Boating Safety - FREE Sailing Guides for Cruising Outside of the US
Sailing 9 years ago 2,819 views
Visit for more sailing tips. Do you dream of sailing or cruising in the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal, to South America, Europe, the Med or beyond? Then this FREE sailing resource should top your list as one of those "must have" cruise planning guides. Best of all--it's just a click away! Check out this sailing video to learn more... Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing worldwide. Visit his website at and sign up for his highly popular Sailing Tip of the Week. Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more!
For downloading charts outside of US waters, you will need to contact UKHO:
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office:
Admiralty Way
Taunton Somerset
TA1 2DN United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1823 723 366 (direct line)
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