Boating Safety - Ten Storm Preparation Sailing Tips
Sailing 9 years ago 3,463 views
Visit for more boating safety sailing tips. If you are moored in a marina with a storm on the way--and unable to leave--how can you best prepare your boat to protect her from costly damage? Follow these ten sailing tips wherever you sail or cruise. Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing worldwide. Visit his website at and sign up for his highly popular Sailing Tip of the Week. Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more!
Have you had to deploy these tips and strategies much yourself along the way?
What are your thoughts on cruising the Bahamas during hurricane season? Is that something you would just completely avoid, or do you say that it can be done with careful planning and always knowing where your hurricane holes or fall-back points are?
I've come across 2 very diverse schools of thought on the matter and I thought I would ask your opinion - if you didn't mind.