Box Braids in Caucasian Hair - Q&A (Sailing Hair Maintenance)

Emily answers common questions about box braids, from the perspective of someone with white / Caucasian hair, and an active, sailing lifestyle. The questions covered in this video are: 1. Are box braids difficult put in? 2. How long do box braids take to do? 3. How long do box braids last? 4. Is that your natural hair (Do you have extensions)? 5. How do you put in extensions? 6. How much do box braids cost? 7. Do box braids hurt? 8. Do your box braids get caught on stuff while sailing? 9. Do your beads hit you in the face when it's windy? 10. How do you wash your hair? 11. What are the pros and cons of box braids? 12. Are box braids like dreadlocks? 13. Bonus tips, including sun protection and beading. USEFUL LINKS: Here is a link to the other video, with a close-up look at box braid styles, beading, and removal: Here is a GREAT video about how to braid in extensions for box braids: --- Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. You can also follow our adventures at: BLOG: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:

Box Braids in Caucasian Hair - Q&A (Sailing Hair Maintenance) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Sailing 7 years ago 6,852 views

Emily answers common questions about box braids, from the perspective of someone with white / Caucasian hair, and an active, sailing lifestyle. The questions covered in this video are: 1. Are box braids difficult put in? 2. How long do box braids take to do? 3. How long do box braids last? 4. Is that your natural hair (Do you have extensions)? 5. How do you put in extensions? 6. How much do box braids cost? 7. Do box braids hurt? 8. Do your box braids get caught on stuff while sailing? 9. Do your beads hit you in the face when it's windy? 10. How do you wash your hair? 11. What are the pros and cons of box braids? 12. Are box braids like dreadlocks? 13. Bonus tips, including sun protection and beading. USEFUL LINKS: Here is a link to the other video, with a close-up look at box braid styles, beading, and removal: Here is a GREAT video about how to braid in extensions for box braids: --- Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. You can also follow our adventures at: BLOG: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:

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Most popular comments
for Box Braids in Caucasian Hair - Q&A (Sailing Hair Maintenance)

