Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction
Sailing 11 years ago 421,681 views
This is a basic beginners guide to how boats sail, parts of a boat, points of sail and a triangular course. We need your help raising funds for a new clubhouse, please help with a donation to Yeadon Sailing Club here: If you wish to learn more about sailing then try our Online Sailing Course: Video made with Active Presenter and our own interactive diagram creator: Start learning more online today at:
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10. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction
I live in Michigan so I have access to a lot of prime sailing waters so and it has always interested me so I'm going to pick up a boat in the off season. I like the older Catalina boats because they are affordable and plentiful in my area. At first I was thinking of a swing keel 22 with the pop top but I would prefer to have my cabin always ready and I probably wouldn't trailer it. Only benefit to the swing keel as I can see is access. The Catalina 27 is really calling to me. I like the taller cabin and the built in motor. Any thoughts on this
20. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction
I learned by going out on a sloop one night a thousand years ago. Then I bought a sloop--and learned the finer points simply by sailing it ('tweren't no internet). 25 years later, I'm just refreshing and maybe learning things I never knew. Sailors are rare this far inland. Oh wow, now I know that I need to go sail triangular courses!
30. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction
Thank you.
can move boat in all directions, except directly into wind.
50. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction
god bless you
( a sailing social network )
this video is really fantastic as a strong and clear visual explanation -- one of the best and most poignant I've been able to find. thank you for this, and hopefully I'll find more as I continue along
As a modest gesture of sincere thanks I was just gonna toss a dollar your way towards your new clubhouse by PayPal through your website, but the minimum donation's $2. So, OK...That's not a deal breaker: I can toss about a "quid" instead of a "buck" to our British cousins. But then there's no direct PayPal...Instead there's something called "Just Giving", requiring some new registration. Mindful of the high likelihood that should I register as a "soft touch" for philanthropic causes, henceforth my email will be clogged until the end of time with appeals from well-intentioned groups like "Rescue the Hedgehogs" or "Concerned Citizens Alliance for Safer Goats Milk," I am afraid I'll have to defer and leave you with my best wishes alone.
100. comment for Beginners Guide to Sailing - An Introduction
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