I can appreciate the statement “Sail boats can go in all directions, just not straight into the wind.” However, if I were doing this video instruction I would be a little more accurate—without confusing the novice, by simply stating that “Sail boats can go in all directions, but very few can sustain movement straight up wind. Most can sail only up to 30 to 45 degrees off the wind”. Needless to say, there are sailboats (including land yachts) that sail directly into the wind. They’ve existed for at least 40 years. I think a novice can be clearly informed about sailing upwind without misleading them into believing that sailing directly upwind is not possible (contrary to virtually all the sailing theory books written before the 21st century).
Gerry Romero
Gerry Romero - 8 years ago
Cool Video !
Natsinco - 8 years ago
thank you for the info.
Luz L Lemery
Luz L Lemery - 8 years ago
Great explanation!
kim lee
kim lee - 8 years ago
excellent video! I understood your instructions.
Fred Spek
Fred Spek - 8 years ago
Excellent! Nice voice (and pace) to listen too, thanks
Lajuan Ramsey
Lajuan Ramsey - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video
yang 杨
yang 杨 - 8 years ago
Very useful, thanks.
Audfile - 8 years ago
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 8 years ago
Very clear explanations. Well done, mate! Minor correction: trimming or easing a sail may change its shape but the main purpose is to adjust the relationship of the sail to the wind. As you hint, the kicker (boom vang) and other lines attached to the sail are used to change its shape. Obviously I know you know that but misspoke. That very minor error aside, it's a real gift to be able to explain things clearly. Thanks for sharing!
Ossama Ebraheim
Ossama Ebraheim - 8 years ago
VERY .Helpful thank and thanks again and again
god bless you
Russ - 8 years ago
Great video, Thanks.
Nemo - 8 years ago
Have no idea how I got here, but thanks, the instructions are clear:)
Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming - 8 years ago
When you want to stop the boat, can't you just let the sail go instead of turning into the wind? Great video btw, learned alot! Cheers!
Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming - 8 years ago
Thanks, that cleared things up.
yeadonsailingclub - 8 years ago
Hi, depends on the direction of travel and your boat. If you are heading across the wind or up wind then yes let the sails flap and you will lose power but you will still have some momentum. shifting your weight to the back of the boat will also help slow the boat. If you are heading downwind then letting you sail out will only result in the sail catching more wind and could mean you go faster. if you want to stop going down wind then turn side on to the wind and let the sail flap. If you want to slow then sheet in (pull in) the sail and it will reduce the sail area. Boats with wires (stays) holding up the mast can reduce how much the sail can swing out.
Dylan Applegate
Dylan Applegate - 8 years ago
Austin L.
Austin L. - 8 years ago
I intend to go sailing , Just as soon as I win the lottery , I can watch this 8 or 10 more times , Choose my 58 foot Catamaran , And go get a year or 2 of lessons. (in the Bahamas)
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 8 years ago
A week of lessons will get you well started, and a club membership may allow you to sail for a year for a tiny fraction of the cost of even a small boat. It's also a great way to build up experience.
Eric - 8 years ago
+runner ` Nope, a sailboat is monohull, glorified rafts are not.That's why glorified rafts are called, catamarans and trimarans.
chas `
chas ` - 8 years ago
+Eric same thing ahahahha
Eric - 8 years ago
If you intend to go sailing get a sailboat, not a glorified raft with sails on it.
chas `
chas ` - 8 years ago
dont rely on the lottery
Martin Harvey
Martin Harvey - 8 years ago
I have been on many boats but I've never sailed before, but will be soon when a friend takes me out on his boat. I was looking for a little bit of info to start off with and stumbled across this video. Very clear and easy to understand. Can't wait to get out on the water now!!
pwasiel - 8 years ago
Best video out there
Kevin Yu
Kevin Yu - 8 years ago
It really helps me understand how to sail a sailing boat, thanks bro
Living In A Sandcastle
Living In A Sandcastle - 8 years ago
Great stuff - good summary. Many thanks for the review :) Best video I've found on the topic!
mike gurule
mike gurule - 8 years ago
This is the easiest video to understand of all the videos I've watched so far. The illustrations are very helpful. Thank you!
Jess Cast
Jess Cast - 8 years ago
Thanks Guys!! I dloaded d Vid..... easier to teach the juniors....
Paul Eliot
Paul Eliot - 8 years ago
very clear and thanks
yeadonsailingclub - 8 years ago
Tesseract L
Tesseract L - 8 years ago
Finally a sail tutorial I can understand.
Lina Tx
Lina Tx - 8 years ago
Awesome Sailing video / Have you shared it on soSAILize.Net ?
( a sailing social network )
Tamas Biro
Tamas Biro - 8 years ago
Very nice, well done! Best summary I have seen! Thanks for sharing.
Alan G
Alan G - 8 years ago
I simply enjoy and read a lot of age-of-sail books (Aubrey and the like), but the sailing language for the unaware can of course be obtuse, even when inferred.