chrissy renee
chrissy renee - 6 years ago
Do you wrap your hair at night with a scarf? That would help it last longer
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure - 6 years ago
I have wrapped it up occasionally at night and wear a buff most of the time when I'm in the wind and sun. For me, they wear out due to the hair growing so fast, rather than them getting rubbed out. -Emily
Tracey Mallard Fashion and Wigs Channel!
Tracey Mallard Fashion and Wigs Channel! - 6 years ago
Very very nice!!!some turquoise beads would be a nice colour to use!!!
Kimberly lusby
Kimberly lusby - 6 years ago
Very pretty
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Alexsa Daily
Alexsa Daily - 6 years ago
Can latinas get box braids?
Shaylee Love
Shaylee Love - 6 years ago
Liv Any I’m not trying to start anything but someone wearing box braids is not culture appropriation it’s more culture appreciation. they’re trying to appreciate the African American culture but they get hated on for “trying to steal the culture” I have an two stepsisters who are mixed races, there dad is white and there mom is African American. they always love to share their African American culture with my siblings and I. yes it’s your culture and you should take pride off that but it’s 2018, people want to appreciate other cultures #equality.
wise patato
wise patato - 6 years ago
Liv Any really? You do realize a majority of Latina’s are African descendants
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
stop with the "all mixed" lie! You must be twelve years old go watch the Kardashians you are unlearned. Your arm are too short little girl to box with me.
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
yes start witht he dark ages when we civilized you. God is black and so is the Messiah have a great day!
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
thats a lie!
Axorya - 6 years ago
Liv Any ''white people have no culture''
Did you ever research different european cultures?
Larniece Young
Larniece Young - 6 years ago
Life With Alexsa yes latinas can get braids i watch all the time latinas putting braids in there hair and they do a bomb ass job if u want braids do it dont let no haters tell u other wise
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Liv Any how does a culture take from another culture when there wasn't international travel? Do some actual history homework. You're implying "you guys" means everyone not black, therefore everyone else is white? Wow your ignorance has no limit does it? That's ok one day you'll learn, or you won't and these issuses will forever burden you
Olivia Hinson
Olivia Hinson - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 yeah... because they are taking it from the blacks oml, and i said you guys... meaning your the one assuming because what i meant was all other races but if you wanna be a hypocrite and say you didn't lmao
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Liv Any you typed "you guys literally have no culture of your own" and then mandate it's regarding white people..that's assumption. If you have the internet why don't you look up "white people around the world" there's plenty of people that have fair skin with deep cultural roots. Oh and they have used braided hairstyles LOL its not a black only thing
Olivia Hinson
Olivia Hinson - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 i'm not assuming your background i'm talking about white people, and if it dosent apply to you then oh well, Still culture appropriation at the end, last time i checked the definintion of dictator was a ruler with hopeful power over a country... that dosen't apply, i'm not trying to make decisions for an entire country. And im assuming because theirs literally nothing to work with to know what race you are, other then your name lmaoo
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Liv Any thanks for dictating my background, remember to assume makes YOU an ass... Hopefully when you get all grown up you'll realize the ignorance of your ways.
Olivia Hinson
Olivia Hinson - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 why so butt hurt we wanna keep one part of our culture?? Just get over it!! Your culture has already made african food apart of the daily, you guys literally have no culture of your own. So you make other cultures yours as well
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Liv Any Its ok you're brainwashed good thing the world doesn't revolve around you.. Stop eating anything other than official native african foods if you want to go all appropriation. Now the "twerk" style dance is african as it is derived from native fertility celebration, but for hair well as I said its done around the world before there were international exchanges so no one culture can claim it.
Olivia Hinson
Olivia Hinson - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 We claimed is years ago, & ya'll just want everything, like get over it you can't have everyone's culture, big deal but we want to keep at least one thing from our culture
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
If you have a head you can have braids. NO SINGLE CULTURE can claim braids, no matter the style
Olivia Hinson
Olivia Hinson - 6 years ago
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure its not hateful its me trying to defend my culture, and you don't respect it or acknowledge that its beautiful because of the black people, we made it, and your just saying the hair is beautiful not acknowledging who made it. You realize you won't be called to grown, gangster, ugly or hood like for wearing the hair like we do, you'll get praised for it if we let everyone take our hairs culture, you all would be the good looking ones with the braids and we'll be the ones who look nappy and un natural with them. Realize culture appropriation isn't to say " we hate it on you because your white" you obviously look amazing but its our culture that your taking on that we've had from way back to when we couldn't get into school for wearing them. And now that its excepted now, we want to keep it to where we feel acknowledged for it.