this video is really fantastic as a strong and clear visual explanation -- one of the best and most poignant I've been able to find. thank you for this, and hopefully I'll find more as I continue along
Roger Russell
Roger Russell - 7 years ago
Alan G v
daniel okeeffe
daniel okeeffe - 8 years ago
Fantastic really well explained , very helpful thanks a lot .Danny .
Johnny G
Johnny G - 8 years ago
Hi Great Beginners Guide (Video) -- I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Is there any way to get a copy of the Points to wind chart? It is very colorful and helpful. If it can be sent to me I would appreciate it Thank You Again and keep up the good work.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 8 years ago
Drawing a points of sail diagram is a great way to learn it.
VideosWorthSpreading - 8 years ago
A little more charisma wouldn't hurt, but great video. Thanks.
129jaystreet - 7 years ago
VideosWorthSpreading well, be sure to put that Charisma in your sailing introduction video when you do one. Until then STFU.
Homefront - 7 years ago
yeadonsailingclub Charisma is perfect
BandB1111111 - 7 years ago
Your charisma is just fine...
yeadonsailingclub - 8 years ago
+VideosWorthSpreading Thanks, there always room for improvement.
nick lawrence
nick lawrence - 8 years ago
Do you own this video ? I have an online marine channel that would like to air the video and credit and promote your Youtube channel
nick lawrence
nick lawrence - 8 years ago
yes i got your email and we added 3 videos on learning to sail.
yeadonsailingclub - 8 years ago
Hi, This video was produced for Yeadon Sailing Club by Tim Burnett @timburnett_uk Thanks
nick lawrence
nick lawrence - 8 years ago
Are you Tony Dufton ? I'm trying to make credits for you videos
yeadonsailingclub - 8 years ago
+nick lawrence Hi, we do own the content, we're always looking for donations for new training facilities. Please drop us an email at
theWZZA - 8 years ago
Great video, thank you!
Alex Watt
Alex Watt - 8 years ago
why is the sound so low.....I even had another speaker
66Supertrucker - 8 years ago
Of all the videos Ive watched, this one made complete sense to me.
Johnnyhumbkr - 8 years ago
Great video! I learned a lot. Thanx!
Rio Guzman
Rio Guzman - 8 years ago
Great lesson, Thanks! Well explained.
Ian Eyres
Ian Eyres - 9 years ago
Excellent video with clear, thorough explanation at a good pace
BilgemasterBill - 9 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to post this up here. Also, that 'Sail Board' program you have linked to is a superb little online tool to illustrate the different points of sail, tacking, gibing, etc. I'll have it and this video bookmarked on my onboard laptop for guests aboard our little Macgregor 26X curious about what's going on.