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure - 6 years ago
Of course you can. Any woman can braid her hair if she wants to. Emily does it to keep her long hair under control on the boat. Don't let anyone tell you they own the idea of braiding hair. That is just divisive and hateful.
Olivia Hinson
Olivia Hinson - 6 years ago
I don't want to be mean... but its cultural appropriation
Chris Q.
Chris Q. - 6 years ago
You know what kinda appreciate you in this video because you kept the original name of the hairstyle which gives credit from where it came from you didn't call them cacuasion box braids or bo Derek braids which would have been irritating and disrespectful so thanks for appreciating my culture (sarcasm then a mothafucka)
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
please be yourself
Nat P.
Nat P. - 6 years ago
Plus, African American's wear straight hair, so too you, does that mean African American's are stealing Caucasian culture? No, it doesn't. Human's can try out different thing's, We need to explore in life, and sometimes people want to try out different thing's, like this beautiful young woman in this video, she wanted to get box braids, like I said, I am a mixed background, but I have more Caucasian backgrounds than African American. So my skin is considered "White" What if you was "white", and the same race as you, and comment all these disrespectful things, would you be happy? You might be thinking; "Why are you so butt hurt?" Its because I see so many comments like this on a lot of video's with a Caucasian getting braids, Its disrespectful and im getting tired of it. That's all im trying to tell you, thank you.
Nat P.
Nat P. - 6 years ago
Hair is hair. Skin is Skin. A country is a country. Even though box braids are from Africa and not a lot of Caucasian's have the type, does not mean only African Americans can have them, I'm a Mixed race of African American and Caucasian. She could be the same but if not, it does not matter, my point is a hairstyle is a hairstyle, Box braids do not copyright label that say Caucasian human's can not wear Box Braids Just please be more mindful and let Human's be human's.
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Chosen Jacobs "caucasoids never wore braids"? History wasn't your strongest subject, was it? Your box is very small and it's sad that people like you have access to the rest of the world
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
thats the devil for you steal, kill and destroy then take your culture tell you its ugly make it their own and whitewash everything!
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
white men do not like braids caucasoids never wore braids nor neanderthals so white women that wear braids like black men simple fact!
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
I can see right through you the same old culturevulture hate black women and try to look like us but love black mandingo
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
I like people for who they are not the color of their skin.. your bigoted statement says a lot about who you are
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
I'm fairly certain vaccinations are a means to be rid of a disease and not an attempt to be black
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Chosen Jacobs I will not wear braids as an Ethiopian or Nubian as I am neither, but I will wear them for fashion, for purpose, and for my own heritage
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
You do realize braiding and knotted hair were worn around the world before humans even knew of other colonies existence, right?
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
You're sadly closed minded as well as not understanding why she's wearing braids in the first place. Braids are NOT a black thing do some history homework you have the internet
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
if she was being herself she would have a ponytail stop with the integration unless you give respect to THE BLACK WOMAN AND OUR NATURAL BEAUTY STOP BEING FAKE
Donella Harris
Donella Harris - 6 years ago
MrsAngelsvoice9 - 6 years ago
Chosen Jacobs she is..
Robert Reed
Robert Reed - 6 years ago
Culture appropriation
Xxx_Jahseh_.onfroy - 6 years ago
Thor, Son Of Odin and theirs no such thing as black hair
Esther Cotter
Esther Cotter - 6 years ago
So what is wigs , straight perms, flat irons? Also people all over the world where braiding as far back as a hundred thousand years ago or more and in all different ethnicities. The first extensions where done by Egyptians. Look up some origins of braiding. I'm Scandinavian and we have a long history of elaborate braiding as Vikings and nomades of the world. People who are on the sea braided thier hair for convenience and style. No ethnicity owns the braid it's human. Global citizens human beings we all the same.
Xxx_Jahseh_.onfroy - 6 years ago
Thor, Son Of Odin but there’s no such thing as black hair so stfu
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
markandann wilson
أراها وجهة نظر علمية ... لها شعر مستقيم وأنها تنتج الزهم الذي يساعد في نمو الشعر والحماية ال
markandann wilson
markandann wilson - 6 years ago
Ciara yes I'm sure it is okay for girls of any race to wear box braids including white girls. She looks really beautiful with them. Tell me why you don't like when a white girl wears box braids why don't you like it. I will respect your opinion. Why is your views on cultural appropriation.
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
markandann wilson you sure?
markandann wilson
markandann wilson - 6 years ago
Ciara that is the biggest lie ever.
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Makayla Mendoza ok but you still will have more privilege than me whether you like it or not...
markandann wilson
markandann wilson - 6 years ago
Lexi Marie straight hair is not exclusive to white people don’t be so racist. Also black Ethiopian people and Somalian people can have straight hair. Black women can have long straight hair naturally. Indians Asians and other ethnic groups also can have straight hair. Straight hair has no cultural background. There is no such thing as white only Caucasian hair.