As a modest gesture of sincere thanks I was just gonna toss a dollar your way towards your new clubhouse by PayPal through your website, but the minimum donation's $2. So, OK...That's not a deal breaker: I can toss about a "quid" instead of a "buck" to our British cousins. But then there's no direct PayPal...Instead there's something called "Just Giving", requiring some new registration. Mindful of the high likelihood that should I register as a "soft touch" for philanthropic causes, henceforth my email will be clogged until the end of time with appeals from well-intentioned groups like "Rescue the Hedgehogs" or "Concerned Citizens Alliance for Safer Goats Milk," I am afraid I'll have to defer and leave you with my best wishes alone.
yeadonsailingclub - 8 years ago
+BilgemasterBill Hi, Thanks for the compliment on the video, if you are still interested in donating via paypal then please send money to:, it would be very much appreciated.
Walt McIvor
Walt McIvor - 9 years ago
Thank you, Thank you. Best You Tube intro to Sailing so far.
Wes Craiglow
Wes Craiglow - 9 years ago
This is a best "truly beginner" video I've seen. Thank you for putting this together.
rsuriyop - 9 years ago
Nice informative tutorial. For a while I've thought about buying a sailboat. But the only things preventing me from getting one have to do with the keel and rudder. I understand the purposes they serve. But you can't exactly beach a sailboat with those appendages being in the way if there is nowhere else to dock it. And the other thing on my mind is, how do you determine how close you could get to the shoreline before the either the keel or rudder begin to scrape the bottom?
Me Myself and I
Me Myself and I - 9 years ago
+rsuriyop tie an inflated motor boat/dinghy behind the sailboat and pull it along as you sail. If you anchor offshore, use the dinghy to go ashore and to return to the sail boat.
DRCarpetDR - 9 years ago
+rsuriyop DO what I'm seriously considering. West Wight Cruiser. More than a few folks have single-handed cruised the Bahams in one and used it as a their dinghy as well. Heh some folks dinghys are bigger than a wight.
rsuriyop - 9 years ago
+Admiral Genius  So if you're unable to find a loading dock on an island out in the nowhere you'll have to lay anchor from far away and be forced to swim ashore?
Admiral Genius
Admiral Genius - 9 years ago
you dont use a sailboat to go to the beach. try a sunlounger and a 12 pack
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
+rsuriyop Beaching a sailboat is not something I would recommend, beaching a sailing dinghy is common. Most sail boats with swing keels or bilge keels will settle nicely on a tidal estuary mooring.
Cap'n Rik
Cap'n Rik - 9 years ago
I like it. Well done!

100. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction

jwrappuhn71 - 9 years ago
Great vid.
Addington Scout
Addington Scout - 9 years ago
us 1st port natal sea scouts this video help us a lot for the scouts to know what to about sailing thanks verry much
Matias Santacruz
Matias Santacruz - 9 years ago
Extremely helpful thank you
john b
john b - 9 years ago
best video i have seen ...watched some a hour long and was no better at knowing how to set main now in a few minutes it all clicks in place ...thank you very much.
mark r
mark r - 9 years ago
I haven't got on the water yet.I found this most helpful.Other books and videos I've seen can't illustrate the wind because it's invisible.This video shows it as clear as can be.I learned a lot from this.
Lee Lloyd
Lee Lloyd - 9 years ago
Brilliant simple explanation. Thanks
Melissa Hutchinson
Melissa Hutchinson - 9 years ago
thanks i loved that really straight to the point made sense cant wait to get to rutland water to try a taster day thanks
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
+Melissa Hutchinson How did you get on at Rutland water? Nice place to sail.
Amateur Economics
Amateur Economics - 9 years ago
I have yet to see these concepts better explained. A big thank you.
588158 - 9 years ago
Excellent video! Britannia still rules the waves!
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
+588158 Lets hope our Olympic team does us proud.
brutusmaximumus - 9 years ago
great explanation :D
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
Thanks for the compliment.
Guillermo Gonzalez
Guillermo Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Great video, best explanation I've watched
gg - 9 years ago
All sail boat instruction videos make me want to rip out my hair, this one did not, thanks.
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
+gg Nice to know :)
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
Hi, this video was created by Yeadon Sailing Club using Active Presenter, Illustrations by YSC and onscreen boat tool Sail Board by Yeadon Sailing Club
Homefront - 7 years ago
yeadonsailingclub Great!!
Dan Gill
Dan Gill - 9 years ago
Great explanation! Leave it to the British to teach sailing in a simple, proper and quick way!
Milo Holmes
Milo Holmes - 10 years ago
Good video can you link me to the webpage that you where on to simulate the wind to sail 

Time was : 5:49
LordSear1982 - 10 years ago
Thank god for a proper explanation.
Van Hyde
Van Hyde - 10 years ago
Wow, I feel ready to sail after this...thanks, awesome vid.
Neree Cornuz
Neree Cornuz - 10 years ago
Hi! what software did you use to make that presentation? (the part where you show how to jib, tack and how the sails have to be set according to the angle - 03:30 to 07:40)
yeadonsailingclub - 9 years ago
+Neree Cornuz was the interactive diagram tool. Active presenter was the screen recording software.

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The "Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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