markandann wilson
markandann wilson - 6 years ago
Lexi Marie No not true because black girls have no problem with white girls getting box braids ,hair extensions ,weaves. Just because Kim Kardashian calls cornrows ,hair extensions , box braids a trend does not mean it is a trend. Kim Kardashian is stupid and she needs to know the ancient Egyptians wore wigs weaves and sewn in hair pieces and hair extensions that dated back to 3400Bc.
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Makayla Mendoza You biracial aren't you? Most biracial are praise...dont tell me I'm wrong when society is the ruler of them all...
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Makayla Mendoza Im no hypocrite but I see you have trash in your eyes wake up...
Makayla Mendoza
Makayla Mendoza - 6 years ago
Ciara how dare u. To say i will never go through the same struggle hunny u dont know what anyone has been through and will go throw. Hypocrite.
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Makayla Mendoza You went from a black emoji to a white confused i don't know the other half of you and you will NEVER face the struggles that i will go through....
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Makayla Mendoza You can't control my feelings on what I say feelings are normal...
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure
Emily & Clark's Tiny Adventure - 6 years ago
Ciara I am sorry to hear about your experience in the job interview. Here in the Bahamas, many, many women in professional jobs wear box braids and it is seen as normal. They are beautiful, and a great way to protect hair and manage it in a hot, humid climate. I wish that the style was more accepted in the States for that reason. To be clear, I could likely not wear this hairstyle in a job interview in the U.S., either. Not just because they are box braids, but also because it's not traditionally a "white" hairstyle and it creates controversy for a lot of people. Regardless, I have chosen to wear them during this part of my life for practical reasons. I have extreme exposure to sun, wind and saltwater everyday and this is the best way I found to protect my thick, dry, wavy hair. Luckily, I work remotely so my "professional" outward appearance is not as important as it used to be. I made this video specifically to share the information with other women who sail and need a solution for their hair, since there are not a lot of videos out there about maintaining this style in hair like mine. I realize it is still a sensitive topic for a lot of people, but context is important.
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon
HOYAWNCÉ the Overrated Demon - 6 years ago
Lexi Marie allow me to tell you a story... I was doing an interview in front of two Caucasian women of course I'm all about having natural hair (and they were braided) and never in my life I have worn weave especially loosely wavy straight hair. So course I got to thickest hair more like a 4C. They indirectly told me that I might have to perm or straightening my hair in order to get and keep the job. So I was desperate I really need the money and plus it was my first job so I did what they stated which was to wear weave. Not just go back and reread what I just commented. Notice how I was fine with wearing my natural hair during interview and my interviewers who were white they felt that I needed to change my texture in order to supposedly to look more groomed. Looking at this I am hurt to see this White women wearing braids when I couldn't even wear something that's natural during an interview. That's not fair and that's culture appropriation! So how dare you!
Emrys - 6 years ago
Drink Bleach cultural appropriation is claiming your culture invented it. Also she is not dissing the style in any way.
Thor, Son Of Odin
Thor, Son Of Odin - 6 years ago
Lexi Marie If they have Type 4 hair they’re not white, they’re mixed with something somewhere along the line.
Lexi Marie
Lexi Marie - 6 years ago
Drink Bleach I get the background. I’ve taken classes, I’m a cosmetologist & I do these hair styles all day. I have type 3 hair so my hair is course, thick and pretty damn curly lol. & I know white girls with type 4 hair. It’s nice to not have your hair out & protecting it from damage I don’t know why color has to be brought up in everything. Not like I’m disrespecting the style I completely appreciate where it originated from.
Thor, Son Of Odin
Thor, Son Of Odin - 6 years ago
Lexi Marie What are you talking about? You said black girls can’t get weave because it’s mimicking white hair, and I’m telling you white hair has no cultural background. Anyone can be born with straight hair, but the likeliness of being white and being born with Type 4 hair is slim to none. White girls have no need to get box braids. It’s a protective styling for our kinky hair to stimulate growth and prevent breakage, and our hair is coarse and thick enough to withstand the tugging as they’re being done. However, straight hair is weaker and it’ll break more easily. For people with straight hair, it’s a style choice, but for people with kinky curly hair it’s actually something beneficial. There is no need for white girls to wear box braids, there’s fuck all wrong with their hair.
Lexi Marie
Lexi Marie - 6 years ago
Drink Bleach what makes it culture appropriation rather than culture appreciation?
Thor, Son Of Odin
Thor, Son Of Odin - 6 years ago
Lexi Marie No, because straight hair has no cultural background... there is no such thing as “white hair”
Lexi Marie
Lexi Marie - 6 years ago
Robert Reed if white girls can’t get box braids then black girls can’t get weave, cause that’s mimicking white hair.
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 6 years ago
I like her braids on her because they look natural and earthy looking.

10. comment for Box Braids in Caucasian Hair - Q&A (Sailing Hair Maintenance)

Margret A.
Margret A. - 7 years ago
girl you look stunning!!

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